Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP)

Space-Time Smackdown Released on January 30!

Space-Time Smackdown Expansion Releasing on January 30

The new Space-Time Smackdown expansion has been made available on January 30 for Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket (PTCG Pocket)! Read on to learn more about the new packs, their release date, the cards confirmed prior to the expansion’s release, and the new accessories being added alongside the set!

Space-Time Smackdown Release Date

New Packs Released on January 30, 2025

Pokemon TCG Pocket -  Space-Time Smackdown Packs

The next booster pack expansion, Space-Time Smackdown, has been released on January 30, 2025, 1 AM EST! This expansion has been added a day after the trading feature was implemented.

In addition to the new booster packs, new Themed Collection missions and Solo AI Step-Up Battles have been added for the Space-Time Smackdown expansion.

Space-Time Smackdown Card List (A2)

Features Generation 4 Pokemon

Features Generation 4 Pokemon

The Space-Time Smackdown expansion features two new packs to choose from featuring the legendary Pokemon Dialga and Palkia. This expansion primarily features Generation 4 Pokemon cards such as Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup.

List of Generation 4 Cards

All Confirmed Pokemon Cards

Over 200 New Cards

The new Space-Time Smackdown expansion has over 200 New Cards available between the two booster packs. A few of the cards were teased in the initial trailer for this expansion set.

Dialga ex

Dialga ex
Dialga ex is a huge buff to Steel decks with Metallic Turbo being able to give them necessary Energy acceleration.

Dialga ex is likely to be available in Space-Time Smackdown Dialga packs.

Palkia ex

Palkia ex
Palkia ex can quickly deal 30 with Slash, and 150 with Dimensional Storm when it needs a KO. Being a Water-type, it also synergizes with Misty.

Palkia ex is likely to be available in Space-Time Smackdown Palkia packs.

Sinnoh Starters

Features Generation 4 Pokemon

The three Sinnoh Starter Pokemon were confirmed in the official announcement. With Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup confirmed, it's likely that their evolutions will be available to collect in the new expansion!

Pachirisu ex

Pachirisu ex

Pachirisu ex is one of the new ex cards confirmed to appear in Space-Time Smackdown. Based on the description of its move Sparkling Gadget, Pokemon Tools will also make an appearance in the new expansion!

This new Lightning-type will naturally find its way into Pikachu ex decks, as a quick attacker that can do 80 for two Energy.

What Are Pokemon Tools?

Leafeon and Honchkrow

Leafeon and Honchkrow

Leafeon and Honchkrow were also featured in the trailer. Murkrow is also confirmed to appear in the new expansion.

Gible and Cresselia

Gible and Cresselia

The Dragon-type Gible and the Legendary Pokemon Cresselia were also featured in the trailer. With Gible's appearance and the Cynthia Support Card’s effect, Gabite and Garchomp are expected to be available in Space-Time Smackdown.

Cynthia Supporter Card


The Sinnoh Champion Cynthia was also revealed in the Space-Time Smackdown expansion trailer and is so far the only Support Card confirmed for the new expansion. This card’s effect confirms the addition of Togekiss and Garchomp in this set.


Shinx Confirmed for Space-Time Smackdown

For a quick moment in the announcement video, a Shinx card can be seen as a Dialga pack and Palkia pack are being opened. We can expect its evolutions Luxio and Luxray to be added in the new expansion as well.

New Items and Accessories

New Shop Items

Shop Ticket Items
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Lovely Hearts BackdropLovely Hearts Backdrop Pokemon TCG Pocket - Space-Time Smackdown: Dialga CoverSpace-Time Smackdown: Dialga Cover Pokemon TCG Pocket - Space-Time Smackdown: Palkia CoverSpace-Time Smackdown: Palkia Cover
Emblem Shop Items
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Dialga Space-Time Smackdown EmblemDialga Space-Time Smackdown Emblem Pokemon TCG Pocket - Palkia Space-Time Smackdown EmblemPalkia Space-Time Smackdown Emblem
Poke Gold Accessories Set
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Cynthia CoinCynthia Coin Pokemon TCG Pocket - Cynthia and Garchomp PlaymatCynthia and Garchomp Playmat Pokemon TCG Pocket - Cynthia Card SleeveCynthia Card Sleeve
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Cynthia and Spiritomb BackdropCynthia and Spiritomb Backdrop Pokemon TCG Pocket - Cynthia and Garchomp CoverCynthia and Garchomp Cover

Several Dialga-, Palkia-, and Cynthia-themed items have been added to the in-game Shop alongside the Space-Time Smackdown expansion. Some of these items, including the Lovely Hearts Backdrop and the Cynthia set, will only be available at the Shop for a limited time.

New Shop Items

New Sinnoh Starter Icons

Piplup Icon Turtwig Icon Chimchar Icon

You can get icons of the Sinnoh starters—Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup—by collecting three of their respective cards through the Space-Time Smackdown expansion.

List of Icons: How to Get and Change Icons

Darkrai Collection Items

Darkrai Collection
A Darkrai-themed binder cover and display board backdrop have been teased prior to the release of Space-Time Smackdown. These are currently not available in the shop or in Space-Time Smackdown missions, but it’s possible that they are rewards for secret missions or future shop items.

All Collection Items and Accessories

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Bugs and Error Codes

Bugs and Errors
101-8101 102-032-014
102-063-014 102-065-014
102-091-014 Unable to Open
Premium Pass Bug Coin Toss Bug
Private Match Not Working Space-Time Smackdown Error Codes


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