Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP)

All Pokemon TCG Pocket Rule Differences

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Pokemon TCG Differences
Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket (PTCG Pocket) comes with notable differences from the main Pokemon Trading Card Game. Read on to learn what these differences are and how they affect gameplay experience!

All Pokemon TCG Pocket Rule Differences

Element TCG Pocket Pokemon TCG
Deck Size 20 Cards 60 Cards
Energy No Energy Cards (Energy Zone) Energy Cards
(No Energy Zone)
1st Turn Draw Player going first does not draw a card. Player going first must draw a card.
1st Turn Supporter Card Player going first can use a Supporter card. Player going first cannot use a Supporter card.
1st Turn Energy Attachment Player going first cannot attach an Energy Card from the Energy Zone. Player going first can attach an Energy Card from their hand.
Points / Prize Cards Players score 1 point when defeating a regular Pokemon, or 2 for an EX. First to 3 Points wins. Players draw 1 Prize Card when defeating a regular Pokemon, or 2 for an EX, Tera or V. Draw 6 Prize Cards to win.
Number of Same Cards Up to 2 copies of a card with the same name. Up to 4 copies of a card with the same name.
Bench Size Up to 3 Pokemon on the Bench. Up to 5 Pokemon on the Bench.
Weaknesses Weaknesses deal +20 Damage Weaknesses deal 2x Damage
Resistances No Resistances Resistances deal -30 Damage
Opening Hand Size 5 Cards 7 Cards
Maximum Hand Size 10 Cards Unlimited
Losing by Deck Out No Yes

Deck Size

Pokémon TCG Pocket - Deck Building
Players will make use of 20-card decks instead of Pokemon TCG's standard 60, which will consist only of Pokemon and Trainer Cards. The notable exclusion of Energy Cards means that battles in Pokemon TCG Pocket does not need them for games.

Deck Building Guide

First Turn Rules

You begin your turn by first drawing a card. A notable change from the main Pokemon TCG to Pokemon TCG Pocket is that the player going first does not draw a card.

Similar to Pokemon TCG, you still cannot evolve Pokemon on the first turn.

Energy Zone Instead of Energy Cards

Pokémon TCG Pocket - Energy Zone
Battles in Pokemon TCG Pocket notably lacks Energy Cards, but will feature a new Energy Zone which automatically generates Energy once per turn.

If Energy is not used during the Pokemon Checkup phase between turns, new Energy will not be generated. When Energy is discarded through an attack, retreat cost, or from an effect of a Trainer Card, that Energy is permanently gone.

Cards that accelerate Energy through the effects of Attacks, Abilities, or Trainer Cards work as normal, but take from the Energy Zone instead of the player's hand.

This new mechanic makes it so Trainers will no longer miss their Energy attachments for the turn if they don't draw into it, allowing for a smoother, more consistent gameplay experience.

Energy Zone Explained

Point System Instead of Prizes

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Victory
You win a battle by scoring three points by knocking out three of your opponent's Pokemon. Some Pokemon, such as Pokemon ex allow you to take extra Prize Cards. These Pokemon will get you an extra point in Pokemon TCG Pocket.

Point System Explained

Number of Same Cards

Cards with the same name are limited to two per deck instead of the traditional four card limitation of Pokemon TCG.

Bench Size

Pokémon TCG Pocket - Bench
Players are allowed three Benched Pokemon instead of the standard five from Pokemon TCG.


Pokemon TCG Pocket - Weakness
Weakness is a damage modifier that increases the amount of damage that a Pokemon takes from a Pokemon that it is weak to.
How Do Weaknesses Work?


Pokemon TCG Pocket - No Resistance

Resistances are notably absent from the Pokemon TCG Pocket as evidenced by the cards we have seen. The developers are aiming for quicker and more casual games in this version of the TCG and having no Resistances makes for one less thing to think about!
Are There Resistances?

Opening Hand Size

Players start the game with five cards instead of the standard seven from Pokemon TCG.

Maximum Hand Size

Players can have up to ten cards in their hand, while standard Pokemon TCG does not have a maximum hand size. It is currently unknown what happens when you have more than 10 cards in your hand.

Losing by Deck Out

A notable change is that players will not lose by decking out when drawing a card for turn from an empty deck, and will be able to continue playing even with no cards in the deck.

Pokemon TCG Pocket Related Guides

Battle Guides
Battle Guides

Battle Guides

All Battle Guides
Energy Zone Explained Are There Ranked Battles or a Ladder System?
How Do Weaknesses Work? Are There Resistances in Pokemon TCG Pocket?
How do Retreat Costs Work? Time Limit Explained
Point System Explained Solo AI Battle Mode
How Do Types Work? How Many Cards in a Deck?
How Do Multiplayer Battles Work? All Pokemon TCG Pocket Rule Differences
Pokemon TCG Pocket Meta Guide Is it Better to Go First or Second?
Auto-Battle Guide How to Change and Edit Decks
Coin Toss Bug: Can You Rig to Always Flip Heads? What is Pokemon Checkup?

Status Effect Guides

All Status Effects Explained
Poison Status Effect - Pokemon TCG Pocket Poison Sleep - Pokemon TCG Pocket Sleep Paralysis - Pokemon TCG Pocket Paralysis
Confusion IconConfusion Burn IconBurn


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