Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP)

Charizard ex Deck Strategy Guide and Card List

Pokemon TGC Pocket - Charizard ex Deck Deck Build and How to Play

This guide will show you how to build a Charizard Deck, one of the most powerful and reliable deck archetypes since the release of the Genetic Apex Expansion of Pokemon TCG Pocket. We'll cover the best Charizard Deck builds, how to use them, as well how to beat Charizard Decks, and more!

Best Charizard Decks

Best Charizard Deck Variants
Deck Icon Charizard ex
[★ Best ★]
• Charizard ex serves as a win condition that only needs to attack a few times to win a game.
• Moltres ex is the best Energy Accelerator for Fire-types, which is also run alongside Charizard ex.
Deck Icon Charizard ex and Arcanine ex • Arcanine ex is able to help with Charizard ex's problem with single point Pokemon, by being an attacker that does not require you to lose much resources.
• Also has access to Moltres ex to accelerate Energy to the Pokemon in the deck.

Charizard ex Deck

Charmander ×2 Charmeleon ×2 Charizard ex ×2 Moltres ex ×2
Shaymin ×1 Sabrina ×1 Leaf ×2 Pokemon Communication ×2
Giant Cape ×2 Poke Ball ×2 Professor's Research ×2
Energy Used
Fire Icon

Charizard ex is the deck's main attacker, often only needing only two attacks with Crimson Storm to score a victory.

This win condition is dependent on your opponent having an ex Pokemon, however. Decks with only single point attackers will require Charizard ex to attack thrice and commit even more resources to it.

Deck Building Guide

Packs Needed for Charizard ex Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Promo-A Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Genetic Apex (A1) Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Mythical Island (A1a) Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Space-Time Smackdown (A2) Palkia Pack

Hover over with your Cursor or Tap the packs to see which cards can be found in each pack!

Charizard ex and Arcanine ex Deck

Charmander ×2 Charmeleon ×2 Charizard ex ×2 Growlithe ×1
Arcanine ex ×2 Moltres ex ×2 Shaymin ×1 Sabrina ×1
Leaf ×2 X Speed ×1 Poke Ball ×2 Professor's Research ×2
Energy Used
Fire Icon

Arcanine ex fixes Charizard ex's problem against single point attackers, by having an attacker that doesn't need you to commit a lot of resources, and also does not require you to lose Energy when it attacks.

Arcanine ex Deck

Packs Needed for Charizard ex and Arcanine Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Promo-A Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Genetic Apex (A1) Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Genetic Apex (A1) Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Genetic Apex (A1) Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Mythical Island (A1a) Pack

Hover over with your Cursor or Tap the packs to see which cards can be found in each pack!

Charizard Guide

Ace Pokemon Tier Ranking
Charizard ex
Genetic Apex (A1)
Moltres ex
Genetic Apex (A1)
A+ Tier
Energy Type(s)
F2P Friendly?
Deck Difficulty
Deck Strengths
Pokeball Icon Charizard can take multiple points once set up.

Pokeball Icon Moltres ex is a great starter that can ramp Energy onto Benched Pokemon.

Pokeball Icon Charizard ex and Moltres ex have different weaknesses.
Deck Weaknesses
Pokeball Icon Charizard ex requires setup with lots of Energy.

Pokeball Icon Moltres ex is a mediocre attacker by itself.

Charizard Deck Strategies

Charizard Deck Strategies

Strategy 1: Moltres ex's Inferno Dance

Moltres ex is vital for Charizard ex's setup. Starting with it is always ideal. Make use of switching options like Leaf and X Speed to get a Charmander out of the Active Spot for Moltres ex.

Strategy 2: Charizard ex Offense

Charizard ex only needs to attack a few times to score a victory. Knocking out one ex and one other Pokemon is a win condition for Charizard ex Decks.

How to Beat Charizard Decks

Attack it for Weakness

Dedicated Water decks can threaten quick damage on our Pokemon, forcing unfavorable damage trades.

In matchups versus type disadvantage, getting lucky on Inferno Dance flips is important, otherwise we risk not being able to catch up to our opponent's momentum.

Best Palkia ex Decks and Card List

Bad Moltres ex Flips

Charizard ex decks, like any other deck that uses Moltres ex, run the chance of flipping poorly on Inferno Dance turns. While lucky heads flips can often mean a large momentum swing in our favor, an unlucky tails flip means an unproductive Attack was used for our turn.

Arcanine ex Deck

Single Point Pokemon

Decks with Single Point Attackers and no ex Pokemon will force Charizard ex to attack three times instead of two to achieve a win.

A deck like Magnezone ex and Skarmory can outpace Charizard ex deck with Skarmory's early pressure and Magnezone's ability to 2HKO Charizard with Thunder Blast.

Magnezone and Skarmory Deck

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Deck Building Guide

All Deck Tier Lists

All Tier Lists
Best Cards Tier List Best Meta Deck Tier List
Best Rental Deck Tier List Best F2P Beginner Decks

Meta Decks

Best Decks Tier List

S Tier Decks
Arceus exArceus ex
A+ Tier Decks
Leafeon exLeafeon ex Rampardos exRampardos CrobatCrobat
Magnezone and SkarmoryMagnezone and Skarmory Exeggutor ex exExeggutor ex HeatranHeatran
Charizard exCharizard ex Palkia exPalkia ex Darkrai exDarkrai ex
Weavile exWeavile ex Yanmega exYanmega ex -
A Tier Decks
Garchomp exGarchomp ex Probopass exProbopass ex Infernape exInfernape ex
Pachirisu exPachirisu ex Gyarados ex and GreninjaGyarados ex and Greninja Pikachu exPikachu ex
Dialga exDialga ex Articuno exArticuno ex Gallade exGallade ex
AbomasnowAbomasnow Celebi exCelebi ex Origin Forme PalkiaOrigin Forme Palkia
B Tier Decks
Glaceon exGlaceon ex BronzongBronzong TyranitarTyranitar
CarnivineCarnivine StaraptorStaraptor DonphanDonphan
Starmie ex and Articuno exStarmie ex and Articuno ex Mewtwo ex and GardevoirMewtwo ex and Gardevoir GolemGolem
Pidgeot exPidgeot ex Scolipede and WeezingScolipede and Weezing GarchompGarchomp
Porygon-ZPorygon-Z Arcanine exArcanine ex Dialga ex and BastiodonDialga ex and Bastiodon
C Tier Decks
Lucario Deck
Pikachu ex and Raichu Deck
Venusaur ex Deck
Volkner Deck
Togekiss Deck
Aerodactyl ex Deck
Alakazam and Jynx Deck
Dragonite Deck
Machamp ex Deck
Blastoise ex Deck
Marowak ex Deck
Torterra Deck
Empoleon Deck
Mismagius ex Deck
Volcarona and Arcanine ex Deck
Wigglytuff ex Deck
Gengar ex Deck

Off Meta Decks

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Space-Time Smackdown Logo (A2)
Dialga ex and Lickilicky ex Deck
Lake Trio Deck
Rhyperior Deck
Togekiss Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Genetic Apex Logo(A1) Pokemon TCG Pocket - Mythical Island Logo (A1a)
Arbok Lock Deck
Brock Deck
Cinccino Deck
Frosmoth Deck
Kingler and Articuno ex Deck
Lt. Surge Deck
Melmetal Deck
Mewtwo ex and Weezing Deck
Primeape Deck
Venusaur ex and Weezing Deck
Victreebel and Exeggutor ex Deck
Gyarados ex and Vaporeon Deck
Mew ex and Weezing Deck
Vaporeon and Articuno ex Deck

Deck Articles

Deck Articles
How Rental Decks Work Staple Cards for Decks
Aggro Decks Explained Deck Matchup Statistics
Best 18 Trainers Decks Best Misty Decks
Best Erika Decks 10 Match Tests vs Pikachu ex Deck - Statistics
List of Non-ex Decks Best Trainerless Decks for Solo Battle Mission


1 Anonymous4 months

I've had good luck with a modified version of this deck, instead of Moltres EX Meowth and the red card, I use Ponyta, rapidash, Kangaskahn, & Heatmoor. Basically any pokemon with decent health and single energy attacks. This allows me to actually start chipping away at the opponent and putting pressure on them in the early game with low cost attacks while I build Charizard in the back line, the energy that I would invest to get Moltres online goes directly to building Zard up.


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