Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP)

Mythical Island Expansion

Mythical Island Expansion
The Mythical Island Expansion will release on December 17, 2024 for Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket (PTCG Pocket) and will feature over 80 cards, including 5 new ex Cards!

Mythical Island Expansion Details

Mythical Island

Release Date December 17, 2024
Set Size 80+ Cards

On December 12th, Mythical Island was announced for Pokemon TCG Pocket in an Announcement Trailer. Information and its release date was also announced in the teaser, giving us information on some of the mini set's new cards.

New Pokemon Cards

Over 80 New Cards

Mythical Island - Other Cards

There will be over 80 new cards in the Mythical Island expansion, with new Pokemon and Trainer cards being added in the game!

Mew ex

Mythical Island - Mew ex
Perhaps the most impactful card of the set, Mew ex makes its debut! It's 1 Energy Psyshot makes it valuable for early games, while its Genome Hacking allows it to take out big threats on the board. It is notably able to KO Mewtwo ex and Charizard ex with Psydrive and Crimson Storm.

Genome Hacking's Colorless Attack Cost makes Mew easily splashable to any deck. Expect Mew ex to at least be a one-of in most competitive decks!

Best Decks Tier List

Aerodactyl ex

Mythical Island - Aerodactyl ex
Aerodactyl returns as an ex with an oppressive Ability in Primeval Law! This prevents your opponent's Active Pokemon from evolving. It also has a low-costing Attack and Retreat Cost, making it a good addition to any deck that can run it.

It is difficult to consistently set up reliably though, as it is a Stage 1 that evolves from a Fossil. There are currently no ways to search for these cards from your deck, but this could change when more cards are revealed for Mythical Island!


Mythical Island - Marshadow
Marshadow works as a tech card against Pikachu ex decks. Its Revenge attack can deal exactly 120 damage to Pikachu ex, knocking it out if a Pokemon of yours was knocked out last turn.


Mythical Island - Vaporeon
Vaporeon has the Ability, Wash Out, which allows you to transfer Water Energy to your Active Pokemon. This allows you to be more efficient with your Energy attachments and Misty attachments.


Mythical Island - Exeggcute
While Exeggutor and Exeggutor ex both only need one Grass Energy to attack, Exeggcute's Growth Spurt can help with their Retreat Costs later in the game!

New Trainer Cards


Mythical Island - Blue
Blue can prevent your opponent from taking important KOs from your Pokemon. This is especially useful for Pokemon with 90 HP, as it can keep them from getting KOd by Pikachu ex's Circle Circuit and Starmie ex's Wave Splash.

This could also see play in Pikachu ex decks should Marshadow be a potent threat.


Mythical Island - Leaf
Leaf allows you to be efficient with your Energy because it can reduce your Pokemon's Retreat Cost by two. This works similar to X Speed but uses up your Supporter for the turn.

Leaf has synergy with Vaporeon's Wash Out, as it lets you transfer the Energy that you conserve with Leaf to your new Active Pokemon!

List of Supporter Cards

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