Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP)

How Long to Replenish Wonder Stamina

Pokemon TCG Pocket - How Long to Replenish Wonder Stamina
Wonder Stamina is used for Wonder Picks in Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket (PTCG Pocket) and takes about 12 hours to recover. Read on for more information on how long it takes to replenish wonder stamina, how to shorten the wait time, the maximum wonder stamina you can have, and the best way to use wonder stamina.

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How Long Does It Take to Replenish Wonder Stamina?

12 Hours for One Stamina

Each unit of wonder stamina takes 12 hours to replenish, allowing you to get two units of wonder stamina every day if you don’t use items.

A full wonder stamina gauge holds five units of wonder stamina, which takes 60 hours or two and a half days total to replenish if you’ve used them all up.

You can find the countdown timer for your next wonder stamina on the Wonder Pick section of the Home page, while the timer tracking how long it would take for you to have a full wonder stamina gauge is found when you tap on the plus (+) button at the top of the Wonder Pick screen.

Even With a Premium Pass, Wait Time is 12 Hours

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Premium Pass

Those who have a Premium Pass subscription will not get any reduced wait time for both pack stamina and wonder stamina.

The Premium Pass only adds a separate pack stamina with its own timer as well as more opportunities to earn both Pack Hourglasses and Wonder Hourglasses.

Is Premium Pass Worth It?

Caps at 8 Wonder Stamina

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Wonder Pick Stamina Overflow
While the main Wonder Pick screen only shows five wonder stamina, it can actually overflow to a maximum of 8 giving you an extra 36 hours before it fully caps out.

Only 5 Can Be Recovered With Items

Recover Wonder Stamina to 5

You can only use items to replenish your wonder stamina if you have less than five units of wonder stamina available, and you can only get it up to five wonder stamina. The three extra are best seen as backup in case you aren’t able to do any Wonder Picks for consecutive days or if there’s a particularly long maintenance taking place.

How to Get Wonder Stamina Without Waiting

Use Wonder Hourglasses

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Wonder Hourglass Time Reduction

You can use Wonder Hourglasses to get more wonder stamina. You can choose to fill a unit of stamina entirely using Wonder Hourglasses or manually input how many you want to reduce the wait time by.

Each Wonder Hourglass is equivalent to 1 hour of wonder stamina recovery, so you’ll need to use 12 Wonder Hourglasses to fill one newly emptied wonder stamina.

How to Farm Wonder Hourglasses

Use Poke Gold

A bar of Poke Gold is equivalent to 2 hours of wonder stamina recovery, but it is in more limited supply for free-to-play users.

Poke Gold can only be obtained by purchasing it from the Shop using real money or by leveling up.

Poke Gold Farming Guide

Custom Select the Number of Hourglasses

Tap on Custom-select at the Bottom Right of the Recover Wonder Stamina Screen

You can manually input the number of Wonder Hourglasses or Poke Gold you want to use by tapping on Custom-select at the bottom right of the Recover Wonder Stamina screen, which can be accessed by tapping on the plus (+) button at the top of the Wonder Pick menu.

Best Way to Use Wonder Stamina

Chansey Picks

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Chansey Wonder Picks

Chansey Picks are Wonder Picks with special cards that may be available during certain events. You need two wonder stamina to pick from Chansey Picks.

Since these are special, limited-time Wonder Picks, it’s best to prioritize Chansey Picks whenever you see them pop up.

Chansey Wonder Pick Guide

Only Use On Wonder Picks You Want

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Wonder Pick Basics

It may be a good idea to only use your wonder stamina on Wonder Picks that have cards that you are looking for or really want, especially since packs with rare cards require more wonder stamina.

Doing a Wonder Pick is a daily mission, but since you only need to complete three daily missions to get your reward, it may be best to skip this mission and do a different one if you don’t see anything you like. Save your stamina for packs with cards that are worth it for you.

Pick Packs That Have More Than One Card You Want

Wonder Pick can be disappointing at times when you have one card that you really want in a set of cards that you are absolutely sick of. And since the odds of you getting it are only 1 in 5, you probably won’t get what you want.

To prevent this from ruining your experience of the game, it’s generally a good idea to aim for Wonder Picks that have two or more cards that you want to get, even if they’re not as rare.

Of course, if there’s only one card you really want or if you’re only targeting full illustration cards, then take your low chances. You’re bound to get it after five or so tries. Just make sure to stock up on Wonder Hourglasses.

How to Use the Wonder Pick Feature

Save for Rare Packs

Pokemon TCG Pocket - 4 Wonder Stamina

The rarity of the cards available in the set is what determines how much Wonder Stamina will be spent. A pack with only 1◆ or 2◆ cards will only cost one wonder stamina, but a pack with a 2★ Card and a 4◆ Card can cost up to 4 Wonder Stamina.

If you’re not particualr about the cards you get in Wonder Pick, it’s best to just save your wonder stamina on sets that cost at least three wonder stamina for a chance of getting a rare card.

Card Rarity Guide

Types of Stamina in Pokemon TCG Pocket

Pack Stamina and Wonder Stamina

Pokemon TCG Pocket  Pack Stamina Image Pack Stamina Pokemon TCG Pocket  Wonder Stamina Image Wonder Stamina

The two types of stamina in Pokemon TCG Pocket are pack stamina and wonder stamina.

Pack stamina is used when opening booster packs, while wonder stamina is used for Wonder Picks. Both require 12 hours to replenish each unit.

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