Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP)

Energy Zone Explained

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Energy Zone Explained
The Energy Zone is a new mechanic introduced in Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGPT). Read on to learn how the Energy Zone works and how it affects a battle!

What is an Energy Zone?

Energy Zones Generate Energy at the Start of a Turn

Energy Zone - Pokemon TCG Pocket
The energy zone is where energy is generated at the start of a turn during card battles. This is a unique feature in Pokemon TCG Pocket that replaces the Energy Cards from the original trading card game.

You can check what energy will be generated in the next turn by looking at the smaller icon in the lower right corner. Make sure to check what energy comes next if you are using a deck with multiple types of energy.

Energy Can be Attached to Cards Once per Turn

Drag energy to your cards - Pokemon TCG Pocket
Once per turn, you can give one energy to any pokemon card that is active or benched. Drag the energy from the energy zone to attach it to a card.

Battle System Explained

Energy Type Can be Changed on the Deck Screen

Change energy through decks - Pokemon TCG Pocket
You can change what type of energy the energy zone generates on the deck screen. You can have up to three different energy types in a deck, but keep in mind that you cannot choose what order these energies will generate in battle.

If you are following the Pokemon TCG Pocket meta, decks should be limited to only only one type of energy.

Pokemon TCG Pocket Meta Guide

Energy Zone Determines Energy Based on Attack Cost

Energy Cost - Pokemon TCG Pocket
The Energy Zone determines which energy to generate based on the cost of a pokemon move.

Dratini, for example, is a Dragon-type which needs 1 Water and 1 Lightning energy to use Ram. Since there are no Dragon-type Energy, the Energy Zone will alternate between Water and Lightning.

How Do Types Work in Pokemon TCG Pocket?

There Are No Energy Cards in Pokemon TCG Pocket

Unlike the original trading card game, Pokemon TCG Pocket has no energy cards . The only way to get energy is through the energy zone or through other pokemon cards which have the ability to generate energy.

All Pokemon Cards with Abilities

How to Use Energy

Energy is Used For Attacks

Pokemon Battle Attacks - Pokemon TCG Pocket
Pokemon moves cost energy to use. You can check which energy a move needs by looking at the left side of your pokemon card.

You do not consume energy when you perform an attack , so once you have all the energy you need, you can use the same attack multiple times until your pokemon retreats from battle or gets defeated.

Colorless Energy can use any Type of Energy

Type Energy Cost
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Fire Type Icon Pokemon TCG Pocket - Fire Type Icon Pokemon TCG Pocket - Fire Type Icon
※ 3 Fire Type Energy
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Fire Type Icon Pokemon TCG Pocket - Fire Type Icon Colorless
※ 2 Fire Type Energy
※ 1 Any Type Energy
※ 3 Any Type Energy

If you see a colorless icon, it means that the pokemon move can use any type of energy. This is useful to keep track of especially if your deck uses multiple types of energy.

Energy is Used to Retreat

Retreat - Pokemon TCG Pocket
It costs energy to return pokemon to your bench during battle. Retreating will discard a specific number of energy depending on a pokemon's retreat cost, but some pokemon can retreat without needing to consume energy.

You can see how much energy it costs to retreat by looking at the bottom right corner of your card.

How Do Retreat Costs Work?

Some Cards Can Also Generate Energy

Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 220 MistyMisty Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 132 GardevoirGardevoir Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 047 Moltres exMoltres ex

Some pokemon, and supporter, cards can generate additional energy during a turn.

Cards like Misty and Moltres ex can generate more than 1 energy through a coin toss, while Gardevoir can convert energy from the energy zone into Psychic-type energy.

Always check what energy effects your cards have and use decks that can benefit from their unique abilities!

Best Decks Tier List

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