Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP)

Energy Zone Explained

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Energy Zone Explained
The Energy Zone is a new mechanic introduced in Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGPT). Read on to learn how the Energy Zone works and how it affects a battle!

What is the Energy Zone?

A Replacement for Energy Cards to Provide Consistent Energy

Pokémon TCG Pocket - Energy Zone
Battles in Pokemon TCG Pocket notably lacks Energy Cards, but will feature a new Energy Zone which automatically generates Energy once per turn.

If Energy is not used during the Pokemon Checkup phase between turns, new Energy will not be generated. When Energy is discarded through an attack, retreat cost, or from an effect of a Trainer Card, that Energy is permanently gone.

How Do Retreat Costs Work?

Cards Take Energy from the Energy Zone

Cards that accelerate Energy through the effects of Attacks, Abilities, or Trainer Cards work as normal, but take from the Energy Zone instead of the player's hand.

This new mechanic makes it so Trainers will no longer miss their Energy attachments for the turn if they don't draw into it, allowing for a smoother, more consistent gameplay experience.

Energies Provided Depends on Deck Type

Pokémon TCG Pocket - Energy Type

A deck's type is determined when you build it, with players being able to have up to three types for their decks. The type of Energy that the Energy Zone provides alternates randomly between each type. This means that decks with more types may struggle more with consistency, while monotype decks can consistently get the correct Energy for their Pokemon's Attacks.

It is also worth noting that players will be able to see which type of Energy will be available next turn.

Energy Zone Calculated Based on Attack Type Cost

The Energy Zone calculates the Energy it generates based on the Attack cost of a card.

Dratini from Genetic Apex for example, is a Dragon-type which makes use of 1 Water and 1 Lightning Energy to use its Ram Attack. Since there is no Dragon-type Energy, the Energy Zone will alternate between Water and Lightning.

How Do Types Work in Pokemon TCG Pocket?

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