Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP)

Best Fighting Type Deck and Cards Tier List

Best Fighting Type Decks & Cards Tier List - Pokemon TCG Pocket
This is Game8's tier list of Fighting type decks and cards in Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket (PTCG Pocket). Keep reading to learn more about these staples and see what makes them the best cards in the game!

Fighting Type Card Guides
List of Water Pokemon Fighting Type Card List Colorless Cards Tier List Fighting Type Tier List
Best Pokemon Decks and Cards by Type
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Colorless Type Icon.png Colorless Pokemon TCG Pocket - Grass Type Icon.png Grass Pokemon TCG Pocket - Fire Type Icon.png Fire Pokemon TCG Pocket - Water Type Icon.png Water Pokemon TCG Pocket - Psychic Type Icon.png Psychic
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Fighting Type Icon.png Fighting Pokemon TCG Pocket - Lightning Type Icon.png Lightning Pokemon TCG Pocket - Metal Type Icon.png Metal Pokemon TCG Pocket - Darkness Type Icon.png Darkness Pokemon TCG Pocket - Dragon Type Icon.png Dragon

Best Fighting Type Decks

Best Fighting Type Decks and Cards
Best Fighting Type Decks Best Fighting Type Cards

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Best Fighting Type Decks Tier List
S Tier
Pokemon TCG Pocket  Golem Deck Image Pokemon TCG Pocket  Aerodactyl ex Deck Image
A Tier
Pokemon TCG Pocket  Marowak ex Deck Image Pokemon TCG Pocket  Primeape Deck Image Pokemon TCG Pocket  Machamp ex Deck Image
B Tier
Pokemon TCG Pocket  Grapploct and Pidgeot Deck Image Pokemon TCG Pocket  Brock Deck Image Pokemon TCG Pocket  Kabutops Deck Image

Deck Tier List Criteria

S The best decks are in the S tier, which are decks that have amazing consistency on top of being easy to build and function with minimal difficulty.
A Tier A Tier Decks are also powerful, and can also function at a high level, but may not be as easy to pilot as the S Tiers.
B Tier B Tier Decks are decent, but would require more skill to achieve success with.

Deck Tier List Explanations

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S A Tier B Tier

S Tier

Deck Explanation
Pokemon TCG Pocket  Golem Deck ImageGolem Deck ・ Once set up, Golem is immensely difficult to KO because of its high HP and Guard Press's damage reduction.
・ Druddigon is an effective wall that also deals damage with Rough Skin.
・ Pokemon in the deck have different weaknesses.
Pokemon TCG Pocket  Aerodactyl ex Deck ImageAerodactyl ex Deck ・ Aerodactyl ex can prevent your opponent's Active Pokemon from evolving.
・ Aerodactyl has a reliable attack that can 2HKO most Pokemon, or OHKO smaller Basic Pokemon.
・ Primeape can consistently deal 50 damage for a single Energy.

A Tier

Deck Explanation
Pokemon TCG Pocket  Marowak ex Deck ImageMarowak ex Deck ・Marowak can KO most Pokemon with lucky Bonemerang flips.
・ Kabutops is difficult to set up but can win games if successful.
・ Energy-efficient and does not need ramp.
Pokemon TCG Pocket  Primeape Deck ImagePrimeape Deck ・Primeape can deal 100 damage to its attacker If it has damage on it.
・ Marowak ex is also a powerful attacker.
Pokemon TCG Pocket  Machamp ex Deck ImageMachamp ex Deck ・Can be hard to beat once Machamp is set up.
・Efficient Energy curve that allows Machop, Machoke, and Machamp ex to attack every turn.

B Tier

Deck Explanation
Pokemon TCG Pocket  Grapploct and Pidgeot Deck ImageGrapploct and Pidgeot Deck ・Control your opponent’s field with Grapploct and Pidgeot.
・Can be completed just by pulling on the Mewtwo Pack.
Pokemon TCG Pocket  Brock Deck ImageBrock Deck ・Can deal high damage.
・ Onix and Golem are durable Pokemon.
Pokemon TCG Pocket  Kabutops Deck ImageKabutops Deck ・Kabutops is difficult to set up but can win games if successful.
・Basic Pokemon in the deck are useful.
・Energy-efficient and does not need ramp.

Best Decks Tier List

Best Fighting Type Cards

Best Fighting Type Decks and Cards
Best Fighting Type Decks Best Fighting Type Cards

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Tier Card
S Tier
A Tier
B Tier
C Tier

Card Tier List Criteria

S The best cards are in the S tier, which are cards that will always be impactful whenever they are played. These are cards that must always be answered or else they will take over a game.
A Tier A Tier cards are cards that are also powerful but do not necessarily centralize a game when they are on the field.
B Tier B Tier cards are less impactful but are still worth using in a deck.
C Tier C Tier cards are good but may have better alternatives available.

Card Tier List Explanations

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S A Tier B Tier C Tier

S Tier

Card Explanation
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 154 HitmonleeHitmonlee ・Attacks Benched Pokemon, disrupting set-ups.
・Great for the early game.
・Easy to set up.
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1a 045 GolemGolem ・Difficult to KO once it’s set up because of its high HP and attack effect.
・Can deal a lot of damage.
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1a 046 Aerodactyl exAerodactyl ex ・Prevents the opponent from evolving their Active Pokemon.
・Easy to set up.
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1a 047 MarshadowMarshadow ・Easy to set up and does not need to be evolved.
・Great to swap in for a knocked out Pokemon .
・You can only get the damage boost up to two times in a battle, but it forces your opponent to think twice about knocking out your Pokemon.

A Tier

Card Explanation
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 153 Marowak exMarowak ex ・Relies on successful coin flips to deal damage.
・Requires one evolution.
・Can tank heavy hits due to high HP.
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 146 Machamp exMachamp ex ・Has a high HP, making it hard to knock out.
・Deals a lot of damage once it has been set up
・Takes a while to set up.
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 150 OnixOnix ・Best to build and set as reserve.
・Best paired with Brock's Trainer Card for faster energy build-up.
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1a 042 PrimeapePrimeape ・Only requires one Energy and one evolution but does a decent amount of damage.
・Good unit for starting out or early game.

B Tier

Card Explanation
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 140 DugtrioDugtrio ・Requires one evolution but also easy to build up.
・Can immediately deal damage.
・Has a chance to defend itself from attacks with Dig.
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 142 PrimeapePrimeape ・Great unit for swapping in and out of Active Hand.
・Requires one evolution but is easy to build up.
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 149 GolemGolem ・Powerful 150 attack damage, but will hurt itself.
・Can only use its attack 3 times before its HP gets critical.
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 155 HitmonchanHitmonchan ・Good unit for starting out or early game.
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 159 KabutopsKabutops ・Requires two evolutions before reaching final form.
・Tanks hits and can heal itself.
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 161 MienshaoMienshao ・Good unit for starting out or early game.
・Requires one evolution.
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1a 048 StonjournerStonjourner ・Energy must be built up but it does not need to be evolved.
・Deals a decent amount of damage.
・Has high HP for a Basic Pokemon.

C Tier

Card Explanation
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 138 SandslashSandslash ・Good unit for starting out or early game.
・Requires one evolution.
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 145 MachampMachamp ・Not as strong as Machamp ex but doesn’t have the drawback of ex cards.
・Takes a while to set up.
・Has high HP and damage output.
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 157 RhydonRhydon ・Deals powerful 100 attack damage.
・Takes a while to set up.
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 163 GrapploctGrapploct ・Forces Pokemon to switch out.
・Requires one evolution.
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1a 041 MankeyMankey ・Can knock out certain unevolved Pokemon on a successful coin flip.
・Best Mankey for Mythical Island Primeape.
Pokemon TCG Pocket - P-A 017 MankeyMankey ・Does damage to itself when it attacks.
・Best Mankey for Genetic Apex Primeape.

PTCGP Fighting Pokemon Deck Strategy

Strategy Focuses on Early Game Damage

A common theme for Fighting Type Cards is that they can deal heavy damage while using less energy, making them good early game damage dealers. This makes them good at putting pressure at the start and disrupting opponent's builds.

The best strategy is to set up quick to build cards like Hitmonlee and Dugtrio to maximize on early game damage while building your heavy hitters at the bench.

Deck Building Guide

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Tier List By Type

Best Pokemon Decks and Cards by Type
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Colorless Type Icon.png Colorless Pokemon TCG Pocket - Grass Type Icon.png Grass Pokemon TCG Pocket - Fire Type Icon.png Fire Pokemon TCG Pocket - Water Type Icon.png Water Pokemon TCG Pocket - Psychic Type Icon.png Psychic
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Fighting Type Icon.png Fighting Pokemon TCG Pocket - Lightning Type Icon.png Lightning Pokemon TCG Pocket - Metal Type Icon.png Metal Pokemon TCG Pocket - Darkness Type Icon.png Darkness Pokemon TCG Pocket - Dragon Type Icon.png Dragon

Best Pack Pulls

Best Pack Pulls
Pikachu Genetic Apex Booster PackBest Pikachu Pack Pulls Pokemon TCG Pocket - Charizard Genetic Apex Booster PackBest Charizard Pack Pulls Mewtwo Genetic Apex Booster Pack - Pokemon TCG PocketBest Mewtwo Pack Pulls


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