Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP)

List of All Fighting Type Pokemon Cards

Pokemon SV - List of Fighting Pokemon Top Banner
Game8's list of Fighting Type Pokemon Cards for Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket (PTCG Pocket). Keep reading to view the list of every Fighting Type Pokemon, which Trainer Cards can interact with Pokemon specifically of this Type, and an overview of the type itself.

Fighting Type Card Guides
List of Water Pokemon Fighting Type Card List Colorless Cards Tier List Fighting Type Tier List

List of Fighting Pokemon Cards in PTCGP

All Currently Available Fighting Type Cards

# Card Name Details
A1 137 Sandshrew
Fighting Fighting

HP: 70
Illust.: Miki Tanaka
Rarity: ◇
A1 138 Sandslash
Fighting Fighting

HP: 100
Illust.: Miki Tanaka
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 139 Diglett
Fighting Fighting

HP: 50
Illust.: Masako Yamashita
Rarity: ◇
A1 140 Dugtrio
Fighting Fighting

HP: 70
Illust.: Akira Komayama
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 141 Mankey
Fighting Fighting

HP: 60
Illust.: Kanako Eo
Rarity: ◇
A1 142 Primeape
Fighting Fighting

HP: 90
Illust.: Kagemaru Himeno
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 143 Machop
Fighting Fighting

HP: 70
Illust.: Kyoko Umemoto
Rarity: ◇
A1 144 Machoke
Fighting Fighting

HP: 100
Illust.: match
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 145 Machamp
Fighting Fighting

HP: 150
Illust.: Hitoshi Ariga
Rarity: ◇◇◇
A1 146 Machamp ex
Fighting Fighting

HP: 180
Illust.: PLANETA CG Works
Rarity: ◇◇◇◇
A1 147 Geodude
Fighting Fighting

HP: 70
Illust.: Kouki Saitou
Rarity: ◇
A1 148 Graveler
Fighting Fighting

HP: 100
Illust.: Naoyo Kimura
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 149 Golem
Fighting Fighting

HP: 160
Illust.: Sumiyoshi Kizuki
Rarity: ◇◇◇
A1 150 Onix
Fighting Fighting

HP: 110
Illust.: otumami
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 151 Cubone
Fighting Fighting

HP: 60
Illust.: sowsow
Rarity: ◇
A1 152 Marowak
Fighting Fighting

HP: 100
Illust.: Shin Nagasawa
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 153 Marowak ex
Fighting Fighting

HP: 140
Rarity: ◇◇◇◇
A1 154 Hitmonlee
Fighting Fighting

HP: 80
Illust.: Yukiko Baba
Rarity: ◇
A1 155 Hitmonchan
Fighting Fighting

HP: 80
Illust.: Ken Sugimori
Rarity: ◇
A1 156 Rhyhorn
Fighting Fighting

HP: 80
Illust.: Midori Harada
Rarity: ◇
A1 157 Rhydon
Fighting Fighting

HP: 120
Illust.: Masakazu Fukuda
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 158 Kabuto
Fighting Fighting

HP: 90
Illust.: sui
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 159 Kabutops
Fighting Fighting

HP: 140
Illust.: Shin Nagasawa
Rarity: ◇◇◇
A1 160 Mienfoo
Fighting Fighting

HP: 60
Illust.: match
Rarity: ◇
A1 161 Mienshao
Fighting Fighting

HP: 80
Illust.: Atsuko Nishida
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 162 Clobbopus
Fighting Fighting

HP: 80
Illust.: Yuu Nishida
Rarity: ◇
A1 163 Grapploct
Fighting Fighting

HP: 130
Illust.: kurumitsu
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 238 Diglett
Fighting Fighting

HP: 50
Illust.: Masako Yamashita
Rarity: ☆
A1 239 Cubone
Fighting Fighting

HP: 60
Illust.: sowsow
Rarity: ☆
A1 263 Machamp ex
Fighting Fighting

HP: 180
Illust.: PLANETA Igarashi
Rarity: ☆☆
A1 264 Marowak ex
Fighting Fighting

HP: 140
Illust.: PLANETA CG Works
Rarity: ☆☆
A1 278 Machamp ex
Fighting Fighting

HP: 180
Rarity: ☆☆
A1a 041 Mankey
Fighting Fighting

HP: 50
Illust.: Akira Komayama
Rarity: ◇
A1a 042 Primeape
Fighting Fighting

HP: 80
Illust.: Taiga Kayama
Rarity: ◇
A1a 043 Geodude
Fighting Fighting

HP: 70
Illust.: GOSSAN
Rarity: ◇
A1a 044 Graveler
Fighting Fighting

HP: 100
Illust.: Ayaka Yoshida
Rarity: ◇◇
A1a 045 Golem
Fighting Fighting

HP: 160
Illust.: Masakazu Fukuda
Rarity: ◇◇◇
A1a 046 Aerodactyl ex
Fighting Fighting

HP: 140
Illust.: PLANETA CG Works
Rarity: ◇◇◇◇
A1a 047 Marshadow
Fighting Fighting

HP: 80
Illust.: kantaro
Rarity: ◇◇◇
A1a 048 Stonjourner
Fighting Fighting

HP: 120
Illust.: Teeziro
Rarity: ◇◇
A1a 074 Marshadow
Fighting Fighting

HP: 80
Rarity: ☆
A1a 078 Aerodactyl ex
Fighting Fighting

HP: 130
Illust.: PLANETA CG Works
Rarity: ☆☆
A1a 084 Aerodactyl ex
Fighting Fighting

HP: 130
Illust.: danciao
Rarity: ☆☆
A2 080 Rhyhorn
Fighting Fighting

HP: 80
Illust.: otumami
Rarity: ◇
A2 081 Rhydon
Fighting Fighting

HP: 110
Illust.: Oswaldo KATO
Rarity: ◇◇
A2 082 Rhyperior
Fighting Fighting

HP: 160
Illust.: Naoki Saito
Rarity: ◇◇◇
A2 083 Gligar
Fighting Fighting

HP: 60
Illust.: Sanosuke Sakuma
Rarity: ◇
A2 084 Gliscor
Fighting Fighting

HP: 100
Illust.: Mizue
Rarity: ◇◇
A2 085 Hitmontop
Fighting Fighting

HP: 80
Illust.: sowsow
Rarity: ◇
A2 086 Nosepass
Fighting Fighting

HP: 70
Illust.: Midori Harada
Rarity: ◇
A2 087 Regirock
Fighting Fighting

HP: 120
Illust.: Tomokazu Komiya
Rarity: ◇◇
A2 088 Cranidos
Fighting Fighting

HP: 90
Illust.: Kouki Saitou
Rarity: ◇◇
A2 089 Rampardos
Fighting Fighting

HP: 150
Illust.: Yoshinobu Saito
Rarity: ◇◇◇
A2 090 Wormadam
Fighting Fighting

HP: 120
Illust.: Hajime Kusajima
Rarity: ◇
A2 091 Riolu
Fighting Fighting

HP: 60
Rarity: ◇
A2 092 Lucario
Fighting Fighting

HP: 100
Illust.: nagimiso
Rarity: ◇◇◇
A2 093 Hippopotas
Fighting Fighting

HP: 80
Illust.: Akira Komayama
Rarity: ◇
A2 094 Hippowdon
Fighting Fighting

HP: 140
Rarity: ◇◇
A2 095 Gallade ex
Fighting Fighting

HP: 170
Illust.: PLANETA CG Works
Rarity: ◇◇◇◇
A2 169 Rhyperior
Fighting Fighting

HP: 160
Illust.: Taiga Kayama
Rarity: ☆
A2 170 Lucario
Fighting Fighting

HP: 100
Illust.: Akira Komayama
Rarity: ☆
A2 171 Hippopotas
Fighting Fighting

HP: 80
Illust.: Teeziro
Rarity: ☆
A2 185 Gallade ex
Fighting Fighting

HP: 170
Illust.: PLANETA CG Works
Rarity: ☆☆
A2 200 Gallade ex
Fighting Fighting

HP: 170
Illust.: Takumi Wada
Rarity: ☆☆
A2a 036 Sudowoodo
Fighting Fighting

HP: 80
Illust.: Tomokazu Komiya
Rarity: ◇◇
A2a 037 Phanpy
Fighting Fighting

HP: 60
Illust.: Asako Ito
Rarity: ◇
A2a 038 Donphan
Fighting Fighting

HP: 120
Illust.: Shin Nagasawa
Rarity: ◇◇
A2a 039 Larvitar
Fighting Fighting

HP: 60
Illust.: Yukiko Baba
Rarity: ◇
A2a 040 Pupitar
Fighting Fighting

HP: 80
Illust.: match
Rarity: ◇◇
A2a 041 Tyranitar
Fighting Fighting

HP: 160
Illust.: kawayoo
Rarity: ◇◇◇
A2a 042 Nosepass
Fighting Fighting

HP: 80
Illust.: Satoshi Shirai
Rarity: ◇
A2a 043 Meditite
Fighting Fighting

HP: 60
Illust.: Mina Nakai
Rarity: ◇
A2a 044 Medicham
Fighting Fighting

HP: 100
Illust.: Tetsu Kayama
Rarity: ◇◇
A2a 045 Gible
Fighting Fighting

HP: 60
Illust.: Kyoko Umemoto
Rarity: ◇
A2a 046 Gabite
Fighting Fighting

HP: 80
Illust.: Sumiyoshi Kizuki
Rarity: ◇
A2a 047 Garchomp ex
Fighting Fighting

HP: 170
Illust.: PLANETA CG Works
Rarity: ◇◇◇◇
A2a 079 Sudowoodo
Fighting Fighting

HP: 80
Illust.: Yuriko Akase
Rarity: ☆
A2a 084 Garchomp ex
Fighting Fighting

HP: 170
Illust.: PLANETA CG Works
Rarity: ☆☆
A2a 093 Garchomp ex
Fighting Fighting

HP: 170
Illust.: toriyufu
Rarity: ☆☆
P-A 017 Mankey
Fighting Fighting

HP: 50
Rarity: Promo
P-A 021 Onix
Fighting Fighting

HP: 110
Illust.: Tomokazu Komiya
Rarity: Promo
P-A 045 Nosepass
Fighting Fighting

HP: 60
Illust.: Tomokazu Komiya
Rarity: Promo
P-A 046 Gible
Fighting Fighting

HP: 60
Rarity: Promo

All Trainer Cards That Interact with Fighting Cards

# Card Name Details
A1 224 Brock Supporter
Take a Fighting Energy from your Energy Zone and attach it to Golem or Onix.
Illust.: Taira Akitsu
Rarity: ◇◇
A1 271 Brock Supporter
Take a Fighting Energy from your Energy Zone and attach it to Golem or Onix.
Illust.: Ryuta Fuse
Rarity: ☆☆

PTCGP Fighting Pokemon Cards Overview

Strategy Focuses on Raw Damage

A common theme for Fighting Type Cards is they they can dish out a ton of damage for a huge amount of Energy. This makes them good at picking off Opponents with a ton of HP like ex Cards.

The best strategy to use is to have a tanky Pokemon like Chansey or Snorlax soak up damage at front while you build your nukes at the bench and firing them off when available.

Deck Building Guide

Weak Against Water and Psychic Type Cards

Fighting Type Cards are usually weak to Water and Psychic Type Cards, make sure to swap your deck out to have either neutral or type advantage.

Strong Against Darkness Type Cards

Fighting Type Pokemon are the best counters to Darkness type decks especially the ones that focus on Poisoning opponents. Since you usually have a Pokemon up front soaking up the damage while your strong attackers are at the bench.

Pokemon TCG Pocket Related Guides

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Cards

Pokemon TCG Pocket Card List

TCG Pocket Card Lists

Cards by Expansion Set
Shining Revelry Pack IconShining Revelry (A2b) Released: Mar 27, 2025
Triumphant Light Triumphant Light (A2a) Released: Feb 28, 2025
Space Time SmackdownSpace-Time Smackdown (A2) Released: Jan 30, 2025
Mythical IslandMythical Island (A1a) Released: Dec 17, 2024
Genetic ApexGenetic Apex (A1) Released: Oct 30, 2024
Promo APromo-A
Pokemon Cards by Type
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Grass Type Icon.png Grass Pokemon TCG Pocket - Fire Type Icon.png Fire Pokemon TCG Pocket - Water Type Icon.png Water Pokemon TCG Pocket - Lightning Type Icon.png Lightning Pokemon TCG Pocket - Psychic Type Icon.png Psychic
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Fighting Type Icon.png Fighting Pokemon TCG Pocket - Darkness Type Icon.png Darkness Pokemon TCG Pocket - Metal Type Icon.png Metal Pokemon TCG Pocket - Dragon Type Icon.png Dragon Pokemon TCG Pocket - Colorless Type Icon.png Colorless
Cards by Rarity
Pokemon TCG Pocket - One-Diamond 1◇ Pokemon TCG Pocket - Two-Diamond 2◇ Pokemon TCG Pocket - Three-Diamond 3◇ Pokemon TCG Pocket - Four-Diamond 4◇
Pokemon TCG Pocket - One-Star 1☆ Pokemon TCG Pocket - Two-Star 2☆ Pokemon TCG Pocket - Three-Star 3☆ Pokemon TCG Pocket - Four-Star Crown
Pokemon Cards by Evolution Stage
Pokemon TCG Pocket - List of Basic Pokemon CardsBasic Pokemon Cards Pokemon TCG Pocket - List of Stage 1 Pokemon CardsStage 1 Pokemon Cards Pokemon TCG Pocket - List of Stage 2 Pokemon CardsStage 2 Pokemon Cards
Trainer Cards
Pokemon TCG Pocket - List of Item CardsItem Cards Pokemon TCG Pocket - List of Supporter CardsSupporter Cards
Pokemon TCG Pocket - List of Fossil Item Cards Fossil Item Cards Pokemon TCG Pocket - List of Pokemon Tool Cards Pokemon Tool Cards
Cards by Generation
Pikachu Icon Generation 1 Cards Gen 1 Celebi Icon Generation 2 Cards Gen 2 Gardevoir Icon Generation 3 Cards Gen 3
Lumineon Icon Generation 4 Cards Gen 4 Cinccino Icon Generation 5 Cards Gen 5 Froakie Icon Generation 6 Cards Gen 6
Bruxish Icon Generation 7 Cards Gen 7 Wooloo Icon Generation 8 Cards Gen 8 -
Misc. Card Lists
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Best Pokemon TCG Pocket Tier ListBest Cards Tier List
Pokemon TCG Pocket - List of New CardsList of New Cards Pokemon TCG Pocket - Unreleased CardsUnreleased Cards
Pokemon TCG Pocket - List of Full Art Cards Full Art Cards Pokemon TCG Pocket - List of Immersive CardsImmersive Cards
Pokemon TCG Pocket - List of ex Pokemon Cardsex Pokemon Cards Pokemon TCG Pocket - Pokemon Cards with AbilitiesPokemon Cards with Abilities


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