Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP)

How Rental Decks Work

Pokemon TCG Pocket - How Do Rental Decks Work

Players are able to rent decks in Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket (PTCG Pocket) to battle against the computer and against friends! Read on to learn all about Rental Decks and how to use them!

How Do Rental Decks Work?

Premade Decks that Let You Jump into the Action

Rental Decks are premade decks that players can choose and play straight a way to use on battles, or take some inspiration when creating your own deck!

Are There Ranked Battles?

Rental Decks Have a Limited Number of Uses

Rental Decks have a limited number of uses, and it's currently unknown how many uses each rental deck has before expiring.

It's also unknown if there's a way to earn more rental deck uses, but we'll keep you up-to-date as more information gets revealed!

Rental Decks will also have different types, which you can choose from and play!
How Do Types Work

How to Unlock Rental Decks

Collect Cards

You must collect specific cards that are included in Rental Decks to unlock them. These will be Rental Decks will be available for up to ten uses.

Once you have all twenty cards of a deck, it will be completely unlocked and you will then be able to use it for a an unlimited amount of times.

It's also possible that they can be earned from Premium Missions which require a Premium Pass. We'll keep you up-to-date as more information gets revealed!

Premium Pass Guide and Features

Pokemon TCG Pocket Related Guides

Deck Building Guide

All Deck Tier Lists

All Tier Lists
Best Cards Tier List Best Meta Deck Tier List
Best Rental Deck Tier List Best F2P Beginner Decks

Deck Articles

Deck Articles
How Rental Decks Work Staple Cards for Decks
Aggro Decks Explained Deck Matchup Statistics
Best 18 Trainers Decks Best Misty Decks
Best Erika Decks 10 Match Tests vs Pikachu ex Deck - Statistics
List of Non-ex Decks

Meta Decks

Best Meta Decks
Mewtwo exMewtwo ex Celebi ex and SerperiorCelebi ex and Serperior Pikachu exPikachu ex
Mew ex and WeezingMew ex and Weezing Vaporeon and Articuno exVaporeon and Articuno ex Volcarona and Arcanine exVolcarona and Arcanine ex
Scolipede and WeezingScolipede and Weezing Starmie exStarmie ex Venusaur exVenusaur ex
Charizard exCharizard ex Articuno exArticuno ex Raichu and Pikachu exRaichu and Pikachu ex
DragoniteDragonite Dragonite and WeezingDragonite and Weezing Lapras exLapras ex
Greninja Greninja Mewtwo ex and Weezing Mewtwo ex and Weezing Gyarados ex and VaporeonGyarados ex and Vaporeon
Pidgeot exPidgeot ex Arcanine exArcanine ex BlaineBlaine
Aerodactyl ex and PrimeapeAerodactyl ex and Primeape Exeggutor exExeggutor ex Marowak exMarowak ex
PrimeapePrimeape Venusaur and WeezingVenusaur and Weezing Greninja and WeezingGreninja and Weezing

Off Meta Decks

ArbokArbok Lock Zapdos exZapdos ex Blastoise exBlastoise ex
Gengar exGengar ex Machamp exMachamp ex Wigglytuff exWigglytuff ex
Alakazam and JynxAlakazam and Jynx MelmetalMelmetal KogaKoga
Omastar and Articuno exOmastar and Articuno ex Kingler and Articuno exKingler and Articuno ex FrosmothFrosmoth
Lapras ex and ButterfreeLapras ex and Butterfree PoliwrathPoliwrath Tentacruel and GreninjaTentacruel and Greninja
Victreebel and Exeggutor exVictreebel and Exeggutor ex Gengar ex and GolbatGengar ex and Golbat Persian and MawilePersian and Mawile
Lickitung and PrimeapeLickitung and Primeape Gengar ex and GolbatExeggutor ex and Alakazam Frosmoth and Articuno exFrosmoth and Articuno ex
GyaradosGyarados CentiskorchCentiskorch and Moltres ex Lt. SurgeLt. Surge
Grapploct DeckGrapploct Cincinno and Weezing Cinccino and Weezing BrockBrock
KabutopsKabutops Aerodactyl and DragoniteAerodactyl and Dragonite Eeveelutions and DittoEeveelutions and Ditto
LickitungLickitung ArticunoArticuno ZapdosZapdos
MoltresMoltres VenusaurVenusaur CharizardCharizard

Rental Decks

All Rental Decks
Venusaur Ex Rental Deck Venusaur ex Rental Deck Charizard ex Rental Deck Charizard ex Rental Deck Blastoise ex Rental DeckBlastoise ex Rental Deck
Pikachu ex Rental DeckPikachu ex Rental Deck Mewtwo ex Rental DeckMewtwo ex Rental Deck Machamp ex Rental DeckMachamp ex Rental Deck
NidoqueenNidoking and Nidoqueen Rental Deck OmastarKanto Fossils Rental Deck KogaKoga Rental Deck
Brock Rental DeckBrock Rental Deck Blaine Rental DeckBlaine Rental Deck Lt. Surge Rental DeckLt. Surge Rental Deck

Starter Decks

All Starter Decks
PinsirPinsir Starter Deck RapidashRapidash Starter Deck SandslashSandslash Starter Deck


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