Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP)

List of Generation 2 Cards

Pokemon TCG Pocket - List of Generation 2 Cards

This is a list of all Generation 2 cards in Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket (PTCG Pocket). Read on for a list of cards from this generation!

List of Generation 2 Cards

All Generation 2 Cards

# Card Name Details
A1a 003 Celebi ex
HP: 130
Illust.: PLANETA CG Works
Rarity: ◇◇◇◇
A1a 075 Celebi ex
HP: 130
Illust.: PLANETA CG Works
Rarity: ☆☆
A1a 085 Celebi ex
HP: 130
Illust.: kantaro
Rarity: ☆☆☆
A2 003 Bellossom
HP: 130
Illust.: Naoyo Kimura
Rarity: ◇◇
A2 006 Yanma
HP: 50
Illust.: Eri Yamaki
Rarity: ◇
A2 025 Slugma
HP: 70
Illust.: Naoyo Kimura
Rarity: ◇
A2 026 Magcargo
HP: 120
Illust.: Oswaldo KATO
Rarity: ◇◇
A2 031 Swinub
HP: 60
Illust.: Eri Yamaki
Rarity: ◇
A2 032 Piloswine
HP: 110
Illust.: Suwama Chiaki
Rarity: ◇◇
A2 063 Togepi
HP: 50
Illust.: Narumi Sato
Rarity: ◇
A2 064 Togetic
HP: 80
Illust.: Kanako Eo
Rarity: ◇◇
A2 066 Misdreavus
HP: 60
Illust.: Sumiyoshi Kizuki
Rarity: ◇
A2 083 Gligar
HP: 60
Illust.: Sanosuke Sakuma
Rarity: ◇
A2 085 Hitmontop
HP: 80
Illust.: sowsow
Rarity: ◇
A2 096 Murkrow
HP: 60
Illust.: Yukiko Baba
Rarity: ◇
A2 098 Sneasel
HP: 60
Illust.: Hasuno
Rarity: ◇
A2 111 Skarmory
HP: 80
Illust.: Oswaldo KATO
Rarity: ◇◇
A2 128 Porygon2
HP: 80
Illust.: sowsow
Rarity: ◇◇
A2 130 Aipom
HP: 60
Illust.: Miki Tanaka
Rarity: ◇
A2a 001 Heracross
HP: 100
Illust.: Satoshi Shirai
Rarity: ◇◇
A2a 011 Houndour
HP: 60
Illust.: Kouki Saitou
Rarity: ◇
A2a 012 Houndoom
HP: 100
Illust.: Hajime Kusajima
Rarity: ◇◇
A2a 014 Marill
HP: 60
Illust.: Tika Matsuno
Rarity: ◇
A2a 015 Azumarill
HP: 100
Illust.: miki kudo
Rarity: ◇
A2a 034 Unown
HP: 60
Illust.: Tetsu Kayama
Rarity: ◇◇
A2a 036 Sudowoodo
HP: 80
Illust.: Tomokazu Komiya
Rarity: ◇◇
A2a 037 Phanpy
HP: 60
Illust.: Asako Ito
Rarity: ◇
A2a 038 Donphan
HP: 120
Illust.: Shin Nagasawa
Rarity: ◇◇
A2a 039 Larvitar
HP: 60
Illust.: Yukiko Baba
Rarity: ◇
A2a 040 Pupitar
HP: 80
Illust.: match
Rarity: ◇◇
A2a 041 Tyranitar
HP: 160
Illust.: kawayoo
Rarity: ◇◇◇
A2a 050 Crobat
HP: 110
Rarity: ◇◇◇
A2a 064 Hoothoot
HP: 60
Illust.: Sumiyoshi Kizuki
Rarity: ◇
A2a 065 Noctowl
HP: 100
Illust.: DOM
Rarity: ◇◇
A2a 076 Houndoom
HP: 100
Illust.: matazo
Rarity: ☆
A2a 077 Marill
HP: 60
Illust.: Taiga Kayama
Rarity: ☆
A2a 078 Unown
HP: 60
Illust.: IKEDA Saki
Rarity: ☆
A2a 079 Sudowoodo
HP: 80
Illust.: Yuriko Akase
Rarity: ☆
P-A 038 Misdreavus
HP: 60
Illust.: Miki Tanaka
Rarity: Promo
P-A 039 Skarmory
HP: 80
Illust.: Anesaki Dynamic
Rarity: Promo
P-A 041 Togepi
HP: 50
Illust.: Naoyo Kimura
Rarity: Promo

Generation 2 Cards Overview

Cards from the Johto Region

Generation 2 cards feature Pokemon found in the Johto region or characters and items hailing from Generation 2 games. Pokemon from this generation were first seen in Pokemon Gold, Pokemon Silver, and Pokemon Crystal.

Additionally, some of the cards listed above may be based on physical TCG cards from expansion sets that were released at the same period of when Generation 2 appeared in the games.

Pokemon TCG Pocket Related Guides

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Cards

Pokemon TCG Pocket Card List

TCG Pocket Card Lists

Cards by Expansion Set
Shining Revelry Pack IconShining Revelry (A2b) Released: Mar 27, 2025
Triumphant Light Triumphant Light (A2a) Released: Feb 28, 2025
Space Time SmackdownSpace-Time Smackdown (A2) Released: Jan 30, 2025
Mythical IslandMythical Island (A1a) Released: Dec 17, 2024
Genetic ApexGenetic Apex (A1) Released: Oct 30, 2024
Promo APromo-A
Pokemon Cards by Type
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Grass Type Icon.png Grass Pokemon TCG Pocket - Fire Type Icon.png Fire Pokemon TCG Pocket - Water Type Icon.png Water Pokemon TCG Pocket - Lightning Type Icon.png Lightning Pokemon TCG Pocket - Psychic Type Icon.png Psychic
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Fighting Type Icon.png Fighting Pokemon TCG Pocket - Darkness Type Icon.png Darkness Pokemon TCG Pocket - Metal Type Icon.png Metal Pokemon TCG Pocket - Dragon Type Icon.png Dragon Pokemon TCG Pocket - Colorless Type Icon.png Colorless
Cards by Rarity
Pokemon TCG Pocket - One-Diamond 1◇ Pokemon TCG Pocket - Two-Diamond 2◇ Pokemon TCG Pocket - Three-Diamond 3◇ Pokemon TCG Pocket - Four-Diamond 4◇
Pokemon TCG Pocket - One-Star 1☆ Pokemon TCG Pocket - Two-Star 2☆ Pokemon TCG Pocket - Three-Star 3☆ Pokemon TCG Pocket - Four-Star Crown
Pokemon Cards by Evolution Stage
Pokemon TCG Pocket - List of Basic Pokemon CardsBasic Pokemon Cards Pokemon TCG Pocket - List of Stage 1 Pokemon CardsStage 1 Pokemon Cards Pokemon TCG Pocket - List of Stage 2 Pokemon CardsStage 2 Pokemon Cards
Trainer Cards
Pokemon TCG Pocket - List of Item CardsItem Cards Pokemon TCG Pocket - List of Supporter CardsSupporter Cards
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Cards by Generation
Pikachu Icon Generation 1 Cards Gen 1 Celebi Icon Generation 2 Cards Gen 2 Gardevoir Icon Generation 3 Cards Gen 3
Lumineon Icon Generation 4 Cards Gen 4 Cinccino Icon Generation 5 Cards Gen 5 Froakie Icon Generation 6 Cards Gen 6
Bruxish Icon Generation 7 Cards Gen 7 Wooloo Icon Generation 8 Cards Gen 8 -
Misc. Card Lists
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Best Pokemon TCG Pocket Tier ListBest Cards Tier List
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Pokemon TCG Pocket - List of ex Pokemon Cardsex Pokemon Cards Pokemon TCG Pocket - Pokemon Cards with AbilitiesPokemon Cards with Abilities


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