Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP)

Best Palkia ex Decks and Card List

Palkia ex Deck

This guide will show you how to build a Palkia ex Deck, one of the most powerful and reliable deck archetypes since the release of the Space-Time Smackdown Expansion of Pokemon TCG Pocket. We'll cover the best Palkia ex Deck builds, how to use them, as well how to beat Palkia ex Decks, and more!

Best Palkia ex Decks

Best Palkia ex Deck Variants
Deck Icon Palkia ex and 18 Trainers Deck
[★ New ★]
• Focuses primarily on Palkia ex with 18 Trainer Cards.
• Has 18 cards worth of support options.
• Requires opponents to take two ex KOs.
Deck Icon Origin Forme Palkia Deck
[★ New ★]
• Has access to Origin Forme Palkia, a single-point attacker that doesn't use up resources.
• All Pokemon in the deck can get powered up by Manaphy.
Deck Icon Palkia ex and Vaporeon Deck • Is very energy-efficientand flexible with Vaporeon and Leaf.
• Has powerful attackers in Palkia ex and Articuno ex, who are also Misty payoffs.
• Giant Cape makes the Pokemon in the deck difficult to OHKO.
Deck Icon Palkia ex and Starmie ex • Has a powerful backip attacker in Starmie ex, who can 2HKO most exs, or OHKO most low HP Basics.
• Cannot fully rely on multiple Palkia ex attacks.
• Has access to Dawn, which can move an Energy to your Active when necessary.
Deck Icon Palkia ex and Yanmega ex • Has Yanmega ex as a backup attacker, who has a cheaper Attack Cost than Palkia ex, and can OHKO Darkrai ex if it doesn't have Giant Cape.
• Cannot fully rely on multiple Palkia ex attacks.
• Has access to Dawn, which can move an Energy to your Active when necessary.

Palkia ex and 18 Trainers Deck

Palkia ex ×2 Misty ×2 Giovanni ×1 Sabrina ×2
Giant Cape ×2 Rocky Helmet ×1 Cyrus ×1 Mars ×1
Irida ×2 Potion ×2 Poke Ball ×2 Professor's Research ×2
Energy Used
Water Icon

This deck focuses solely on Palkia ex, attacking and winning with it. Everything else in the deck is geared towards supporting Palkia ex and Palkia ex alone.

Deck Building Guide

Packs Needed for Dialga ex Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Promo-A Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Genetic Apex (A1) Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Genetic Apex (A1) Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Mythical Island (A1a) Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Space-Time Smackdown (A2) Dialga Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Space-Time Smackdown (A2) Palkia Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Space-Time Smackdown (A2) Pack

Hover over with your Cursor or Tap the packs to see which cards can be found in each pack!

Origin Forme Palkia Deck

Palkia ex ×2 Manaphy ×2 Origin Forme Palkia ×2 Misty ×2
Sabrina ×1 Leaf ×2 Giant Cape ×2 Cyrus ×1
Irida ×2 Poke Ball ×2 Professor's Research ×2
Energy Used
Water Icon

Origin Forme Palkia is an effective single-point attacker that can do 120 damage on a lucky heads flip. It also doesn't require you to commit to discarding 3 Energy the way that Palkia ex does.

Having Origin Forme Palkia as an attacker frees up your Palkia ex for the late-game, making for impactful Dimensional Storms, and less frequent uneventful turns afterwards.

Packs Needed for Origin Forme Palkia Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Promo-A Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Genetic Apex (A1) Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Genetic Apex (A1) Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Mythical Island (A1a) Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Space-Time Smackdown (A2) Dialga Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Space-Time Smackdown (A2) Palkia Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Triumphant Light (A2a) Pack

Hover over with your Cursor or Tap the packs to see which cards can be found in each pack!

Palkia ex and Vaporeon Deck

Articuno ex ×1 Vaporeon ×2 Eevee ×1 Palkia ex ×2
Manaphy ×2 Misty ×2 Sabrina ×1 Leaf ×2
Giant Cape ×2 Cyrus ×1 Poke Ball ×2 Professor's Research ×2
Energy Used
Water Icon

Palkia ex and Vaporeon is possibly the best Palkia ex deck, because it has the option to use Dimensional Storm consecutively if it has enough Energy. Manaphy is a huge factor to this strategy, getting lots of Energy on the board. It synergizes with Vaporeon, who can then Wash Out the Energy onto your Active attacker.

Besides the flexibility given by Vaporeon, it also has mobility from Leaf, which allows you to retreat for 2 less Energy.

Packs Needed for Dialga ex Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Promo-A Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Genetic Apex (A1) Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Genetic Apex (A1) Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Mythical Island (A1a) Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Space-Time Smackdown (A2) Dialga Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Space-Time Smackdown (A2) Palkia Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Space-Time Smackdown (A2) Pack

Hover over with your Cursor or Tap the packs to see which cards can be found in each pack!

Palkia ex and Starmie ex Deck

Staryu ×2 Starmie ex ×2 Articuno ex ×1 Palkia ex ×2
Manaphy ×2 Misty ×2 Sabrina ×1 Leaf ×2
Cyrus ×1 Dawn ×1 Poke Ball ×2 Professor's Research ×2
Energy Used
Water Icon

Starmie ex is a solid backup attacker that can 2HKO most exs and OHKO low HP Basics. It also has a free Retreat Cost, which is very useful for when it has to get out of trouble.

Palkia ex and Articuno ex are your targets for Misty, as they can take better advantage of it than Staryu or Starmie ex can, both of which only need few Energy to attack.

Packs Needed for Exeggutor ex and Celebi ex
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Promo-A Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Genetic Apex (A1) Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Mythical Island (A1a) Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Space-Time Smackdown (A2) Dialga Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Space-Time Smackdown (A2) Palkia Pack

Hover over with your Cursor or Tap the packs to see which cards can be found in each pack!

Palkia ex and Yanmega ex

Yanma ×2 Yanmega ex ×2 Palkia ex ×2 Manaphy ×2
Misty ×2 Leaf ×1 Cyrus ×1 Dawn ×2
Mars ×1 X Speed ×1 Poke Ball ×2 Professor's Research ×2
Energy Used
Water Icon

The secondary attacker of choice in this deck list is Yanmega ex. It can reliably OHKO Darkrai ex and Weavile ex, while being out of range of getting KOd by other Yanmega ex itself. Yanma and Yanmega ex unfortunately share a weakness with Palkia ex and Manaphy.

Palkia ex and Manaphy are in this deck list too, to enact their respective gameplans as attacker and support.

Packs Needed for Exeggutor ex and Yanmega ex
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Promo-A Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Genetic Apex (A1) Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Mythical Island (A1a) Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Space-Time Smackdown (A2) Dialga Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Space-Time Smackdown (A2) Palkia Pack

Hover over with your Cursor or Tap the packs to see which cards can be found in each pack!

Palkia ex Deck Guide

Ace Pokemon Tier Ranking
Palkia ex
Space-Time Smackdown (A2)
A+ Tier
Energy Type(s)
F2P Friendly?
Deck Difficulty
Deck Strengths
Pokeball Icon Usually has access to Manaphy, which can set Palkia ex up for offense later in the game.

Pokeball Icon Palkia ex is still great in the early game because of its 30 damage Slash.

Pokeball Icon Has access to Misty, which may give it the capability to immediately attack after lucky flips.
Deck Weaknesses
Pokeball Icon May have difficulty taking on speedy Lightning decks.

Pokeball Icon A Water deck that is not solely reliant on Misty for acceleration.

Palkia ex Deck Strategies

Palkia ex Deck Strategies

Strategy 1: Accelerate Energy to Palkia ex

Start the game with Manaphy whenever possible and focus on getting as much Energy on the board as you can. You can alternatively use Misty and hope for good flips.

Strategy 2: Palkia ex Offense

Once there is enough Water Energy on your board, start attacking with Palkia ex or any of your other Pokemon ex!

How to Beat Palkia ex Decks

Attack it for Weakness

Dedicated Lightning decks can threaten quick damage on our Pokemon, forcing unfavorable damage trades. Decks can also slot in a Rotom, which can consistently OHKO Manaphy, even if it has a Giant Cape.

Magnezone can also notably deal lots of damage to our Pokemon, while being a single point attacker itself, making prize and damage trades very unfavorable.

In matchups versus type disadvantage, getting lucky on Misty flips is important, otherwise we risk not being able to catch up to our opponent's momentum.

Pachirisu ex Deck

Bad Misty Flips

Palkia ex decks, like other Misty decks, run the chance of flipping poorly on Misty turns. While lucky heads flips can often mean a large momentum swing in our favor, an unlucky tails flip means an unproductive supporter was used for our turn.

While we do play Misty, it is important to be mindful with our Energy attachments and aim to have productive turns.

Best Misty Decks

Palkia ex Tournament Results

Palkia ex Tournament Results
Ursiiday's Pocket Weekly #15
Victory Road - February Challenge
2nd, 3rd
FrogEX Space-Time Smackdown

Since its introduction in Space-Time Smackdown, Palkia ex would have sporadic appearances in top 4s, but frequent appearances in top 8s. Its failure to capture consistent first place finishes could likely be attributed to Misty's luck based nature, whereas more consistent decks who are not reliant on coin flips get to enjoy more success.

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Best Meta Decks Tier List

Meta Decks

S Tier Decks
Arceus exArceus ex
A+ Tier Decks
CarnivineCarnivine Rampardos exRampardos CrobatCrobat
Magnezone and SkarmoryMagnezone and Skarmory Exeggutor ex exExeggutor ex HeatranHeatran
Charizard exCharizard ex Palkia exPalkia ex Darkrai exDarkrai ex
Weavile exWeavile ex Yanmega exYanmega ex Origin Forme PalkiaOrigin Forme Palkia
A Tier Decks
Leafeon exLeafeon ex Garchomp exGarchomp ex Probopass exProbopass ex
Infernape exInfernape ex Pachirisu exPachirisu ex Gyarados ex and GreninjaGyarados ex and Greninja
Pikachu exPikachu ex Dialga exDialga ex Articuno exArticuno ex
Gallade exGallade ex AbomasnowAbomasnow Celebi exCelebi ex
B Tier Decks
Glaceon exGlaceon ex BronzongBronzong TyranitarTyranitar
StaraptorStaraptor DonphanDonphan Starmie ex and Articuno exStarmie ex and Articuno ex
Mewtwo ex and GardevoirMewtwo ex and Gardevoir GolemGolem Pidgeot exPidgeot ex
Scolipede and WeezingScolipede and Weezing GarchompGarchomp Porygon-ZPorygon-Z
Arcanine exArcanine ex Dialga ex and BastiodonDialga ex and Bastiodon -
C Tier Decks
Houndoom Deck
Snorlax Deck
Lucario Deck
Pikachu ex and Raichu Deck
Venusaur ex Deck
Volkner Deck
Togekiss Deck
Aerodactyl ex Deck
Alakazam and Jynx Deck
Dragonite Deck
Machamp ex Deck
Blastoise ex Deck
Marowak ex Deck
Torterra Deck
Empoleon Deck
Mismagius ex Deck
Volcarona and Arcanine ex Deck
Wigglytuff ex Deck
Gengar ex Deck

Off Meta Decks

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Space-Time Smackdown Logo (A2)
Dialga ex and Lickilicky ex Deck
Lake Trio Deck
Rhyperior Deck
Togekiss Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Genetic Apex Logo(A1) Pokemon TCG Pocket - Mythical Island Logo (A1a)
Arbok Lock Deck
Brock Deck
Cinccino Deck
Frosmoth Deck
Kingler and Articuno ex Deck
Lt. Surge Deck
Melmetal Deck
Mewtwo ex and Weezing Deck
Primeape Deck
Venusaur ex and Weezing Deck
Victreebel and Exeggutor ex Deck
Gyarados ex and Vaporeon Deck
Mew ex and Weezing Deck
Vaporeon and Articuno ex Deck

Deck-Building Guides and Articles

All Deck Guides
Deck Building Guide Best Cards Tier List
Best Rental Deck Tier List Best F2P Beginner Decks
Deck Articles
How Rental Decks Work Staple Cards for Decks
Aggro Decks Explained Deck Matchup Statistics
Best 18 Trainers Decks Best Misty Decks
Best Erika Decks 10 Match Tests vs Pikachu ex Deck - Statistics
List of Meme or Troll Decks -


1 Anonymous27 days

This deck is wild lmfao everyone just ff's


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