Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP)

Time Limit Explained

Time Limit Explained
Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket (PTCG Pocket) will feature 20 minute rounds for battles. Read on to learn more about this time limit and why it is good for gameplay!

What is the Time Limit?

Twenty Minutes for the Whole Match

Time Limit Explained

Players in Pokemon TCG Pocket are given twenty minutes total to take three points and win the game.

When a player's time runs out, points will be checked to see who wins the match. If both players have the same number of points at the end of the time limit, the Battle ends in a draw.

A twenty minute round limit fits perfectly with Pokemon TCG Pocket's simplified rules, making it so games can be enjoyed quickly and casually.

It also insentivises following the game's natural flow by wrapping up games quickly, and taking no more than twenty minutes.

Nintey Seconds Per Turn

Turn Time Limit
You are given 90 seconds for your turn to do all the game actions you can do.

When the 90 seconds run out, your turn will end, passing the turn over to the opponent.

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1 Anonymous5 months

yeah except opponents get salty and let their timers run out and somehow the game decides that I lose the game. fix this crap!


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