Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP)

Best Cards to Pull from Genetic Apex Charizard Pack

Best Cards to Pull Charizard (A1) - Pokemon TCG Pocket
Charizard EX is the best card to pull from the Genetic Apex Charizard Pack in Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket (PTCG Pocket). Learn more about booster pack ratings, card rankings and the best cards for this booster pack, and rare cards here!

Charizard Booster Pack Rating

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Charizard Genetic Apex Booster PackCharizard Genetic Apex Rating
Pokemon TCG - Pokeball icon Booster Pack for Charizard ex Deck.
Pokemon TCG - Pokeball icon Contains Starmie ex and Sabrina who are valuable to most decks.
Pokemon TCG - Pokeball icon Can be rerolled if building a Charizard ex deck.

List of Charizard Pack Cards in Genetic Apex (A1)

Best Pulls in Charizard Booster Pack

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Charizard Genetic Apex Booster Pack Charizard Pack
A1 036 A1 023 A1 038 A1 047 A1 076 A1 089 A1 203 A1 219 A1 221 A1 225

Best and Rarest Pull Rates

Charizard Booster Pack Card Ranking

Tier Card
S Tier
A Tier
B Tier

※ Ranking is based on the power of a pokemon's final evolution
※ Order from left to right has no relevance to ranking
※ Tap the card for more details!

S-Tier Cards

Card Details
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 036 Charizard exCharizard ex HP:180
Type: Fire
Energy Cost: 4
Attack: 200
※ Highest damage in the current meta
※ Can one-shot pokemon
※ Compatible with other Fire ex cards
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 076 Starmie exStarmie ex HP:130
Type: Pokemon TCG Pocket - Water Energy
Energy Cost: 2
Attack: 90
※ Good for aggressive play styles
※ Only needs 1 evolution
※ Retreat does not cost energy
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 225 SabrinaSabrina Switch out your opponent’s Active Pokemon to the Bench. (Your opponent chooses the new Active Pokemon.)
※ Can switch out opponent's active pokemon
※ Can win the game if played strategically

A-Tier Cards

Card Details
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 047 Moltres exMoltres ex HP:140
Type: Fire
Energy Cost: 1-3
Attack: 70
※Can generate extra energy for Benched Pokemon
※Highly compatible with Charizard ex
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 093 FrosmothFrosmoth HP:90
Type: Water
Energy Cost: 2
Attack: 40, Sleep Effect
※Use extra turns to develop Benched Pokemon
※Needs to have the 1st turn
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 198 FarfetchFarfetch'd HP:60
Type: Colorless
Energy Cost: 1
Attack: 50
※Colorless Energy makes it adaptable to any deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 203 KangaskhanKangaskhan HP:100
Type: Colorless
Energy Cost: 1
Attack: 60
※High HP
※Colorless Energy makes it adaptable to any deck

B-Tier Cards

Card Details
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 023 Exeggutor exExeggutor ex HP:160
Type: Grass
Energy Cost: 1
Attack: 40-80
※At maximum damage, does 80 atk for 1 energy
※Only needs 1 evolution
※Damage relies on a coin flip
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 030 LilligantLilligant HP:100
Type: Grass
Energy Cost: 2
Attack: 50
※Earns extra Grass-type energy if in the Active spot
※Recommended for Venusaur ex Decks
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 038 NinetalesNinetales HP:90
Type: Fire
Energy Cost: 2
Attack: 90
※Only needs 1 evolution
※Does bonus damage with Blaine
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 043 RapidashRapidash HP:100
Type: Fire
Energy Cost: 1
Attack: 40
※Fast attacks
※Only needs 1 evolution
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 089 GreninjaGreninja HP:130
Type: Water
Energy Cost: 2
Attack: 60
※Can attack any pokemon on the board once per turn
※Can attack while Benched
※Needs 2 evolutions
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 146 Machamp exMachamp ex HP:180
Type: Fighting
Energy Cost: 3
Attack: 120
※Very simple moveset
※Does not stand out compared to other ex cards
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 165 ArbokArbok HP:100
Type: Dark
Energy Cost: 2
Attack: 60
※Prevents pokemon from escaping
※Best paired with Pidgeot to interrupt opponent's strategies
※ Only needs 1 evolution
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 219 ErikaErika Heal 50 damage from 1 of your Grass Pokemon.
※Highly recommended for Grass-type decks
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 221 BlaineBlaine During this turn, attacks used by your Ninetales, Rapidash, or Magmar do +30 damage to your opponent's Active Pokemon.
Attack: 80, Sleep Effect
※These pokemon only need 1 evolution so they are easy to set up

Pokemon TCG Pocket Best Cards Tier List

Charizard Booster Pack Rare Cards

Card Illustration
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 012 GloomGloom
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 023 Exeggutor exExeggutor ex
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 026 PinsirPinsir
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 033 CharmanderCharmander
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 036 Charizard exCharizard ex
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 043 RapidashRapidash
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 047 Moltres exMoltres ex
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 076 Starmie exStarmie ex
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 079 LaprasLapras
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 117 AlakazamAlakazam
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 118 SlowpokeSlowpoke
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 146 Machamp exMachamp ex
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 196 MeowthMeowth
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 208 EeveeEevee
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 219 ErikaErika
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 221 BlaineBlaine
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 225 SabrinaSabrina

Best and Rarest Pull Rates

Charizard Booster Pack Card List

List of Cards
Oddish Gloom Vileplume Bellsprout Weepinbell
Victreebel Exeggcute Exeggutor Exeggutor ex Tangela
Pinsir Cottonee Whimsicott Petilil Lilligant
Skiddo Gogoat Charmander Charmeleon Charizard
Charizard ex Vulpix Ninetales Ponyta Rapidash
Magmar Flareon Moltres Moltres ex Heatmor
Sizzlipede Centiskorch Psyduck Golduck Poliwag
Poliwhirl Poliwrath Staryu Starmie Starmie ex
Lapras Ducklett Swanna Froakie Frogadier
Greninja Pyukumuku Bruxish Snom Frosmoth
Blitzle Zebstrika Helioptile Heliolisk Pincurchin
Abra Kadabra Alakazam Slowpoke Slowbro
Woobat Swoobat Golett Golurk Sandshrew
Sandslash Mankey Primeape Machop Machoke
Machamp Machamp ex Hitmonchan Kabuto Kabutops
Clobbopus Grapploct Ekans Arbok Mawile
Pawniard Bisharp Meltan Melmetal Rattata
Raticate Spearow Fearow Meowth Persian
Farfetch'd Doduo Dodrio Kangaskhan Tauros
Eevee Minccino Cinccino Wooloo Dubwool
Dome Fossil Erika Blaine Sabrina Gloom
Pinsir Charmander Rapidash Lapras Alakazam
Slowpoke Meowth Exeggutor ex Charizard ex Moltres ex
Starmie ex Machamp ex Erika Blaine Sabrina
Moltres ex Machamp ex Charizard ex Charizard ex Pikachu ex
Mewtwo ex Oddish Gloom Bellossom Roselia
Roserade Burmy Wormadam Mow Rotom Slugma
Magcargo Heat Rotom Buizel Floatzel Finneon
Lumineon Snover Abomasnow Wash Rotom Frost Rotom
Magnemite Magneton Magnezone Voltorb Electrode
Togepi Togetic Togekiss Uxie Mesprit
Azelf Nosepass Regirock Poochyena Mightyena
Skorupi Drapion Skarmory Probopass Eevee
Aipom Ambipom Fan Rotom Regigigas Palkia ex
Dialga ex

Genetic Apex Card List (A1)

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