Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP)

Best Cards Tier List

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Best Pokemon TCG Pocket Tier List
This is a tier list of the best cards to use in Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket (PTCG Pocket). Read on for a tier list and ranking of the best Pokemon and Trainer cards to use!

Pokemon TCG Pocket Tier Lists
Best Pokemon Cards Best Trainer Cards Best Meta Decks
Best Rental Decks Best F2P Decks Tier List Maker

PTCG Pocket Best Pokemon Cards Tier List

Tier Card
S Tier.png
Gyarados ex Druddigon Pikachu ex
A Tier.png
Mewtwo ex Mew ex ex Exeggutor ex Weezing Golem Celebi ex Articuno ex
B Tier
Starmie ex Zebstrika Greninja Marshadow Vaproeon
C Tier
Tauros Aerodactyl ex Pidgeot ex Hitmonlee Serperior Scolipede

List of All Cards

Best Card Tier List Criteria

S The best cards are in the S tier, which are cards that will always be impactful whenever they are played. These are cards that must always be answered or else they will take over a game.
A Tier A Tier cards are cards that are also powerful but do not necessarily centralize a game when they are on the field.
B Tier B Tier cards are less impactful but are still worth using in a deck.
C Tier C Tier cards are good but may have better alternatives available.

Pokemon TCG Pocket Tier List Maker


Powerful cards are cards that are able to implement a deck's strategy consistently and effectively. Its ability to be effective at all times is a consideration for a card's placing on this list.

Impact on Games

A card coming into play should be impactful at any stage of the game. It should also be able to give the player advantage of some sort, incentivizing its inclusion in the deck.

Oftentimes, Pokemon ex are impactful. But strong cards are not limited to only Pokemon ex.

Pokemon TCG Pocket Meta Guide

S Tier

Card Commentary

Gyarados ex
HP: 180
Type: Water

・ Difficult to KO once set up.
・Can deal a good 140 damage with Rampaging Whirlpool.

HP: 100
Type: Dragon

・ Can deal damage with its Rough Skin Ability.
・ Decent 100 HP and Rough Skin makes it the best stall Pokemon available for decks that require setup.

Pikachu ex
HP: 120
Type: Lightning

・ Can consistently hit for 90 with Circle Circuit.
・ Inexpensive Retreat Cost.

A Tier Cards

Card Commentary

Mewtwo ex
HP: 150
Type: Psychic

・ Psychic Sphere can OHKO Staryu and other 50 HP Pokemon.
・ Psydrive can OHKO most Pokemon in the format.

Mew ex
HP: 130
Type: Psychic

・Colorless Energy cost for Genome Hacking makes it easy to splash in most decks.
・Genome Hacking allows it to use attacks like Mewtwo ex's Psydrive, or Charizard ex's Crimson Storm and KO those Pokemon.

Exeggutor ex
HP: 160
Type: Grass

・ Huge 160 HP lets it stay in the battle for longer.
・ Can deal 40 to 80 damage with Tropical Swing.

HP: 110
Type: Darkness

・Solid 110 HP.
・Can reliably deal damage with Gas Leak and Tackle.
・Can be protected with Koga, scooping it out of the Active Spot, denying your opponents a point.

Celebi ex
HP: 130
Type: Grass

・ Can be loaded up with lots of Energy to deal huge damage with lucky flips using Powerful Bloom.

Articuno ex
HP: 140
Type: Water

・ Can sweep through unprepared teams with a successful Misty.
・ Blizzard deals damage to Benched Pokemon.
・ Blizzard can 2HKO most ex Pokemon.

B Tier Cards

Card Commentary

Starmie ex
HP: 130
Type: Water

・ Hydro Splash is good value for 2 Water Energy, dealing 90 damage.
・ Free retreat cost.
・ Easy to set up because it is a Stage 1.

HP: 90
Type: Lightning

・ Can help put your opponent's Pokemon in range for KOs using its Water Shuriken Ability.

HP: 120
Type: Water

・ Quick and efficient snipe that lets you KO Magikarp before they evolve.

HP: 80
Type: Fighting

・ Can easily deal 100 damage for only 2 Energy after one of your Pokemon has been knocked out the previous turn.

HP: 160
Type: Fighting

・Works as a win condition that's very difficult to take out once set up..

HP: 120
Type: Water

・ Synergizes with Leaf to keep your board state efficient with your Energy.

C Tier Cards

Card Commentary

HP: 100
Type: Colorless

・ Can do 120 damage to ex Pokemon for only 3 Energy, making it a good slot-in to non-ex decks.

Aerodactyl ex
HP: 140
Type: Fighting

・ Efficient 2 Energy attack that deals 80 damage with Land Crush.
・Good Ability in Primeval Law that prevents your opponent's Active Pokemon from evolving.

Pidgeot ex
HP: 170
Type: Colorless

・ Reliably does 140 damage if your opponent has a full Bench, and synergizes with Pokemon Flute to keep your opponent's Bench full.

HP: 80
Type: Fighting

・ Quick and efficient snipe that lets you KO Magikarp before they evolve.

HP: 110
Type: Grass

・Can double the Grass Energy on your Grass Pokemon.
. ・Synergizes with Celebi ex, doubling the amount of coins it flips with Powerful Bloom.

HP: 140
Type: Darkness

・ Synergizes with Weezing to score decisive KOs on ex Pokemon like Mewtwo ex.

PTCG Pocket Best Trainer Cards Tier List

Tier Card
S Tier.png
Professor Poke Ball Sabrina Leaf
A Tier.png
Blue X Speed Misty Potion Giovanni Red Card
B Tier.png
Mythical Slab Budding Expeditioner Blaine Erika Lt. Surge Koga Brock
Trainer Cards
List of Supporter Cards List of Item Cards

Best Card Tier List Criteria

S S Tier Trainer cards are cards that should be run by every deck that can. These are staples and should be considered early into the deck building process.
A Tier A Tier Trainer cards are cards that are also powerful but do are not always necessary in a deck. These cards may give situational benefits, which may also be seen as essential, but not as much as S Tier Trainer cards.
B Tier B Tier Trainer cards give advantageous effects but are hindered by conditions of some sort. They may be limited to usage on only specific Pokemon, which may limit their splashability to every deck.

Pokemon TCG Pocket Tier List Maker


Trainer cards should always be able to give you an advantage in a match. A Trainer card's consistency is indicated by how often it can bring you a desired result or advantage in a match.


The best Trainer cards are easy to slot in because of their obvious utility, which makes them staples. These staples are usable at any point in the game and can gain you an advantage whenever you play them.

S Tier Trainer Cards

Card Commentary

Professor's Research
・ Essential to every deck.
・ Helps find cards needed for any situation.

Poke Ball
・ Can help thin the deck and get a Basic Pokemon out.
・ Great in all decks.

・ Can help draw out an opponent's Benched Pokemon.
・ Can sometimes disrupt an opponent's gameplan by bringing out a Pokemon that they have to pay to retreat with.

・ Helps with heavy Retreat Costs. Best used with 2 Retreat Pokemon like Druddigon or Moltres ex.

A Tier Trainer Cards

Card Commentary

・Can keep your Pokemon out of KO range.
・Best used by Pikachu ex decks, keeping Pikachu out of KO range of Arcanine ex or Ninetales with Blaine.

X Speed
・ Reduces Retreat Cost, making retreating easier.

・ Can help Water Pokemon like Articuno ex sweep earlier than it should be able to.
・ Even 1 heads can put you one turn ahead.

・ Can get damaged Pokemon out of KO range in plenty of situations.

・ Can help score decisive KOs if damage is short by exactly 10.

Red Card
・ Can disrupt opponent's gameplan by reducing their hand size and giving them a new hand of 3.
・ Can be annoying early or late game.

B Tier Cards

Card Commentary

Mythical Slab
・ Makes Psychic decks like Mewtwo ex more consistent by giving it more options to go deeper into the deck and find evolutions.

Budding Expeditioner
・Can scoop a Mew ex out of the Active Spot, protecting it from getting KOd.

・ Perfect for Fire decks that run Magmar, Rapidash, or Ninetales, allowing them to deal more damage.

・ Can keep Grass Pokemon healthy for longer in matches.

Lt. Surge
・ Can help quickly set up a Raichu with Magneton as a secondary attacker in Pikachu ex decks.

・ Great for getting Muk and Weezing out of trouble.
・ Great for Dragonite decks that run Weezing.

・ Great in decks that run both Golem and Onix, giving them the option to ramp.

Pokemon TCG Pocket Related Guides

Tier Lists
Pokemon TCG Pocket Tier Lists

Tier Lists

All Tier Lists
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Best Rental Deck Tier List Best F2P Beginner Decks

Tier List By Type

Best Pokemon Decks and Cards by Type
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Colorless Type Icon.png Colorless Pokemon TCG Pocket - Grass Type Icon.png Grass Pokemon TCG Pocket - Fire Type Icon.png Fire Pokemon TCG Pocket - Water Type Icon.png Water Pokemon TCG Pocket - Psychic Type Icon.png Psychic
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Fighting Type Icon.png Fighting Pokemon TCG Pocket - Lightning Type Icon.png Lightning Pokemon TCG Pocket - Metal Type Icon.png Metal Pokemon TCG Pocket - Darkness Type Icon.png Darkness Pokemon TCG Pocket - Dragon Type Icon.png Dragon

Best Pack Pulls

Best Pack Pulls
Pikachu Genetic Apex Booster PackBest Pikachu Pack Pulls Pokemon TCG Pocket - Charizard Genetic Apex Booster PackBest Charizard Pack Pulls Mewtwo Genetic Apex Booster Pack - Pokemon TCG PocketBest Mewtwo Pack Pulls


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Tier List Maker


3 Anonymous2 months

It's probably the fact that Omastar is a stage 2 pokemon and needs 3 energy to attack, which makes it less accessible

2 Anonymous2 months

What about Omastar use Sabrina then hit the Pokemon now they can't attack if you put Arbok you put Omastar


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