Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP)

Primeape Deck Strategy Guide and Card List

Pokemon TGC Pocket - Primeape Deck Deck Build and How to Play

The Primeape Deck is a High-Damage Fighting-type Deck featuring Primeape and Marowak ex from the Genetic Apex Set in Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket (PTCG Pocket). Read on for the complete list of cards in this deck, basic information on the deck, how to play the deck, and optimal matchups for it!

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Primeape Deck Guide

Deck Evaluation

Ace Pokemon Tier Ranking
Genetic Apex (A1)
Marowak ex
Genetic Apex (A1)
B Tier
Energy Type(s)
F2P Friendly?
Deck Difficulty
Deck Strengths
Pokeball Icon Primeape can deal 100 damage to its attacker If it has damage on it.

Pokeball Icon Marowak ex is also a powerful attacker.
Deck Weaknesses
Pokeball Icon Heavily dependent on coin flips to maximize damage.

Pokeball Icon Primeape struggles against aggro decks due to its low HP.

Best Meta Decks Tier List

List of Cards

Primeape Deck List
Pokemon Cards
Primeape ×2 Cubone ×2 Marowak ex ×2 Mankey ×2
Trainer Cards
Sabrina ×2 Potion ×2 X Speed ×2 Poke Ball ×2
Red Card ×2 Professor's Research ×2

Deck Building Guide

Packs Required for Primeape Deck

Pack Featured Card
Pokemon TCG Pocket  Promo-A Image
Pokemon TCG Pocket  Genetic Apex (Mewtwo) Image
Pokemon TCG Pocket  Genetic Apex (Charizard) Image

How to Play Primeape Deck

How to Play Primeape Deck

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Primeape Deck Core Combos and Interactions

Main Attacker Tankier Alternative Description
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 142 PrimeapePrimeape Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 153 Marowak exMarowak ex ・Primeape can deal 100 damage via Fight Back if it has damage on it, demanding that it be OHKOd or not damaged at all.
・Marowak ex can replace Primeape if it's in a unfavorable matchup for a tankier Pokemon.

Best Starting Hand

Best Starting Hand

Having Mankey and Primeape right away allows you to setup the deck early on since Primeape is only a Stage 1 evolution. With Sabrina in hand, you can prevent Primeape from facing unfavorable matchups and keep the Pokemon active.

Meanwhile, you can evolve Cubone to Marowak ex while it's still benched in case you need to replace Primeape.

Going second, Promo Mankey's Reckless Charge can set up for a Primeape sweep because it damages itself for 10. This is a risky play though, as it can get KOd by a 40 damage attack like Farfetch'd's Leek Slap.

Other Good Starting Cards

Recommended Starting Hand

Much like the one above, having Mankey and Primeape right away allows you to setup the deck early. But if you have X Speed instead of Sabrina in hand, you can use it to allow Primeape to retreat with no cost if it's in a unfavorable matchup and play Marowak ex.

Best Cards Tier List

Primeape Deck Strategies

Primeape Deck Strategies

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Strategy 1: Primeape's Fight Back

Once Primeape is setup, it can utilize Fight Back to deal 100 damage to your opponent's active Pokemon. Since Primeape has quite a low HP and needs to take damage to trigger Fight Back's bonus damage effect, having Potion in hand allows Primeape to survive longer in the Active Spot. Do note that Primeape's damage buff is negated if it's healed back to full health.

Should Primeape face an unfavorable matchup, using Sabrina allows Primeape to avoid that situation.

Strategy 2: Marowak ex Switch

If you have Marowak ex benched and Primeape is facing an unfavorable matchup, use X Speed to allow Primeape to retreat at no cost, then put Marowak ex as the active Pokemon.

Game Phases

Early Game

Key Card(s) Required
Step Description
1 As soon as Mankey evolves into Primeape, keep it in the active zone for as long as possible to deal damage.
2 Use Potion when needed to keep Primeape healthy.


Key Card(s) Required
Step Description
1 At this point, Cubone should already be evolved to Marowak ex in case Primeape needs to be swapped out.
2 Use X Speed to allow Primeape to retreat with no cost.

Late Game

Key Card(s) Required
1 Should Primeape face an unfavorable matchup, use Sabrina to force the opponent to bench its active Pokemon.

Primeape Deck Best and Worst Matchups

Best Matchups

Deck Commentary
Type: None

・The Primeape deck isn't particularly good against specific decks due to its low durability and high dependency on coin flips.

Worst Matchups

Deck Commentary

Pikachu ex Decks
Type: Lightning

・Due to its low HP and despite its type advantage, Primeape struggles against aggro decks like Pikachu ex.

Overall Consistency

Although the deck has strong damage potential, Primeape needs to take damage to maximize Fight Back's damage while Marowak ex's Bonemerang damage depends highly on coin flips. This makes the deck highly inconsistent for the most part.

Primeape Deck F2P & Substitutes

Primeape Deck Card Substitutes

Card Explanation

・ Non-ex Marowak gives the deck another non-ex option.

・ Golbat is a Darkness-type Pokemon that can attack for Colorless, making it a splashable option for this deck.
・ Golbat can improve the deck's matchup against Mewtwo ex decks, being able to damage them for weakness and being out of range of Psychic Sphere.

Pokemon TCG Pocket Meta Guide

Primeape Deck Other Viable Options

Card Possible Cuts


・ Replacing Red Card with Giovanni boosts the deck's damage potential and is a favorable exchange.

Primeape and Hitmonchan Deck List

Primeape and Hitmonchan Deck List
Pokemon Cards
Mankey x2 Primeape x2 Cubone x2 Marowak ex x2
Hitmonchan x2
Trainer Cards
Potion x2 Sabrina x2 Poke Ball x2 Professor's Research x2
X Speed x2

Having Hitmonchan improves the deck's matchup against Pikachu ex or any aggro decks. Cutting out Red Card completely for Hitmonchan is a favorable exchange for the deck as the Red Card can actually help your opponent's setup.

Pokemon TCG Pocket Beginner's Guide

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Meta Decks

Best Meta Decks
Mewtwo exMewtwo ex Celebi ex and SerperiorCelebi ex and Serperior Pikachu exPikachu ex
Gyarados ex and GreninjaGyarados ex and Greninja Vaporeon and Articuno exVaporeon and Articuno ex Volcarona and Arcanine exVolcarona and Arcanine ex
Scolipede and WeezingScolipede and Weezing Starmie ex and Articuno exStarmie ex and Articuno ex Arcanine exArcanine ex
BlaineBlaine Pikachu ex and RaichuPikachu ex and Raichu Gyarados ex and VaporeonGyarados ex and Vaporeon
Pidgeot exPidgeot ex Charizard exCharizard ex Aerodactyl ex and PrimeapeAerodactyl ex and Primeape
Exeggutor exExeggutor ex Lt. SurgeLt. Surge DragoniteDragonite
Alakazam and JynxAlakazam and Jynx Mew ex and WeezingMew ex and Weezing GolemGolem

Off Meta Decks

Articuno exArticuno ex Venusaur exVenusaur ex Dragonite and WeezingDragonite and Weezing
Lapras exLapras ex Greninja Greninja Mewtwo ex and Weezing Mewtwo ex and Weezing
Marowak exMarowak ex PrimeapePrimeape Venusaur and WeezingVenusaur and Weezing
ArbokArbok Lock Zapdos exZapdos ex Blastoise exBlastoise ex
Gengar exGengar ex Machamp exMachamp ex Wigglytuff exWigglytuff ex
MelmetalMelmetal KogaKoga Omastar and Articuno exOmastar and Articuno ex
Kingler and Articuno exKingler and Articuno ex FrosmothFrosmoth Lapras ex and ButterfreeLapras ex and Butterfree
PoliwrathPoliwrath Tentacruel and GreninjaTentacruel and Greninja Victreebel and Exeggutor exVictreebel and Exeggutor ex
Gengar ex and GolbatGengar ex and Golbat Persian and MawilePersian and Mawile Lickitung and PrimeapeLickitung and Primeape
Gengar ex and GolbatExeggutor ex and Alakazam Frosmoth and Articuno exFrosmoth and Articuno ex GyaradosGyarados
CentiskorchCentiskorch and Moltres ex Grapploct DeckGrapploct Cincinno and Weezing Cinccino and Weezing
BrockBrock KabutopsKabutops Aerodactyl and DragoniteAerodactyl and Dragonite
Eeveelutions and DittoEeveelutions and Ditto LickitungLickitung ArticunoArticuno
ZapdosZapdos MoltresMoltres VenusaurVenusaur
CharizardCharizard BlastoiseBlastoise

Rental Decks

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Brock Rental DeckBrock Rental Deck Blaine Rental DeckBlaine Rental Deck Lt. Surge Rental DeckLt. Surge Rental Deck

Starter Decks

All Starter Decks
PinsirPinsir Starter Deck RapidashRapidash Starter Deck SandslashSandslash Starter Deck


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