Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP)

List of Meme or Troll Decks

List of Meme or Troll Decks Top Image.png

This guide features meme or troll decks that are usable in Pokemon TCG Pocket. Read on to learn how to use these decks, their featured gimmicks, and how to build them!

List of Meme or Troll Decks

List of Meme or Troll Decks
Deck Icon Toxicroak and Hypno Deck • Toxicroak's Toxic deals more Poison damage than regular Poison.
• Hypno can be even more disruptive, allowing your opponent to take even more Poison damage between turns.
• Darkrai ex can close out games by taking out low HP Pokemon that Toxicroak and Hypno have chipped down.
Deck Icon Gengar ex and Unown Deck • Makes use of Unown and Hand Scope for more effective Red Card and Mars plays.
• Gengar ex can lock opponents out of Supporter cards, which greatly limits their options, allowing Gengar ex to take over the game.
Deck Icon Leafeon ex and Glaceon ex Deck • Lots of HP recovery options, namely Irida, Erika, and Potion.
• Leafeon ex and Glaceon ex can consistently 2HKO most exs or OHKO low HP Basics.
Deck Icon Lucario and Medicham Deck • Medicham can deal 80 damage on a lucky heads flip for only 1 Fighting Energy.
• Lucario can boost Medicham's damage output by 20, allowing Kick Shot to go up to 100 to 120 damage.
• Marshadow and its Revenge work well with your low HP Pokemon, doing 100 damage if one of your Pokemon got KOd the previous turn.

Toxicroak and Hypno Deck

Drowzee ×2 Hypno ×2 Darkrai ex ×2 Croagunk ×2
Toxicroak ×2 Leaf ×2 Pokemon Communication ×2 Team Galactic Grunt ×2
Poke Ball ×2 Professor's Research ×2
Energy Used
Darkness Icon

Inflict Status Conditions to Win

Unlike regular Poison, the Poison from Toxicroak's Toxic will inflict 20 damage per turn instead of 10. This is a significant amount, that can effectively whittle down the opposing Pokemon's life total.

Hypno can put your opponent's Active Pokemon to Sleep, making sure that Toxic deals lots of incremental damage, while Darkrai ex sits on the Bench, dealing incremental damage as well with Nightmare Aura.

Darkrai ex can also work as a late-game payoff, who can take out low HP Pokemon consistently with its 80 damage Dark Prism.

Packs Needed for Toxicroak and Hypno Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Promo-A Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Genetic Apex (A1) Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Mythical Island (A1a) Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Space-Time Smackdown (A2) Dialga Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Triumphant Light (A2a) Pack

Hover over with your Cursor or Tap the packs to see which cards can be found in each pack!

Gengar ex and Unown Deck

Gastly ×2 Haunter ×2 Gengar ex ×2 Unown ×2
Mythical Slab ×2 Mars ×1 X Speed ×2 Hand Scope ×1
Pokedex ×2 Poke Ball ×2 Professor's Research ×2
Energy Used
Psychic Icon

Know Your Opponent's Hand

This deck makes use of Unown and Hand Scope to gain as much information as possible from your opponent. This makes it so Red Card and Mars are even more effective.

Having a Gengar ex set up can also lock your opponents out of their Supporter cards, severely limiting their options.

Packs Needed for Gengar ex and Unown Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Promo-A Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Genetic Apex (A1) Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Mythical Island (A1a) Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Space-Time Smackdown (A2) Palkia Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Triumphant Light (A2a) Pack

Hover over with your Cursor or Tap the packs to see which cards can be found in each pack!

Leafeon ex and Glaceon ex Deck

Eevee ×2 Leafeon ex ×2 Glaceon ex ×1 Erika ×2
Sabrina ×2 Pokemon Communication ×1 Giant Cape ×1 Rocky Helmet ×1
Cyrus ×1 Irida ×2 Potion ×1 Poke Ball ×2
Professor's Research ×2
Energy Used
Water Icon

Recover HP with Erika and Irida

The Leafeon ex and Glaceon ex Deck makes use of only Water Energy from the Energy Zone, relying only on Leafeon ex's Forest Breath Ability to generate Grass Energy.

By attaching only Water Energy, all Pokemon in the deck can benefit from Irida's HP recovery. Using it with Erika can make Leafeon ex highly durable, while Glaceon ex is there to deal damage when necessary.

The Eevee used in this deck is the Mythical Island Eevee, which can high roll for lots of damage. Other Eevee options have more consistent attacks, but they could also be consistently unimpactful with all the healing options available to your opponents.

Packs Needed for Leafeon ex and Glaceon ex Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Promo-A Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Genetic Apex (A1) Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Mythical Island (A1a) Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Space-Time Smackdown (A2) Dialga Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Space-Time Smackdown (A2) Palkia Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Triumphant Light (A2a) Pack

Hover over with your Cursor or Tap the packs to see which cards can be found in each pack!

Lucario and Medicham Deck

Marshadow ×1 Riolu ×2 Lucario ×2 Sudowoodo ×1
Meditite ×2 Medicham ×2 Sabrina ×1 Pokemon Communication ×2
Cyrus ×1 X Speed ×2 Poke Ball ×2 Professor's Research ×2
Energy Used
Fighting Icon

Deal 100 Damage on Turn 2

Medicham can deal 80 damage on a successful coin flip with its Kick Shot Attack, which only costs 1 Fighting Energy. With Lucario on your Bench, its Fighting Coach Ability can buff your Fighting Pokemon's Attacks by 20, which can also stack if you have two Lucarios on your board.

With an ideal board state, you can hit for 100 to 120 damage as early as turn 2!

Packs Needed for Lucario and Medicham Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Promo-A Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Genetic Apex (A1) Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Mythical Island (A1a) Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Space-Time Smackdown (A2) Dialga Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Space-Time Smackdown (A2) Palkia Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Triumphant Light (A2a) Pack

Hover over with your Cursor or Tap the packs to see which cards can be found in each pack!

List of Past Meme or Troll Decks

Past Meme or Troll Decks
Deck Icon Venusaur ex Deck • Pokemon in the deck are incredibly tanky.
• Difficult to stop once set up.
• Exeggutor ex is easy to set up while setting up a Venusaur ex on the Bench.
Deck Icon Gengar ex Deck • Gengar ex's Ability restricts your opponent from using Professor's Research or other Supporter cards
• Can be used in conjunction with Red Card to further limit opponent's hand.
Deck Icon Poliwrath Deck • Utilizes single point attackers for favorable point trades.
• Can trade points favorably against ex decks.
• Water deck that does not need Misty.
Deck Icon Mismagius ex Deck • Mismagius ex inflicts Confusion onto the opponent’s Active Pokemon.
• Mismagius ex's partner, Magnezone is able to hit for a solid 110 damage, which 2HKOs most exs and OHKOs low HP Basic Pokemon.
• Magneton's Volt Charge can get Lightning Energy from the Energy Zone, even if you set your Energy Zone to only Psychic.

Meme or Troll Deck Criteria

Selection Criteria
• Decks with a gimmick,
• Decks that are less consistent, but are powerful if you're lucky.

We introduce decks in this article that are less consistent than top tier decks but are powerful if you're lucky. These are decks with interesting gimmicks that can win games if they're able to set up.

If you are looking for decks that are simply strong, please take a look at our Best Meta Decks Tier List which features powerful and more consistent decks.

Pokemon TCG Pocket Related Guides


Best Meta Decks Tier List

Meta Decks

S Tier Decks
Arceus exArceus ex
A+ Tier Decks
CarnivineCarnivine Rampardos exRampardos CrobatCrobat
Magnezone and SkarmoryMagnezone and Skarmory Exeggutor ex exExeggutor ex HeatranHeatran
Charizard exCharizard ex Palkia exPalkia ex Darkrai exDarkrai ex
Weavile exWeavile ex Yanmega exYanmega ex Origin Forme PalkiaOrigin Forme Palkia
A Tier Decks
Leafeon exLeafeon ex Garchomp exGarchomp ex Probopass exProbopass ex
Infernape exInfernape ex Pachirisu exPachirisu ex Gyarados ex and GreninjaGyarados ex and Greninja
Pikachu exPikachu ex Dialga exDialga ex Articuno exArticuno ex
Gallade exGallade ex AbomasnowAbomasnow Celebi exCelebi ex
B Tier Decks
Glaceon exGlaceon ex BronzongBronzong TyranitarTyranitar
StaraptorStaraptor DonphanDonphan Starmie ex and Articuno exStarmie ex and Articuno ex
Mewtwo ex and GardevoirMewtwo ex and Gardevoir GolemGolem Pidgeot exPidgeot ex
Scolipede and WeezingScolipede and Weezing GarchompGarchomp Porygon-ZPorygon-Z
Arcanine exArcanine ex Dialga ex and BastiodonDialga ex and Bastiodon -
C Tier Decks
Houndoom Deck
Snorlax Deck
Lucario Deck
Pikachu ex and Raichu Deck
Venusaur ex Deck
Volkner Deck
Togekiss Deck
Aerodactyl ex Deck
Alakazam and Jynx Deck
Dragonite Deck
Machamp ex Deck
Blastoise ex Deck
Marowak ex Deck
Torterra Deck
Empoleon Deck
Mismagius ex Deck
Volcarona and Arcanine ex Deck
Wigglytuff ex Deck
Gengar ex Deck

Off Meta Decks

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Space-Time Smackdown Logo (A2)
Dialga ex and Lickilicky ex Deck
Lake Trio Deck
Rhyperior Deck
Togekiss Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Genetic Apex Logo(A1) Pokemon TCG Pocket - Mythical Island Logo (A1a)
Arbok Lock Deck
Brock Deck
Cinccino Deck
Frosmoth Deck
Kingler and Articuno ex Deck
Lt. Surge Deck
Melmetal Deck
Mewtwo ex and Weezing Deck
Primeape Deck
Venusaur ex and Weezing Deck
Victreebel and Exeggutor ex Deck
Gyarados ex and Vaporeon Deck
Mew ex and Weezing Deck
Vaporeon and Articuno ex Deck

Deck-Building Guides and Articles

All Deck Guides
Deck Building Guide Best Cards Tier List
Best Rental Deck Tier List Best F2P Beginner Decks
Deck Articles
How Rental Decks Work Staple Cards for Decks
Aggro Decks Explained Deck Matchup Statistics
Best 18 Trainers Decks Best Misty Decks
Best Erika Decks 10 Match Tests vs Pikachu ex Deck - Statistics
List of Meme or Troll Decks -


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