Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP)

Step Up Beginner Solo Battle Guides

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Beginner Solo Battles

Beginner Step-Up Battles are the first and easiest AI battles in Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket (PTCG Pocket).Read on for a list of all beginner solo battles in the game, the rewards you can get, and more in this guide!

Beginner Event Solo Battle Guides and Rewards

Lapras Deck (Genetic Apex)

All Solo Battles
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Lapras Deck (Event)Lapras Deck (Event)
Water Water Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 1 time with an attack from a Lightning-type Pokemon
・Put 3 Basic Pokemon into play
Best Deck to Beat:
Lightning Deck

Note: The Lapras Solo Battle is only available until 11/18/2024 at 0:59 am EST

Lapras Deck Card List

Lapras Deck (Genetic Apex) Deck List
Pokemon Cards
Poliwag ×1 Poliwhirl ×1 Tentacool ×1 Krabby ×1
Horsea ×1 Seadra ×1 Goldeen ×2 Staryu ×2
Lapras ×2 Ducklett ×1 Swanna ×1 Pidgey ×1
Pidgeotto ×2 Lickitung ×1
Trainer Cards
Poke Ball ×2

Lapras Deck Rewards

Mission Reward
Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 1 time with an attack from a Lightning-type Pokemon Pokemon TCG Pocket  Event Hourglass Image Event Hourglass x1
Put 3 Basic Pokemon into play Pokemon TCG Pocket  Event Hourglass Image Event Hourglass x3

Lapras Deck Strategy

Pokeball Icon Defeat Lapras quickly

Pokeball Icon Use Lightning-Type Pokemon

Lapras with 4 energy can be hard to deal with, even when using evolved Pokemon. Make sure to take out Lapras quickly, or finish the game before the AI can stack energy on Lapras!

Since this deck consists of mainly Basic Pokemon, it should not be too difficult, but using Lightning-Type Pokemon should speed up getting a victory!

Lapras ex Drop Event Guide: Best Decks to Counter

All Step-Up Battle (Beginner) Solo Battle Guides and Rewards

Ivysaur Deck

All Solo Battles
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Ivysaur Deck (Genetic Apex)Ivysaur Deck (Genetic Apex)
Grass Grass Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 1 time with an attack from a Fire-type Pokemon
・Put 4 Basic Pokemon into play
Best Deck to Beat:
Fire Deck

Ivysaur Deck Card List

Ivysaur Deck (Genetic Apex) Deck List
Pokemon Cards
Bulbasaur ×1 Ivysaur ×1 Paras ×2 Exeggcute ×2
Cottonee ×2 Petilil ×2 Pidgey ×2 Rattata ×2
Spearow ×1 Jigglypuff ×2 Doduo ×1
Trainer Cards
Poke Ball ×2

Ivysaur Deck Rewards

Mission Reward
Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 1 time with an attack from a Fire-type Pokemon Pokemon TCG Pocket  Shop Ticket Image Shop Ticket x3
Put 4 Basic Pokemon into play Pokemon TCG Pocket  Shop Ticket Image Shop Ticket x3

Ivysaur Deck Strategy

Pokeball Icon Defeat Ivysaur quickly

Pokeball Icon Use Fire-Type Pokemon

Ivysaur stands out as the most powerful card in this deck, so taking out Ivysaur or even Bulbasaur early on eliminates the biggest threat you will face against this deck.

Since this deck consists of mainly Basic Pokemon, it should not be too difficult, but using Fire-Type Pokemon should speed up getting a victory!

Ivysaur (Genetic Apex) Solo Battle Guide

Charmeleon Deck

All Solo Battles
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Charmeleon Deck (Genetic Apex)Charmeleon Deck (Genetic Apex)
Fire Fire Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 1 time with an attack from a Water-type Pokemon
・Put 4 Basic Pokemon into play
Best Deck to Beat:
Water Deck

Charmeleon Deck Card List

Charmeleon Deck (Genetic Apex) Deck List
Pokemon Cards
Charmander ×1 Charmeleon ×1 Vulpix ×2 Growlithe ×2
Salandit ×2 Sizzlipede ×2 Pidgey ×2 Rattata ×2
Spearow ×1 Jigglypuff ×2 Dodrio ×1
Trainer Cards
Poke Ball ×2

Charmeleon Deck Rewards

Mission Reward
Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 1 time with an attack from a Water-type Pokemon Pokemon TCG Pocket  Shop Ticket Image Shop Ticket x3
Put 4 Basic Pokemon into play Pokemon TCG Pocket  Shop Ticket Image Shop Ticket x3

Charmeleon Deck Strategy

Pokeball Icon Defeat Charmeleon quickly

Pokeball Icon Use Water-Type Pokemon

Charmeleon stands out as the most powerful card in this deck, so taking out Charmeleon or even Charmander early on eliminates the biggest threat you will face against this deck.

Since this deck consists of mainly Basic Pokemon, it should not be too difficult, but using Water-Type Pokemon should speed up getting a victory!

Charmeleon (Genetic Apex) Solo Battle Guide

Wartortle Deck

All Solo Battles
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Wartortle Deck (Genetic Apex)Wartortle Deck (Genetic Apex)
Water Water Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 1 time with an attack from a Lightning-type Pokemon
・Put 4 Basic Pokemon into play
Best Deck to Beat:
Lightning Deck

Wartortle Deck Card List

Wartortle Deck (Genetic Apex) Deck List
Pokemon Cards
Squirtle ×1 Wartortle ×1 Goldeen ×2 Magikarp ×2
Ducklett ×2 Froakie ×2 Pidgey ×2 Rattata ×2
Spearow ×1 Jigglypuff ×2 Dodrio ×1
Trainer Cards
Poke Ball ×2

Wartortle Deck Rewards

Mission Reward
Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 1 time with an attack from a Lightning-type Pokemon Pokemon TCG Pocket  Shop Ticket Image Shop Ticket x3
Put 4 Basic Pokemon into play Pokemon TCG Pocket  Shop Ticket Image Shop Ticket x3

Wartortle Deck Strategy

Pokeball Icon Defeat Wartortle quickly

Pokeball Icon Use Lightning-Type Pokemon

Wartortle stands out as the most powerful card in this deck, so taking out Wartortle or even Squirtle early on eliminates the biggest threat you will face against this deck.

Since this deck consists of mainly Basic Pokemon, it should not be too difficult, but using Lightning-Type Pokemon should speed up getting a victory!

Wartortle (Genetic Apex) Solo Battle Guide

Swoobat Deck

All Solo Battles
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Swoobat Deck (Genetic Apex)Swoobat Deck (Genetic Apex)
Psychic Psychic Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 1 time with an attack from a Darkness-type Pokemon
・Put 4 Basic Pokemon into play
Best Deck to Beat:
Darkness Deck

Swoobat Deck Card List

Swoobat Deck (Genetic Apex) Deck List
Pokemon Cards
Abra ×1 Slowpoke ×2 Drowzee ×2 Ralts ×2
Woobat ×1 Swoobat ×1 Golett ×1 Pidgey ×1
Pidgeotto ×1 Rattata ×2 Spearow ×1 Jigglypuff ×2
Dodrio ×1
Trainer Cards
Poke Ball ×2

Swoobat Deck Rewards

Mission Reward
Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 1 time with an attack from a Darkness-type Pokemon Pokemon TCG Pocket  Shop Ticket Image Shop Ticket x3
Put 4 Basic Pokemon into play Pokemon TCG Pocket  Shop Ticket Image Shop Ticket x3

Swoobat Deck Strategy

Pokeball Icon Defeat Golett and Woobat quickly

Pokeball Icon Use Dark-Type Pokemon

Golett and Swoobat are the most powerful cards in this deck, so taking out Golett and Woobat early on eliminates the biggest threat you will face against this deck.

Since this deck consists of mainly Basic Pokemon, it should not be too difficult, but using Dark-Type Pokemon should speed up getting a victory!

Swoobat (Genetic Apex) Solo Battle Guide

Grapploct Deck

All Solo Battles
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Grapploct Deck (Genetic Apex)Grapploct Deck (Genetic Apex)
Fighting Fighting Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 1 time with an attack from a Grass-type Pokemon
・Put 4 Basic Pokemon into play
Best Deck to Beat:
Psychic Deck

Grapploct Deck Card List

Grapploct Deck (Genetic Apex) Deck List
Pokemon Cards
Sandshrew ×1 Diglett ×2 Mankey ×2 Machop ×1
Geodude ×1 Graveler ×1 Cubone ×1 Rhyhorn ×1
Mienfoo ×1 Clobbopus ×1 Grapploct ×1 Pidgey ×1
Pidgeotto ×2 Rattata ×1 Spearow ×1 Dodrio ×1
Trainer Cards
Poke Ball ×2

Grapploct Deck Rewards

Mission Reward
Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 1 time with an attack from a Grass-type Pokemon Pokemon TCG Pocket  Shop Ticket Image Shop Ticket x3
Put 4 Basic Pokemon into play Pokemon TCG Pocket  Shop Ticket Image Shop Ticket x3

Grapploct Deck Strategy

Pokeball Icon Defeat Grapploct quickly

Pokeball Icon Use Dark-Type Pokemon

Grapploct's attack that forces a switch every time can be quite annoying and expensive with Energy if you are forced to retreat other Pokemon every turn, so focus on eliminating Clobbopus early, or finishing the match before it can be played.

Since this deck consists of mainly Basic Pokemon, it should not be too difficult, but using Psychic-Type Pokemon should speed up getting a victory!

Grapploct (Genetic Apex) Solo Battle Guide

Nidorina & Nidorino Deck

All Solo Battles
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Nidorina & Nidorino Deck (Genetic Apex)Nidorina & Nidorino Deck (Genetic Apex)
Darkness Darkness Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 1 time with an attack from a Fighting-type Pokemon
・Put 4 Basic Pokemon into play
Best Deck to Beat:
Fighting Deck

Nidorina & Nidorino Deck Card List

Nidorina & Nidorino Deck (Genetic Apex) Deck List
Pokemon Cards
Ekans ×2 Nidoran F ×1 Nidorina ×1 Nidoran M ×1
Nidorino ×1 Zubat ×2 Grimer ×2 Koffing ×2
Pidgey ×1 Pidgeotto ×1 Spearow ×1 Dodrio ×1
Minccino ×1 Wooloo ×1
Trainer Cards
Poke Ball ×2

Nidorina & Nidorino Deck Rewards

Mission Reward
Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 1 time with an attack from a Fighting-type Pokemon Pokemon TCG Pocket  Shop Ticket Image Shop Ticket x3
Put 4 Basic Pokemon into play Pokemon TCG Pocket  Shop Ticket Image Shop Ticket x3

Nidorina & Nidorino Deck Strategy

Pokeball Icon Finish the match quickly

Pokeball Icon Use Fighting-Type Pokemon

Letting the AI set up both Nidorino and Nidorina can be quite troublesome if you are using a deck that consists mainly of Basic Pokemon, so scoring points while your opponent has Basic Pokemon is the best course of action.

Since this deck consists of mainly Basic Pokemon, it should not be too difficult, but using Fighting-Type Pokemon should speed up getting a victory!

Nidorina & Nidorino (Genetic Apex) Solo Battle Guide

Step-Up Battle (Beginner) Solo Battle First Clear Rewards

EXP and Currencies

First-Time Clear Rewards
Pokemon TCG Pocket - #EXPImage

Clearing all the beginner Solo Battles for the first time will reward you with EXP, Pack Hourglass, Shinedust, and Shop Tickets, regardless if you complete the other tasks or not.

Finishing all of the Beginner Solo Battles should provide players with enough Pack Hourglasses and EXP to progress their game and expand their collection easily!

Pokemon TCG Pocket Related Guides

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Solo Battle Partial Banner

Solo Battle Guides:
All Decks, Battle Tasks and Counters

Event Battles

Blastoise Drop Event Guide
Wartortle DeckWartortle Deck Blastoise Deck Blastoise & Cramorant Deck
Blastoise ex Deck Blastoise ex Deck Blastoise ex and Vaporeon Deck Blastoise ex and Vaporeon Deck
Venusaur Drop Event
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Ivysaur DeckIvysaur Deck Pokemon TCG Pocket - Venusaur & Scyther Deck DeckVenusaur & Scyther Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Venusaur ex DeckVenusaur ex Deck Pokemon TCG Pocket - Venusaur & and Lilligant DeckVenusaur ex & Lilligant Deck
Lapras ex Drop Event
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Lapras DeckLapras Deck Pokemon TCG Pocket - Lapras & Starmie DeckLapras & Starmie Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Lapras ex DeckLapras ex Deck Pokemon TCG Pocket - Starmie ex & Lapras ex DeckStarmie ex & Lapras ex Deck

Event Solo Battle Guides

Step-Up Battle (Beginner)

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Ivysaur Deck Genetic Apex IconIvysaur Deck Pokemon TCG Pocket - Charmeleon DeckCharmeleon Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Wartortle DeckWartortle Deck Pokemon TCG Pocket - Heliolisk DeckHeliolisk Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Swoobat DeckSwoobat Deck Pokemon TCG Pocket - Grapploct DeckGrapploct Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Nidorina Nidorino DeckNidorina & Nidorino Deck

Step Up Beginner Solo Battle Guides

Step-Up Battle (Intermediate)

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Venusaur DeckVenusaur & Exeggutor Deck Pokemon TCG Pocket - Charizard DeckCharizard & Arcanine Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Blastoise DeckBlastoise & Gyarados Deck Pokemon TCG Pocket - Magneton DeckMagneton & Eelektross Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Alakazam DeckAlakazam & Mewtwo Deck Pokemon TCG Pocket - Golem DeckGolem & Machamp Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Nidoking Muk DeckNidoking & Muk Deck

Step Up Intermediate Solo Battle Guides

Step-Up Battle (Advanced)

Genetic Apex Solo Battles
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Venusaur ex DeckVenusaur ex Deck Pokemon TCG Pocket - Charizard ex DeckCharizard ex Deck Pokemon TCG Pocket - Blastoise ex DeckBlastoise ex Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Pikachu ex DeckPikachu ex Deck Pokemon TCG Pocket - Mewtwo ex DeckMewtwo ex Deck Pokemon TCG Pocket - Machamp ex DeckMachamp ex Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Nidoqueen DeckNidoqueen & Nidoking Deck
Mythical Island Solo Battles
Celebi ex Mythical Island Solo Battle Deck IconCelebi ex Deck Volcarona Mythical Island Solo Battle Deck IconVolcarona & Blaine Deck Gyarados ex Mythical Island Solo Battle Deck IconGyarados ex Deck
Raichu Mythical Island Solo Battle Deck IconRaichu & Lt. Surge Deck Mew ex Mythical Island Solo Battle Deck IconMew ex Deck Aerodactyl ex Mythical Island Solo Battle Deck IconAerodactyl ex Deck
Golem Mythical Island Solo Battle Deck IconGolem & Brock Deck Blue Mythical Island Solo Battle Deck IconBlue & Pidgeot ex Deck

Step Up Advanced Solo Battle Guides

Expert Solo Battle

Genetic Apex Solo Battles
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Venusaur ex DeckVenusaur ex and Exeggutor ex Deck Pokemon TCG Pocket - Charizard ex DeckCharizard ex and Moltres ex Deck Pokemon TCG Pocket - Starmie ex DeckStarmie ex and Greninja Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Pikachu ex DeckPikachu ex and Raichu Deck Pokemon TCG Pocket - Mewtwo ex DeckMewtwo ex and Gardevoir Deck Pokemon TCG Pocket - Machamp ex DeckMachamp ex and Marowak ex Deck
Mythical Island Solo Battles
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Venusaur ex DeckVenusaur ex & Serperior Deck Celebi ex Mythical Island Solo Battle Deck IconCelebi ex & Serperior Deck Volcarona Mythical Island Solo Battle Deck IconVolcarona & Moltres ex
Gyarados ex Mythical Island Solo Battle Deck IconGyarados ex & Vaporeon Deck Raichu Mythical Island Solo Battle Deck IconRaichu & Magneton Deck Mew ex Mythical Island Solo Battle Deck IconMew ex & Mewtwo ex Deck
Aerodactyl ex Mythical Island Solo Battle Deck IconAerodactyl ex & Marowak ex Deck Blue Mythical Island Solo Battle Deck IconBlue & Pidgeot ex Deck

Expert Solo Battle Guides


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