Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP)

Dragonite and Weezing Deck Strategy Guide and Card List

Pokemon TGC Pocket - Dragonite and Weezing Deck Deck Build and How to Play

The Dragonite and Weezing Deck is a High Damage and Poison Infliction Deck featuring Dragonite and Weezing from the Genetic Apex Set in Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket (PTCG Pocket). Read on for the complete list of cards in this deck, basic information on the deck, how to play the deck, and optimal matchups for it!

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Dragonite and Weezing Deck Guide

Deck Evaluation

Ace Pokemon Tier Ranking
Genetic Apex (A1)
Genetic Apex (A1)
B Tier
Energy Type(s)
F2P Friendly?
Deck Difficulty
Deck Strengths
Pokeball Icon Very powerful Draco Meteor can win games

Pokeball Icon Weezing can inflict Poison on the opponent's active Pokemon and can easily be scooped out with Koga.
Deck Weaknesses
Pokeball Icon Weak to Fighting-type decks.

Pokeball Icon Difficult to set up.

Pokeball Icon High Energy cost.

Best Meta Decks Tier List

List of Cards

Dragonite and Weezing Deck List
Pokemon Cards
Koffing ×2 Weezing ×2 Dratini ×2 Dragonair ×2
Dragonite ×2 Kangaskhan ×1
Trainer Cards
Koga ×2 Sabrina ×1 X Speed ×2 Poke Ball ×2
Professor's Research ×2

Deck Building Guide

How to Play Dragonite and Weezing Deck

How to Play Dragonite and Weezing Deck

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Dragonite and Weezing Deck Core Combos and Interactions

Finisher Status Inducer Description
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 185 DragoniteDragonite Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 177 WeezingWeezing ・Dragonite can deal heavy scattered damage with Draco Meteor.
・Weezing can inflict Poison using its Gas Leak ability.

Best Starting Hand

Best Starting Hand

An ideal starting hand would include Kangskhan, Koffing, and Dratini. Also a way to find it's evolutions like Professor's Research.

Be mindful of the Energy attachments for Dragonite, as it requires both Water and Lightning Energies. Since this deck doesn't use Dark Energy, you don't need to worry about Weezing's energy costs as its ability will be the key component of your strategy.

Other Good Starting Cards

Recommended Starting Hand

Should you end up having less essential cards at hand, make use of your Trainer Cards such as Poke Ball or Professor's Research to draw into one.

Best Cards Tier List

Dragonite and Weezing Deck Strategies

Dragonite and Weezing Deck Strategies

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Strategy 1: Early Game Kangaskhan

Early Game Kangaskhan

Set up the board by having Kangaskhan be the Active Pokemon and deal damage to your opponent while Koffing and Dratini takes their time to evolve on the bench.

You can use Trainer Cards such as Professor's Research and Poke Ball if you are missing a few essential cards for your strategy.

Strategy 2: Dragonite's Draco Meteor

Once Dragonite and Weezing have evolved on the bench and Dragonite has enough energy to attack, the second strategy comes into play.

Start by making Weezing your Active Pokemon to inflict Poison on your opponent’s Pokemon with its Ability. Then, use Koga to scoop Weezing out for free and bring in Dragonite to deliver a massive scattered damage across the board.

Game Phases

Early Game

Key Card(s) Required
Step Description
1 First, set up your Kangaskhan to tank and deal damage while you get your Koffing and Dratini to evolve on the bench.
2 Use your Trainer cards like Poke Ball and Professor's Research to search for other essential cards you are missing.


Key Card(s) Required
Step Description
1 Koffing now evolves into Weezing, allowing it to activate its Gas Leak ability to inflict Poison on your opponent’s Active Pokémon. Swap it with Kangaskan so it can use its ability. This pressures the opponent to switch or spend energy to retreat in order to remove the Poison status.
2 Heal your Weezing with Potion if necessary since it might have received some damage from tanking.
3 At the same time, your Dratini should now be evolved as well into Dragonair.

Late Game

Key Card(s) Required
1 Once your Dragonair has evolved into Dragonite and has enough energy to use Draco Meteor, you can switch it up with Weezing and inflict heavy scattered damage across the board.
2 Use Koga to scoop Weezing back into your hand. If your opponent's Active Pokemon is newly switched in, be sure to activate Weezing's Gas Leak ability before retrieving it.

Dragonite and Weezing Deck Best and Worst Matchups

Best Matchups

Deck Commentary

Charizard ex Decks
Type: Fire

・ Charizard ex decks will struggle to take down Dragonite due to their slow setup.
・Additionally, the opponent will be pressured to constantly switch their Active Pokemon to remove the Poison Status.
・Dragonite's ability to deal random heavy damage to both the active and benched Pokemon makes it especially strong against this deck, which relies heavily on having multiple Pokémon on the bench

Worst Matchups

Deck Commentary

Fighting Decks
Type: Fighting

・Since Weezing will be your tank and will be your Active Pokemon in the early game, Fighting-type decks can put you at a disadvantage due to their type advantage.

Overall Consistency

This deck functions by pressuring your opponent to frequently switch their Active Pokemon to remove the Poison status.

Meanwhile, you build up Dragonite in the bench and provide it's energy until it can unleash lethal damage, setting up for a powerful knockout and possible finisher.

Dragonite and Weezing Deck F2P & Substitutes

Dragonite and Weezing Deck Card Substitutes

Card Explanation

・ You can replace the entire Weezing evolution line with a Muk evolution line. It has more HP, to stay on the field longer.
・ Alternatively, you can swap out the entire Dragonite evolution line for a Muk evolution line, shifting the deck's focus to a Poison Lock strategy.
・ Grimer can inflict Poison status immediately without the need to evolve.
・ Muk can deal an additional 50 damage to a Poisoned Pokemon. ・ Can also be scooped up by Koga.

Pokemon TCG Pocket Meta Guide

Dragonite and Weezing Deck Other Viable Options

Card Possible Cuts


・ You can swap out a Sabrina for another copy of Kangaskhan to add an aditional attacker that doesn't require evolution.
・Since switching Pokemon from Active to Benched removes the Poison status, Sabrina may become less effective during the late-game setup.

F2P Muk and Weezing Deck List

F2P Muk and Weezing Deck List
Pokemon Cards
Koffing x2 Weezing x2 Kangaskhan x2 Grimer x2
Muk x2
Trainer Cards
Potion x2 Giovanni x2 Poke Ball x2 Professor's Research x2
Koga x2

This deck replaces Dragonite's evolution line and incorporates Muk and Grimer for a pure Poison Lock strategy.

The overall strategy becomes different wherein your main focus is to deal fast attacks with less energy requirement, and inflicting Poison at the same time, pressuring your opponent to continuously switch out their Actvie Pokemon to remove the status effect.

Pokemon TCG Pocket Beginner's Guide

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Meta Decks

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Infernape ex DeckInfernape ex Gallade exGallade ex Dialga ex and MelmetalDialga ex and Melmetal
Darkrai ex and WeezingDarkrai ex and Weezing LucarioLucario GarchompGarchomp
Porygon-ZPorygon-Z Togekiss NewTogekiss Dialga ex and BastiodonDialga ex and Bastiodon
RhyperiorRhyperior Mismagius exMismagius ex Mewtwo ex and GardevoirMewtwo ex and Gardevoir
Celebi ex and SerperiorCelebi ex and Serperior Pikachu ex and ZebstrikaPikachu ex and Zebstrika Gyarados ex and GreninjaGyarados ex and Greninja
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Starmie ex and Articuno exStarmie ex and Articuno ex Arcanine exArcanine ex BlaineBlaine
Pikachu ex and RaichuPikachu ex and Raichu Gyarados ex and VaporeonGyarados ex and Vaporeon Pidgeot exPidgeot ex
Charizard exCharizard ex Aerodactyl ex and PrimeapeAerodactyl ex and Primeape Exeggutor exExeggutor ex
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Off Meta Decks

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Empoleon DeckEmpoleon Volkner Deck IconVolkner Alakazam and JynxAlakazam and Jynx
Mew ex and WeezingMew ex and Weezing DragoniteDragonite Articuno exArticuno ex
Venusaur exVenusaur ex Dragonite and WeezingDragonite and Weezing Lapras exLapras ex
Greninja Greninja Mewtwo ex and Weezing Mewtwo ex and Weezing Marowak exMarowak ex
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Machamp exMachamp ex Wigglytuff exWigglytuff ex MelmetalMelmetal
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KabutopsKabutops Aerodactyl and DragoniteAerodactyl and Dragonite Eeveelutions and DittoEeveelutions and Ditto
LickitungLickitung ArticunoArticuno ZapdosZapdos
MoltresMoltres VenusaurVenusaur CharizardCharizard
BlastoiseBlastoise - -

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