Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP)

Aggro Decks Explained

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Aggro Decks Explained
Aggro Decks are decks that are powerful in the early stages of a game. These are decks that excel at early offense and are best on early turns. Read on to learn all about Aggro decks and how to use them!

What is an Aggro Deck?

An Offensive Deck That Excels Early in a Game

Aggro decks, which gets its name from the word aggressive are decks that are strong in the early stages of a game. These decks aim to win before the opponent is able to secure a board state using Pokemon with inexpensive attack costs and cards that ramp Energy to gain an early advantage.

Types of Decks

Two classifications of decks are either aggro or non-aggro. These are decks that are either strong early in a game or late into a game. If you favor either of these, consider building a deck that suits your playstyle.

Some non-aggro decks such as Arbok Lock or Wigglytuff ex are also called control decks. These are decks that control the board by manipulating the opponent's board with status or disruption.

Pokemon TCG Pocket Meta Guide

Aggro vs Non-Aggro

Sample Aggro Decks

Deck Commentary
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Pikachu ex Deck
Pikachu ex Deck
▶︎Deck Guide

・Fast and energy-efficient.
・Matches up favorably against Starmie and Articuno decks.
・Consistently hits for 90 with Pikachu ex's Circle Circuit.
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Starmie ex Deck
Starmie ex
▶︎Deck Guide

・ Starmie ex and Articuno ex can steamroll through unprepared opponents after a successful Misty.
・ Good damage output and energy-effiicient attack costs.
・ Reliable selection of Trainer cards.
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Blaine Deck
Blaine Deck
▶︎Deck Guide
Tier:B Tier

・Very fast and efficient Stage 1 deck.
・Can boost damage with the Blaine Supporter card, buffing the damage of Magmar, Ninetales and Rapidash by 30.

Best F2P Decks

Sample Non-Aggro Decks

Deck Commentary
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Mewtwo ex Deck
Mewtwo ex
▶︎Deck Guide

・ Mewtwo ex's Psychic Sphere can OHKO Staryu and other 50 HP Pokemon.
・ Can easily take 3 Points when Mewtwo ex is set up.
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Charizard ex Deck
Charizard ex Deck
▶︎Deck Guide
Tier:A+ Tier

・Moltres ex can power up benched Pokemon with minimal effort.
・Charizard ex can take multiple points if successfully set up with multiple Energy.
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Venusaur ex Deck
Venusaur ex Deck
▶︎Deck Guide
Tier:A+ Tier

・ Difficult to KO Grass-type Pokemon.
・ Venusaur ex is incredibly tanky and can take games if not KOd before it evolves.
・ Erika Supporter card can keep all the Pokemon in the deck healthy.
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Dragonite Deck
▶︎Deck Guide
Tier:A Tier

・Can be built with Frosmoth and Misty or Weezing and Koga.
・Difficult to set up but can win games when successful.
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Arbok Deck
Arbok Lock
▶︎Deck Guide
Tier:B Tier

・ Can be very disruptive with Pidgeot's Drive Off.
・ Matches up favorably against Mewtwo ex decks.
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Wigglytuff ex Deck
Wigglytuff ex Deck
▶︎Deck Guide
Tier:D Tier

・ Can win by a landslide if the opponent stays asleep for a few turns.
・ Victory or defeat heavily depends on the coin flip.

Best Decks Tier List

Pokemon TCG Pocket Related Guides


Best Meta Decks Tier List

Meta Decks

S Tier Decks
Arceus exArceus ex
A+ Tier Decks
CarnivineCarnivine Rampardos exRampardos CrobatCrobat
Magnezone and SkarmoryMagnezone and Skarmory Exeggutor ex exExeggutor ex HeatranHeatran
Charizard exCharizard ex Palkia exPalkia ex Darkrai exDarkrai ex
Weavile exWeavile ex Yanmega exYanmega ex Origin Forme PalkiaOrigin Forme Palkia
A Tier Decks
Leafeon exLeafeon ex Garchomp exGarchomp ex Probopass exProbopass ex
Infernape exInfernape ex Pachirisu exPachirisu ex Gyarados ex and GreninjaGyarados ex and Greninja
Pikachu exPikachu ex Dialga exDialga ex Articuno exArticuno ex
Gallade exGallade ex AbomasnowAbomasnow Celebi exCelebi ex
B Tier Decks
Glaceon exGlaceon ex BronzongBronzong TyranitarTyranitar
StaraptorStaraptor DonphanDonphan Starmie ex and Articuno exStarmie ex and Articuno ex
Mewtwo ex and GardevoirMewtwo ex and Gardevoir GolemGolem Pidgeot exPidgeot ex
Scolipede and WeezingScolipede and Weezing GarchompGarchomp Porygon-ZPorygon-Z
Arcanine exArcanine ex Dialga ex and BastiodonDialga ex and Bastiodon -
C Tier Decks
Houndoom Deck
Snorlax Deck
Lucario Deck
Pikachu ex and Raichu Deck
Venusaur ex Deck
Volkner Deck
Togekiss Deck
Aerodactyl ex Deck
Alakazam and Jynx Deck
Dragonite Deck
Machamp ex Deck
Blastoise ex Deck
Marowak ex Deck
Torterra Deck
Empoleon Deck
Mismagius ex Deck
Volcarona and Arcanine ex Deck
Wigglytuff ex Deck
Gengar ex Deck

Off Meta Decks

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Space-Time Smackdown Logo (A2)
Dialga ex and Lickilicky ex Deck
Lake Trio Deck
Rhyperior Deck
Togekiss Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Genetic Apex Logo(A1) Pokemon TCG Pocket - Mythical Island Logo (A1a)
Arbok Lock Deck
Brock Deck
Cinccino Deck
Frosmoth Deck
Kingler and Articuno ex Deck
Lt. Surge Deck
Melmetal Deck
Mewtwo ex and Weezing Deck
Primeape Deck
Venusaur ex and Weezing Deck
Victreebel and Exeggutor ex Deck
Gyarados ex and Vaporeon Deck
Mew ex and Weezing Deck
Vaporeon and Articuno ex Deck

Deck-Building Guides and Articles

All Deck Guides
Deck Building Guide Best Cards Tier List
Best Rental Deck Tier List Best F2P Beginner Decks
Deck Articles
How Rental Decks Work Staple Cards for Decks
Aggro Decks Explained Deck Matchup Statistics
Best 18 Trainers Decks Best Misty Decks
Best Erika Decks 10 Match Tests vs Pikachu ex Deck - Statistics
List of Meme or Troll Decks -


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