Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP)

List of Secret Missions

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Secret Missions

Secret Missions are hidden themed collections that you can complete by collecting specific Pokemon Cards in Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP). Read on for a list of all Secret Missions and rewards, the cards required to complete collections, and more in this guide!

All Secret Missions

Jump to a Section!
Complete the Kanto Pokedex The Immersive 4 The Gym Leader of the Kanto Region 2
Genetic Apex Museum 1 (Charizard) Genetic Apex Museum 2 (Mewtwo) Genetic Apex Museum 3 (Pikachu)
The Legendary Flight Continues Mythical Island Museum 1 Mythical Island Tale of Adventure
Champion of the Sinnoh Region

Complete the Kanto Pokedex!

Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 283 MewMew
Required Cards
All Kanto Pokedex Cards
No specific rarity needed

The Immersive 4

Required Cards
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Charizard Genetic Apex Booster Pack Genetic Apex (A1) - Charizard
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Pikachu Genetic Apex Booster Pack Genetic Apex (A1) - Pikachu
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Mewtwo Genetic Apex Booster Pack Genetic Apex (A1) - Mewtwo

List of Immersive Rare Cards


Pokemon TCG Pocket  Wonder Hourglass Image Wonder Hourglass x48 Pokemon TCG Pocket  Pack Hourglass Image Pack Hourglass x12 Pokemon TCG Pocket  Shop Ticket Image Shop Ticket x20

The Gym Leader of the Kanto Region 2

Required Cards
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Charizard Genetic Apex Booster Pack Genetic Apex (A1) - Charizard
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Pikachu Genetic Apex Booster Pack Genetic Apex (A1) - Pikachu
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Mewtwo Genetic Apex Booster Pack Genetic Apex (A1) - Mewtwo

List of Supporter Cards


Pokemon TCG Pocket  Wonder Hourglass Image Wonder Hourglass x48 Pokemon TCG Pocket  Pack Hourglass Image Pack Hourglass x12 Pokemon TCG Pocket  Shop Ticket Image Shop Ticket x10

Genetic Apex Museum 1 (Charizard)

Required Cards
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Charizard Genetic Apex Booster Pack Genetic Apex (A1) - Charizard

List of Charizard Pack Cards


Pokemon TCG Pocket  Wonder Hourglass Image Wonder Hourglass x36 Pokemon TCG Pocket  Pack Hourglass Image Pack Hourglass x12 Pokemon TCG Pocket  Shop Ticket Image Shop Ticket x10

Genetic Apex Museum 2 (Mewtwo)

Required Cards
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Mewtwo Genetic Apex Booster Pack Genetic Apex (A1) - Mewtwo

List of Mewtwo Pack Cards


Pokemon TCG Pocket  Wonder Hourglass Image Wonder Hourglass x36 Pokemon TCG Pocket  Pack Hourglass Image Pack Hourglass x12 Pokemon TCG Pocket  Shop Ticket Image Shop Ticket x10

Genetic Apex Museum 3 (Pikachu)

Required Cards
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Pikachu Genetic Apex Booster Pack Genetic Apex (A1) - Pikachu

List of Pikachu Pack Cards


Pokemon TCG Pocket  Wonder Hourglass Image Wonder Hourglass x36 Pokemon TCG Pocket  Pack Hourglass Image Pack Hourglass x12 Pokemon TCG Pocket  Shop Ticket Image Shop Ticket x10

The Legendary Flight Continues

Required Cards
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 275 Articuno exArticuno ex
Genetic Apex (A1) - Mewtwo Genetic Apex (A1) - Mewtwo
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 276 Zapdos exZapdos ex
Genetic Apex (A1) - Pikachu Genetic Apex (A1) - Pikachu
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 274 Moltres exMoltres ex
Genetic Apex (A1) - Charizard Genetic Apex (A1) - Charizard
Pokemon TCG Pocket  Wonder Hourglass Image Wonder Hourglass x48 Pokemon TCG Pocket  Pack Hourglass Image Pack Hourglass x12 Legendary Birds Emblem x

Mythical Island Museum 1

Required Cards
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1a 069 ExeggutorExeggutor
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1a 070 SerperiorSerperior
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1a 071 SalanditSalandit
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1a 072 VaporeonVaporeon
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1a 073 DedenneDedenne
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1a 074 MarshadowMarshadow
Pokemon TCG Pocket  Wonder Hourglass Image Wonder Hourglass x36 Pokemon TCG Pocket  Pack Hourglass Image Pack Hourglass x12 Pokemon TCG Pocket  Shop Ticket Image Shop Ticket x13

Mythical Island Tale of Adventure

Required Cards
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1a 085 Celebi exCelebi ex
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1a 065 Mythical SlabMythical Slab
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1a 066 Budding ExpeditionerBudding Expeditioner
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1a 083 Mew exMew ex
Pokemon TCG Pocket  Celebi Emblem Image Celebi Emblem x1

Champion of the Sinnoh Region

Required Cards
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A2 175 GarchompGarchomp
Space-Time Smackdown (A2) - Palkia Space-Time Smackdown (A2) - Palkia
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A2 170 LucarioLucario
Space-Time Smackdown (A2) - Dialga Space-Time Smackdown (A2) - Dialga
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A2 161 GastrodonGastrodon
Space-Time Smackdown (A2) - Palkia Space-Time Smackdown (A2) - Palkia
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A2 172 SpiritombSpiritomb
Space-Time Smackdown (A2) - Palkia Space-Time Smackdown (A2) - Palkia
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A2 192 CynthiaCynthia
Space-Time Smackdown (A2) - Palkia Space-Time Smackdown (A2) - Palkia
Pokemon TCG Pocket  Garchomp Emblem Image Garchomp Emblem x1

Pokémon from Ancient Records

Required Cards
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A2a 081 ShayminShaymin
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A2a 013 HeatranHeatran
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A2a 071 Arceus exArceus ex
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A2a 061 GiratinaGiratina
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A2a 088 Celestic Town ElderCelestic Town Elder
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A2a 060 Origin Forme DialgaOrigin Forme Dialga
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A2a 023 Origin Forme PalkiaOrigin Forme Palkia
Pokemon TCG Pocket  - Shaymin Emblem Image Shaymin Emblem x1

Secret Collection Missions

Collect All 226 Cards in the Genetic Apex Set (A1)

Genetic Apex Charizard Icon - Pokemon TCG Pocket Genetic Apex Charizard Icon Pikachu Genetic Apex IconGenetic Apex Pikachu Icon Mewtwo Genetic Apex Icon - Pokemon TCG PocketGenetic Apex Mewtwo Icon
Required Cards
All 226 Genetic Apex (A1) Cards

Collecting all 226 cards in the Genetic Apex A1 Set (Charizard, Pikachu, Mewtwo) will reward you with Genetic Apex Charizard, Pikachu, and Mewtwo Icons. Along with the regular cards, you will need to collect the ex variants of every Pokemon card.

However, you do not need to collect the illustrated cards. If you already have a Venusaur ex (4◇), you do not need to have Venusaur ex (2☆☆) to complete this collection, and vice versa.

Collect All 155 Cards in the Space-Time Smackdown Set (A2)

Space Time Smackdown Dialga Icon Space-Time Smackdown Dialga Icon Space Time Smackdown Palkia Icon Space-Time Smackdown Palkia Icon
Required Cards
All 155 Space-Time Smackdown (A2) Cards

Collecting all 155 cards in the Space-Time Smackdown A2 Set (Dialga, Palkia) will reward you with Space-Time Smackdown Dialga and Palkia Icons. Along with the regular cards, you will need to collect the ex variants of every Pokemon card.

Similarly to the Secret Collection Mission for Genetic Apex, you do not need to collect the illustrated cards.

How to Complete Secret Missions

Obtain Full Art Cards to Obtain Rewards

Secret Missions require you to collect specific Full Art cards in order to obtain the rewards associated with them. The collection requires you to obtain a set of full art cards, revolving around a certain theme, such as Gym Leaders, Legendary Birds, or Full Art cards obtainable within each Booster Pack.

Secret Missions are hard to complete, but they give more rewards than standard Themed Collections, and is currently the only way to obtain the Mew card.

Pokemon TCG Pocket Related Guides

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Missions Partial Banner
All Missions and Themed Collections

Mission Articles
List of Themed Collections List of Daily Missions
List of Dex Missions List of Deck Missions
List of Event Missions List of Secret Missions


6 Anonymous3 months

I have normal New EX and Celebi EX, and also the 2 stars Celebi EX and I don't have this theme collection complete.

5 Anonymous3 months

This is an incomplete list at the moment! If you collect all the different mew ex artworks from mythical island it also will complete a secret mission, and I’m sure there are others!


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