Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP)

Best Pikachu ex Decks and Card List

This guide will show you how to build a Pikachu ex Deck, one of the most powerful and reliable deck archetypes since the launch of Pokemon TCG Pocket. We'll cover the best Pikachu ex Deck builds, how to use them, as well how to beat Pikachu ex Decks, and more!

Best Pikachu ex Decks

Best Pikachu ex Deck Variants
Deck Icon Pikachu ex and Zebstrika
[★ Best ★]
• Has low cheap and efficient attackers.
• Pokemon in the deck have inexpensive Retreat Costs.
• Can 2HKO most exs and OHKO most unevolved Basics.
Deck Icon Pachirisu ex • Has two effective 2-Energy Attackers in Pachirisu ex and Pikachu ex.
• Can attack and retreat for cheap costs.
• Can 2HKO most exs and OHKO most unevolved Basics.
Deck Icon Pikachu ex and Raichu • Still has access to Pikachu ex and its consistency.
• Needs three attachments to make use of Raichu.
• Has access to a huge 140 damage Thunderbolt from Raichu.

Pikachu ex and Zebstrika ex (Best)

Pikachu ex ×2 Zapdos ex ×1 Blitzle ×2 Zebstrika ×2
Rotom ×1 Sabrina ×1 Blue ×1 Giant Cape ×1
Cyrus ×1 Dawn ×2 X Speed ×2 Poke Ball ×2
Professor's Research ×2
Energy Used
Lightning Icon

With a few additions from the Space-Time Smackdown Expansion, Pikachu ex X Zebstrika is still a very viable deck. This deck works primarily by building Pikachu on the bench and using Zebstrika to target your opponent's benched Pokemon, which can then be pulled in via Cyrus to finish them off.

Additionally, Rotom can help damage opponents quicker for equipping the Giant Cape or other tools, while Dawn can be used as a means of transferring energy from a benched Pokemon to the one in your active spot, allowing you to attack with your Ace card quicker.

Deck Building Guide

Packs Required for Pikachu ex Deck

Packs Needed for Pikachu ex Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Promo-A Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Genetic Apex (A1) Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Genetic Apex (A1) Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Genetic Apex (A1) Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Genetic Apex (A1) Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Mythical Island (A1a) Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Space-Time Smackdown (A2) Dialga Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Space-Time Smackdown (A2) Palkia Pack

Hover over with your Cursor or Tap the packs to see which cards can be found in each pack!

Pikachu ex and Pachirisu ex

Pikachu ex ×2 Zapdos ex ×2 Pachirisu ex ×2 Sabrina ×1
Giant Cape ×2 Rocky Helmet ×2 Cyrus ×2 Dawn ×1
X Speed ×2 Poke Ball ×2 Professor's Research ×2
Energy Used
Lightning Icon

This deck gives you a few different options to attack quickly with either Pikachu or Pachirisu and deal quick damage, depending on which one presents itself quicker. Zapdos can be used to damage a Pokemon early on, allowing you to retreat and use Dawn on the next time to attack with one of the other two.

The deck's main strength is its versatility, since you only need a Pokemon Tool equipped and two energy to deal 80 damage with Pachirisu, or a loaded bench to do 90 with Pikachu. Rocky Helmet can be used to deal chip damage to an attacking Pokemon, which you could potentially switch back in for a finishing blow later on with Cyrus.

Pachirisu ex Deck

Packs Required for Pachirisu ex Deck

Packs Needed for Pachirisu ex Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Promo-A Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Genetic Apex (A1) Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Genetic Apex (A1) Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Space-Time Smackdown (A2) Dialga Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Space-Time Smackdown (A2) Palkia Pack

Hover over with your Cursor or Tap the packs to see which cards can be found in each pack!

Pikachu ex and Raichu

Pikachu x2
Raichu x2
Pikachu ex x2
Dedenne x1
Sabrina x2
Lt. Surge x2
Giant Cape x2
X Speed x2
Poke Ball x2
Professor's Research x2
Cyrus x1
Energy Used
Lightning Icon

The Pikachu ex and Raichu Deck is centered around building up your benched Pokemon while paralyzing the opponent's active Pokemon with Dedenne. Having Pikachu ex still allows you to deal 90 damage to a single Pokemon with just 2 energies and a loaded bench, at which point you can retreat to send in Raichu, then use Lt. Surge to deal a devastating 140 damage to your opponent's active Pokemon.

Pikachu ex and Raichu Deck

Packs Required for Pikachu ex and Raichu Deck

Packs Needed for Pikachu ex and Raichu Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Promo-A Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Genetic Apex (A1) Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Genetic Apex (A1) Pack Pokemon TCG Pocket - Mythical Island (A1a) Pack

Hover over with your Cursor or Tap the packs to see which cards can be found in each pack!

Pikachu ex Deck Guide

Ace Pokemon Tier Ranking
Pikachu ex
Genetic Apex (A1)
Zapdos ex
Genetic Apex (A1)
A Tier
Energy Type(s)
F2P Friendly?
Deck Difficulty
Deck Strengths
Pokeball Icon Easy to set up and attack with.

Pokeball Icon Efficient attack and retreat costs.

Pokeball Icon Positive matchup against Palkia ex decks.
Deck Weaknesses
Pokeball Icon Weak to Fighting-type decks.

Pokeball Icon May lack the necessary damage output against high-HP Pokemon.

Pikachu ex Deck Strategies

Pikachu ex Deck Strategies

Strategy 1: Pikachu ex Start

This deck would usually want to start with either Zapdos ex or Pikachu ex. Starting with Pikachu ex would usually mean that it would take damage from a one-Energy attacker from the opponent's side. Use Giant Cape to keep Pikachu ex healthy, and swing with Circle Circuit as soon as it's ready!

Strategy 2: Secondary Attackers

The deck has plenty of secondary attackers to choose from that are all useful for different points in the game.

Zebstrika is a great option for sniping around Druddigon decks, while Zapdos can work as a last-ditch effort to get a big KO.

How to Beat Pikachu ex Deck

Attack with Type Advantage

Other than Zapdos, all Lightning Pokemon in the Pikachu deck are weak to Fighting type cards. In the case of Marshadow, it can deal 100 damage on the turn after one of that player's Pokemon were knocked out, but thanks to weakness, this will do 120 to most Lightning Pokemon, enough to one-shot a Pikachu ex.

The Pikachu player can attempt to counter this by either relying on Zapdos against Fighting decks, or by equipping Giant Cape to their Pikachu, but generally speaking it is a tough matchup for Pikachu ex users.

Aerodactyl ex and Primeape Deck

Use Tanky Heavy Hitters

Barring type weakness, the most damage Pikachu ex can deal in a single hit is 90. Therefore, having Pokemon that can tank Circle Circuit and follow up with a killing blow gives a huge advantage. Cards such as Mewtwo ex or Charizard ex will be capable of withstanding its attack, only to one-shot it the next turn, giving decks like Mewtwo ex and Gardevoir a strong advantage.

Deny Pikachu ex KOs

In addition to having Pokemon that can tank hits, cards that heal HP like Erika can turn 2HKOs into 3HKOs, making it tough for Pikachu ex to enact its gameplan. Blue and Giant Cape can also deny it important KOs, which can allow you to attack Pikachu on the following turn.

Don't Spend Energy on Lower HP Pokemon

While it is important to build up the cards that will be able to knock out Pikachu, you should avoid wasting energy on Pokemon that have 90 HP or less, as they can very easily be KO'd by a Pikachu attack. In many cases, it may even be best to put one of them into the active spot while you build up a benched Pokemon, which can be sent in as soon as the weaker Pokemon is knocked out.

Pokemon TCG Pocket Related Guides


Best Meta Decks Tier List

Meta Decks

S Tier Decks
Arceus exArceus ex
A+ Tier Decks
CarnivineCarnivine Rampardos exRampardos CrobatCrobat
Magnezone and SkarmoryMagnezone and Skarmory Exeggutor ex exExeggutor ex HeatranHeatran
Charizard exCharizard ex Palkia exPalkia ex Darkrai exDarkrai ex
Weavile exWeavile ex Yanmega exYanmega ex Origin Forme PalkiaOrigin Forme Palkia
A Tier Decks
Leafeon exLeafeon ex Garchomp exGarchomp ex Probopass exProbopass ex
Infernape exInfernape ex Pachirisu exPachirisu ex Gyarados ex and GreninjaGyarados ex and Greninja
Pikachu exPikachu ex Dialga exDialga ex Articuno exArticuno ex
Gallade exGallade ex AbomasnowAbomasnow Celebi exCelebi ex
B Tier Decks
Glaceon exGlaceon ex BronzongBronzong TyranitarTyranitar
StaraptorStaraptor DonphanDonphan Starmie ex and Articuno exStarmie ex and Articuno ex
Mewtwo ex and GardevoirMewtwo ex and Gardevoir GolemGolem Pidgeot exPidgeot ex
Scolipede and WeezingScolipede and Weezing GarchompGarchomp Porygon-ZPorygon-Z
Arcanine exArcanine ex Dialga ex and BastiodonDialga ex and Bastiodon -
C Tier Decks
Houndoom Deck
Snorlax Deck
Lucario Deck
Pikachu ex and Raichu Deck
Venusaur ex Deck
Volkner Deck
Togekiss Deck
Aerodactyl ex Deck
Alakazam and Jynx Deck
Dragonite Deck
Machamp ex Deck
Blastoise ex Deck
Marowak ex Deck
Torterra Deck
Empoleon Deck
Mismagius ex Deck
Volcarona and Arcanine ex Deck
Wigglytuff ex Deck
Gengar ex Deck

Off Meta Decks

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Space-Time Smackdown Logo (A2)
Dialga ex and Lickilicky ex Deck
Lake Trio Deck
Rhyperior Deck
Togekiss Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Genetic Apex Logo(A1) Pokemon TCG Pocket - Mythical Island Logo (A1a)
Arbok Lock Deck
Brock Deck
Cinccino Deck
Frosmoth Deck
Kingler and Articuno ex Deck
Lt. Surge Deck
Melmetal Deck
Mewtwo ex and Weezing Deck
Primeape Deck
Venusaur ex and Weezing Deck
Victreebel and Exeggutor ex Deck
Gyarados ex and Vaporeon Deck
Mew ex and Weezing Deck
Vaporeon and Articuno ex Deck

Deck-Building Guides and Articles

All Deck Guides
Deck Building Guide Best Cards Tier List
Best Rental Deck Tier List Best F2P Beginner Decks
Deck Articles
How Rental Decks Work Staple Cards for Decks
Aggro Decks Explained Deck Matchup Statistics
Best 18 Trainers Decks Best Misty Decks
Best Erika Decks 10 Match Tests vs Pikachu ex Deck - Statistics
List of Meme or Troll Decks -


2 Anonymousabout 1 month

Giant cape does not work on Rotom and you say to use dawn in the first build but don’t have her in the deck builder

1 Bobbykart4 months

The cards in "List of Cards" differ from the cards in "Pikachu ex Deck Strategies", "Game Phases" and "Pikachu ex Deck Other Viable Options". Somehow Pincurchin and Voltorb appear outside of the list of cards


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