Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP)

How to Farm Pack Hourglasses

Pokemon TCG Pocket - How to Farm Pack Hourglasses
Pack Hourglasses are used to open packs in Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket (PTCG Pocket) if your pack stamina is still recharging. Read on for tips on how to farm Pack Hourglasses, all the ways to get Pack Hourglasses, and how to use Pack Hourglasses.

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Pokemon TCG Pocket  Pack Hourglass Image Pack Hourglass Pokemon TCG Pocket  Wonder Hourglass Image Wonder Hourglass Pokemon TCG Pocket  Event Hourglass Image Event Hourglass

How to Farm Pack Hourglasses

Complete Missions

Daily Missions

Daily missions, basic missions, advanced missions, and premium missions can all give Pack Hourglasses as rewards.

Completing the basic and advanced missions in particular is the best way to earn a lot of Pack Hourglasses early on, while daily missions give you a reliable source of Pack Hourglasses every day.

All Missions and Themed Collections

Reroll Packs for the Best Cards

Since you can get a large amount of Pack Hourglasses within the first few hours of playing Pokemon TCG Pocket, it is recommended to use this as an opportunity to get rare cards before committing to an account.

If you don’t like the cards you got within your first dozen or so packs, then you can delete your save and start all over again. Link an account once you’re happy with your pulls.

Reroll Guide: How to Reroll for the Best Start

Participate in Solo Battles

Step-Up Battle First Time Rewards Per Battle Total Battles
Beginner 25 EXP
2 Pack Hourglasses
50 Shinedust
1 Shop Ticket
Intermediate 50 EXP
3 Pack Hourglasses
100 Shinedust
1 Shop Ticket
Advanced 75 EXP
5 Pack Hourglasses
150 Shinedust
1 Shop Ticket
Expert 100 EXP
7 Pack Hourglasses
200 Shinedust
1 Shop Ticket

You can get Pack Hourglasses as a reward for beating a deck in solo battles for the first time. The amount of Pack Hourglasses you can get from each deck depends on the difficulty.

If you win all of the beginner Step-Up Battles, which can be done early on, you’ll receive a total of 14 Pack Hourglasses. If you win all battles from beginner to expert, you can earn a total of 112 Pack Hourglasses.

Solo Battle Guides

Level Up

Level Up Screen from Level 4 to 5

Each time you level up, you will receive 12 Pack Hourglasses in addition to other rewards. The EXP requirement to reach the next level gradually increases as you gain more levels, but you also receive EXP from opening packs.

The current max level cap is set to level 50, which should give you enough Pack Hourglasses to help you collect all the cards you want from Genetic Apex.

Level Up Guide

Purchase at the Shop

Item Cost Stock
Pokemon TCG Pocket  Pack Hourglass Image Pack Hourglass x1 2 Shop Tickets 10
Pokemon TCG Pocket  Pack Hourglass Image Pack Hourglass x6 12 Shop Tickets 10

Pack Hourglasses can also be purchased at the Shop using Shop Tickets. The Shop carries a limited stock of hourglasses, but these refresh every month.

All Shop Items

Event Rewards

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Lapras ex Event
Hourglasses can be obtained as event rewards. If you want to know more details about the upcoming PTCG Pocket events, check out our calendar below.

All New and Upcoming Events Schedule

Check Your Mail

Pokemon TCG Pocket - 24 Pack Hourglasses Dev Team

Occasionally, the development team may give away pack hourglasses as gifts. Keep in mind that mail expires after a set amount of time so be sure to claim them as soon as possible.

Should I Save Hourglasses?

Save Hourglasses After Collecting the Cards You Want

Once you have collected enough cards to build a strong deck, you should save your hourglasses for the next booster pack set to come out.

If you are unsure about whats the best order to open packs, check out our card pulling guide here.
Best and Rarest Pull Rates for Each Pack

What Cards Should I Prioritize?

I Want a Strong Deck
A1 084
Build an Articuno Ex Deck
Pokemon TCG - Pokeball icon Generate energy on the first turn from winning a Misty coin flip.
Pokemon TCG - Pokeball icon Articuno ex can attack Benched Pokemon.
I Want a Versatile Deck
Mewtwo Genetic Apex Booster Pack - Pokemon TCG Pocket
Pull from Genetic Apex Mewtwo Packs
Pokemon TCG - Pokeball icon Consistent and powerful cards.
Pokemon TCG - Pokeball icon Aim for cards like Weezing, Venusaur, Giovanni, or Dragonite.
I Want to Unlock Mew
A1 283
Collect all 150 Kanto Pokemon
Pokemon TCG - Pokeball icon Collecting all Kanto Pokemon is one of the secret missions of the game.
Pokemon TCG - Pokeball icon The reward for this secret mission is the special pokemon card Mew.

Best Decks Tier List

Pull Articuno ex for a Strong Deck

A1 084

Pulling for Articuno ex will help set you up for a strong deck. If you have a Misty on team, it becomes very easy to charge up Articuno ex's attacks. Its Blizzard move also allows you to attack All Benched Pokemon, making them easier to defeat once they are in the active spot.
Articuno ex Deck Strategy Guide

Pull Mewtwo Packs for a Versatile Deck

Mewtwo Genetic Apex

Besides the featured Mewtwo ex and Articuno ex cards, the Mewtwo pack has many good cards like Weezing, Venusaur, Giovanni, and Dragonite. We especially recommend pulling for Weezing and Giovanni since they can be placed in most decks.

Best Cards to Pull from Mewtwo Pack

Collect All 150 Kanto Pokemon to Unlock Mew

A1 283

Mew can only be unlocked after completing the secret mission to collect all 150 Kanto pokemon. Luckily, you do not need EX or special illustration cards to complete this mission. For example, if you do not have Venusaur ex, then having a regular Venusaur in your collection will still count towards the mission.

How to Get Mew

How to Use Pack Hourglasses

Open Booster Packs

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Pack Hourglass Time Reduction

You will be given the option to use your Pack Hourglasses if you try to open a booster pack while you have no stamina available. Each Pack Hourglass is equivalent to 1 hour of pack stamina recovery, and the amount of hourglasses you can use at a time depends on the remaining hours until you can fill a unit of pack stamina.

Pack Hourglasses will also be used if you opt to open 10 Packs all at once, as long as you have enough hourglasses.

Best Pack to Open

Poke Gold Can Be Used Instead

If you don’t have enough Pack Hourglasses to fill your pack stamina, you can use Poke Gold instead. Poke Gold can also be used to replenish your wonder stamina

Poke Gold Farming Guide

Time Remaining Carries Over

If you’re worried about using a Pack Hourglass while the timer is still in the middle of the hour, don’t be! You still use the full hour of each Pack Hourglass, and you’ll see the extra minutes carried over to the next recharging pack stamina.

This means that if you use 10 Pack Hourglasses while the timer is at 9 hr 35 min, the timer after you open the pack will be set to 11 hr 35 min instead of 12 hours.

How Booster Packs Work in Pokemon TCG Pocket

Pokemon TCG Pocket Related Guides

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Items

All Items and Accessories

Shop Items

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Limited-Time Event Shop


Binder Covers Display Board Backdrops
Emblems Coins
Card Sleeves Playmats
Profile Icons


Pack Hourglass Wonder Hourglass
Poke Gold Shop Ticket
Emblem Ticket Special Shop Ticket
Premium Ticket Advance Ticket
Event Shop Ticket Pack Points
Shinedust Rewind Watch
Pack Stamina Wonder Stamina
Event Hourglass Event Stamina

All Currencies Explained


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