Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP)

Solo Battle Guides: All Decks, Battle Tasks and Counters

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Solo AI Battle

Solo AI battles in Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket (PTCG Pocket) is a feature where players can battle against bots to test decks and get rewards. Read on for a list of all solo battles in the game, the rewards you can get, and more!

All Solo Battle Guides

Step-Up Battle (Beginner)

Solo Battle Difficulties
Beginner Intermediate Advanced Expert
All Solo Battles
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Ivysaur Deck (Genetic Apex)Ivysaur Deck (Genetic Apex)
Grass Grass Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 1 time with an attack from a Fire-type Pokemon
・Put 4 Basic Pokemon into play
Best Deck to Beat:
Fire Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Charmeleon Deck (Genetic Apex)Charmeleon Deck (Genetic Apex)
Fire Fire Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 1 time with an attack from a Water-type Pokemon
・Put 4 Basic Pokemon into play
Best Deck to Beat:
Water Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Wartortle Deck (Genetic Apex)Wartortle Deck (Genetic Apex)
Water Water Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 1 time with an attack from a Lightning-type Pokemon
・Put 4 Basic Pokemon into play
Best Deck to Beat:
Lightning Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Heliolisk Deck (Genetic Apex)Heliolisk Deck (Genetic Apex)
・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 1 time with an attack from a Fighting-type Pokemon
・Put 4 Basic Pokemon into play
Best Deck to Beat:
Fighting Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Swoobat Deck (Genetic Apex)Swoobat Deck (Genetic Apex)
Psychic Psychic Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 1 time with an attack from a Darkness-type Pokemon
・Put 4 Basic Pokemon into play
Best Deck to Beat:
Darkness Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Grapploct Deck (Genetic Apex)Grapploct Deck (Genetic Apex)
Fighting Fighting Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 1 time with an attack from a Grass-type Pokemon
・Put 4 Basic Pokemon into play
Best Deck to Beat:
Psychic Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Nidorina & Nidorino Deck (Genetic Apex)Nidorina & Nidorino Deck (Genetic Apex)
Darkness Darkness Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 1 time with an attack from a Fighting-type Pokemon
・Put 4 Basic Pokemon into play
Best Deck to Beat:
Fighting Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Lapras Deck (Event)Lapras Deck (Event)
Water Water Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 1 time with an attack from a Lightning-type Pokemon
・Put 3 Basic Pokemon into play
Best Deck to Beat:
Lightning Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Ivysaur Deck (Event)Ivysaur Deck (Event)
Grass Grass Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 1 time with an attack from a Fire-type Pokemon
・Put 3 Basic Pokemon into play
Best Deck to Beat:
Fire Deck

Step-Up Battle (Intermediate)

Genetic Apex

Solo Battle Difficulties
Beginner Intermediate Advanced Expert
Genetic Apex Space-Time Smackdown
Triumphant Light
All Solo Battles
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Venusaur & Exeggutor Deck (Genetic Apex)Venusaur & Exeggutor Deck (Genetic Apex)
Grass Grass Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 2 times with an attack from a Fire-type Pokemon
・Put a Stage 1 Pokemon into play
・Win this battle by turn 14
Best Deck to Beat:
Fire Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Charizard & Arcanine Deck (Genetic Apex)Charizard & Arcanine Deck (Genetic Apex)
Fire Fire Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 2 times with an attack from a Water-type Pokemon
・Put a Stage 1 Pokemon into play
・Win this battle by turn 14
Best Deck to Beat:
Water Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Blastoise & Gyarados Deck (Genetic Apex)Blastoise & Gyarados Deck (Genetic Apex)
Water Water Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 2 times with an attack from a Lightning-type Pokemon
・Put a Stage 1 Pokemon into play
・Win this battle by turn 14
Best Deck to Beat:
Lightning Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Magneton & Eelektross Deck (Genetic Apex)Magneton & Eelektross Deck (Genetic Apex)
・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 2 times with an attack from a Fighting-type Pokemon
・Put a Stage 1 Pokemon into play
・Win this battle by turn 14
Best Deck to Beat:
Fighting Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Alakazam & Mewtwo Deck (Genetic Apex)Alakazam & Mewtwo Deck (Genetic Apex)
Psychic Psychic Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 2 times with an attack from a Darkness-type Pokemon
・Put a Stage 1 Pokemon into play
・Win this battle by turn 14
Best Deck to Beat:
Darkness Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Golem & Machamp Deck (Genetic Apex)Golem & Machamp Deck (Genetic Apex)
Fighting Fighting Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 2 times with an attack from a Grass-type Pokemon
・Put a Stage 1 Pokemon into play
・Win this battle by turn 14
Best Deck to Beat:
Psychic Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Nidoking & Muk Deck (Genetic Apex)Nidoking & Muk Deck (Genetic Apex)
Darkness Darkness Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 2 times with an attack from a Fighting-type Pokemon
・Put a Stage 1 Pokemon into play
・Win this battle by turn 14
Best Deck to Beat:
Fighting Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Lapras & Starmie Deck (Event)Lapras & Starmie Deck (Event)
Water Water Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 2 times with an attack from a Lightning-type Pokemon
・Put a Stage 1 Pokemon into play
・Win this battle by turn 14
Best Deck to Beat:
Lightning Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Venusaur & Scyther Deck (Event)Venusaur & Scyther Deck (Event)
Grass Grass Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 2 times with an attack from a Fire-type Pokemon
・Make your opponent's Pokemon Asleep 1 time
・Win this battle by turn 14
Best Deck to Beat:
Fire Deck

Space-Time Smackdown

Solo Battle Difficulties
Beginner Intermediate Advanced Expert
Genetic Apex Space-Time Smackdown
Triumphant Light
All Solo Battles
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Torterra & Shaymin Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)Torterra & Shaymin Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)
Grass Grass Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 2 times with an attack from a Fire-type Pokemon
・Put a Stage 1 Pokemon into play
・Win this battle by turn 14
Best Deck to Beat:
Fire Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Magmortar & Regigigas Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)Magmortar & Regigigas Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)
Fire Fire Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 2 times with an attack from a Water-type Pokemon
・Put a Stage 1 Pokemon into play
・Win this battle by turn 14
Best Deck to Beat:
Water Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Glaceon & Mamoswine Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)Glaceon & Mamoswine Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)
Water Water Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 2 times with an attack from a Metal-type Pokemon
・Put a Stage 1 Pokemon into play
・Win this battle by turn 14
Best Deck to Beat:
Metal Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Magnezone & Electivire Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)Magnezone & Electivire Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)
・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 2 times with an attack from a Fighting-type Pokemon
・Put a Stage 1 Pokemon into play
・Win this battle by turn 14
Best Deck to Beat:
Fighting Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Togekiss & Giratina Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)Togekiss & Giratina Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)
Psychic Psychic Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 2 times with an attack from a Darkness-type Pokemon
・Put a Stage 1 Pokemon into play
・Win this battle by turn 14
Best Deck to Beat:
Darkness Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Rampardos & Rhyperior Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)Rampardos & Rhyperior Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)
Fighting Fighting Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 2 times with an attack from a Grass-type Pokemon
・Put a Stage 1 Pokemon into play
・Win this battle by turn 14
Best Deck to Beat:
Grass Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Darkrai & Regigigas Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)Darkrai & Regigigas Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)
Darkness Darkness Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 2 times with an attack from a Fighting-type Pokemon
・Put a Stage 1 Pokemon into play
・Win this battle by turn 14
Best Deck to Beat:
Fighting Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Bastiodon & Heatran Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)Bastiodon & Heatran Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)
Metal Metal Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 2 times with an attack from a Fire-type Pokemon
・Put a Stage 1 Pokemon into play
・Win this battle by turn 14
Best Deck to Beat:
Fire Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Cresselia & Drifblim Deck (Event)Cresselia & Drifblim Deck (Event)
Psychic Psychic Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 2 times with an attack from a Darkness-type Pokemon
・Make your opponent's Pokemon Asleep 1 time
・Win this battle by turn 14
Best Deck to Beat:
Darkness Deck

Triumphant Light

Solo Battle Difficulties
Beginner Intermediate Advanced Expert
Genetic Apex Space-Time Smackdown
Triumphant Light
All Solo Battles
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Carnivine Deck (Triumphant Light)Carnivine Deck (Triumphant Light)
Grass Grass Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 2 times with an attack from a Fire-type Pokemon
・Put a Stage 1 Pokemon into play
・Win this battle by turn 14
Best Deck to Beat:
Fire Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Abomasnow Deck (Triumphant Light)Abomasnow Deck (Triumphant Light)
Water Water Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 2 times with an attack from a Metal-type Pokemon
・Put a Stage 1 Pokemon into play
・Win this battle by turn 14
Best Deck to Beat:
Lightning Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Tyranitar Deck (Triumphant Light)Tyranitar Deck (Triumphant Light)
Fighting Fighting Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 2 times with an attack from a Grass-type Pokemon
・Put a Stage 1 Pokemon into play
・Win this battle by turn 14
Best Deck to Beat:
Grass Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Magnezone Deck (Triumphant Light)Magnezone Deck (Triumphant Light)
Metal Metal Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 2 times with an attack from a Fire-type Pokemon
・Put a Stage 1 Pokemon into play
・Win this battle by turn 14
Best Deck to Beat:
Fire Deck

Step-Up Battle (Advanced)

Genetic Apex

Solo Battle Difficulties
Beginner Intermediate Advanced Expert
Genetic Apex Mythical Island
Space-Time Smackdown Triumphant Light
All Solo Battles
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Venusaur ex Deck (Genetic Apex)Venusaur ex Deck (Genetic Apex)
Grass Grass Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 3 times with an attack from a Fire-type Pokemon
・Do 100 or more damage in total to your opponent's Pokemon with one attack
・Win this battle by turn 14
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
Best Deck to Beat:
Fire Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Charizard ex Deck (Genetic Apex)Charizard ex Deck (Genetic Apex)
Fire Fire Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 3 times with an attack from a Water-type Pokemon
・Do 100 or more damage in total to your opponent's Pokemon with one attack
・Win this battle by turn 14
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
Best Deck to Beat:
Water Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Blastoise ex Deck (Genetic Apex)Blastoise ex Deck (Genetic Apex)
Water Water Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 3 times with an attack from a Lightning-type Pokemon
・Do 100 or more damage in total to your opponent's Pokemon with one attack
・Win this battle by turn 14
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
Best Deck to Beat:
Lightning Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Pikachu ex Deck (Genetic Apex)Pikachu ex Deck (Genetic Apex)
・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 3 times with an attack from a Fighting-type Pokemon
・Do 100 or more damage in total to your opponent's Pokemon with one attack
・Win this battle by turn 14
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
Best Deck to Beat:
Fighting Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Mewtwo ex Deck (Genetic Apex)Mewtwo ex Deck (Genetic Apex)
Psychic Psychic Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 3 times with an attack from a Darkness-type Pokemon
・Do 100 or more damage in total to your opponent's Pokemon with one attack
・Win this battle by turn 14
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
Best Deck to Beat:
Darkness Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Machamp ex Deck (Genetic Apex)Machamp ex Deck (Genetic Apex)
Fighting Fighting Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 3 times with an attack from a Psychic-type Pokemon
・Do 100 or more damage in total to your opponent's Pokemon with one attack
・Win this battle by turn 14
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
Best Deck to Beat:
Psychic Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Nidoqueen & Nidoking Deck (Genetic Apex)Nidoqueen & Nidoking Deck (Genetic Apex)
Darkness Darkness Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 3 times with an attack from a Fighting-type Pokemon
・Do 100 or more damage in total to your opponent's Pokemon with one attack
・Win this battle by turn 14
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
Best Deck to Beat:
Fighting Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Lapras ex Deck (Event)Lapras ex Deck (Event)
Water Water Deck

・Win 5 or more battles
・Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokemon cards are of ◇, ◇◇, and/or ◇◇◇ rarity
・Win this battle by turn 14
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
Best Deck to Beat:
Lightning Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Venusaur ex Deck (Event)Venusaur ex Deck (Event)
Grass Grass Deck

・Win 5 or more battles
・Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokemon cards are of ◇, ◇◇, and/or ◇◇◇ rarity
・Win this battle by turn 14
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
Best Deck to Beat:
Fire Deck

Mythical Island

Solo Battle Difficulties
Beginner Intermediate Advanced Expert
Genetic Apex Mythical Island
Space-Time Smackdown Triumphant Light
All Solo Battles
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Celebi ex Deck (Mythical Island)Celebi ex Deck (Mythical Island)
Grass Grass Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 3 times with an attack from a Fire-type Pokemon
・Do 100 or more damage in total to your opponent's Pokemon with one attack
・Win this battle by turn 14
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
Best Deck to Beat:
Fire Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Volcarona & Blaine Deck (Mythical Island)Volcarona & Blaine Deck (Mythical Island)
Fire Fire Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 3 times with an attack from a Water-type Pokemon
・Do 100 or more damage in total to your opponent's Pokemon with one attack
・Win this battle by turn 14
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
Best Deck to Beat:
Water Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Gyarados ex Deck (Mythical Island)Gyarados ex Deck (Mythical Island)
Water Water Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 3 times with an attack from a Lightning-type Pokemon
・Do 100 or more damage in total to your opponent's Pokemon with one attack
・Win this battle by turn 14
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
Best Deck to Beat:
Lightning Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Raichu & Lt. Surge Deck (Mythical Island)Raichu & Lt. Surge Deck (Mythical Island)
・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 3 times with an attack from a Fighting-type Pokemon
・Do 100 or more damage in total to your opponent's Pokemon with one attack
・Win this battle by turn 14
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
Best Deck to Beat:
Fighting Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Mew ex Deck (Mythical Island)Mew ex Deck (Mythical Island)
Psychic Psychic Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 3 times with an attack from a Darkness-type Pokemon
・Do 100 or more damage in total to your opponent's Pokemon with one attack
・Win this battle by turn 14
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
Best Deck to Beat:
Darkness Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Aerodactyl ex Deck (Mythical Island)Aerodactyl ex Deck (Mythical Island)
Fighting Fighting Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 3 times with an attack from a Grass-type Pokemon
・Do 100 or more damage in total to your opponent's Pokemon with one attack
・Win this battle by turn 14
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
Best Deck to Beat:
Grass Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Golem & Brock Deck (Mythical Island)Golem & Brock Deck (Mythical Island)
Fighting Fighting Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 3 times with an attack from a Grass-type Pokemon
・Do 100 or more damage in total to your opponent's Pokemon with one attack
・Win this battle by turn 14
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
Best Deck to Beat:
Grass Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Blue & Pidgeot ex Deck (Mythical Island)Blue & Pidgeot ex Deck (Mythical Island)
・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 3 times with an attack from a Lightning-type Pokemon
・Do 100 or more damage in total to your opponent's Pokemon with one attack
・Win this battle by turn 14
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
Best Deck to Beat:
Lightning Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Blastoise ex Deck (Mythical Island)Blastoise ex Deck (Mythical Island)
Water Water Deck

・Win 5 or more battles
・Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokemon cards are of ◇, ◇◇, and/or ◇◇◇ rarity
・Win this battle by turn 14
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
Best Deck to Beat:
Lightning Deck

Space-Time Smackdown

Solo Battle Difficulties
Beginner Intermediate Advanced Expert
Genetic Apex Mythical Island
Space-Time Smackdown Triumphant Light
All Solo Battles
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Yanmega ex (Space-Time Smackdown)Yanmega ex (Space-Time Smackdown)
Grass Grass Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 3 times with an attack from a Fire-type Pokemon
・Do 100 or more damage in total to your opponent's Pokemon with one attack
・Win this battle by turn 14
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
Best Deck to Beat:
Fire Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Infernape ex Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)Infernape ex Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)
Fire Fire Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 3 times with an attack from a Water-type Pokemon
・Do 100 or more damage in total to your opponent's Pokemon with one attack
・Win this battle by turn 14
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
Best Deck to Beat:
Water Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Palkia ex Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)Palkia ex Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)
Water Water Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 3 times with an attack from a Lightning-type Pokemon
・Do 100 or more damage in total to your opponent's Pokemon with one attack
・Win this battle by turn 14
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
Best Deck to Beat:
Lightning Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Pachirisu ex Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)Pachirisu ex Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)
・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 3 times with an attack from a Fighting-type Pokemon
・Do 100 or more damage in total to your opponent's Pokemon with one attack
・Win this battle by turn 14
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
Best Deck to Beat:
Fighting Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Mismagius ex Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)Mismagius ex Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)
Psychic Psychic Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 3 times with an attack from a Darkness-type Pokemon
・Do 100 or more damage in total to your opponent's Pokemon with one attack
・Win this battle by turn 14
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
Best Deck to Beat:
Darkness Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Gallade ex Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)Gallade ex Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)
Fighting Fighting Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 3 times with an attack from a Darkness-type Pokemon
・Do 100 or more damage in total to your opponent's Pokemon with one attack
・Win this battle by turn 14
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
Best Deck to Beat:
Psychic Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Darkrai ex Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)Darkrai ex Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)
Darkness Darkness Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 3 times with an attack from a Grass-type Pokemon
・Do 100 or more damage in total to your opponent's Pokemon with one attack
・Win this battle by turn 14
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
Best Deck to Beat:
Grass Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Dialga ex Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)Dialga ex Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)
Metal Metal Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 3 times with an attack from a Fire-type Pokemon
・Do 100 or more damage in total to your opponent's Pokemon with one attack
・Win this battle by turn 14
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
Best Deck to Beat:
Fire Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Lickilicky ex Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)Lickilicky ex Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)
・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 3 times with an attack from a Fighting-type Pokemon
・Do 100 or more damage in total to your opponent's Pokemon with one attack
・Win this battle by turn 14
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
Best Deck to Beat:
Fighting Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Cresselia ex & Gardevoir Deck (Event)Cresselia ex & Gardevoir Deck (Event)
Psychic Psychic Deck

・Win 5 or more battles
・Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokemon cards are of ◇, ◇◇, and/or ◇◇◇ rarity
・Win this battle by turn 14
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
Best Deck to Beat:
Darkness Deck

Triumphant Light

Solo Battle Difficulties
Beginner Intermediate Advanced Expert
Genetic Apex Mythical Island
Space-Time Smackdown Triumphant Light
All Solo Battles
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Leafeon ex Deck (Triumphant Light)Leafeon ex Deck (Triumphant Light)
Grass Grass Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 3 times with an attack from a Fire-type Pokemon
・Do 100 or more damage in total to your opponent's Pokemon with one attack
・Win this battle by turn 14
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
Best Deck to Beat:
Fire Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Arceus ex & Heatran Deck (Triumphant Light)Arceus ex & Heatran Deck (Triumphant Light)
Fire Fire Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 3 times with an attack from a Water-type Pokemon
・Do 100 or more damage in total to your opponent's Pokemon with one attack
・Win this battle by turn 14
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
Best Deck to Beat:
Water Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Glaceon ex Deck (Triumphant Light)Glaceon ex Deck (Triumphant Light)
Water Water Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 3 times with an attack from a Metal-type Pokemon
・Do 100 or more damage in total to your opponent's Pokemon with one attack
・Win this battle by turn 14
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
Best Deck to Beat:
Lightning Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Arceus ex & Raichu Deck (Triumphant Light)Arceus ex & Raichu Deck (Triumphant Light)
・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 3 times with an attack from a Fighting-type Pokemon
・Do 100 or more damage in total to your opponent's Pokemon with one attack
・Win this battle by turn 14
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
Best Deck to Beat:
Fighting Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Garchomp ex Deck (Triumphant Light)Garchomp ex Deck (Triumphant Light)
Fighting Fighting Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 3 times with an attack from a Grass-type Pokemon
・Do 100 or more damage in total to your opponent's Pokemon with one attack
・Win this battle by turn 14
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
Best Deck to Beat:
Grass Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Arceus ex & Crobat Deck (Triumphant Light)Arceus ex & Crobat Deck (Triumphant Light)
Darkness Darkness Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 3 times with an attack from a Fighting-type Pokemon
・Do 100 or more damage in total to your opponent's Pokemon with one attack
・Win this battle by turn 14
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
Best Deck to Beat:
Fighting Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Probopass ex Deck (Triumphant Light)Probopass ex Deck (Triumphant Light)
Metal Metal Deck

・Knock Out your Opponent's Active Pokemon 3 times with an attack from a Fire-type Pokemon
・Do 100 or more damage in total to your opponent's Pokemon with one attack
・Win this battle by turn 14
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
Best Deck to Beat:
Fire Deck

Expert Solo Battle

Genetic Apex

Solo Battle Difficulties
Beginner Intermediate Advanced Expert
Genetic Apex Mythical Island
Space-Time Smackdown Triumphant Light
All Solo Battles
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Venusaur ex & Exeggutor ex Deck (Genetic Apex)Venusaur ex & Exeggutor ex Deck (Genetic Apex)
Grass Grass Deck

・Win this battle with a deck whose Pokemon are only Fighting-type
・Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokemon cards are of ◇, ◇◇, and/or ◇◇◇ rarity
・Win this battle by turn 12
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
・Deal 1,500 or more damage
Best Deck to Beat:
Fire Deck
Best Deck to 100%:
1-3 Diamond-Only Fighting Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Charizard ex & Moltres ex Deck (Genetic Apex)Charizard ex & Moltres ex Deck (Genetic Apex)
Fire Fire Deck

・Win this battle with a deck whose Pokemon are only Grass-type
・Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokemon cards are of ◇, ◇◇, and/or ◇◇◇ rarity
・Win this battle by turn 12
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
・Get 12 or more points
Best Deck to Beat:
Water Deck
Best Deck to 100%:
1-3 Diamond-Only Grass Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Starmie ex & Greninja Deck (Genetic Apex)Starmie ex & Greninja Deck (Genetic Apex)
Water Water Deck

・Win this battle with a deck whose Pokemon are only Fire-type
・Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokemon cards are of ◇, ◇◇, and/or ◇◇◇ rarity
・Win this battle by turn 12
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
・Deal 1,500 or more damage
Best Deck to Beat:
Lightning Deck
Best Deck to 100%:
1-3 Diamond-Only Fire Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Pikachu ex & Raichu Deck (Genetic Apex)Pikachu ex & Raichu Deck (Genetic Apex)
・Win this battle with a deck whose Pokemon are only Water-type
・Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokemon cards are of ◇, ◇◇, and/or ◇◇◇ rarity
・Win this battle by turn 12
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
・Get 12 or more points
Best Deck to Beat:
Fighting Deck
Best Deck to 100%:
1-3 Diamond-Only Water Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Mewtwo ex & Gardevoir Deck (Genetic Apex)Mewtwo ex & Gardevoir Deck (Genetic Apex)
Psychic Psychic Deck

・Win this battle with a deck whose Pokemon are only Fighting-type
・Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokemon cards are of ◇, ◇◇, and/or ◇◇◇ rarity
・Win this battle by turn 12
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
・Deal 1,500 or more damage
Best Deck to Beat:
Darkness Deck
Best Deck to 100%:
1-3 Diamond-Only Fighting Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Machamp ex & Marowak ex Deck (Genetic Apex)Machamp ex & Marowak ex Deck (Genetic Apex)
Fighting Fighting Deck

・Win this battle with a deck whose Pokemon are only Lightning-type
・Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokemon cards are of ◇, ◇◇, and/or ◇◇◇ rarity
・Win this battle by turn 12
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
・Get 12 or more points
Best Deck to Beat:
Psychic Deck
Best Deck to 100%:
1-3 Diamond-Only Lightning Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Starmie ex & Lapras ex Deck (Event)Starmie ex & Lapras ex Deck (Event)
Water Water Deck

・Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokemon cards are of ◇, ◇◇, and/or ◇◇◇ rarity
・Win this battle by turn 12
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
・Win 10 or more battles
・Win 20 or more battles
Best Deck to Beat:
Lightning Deck
Best Deck to 100%:
1-3 Diamond-Only Lightning Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Venusaur ex & Lilligant Deck (Event)Venusaur ex & Lilligant Deck (Event)
Grass Grass Deck

・Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokemon cards are of ◇, ◇◇, and/or ◇◇◇ rarity
・Win this battle by turn 12
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
・Win 10 or more battles
・Win 20 or more battles
Best Deck to Beat:
Fire Deck
Best Deck to 100%:
1-3 Diamond-Only Fire Deck

Mythical Island

Solo Battle Difficulties
Beginner Intermediate Advanced Expert
Genetic Apex Mythical Island
Space-Time Smackdown Triumphant Light
All Solo Battles
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Venusaur ex & Serperior Deck (Mythical Island)Venusaur ex & Serperior Deck (Mythical Island)
Grass Grass Deck

・Win this battle with a deck whose Pokemon are only Fighting-type
・Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokemon cards are of ◇, ◇◇, and/or ◇◇◇ rarity
・Win this battle by turn 12
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
・Deal 1,500 or more damage
Best Deck to Beat:
Fire Deck
Best Deck to 100%:
1-3 Diamond-Only Fighting Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Celebi ex & Serperior Deck (Mythical Island)Celebi ex & Serperior Deck (Mythical Island)
Grass Grass Deck

・Win this battle with a deck whose Pokemon are only Fighting-type
・Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokemon cards are of ◇, ◇◇, and/or ◇◇◇ rarity
・Win this battle by turn 12
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
・Deal 1,500 or more damage
Best Deck to Beat:
Fire Deck
Best Deck to 100%:
1-3 Diamond-Only Fighting Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Volcarona & Moltres ex Deck (Mythical Island)Volcarona & Moltres ex Deck (Mythical Island)
Fire Fire Deck

・Win this battle with a deck whose Pokemon are only Grass-type
・Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokemon cards are of ◇, ◇◇, and/or ◇◇◇ rarity
・Win this battle by turn 12
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
・Get 12 or more points
Best Deck to Beat:
Water Deck
Best Deck to 100%:
1-3 Diamond-Only Grass Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Gyarados ex & Vaporeon Deck (Mythical Island)Gyarados ex & Vaporeon Deck (Mythical Island)
Water Water Deck

・Win this battle with a deck whose Pokemon are only Fire-type
・Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokemon cards are of ◇, ◇◇, and/or ◇◇◇ rarity
・Win this battle by turn 12
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
・Deal 1,500 or more damage
Best Deck to Beat:
Lightning Deck
Best Deck to 100%:
1-3 Diamond-Only Fire Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Raichu & Magneton Deck (Mythical Island)Raichu & Magneton Deck (Mythical Island)
・Win this battle with a deck whose Pokemon are only Water-type
・Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokemon cards are of ◇, ◇◇, and/or ◇◇◇ rarity
・Win this battle by turn 12
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
・Get 12 or more points
Best Deck to Beat:
Fighting Deck
Best Deck to 100%:
1-3 Diamond-Only Water Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Mew ex & Mewtwo ex Deck (Mythical Island)Mew ex & Mewtwo ex Deck (Mythical Island)
Psychic Psychic Deck

・Win this battle with a deck whose Pokemon are only Fighting-type
・Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokemon cards are of ◇, ◇◇, and/or ◇◇◇ rarity
・Win this battle by turn 12
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
・Deal 1,500 or more damage
Best Deck to Beat:
Darkness Deck
Best Deck to 100%:
1-3 Diamond-Only Fighting Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Aerodactyl ex & Marowak ex Deck (Mythical Island)Aerodactyl ex & Marowak ex Deck (Mythical Island)
Fighting Fighting Deck

・Win this battle with a deck whose Pokemon are only Lightning-type
・Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokemon cards are of ◇, ◇◇, and/or ◇◇◇ rarity
・Win this battle by turn 12
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
・Get 12 or more points
Best Deck to Beat:
Grass Deck
Best Deck to 100%:
1-3 Diamond-Only Lightning Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Blue & Pidgeot ex Deck (Mythical Island)Blue & Pidgeot ex Deck (Mythical Island)
・Win this battle with a deck whose Pokemon are only Colorless-type
・Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokemon cards are of ◇, ◇◇, and/or ◇◇◇ rarity
・Win this battle by turn 12
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
・Deal 1,500 or more damage
Best Deck to Beat:
Lightning Deck
Best Deck to 100%:
1-3 Diamond-Only Colorless Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Blastoise ex and Vaporeon Deck (Mythical Island)Blastoise ex and Vaporeon Deck (Mythical Island)
Water Water Deck

・Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokemon cards are of ◇, ◇◇, and/or ◇◇◇ rarity
・Win this battle by turn 12
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
・Win 10 or more battles
・Win 20 or more battles
Best Deck to Beat:
Lightning Deck
Best Deck to 100%:
1-3 Diamond-Only Lightning Deck

Space-Time Smackdown

Solo Battle Difficulties
Beginner Intermediate Advanced Expert
Genetic Apex Mythical Island
Space-Time Smackdown Triumphant Light
All Solo Battles
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Yanmega ex & Exeggutor ex Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)Yanmega ex & Exeggutor ex Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)
Grass Grass Deck

・Win this battle with a deck whose Pokemon are only Darkness type
・Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokemon cards are of ◇, ◇◇, and/or ◇◇◇ rarity
・Win this battle by turn 12
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
・Deal 1,500 or more damage
Best Deck to Beat:
Lightning Deck
Best Deck to 100%:
1-3 Diamond-Only Darkness Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Infernape ex & Rapidash Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)Infernape ex & Rapidash Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)
Fire Fire Deck

・Win this battle with a deck whose Pokemon are only Grass-type
・Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokemon cards are of ◇, ◇◇, and/or ◇◇◇ rarity
・Win this battle by turn 12
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
・Get 12 or more points
Best Deck to Beat:
Water Deck
Best Deck to 100%:
1-3 Diamond-Only Grass Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Palkia ex & Vaporeon Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)Palkia ex & Vaporeon Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)
Water Water Deck

・Win this battle with a deck whose Pokemon are only Fire-type
・Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokemon cards are of ◇, ◇◇, and/or ◇◇◇ rarity
・Win this battle by turn 12
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
・Deal 1,500 or more damage
Best Deck to Beat:
Lightning Deck
Best Deck to 100%:
1-3 Diamond-Only Fire Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Pachirisu ex & Pikachu ex Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)Pachirisu ex & Pikachu ex Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)
・Win this battle with a deck whose Pokemon are only Water-type
・Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokemon cards are of ◇, ◇◇, and/or ◇◇◇ rarity
・Win this battle by turn 12
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
・Get 12 or more points
Best Deck to Beat:
Fighting Deck
Best Deck to 100%:
1-3 Diamond-Only Water Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Mismagius ex & Gardevoir Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)Mismagius ex & Gardevoir Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)
Psychic Psychic Deck

・Win this battle with a deck whose Pokemon are only Fighting-type
・Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokemon cards are of ◇, ◇◇, and/or ◇◇◇ rarity
・Win this battle by turn 12
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
・Deal 1,500 or more damage
Best Deck to Beat:
Darkness Deck
Best Deck to 100%:
1-3 Diamond-Only Fighting Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Gallade ex & Lucario Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)Gallade ex & Lucario Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)
Fighting Fighting Deck

・Win this batte with a deck whose Pokemon are only Lightning-type
・Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokemon cards are of ◇, ◇◇, and/or ◇◇◇ rarity
・Win this battle by turn 12
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
・Get 12 or more points
Best Deck to Beat:
Psychic Deck
Best Deck to 100%:
1-3 Diamond-Only Lightning Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Darkrai ex & Weavile ex Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)Darkrai ex & Weavile ex Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)
Darkness Darkness Deck

・Win this battle with a deck whose Pokemon are only Psychic-type
・Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokemon cards are of ◇, ◇◇, and/or ◇◇◇ rarity
・Win this battle by turn 12
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
・Deal 1,500 or more damage
Best Deck to Beat:
Grass Deck
Best Deck to 100%:
1-3 Diamond-Only Psychic Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Dialga ex & Melmetal Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)Dialga ex & Melmetal Deck (Space-Time Smackdown)
Metal Metal Deck

・Do 150 or more damage in total to your opponent's Pokemon with one attack
・Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokemon cards are of ◇, ◇◇, and/or ◇◇◇ rarity
・Win this battle by turn 12
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
・Get 12 or more points
Best Deck to Beat:
Fire Deck
Best Deck to 100%:
1-3 Diamond-Only Fire Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Cresselia ex & Mismagius ex Deck (Event)Cresselia ex & Mismagius ex Deck (Event)
Psychic Psychic Deck

・Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokemon cards are of ◇, ◇◇, and/or ◇◇◇ rarity
・Win this battle by turn 12
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
・Win 10 or more battles
・Win 20 or more battles
Best Deck to Beat:
Darkness Deck
Best Deck to 100%:
1-3 Diamond-Only Darkness Deck

Triumphant Light

Solo Battle Difficulties
Beginner Intermediate Advanced Expert
Genetic Apex Mythical Island
Space-Time Smackdown Triumphant Light
All Solo Battles
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Leafeon ex & Yanmega Deck (Triumphant Light)Leafeon ex & Yanmega Deck (Triumphant Light)
Grass Grass Deck

・Win this battle with a deck whose Pokemon are only Darkness type
・Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokemon cards are of ◇, ◇◇, and/or ◇◇◇ rarity
・Win this battle by turn 12
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
・Deal 1,500 or more damage
Best Deck to Beat:
Fire Deck
Best Deck to 100%:
1-3 Diamond-Only Darkness Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Arceus ex & Infernape ex Deck (Triumphant Light)Arceus ex & Infernape ex Deck (Triumphant Light)
Fire Fire Deck

・Win this battle with a deck whose Pokemon are only Grass type
・Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokemon cards are of ◇, ◇◇, and/or ◇◇◇ rarity
・Win this battle by turn 12
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
・Get 12 or more points
Best Deck to Beat:
Water Deck
Best Deck to 100%:
1-3 Diamond-Only Grass Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Glaceon ex & Palkia ex Deck (Triumphant Light)Glaceon ex & Palkia ex Deck (Triumphant Light)
Water Water Deck

・Win this battle with a deck whose Pokemon are only Fire-type
・Win this battle without any Trainer cards included in your deck.
・Win this battle by turn 12
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
・Deal 1,500 or more damage
Best Deck to Beat:
Lightning Deck
Best Deck to 100%:
No Trainers Fire Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Arceus ex & Pachirisu ex Deck (Triumphant Light)Arceus ex & Pachirisu ex Deck (Triumphant Light)
・Win this battle with a deck whose Pokemon are only Water-type
・Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokemon cards are of ◇, ◇◇, and/or ◇◇◇ rarity
・Win this battle by turn 12
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
・Get 12 or more points
Best Deck to Beat:
Fighting Deck
Best Deck to 100%:
1-3 Diamond-Only Water Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Garchomp ex & Marshadow Deck (Triumphant Light)Garchomp ex & Marshadow Deck (Triumphant Light)
Fighting Fighting Deck

・Win this battle with a deck whose Pokemon are only Colorless-type
・Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokemon cards are of ◇, ◇◇, and/or ◇◇◇ rarity
・Win this battle by turn 12
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
・Deal 1,500 or more damage
Best Deck to Beat:
Grass Deck
Best Deck to 100%:
1-3 Diamond-Only Colorless Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Arceus ex & Weavile ex Deck (Triumphant Light)Arceus ex & Weavile ex Deck (Triumphant Light)
Darkness Darkness Deck

・Win this battle with a deck whose Pokemon are only Psychic-type
・Win this battle without any Trainer cards included in your deck.
・Win this battle by turn 12
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
・Get 12 or more points
Best Deck to Beat:
Fighting Deck
Best Deck to 100%:
No Trainers Psychic Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Probopass ex & Dialga ex Deck (Triumphant Light)Probopass ex & Dialga ex Deck (Triumphant Light)
Metal Metal Deck

・Win this battle with a deck whose Pokemon are only Water-type
・Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokemon cards are of ◇, ◇◇, and/or ◇◇◇ rarity
・Win this battle by turn 12
・Win this battle without your opponent getting any points
・Deal 1,500 or more damage
Best Deck to Beat:
Fire Deck
Best Deck to 100%:
1-3 Diamond-Only Water Deck

Solo Battle Guide Missions

Beginner Missions

All Beginner Missions
Pokeball Icon 00: Let's Start Battling

Pokeball Icon 01: Prepare for battle!

Pokeball Icon 02: Use an Attack!

Pokeball Icon 03: Attach Energy!

Pokeball Icon 04: Play Pokemon from your hand!

Pokeball Icon 05: End your turn!

Pokeball Icon 06: Evolve your Pokemon!

The Beginner tasks that are part of the guide need to be completed to unlock Battles in general.

Tasks here cover the basics of battling, such as how to attack, set Pokemon on the field or bench, and evolving.

Advanced Missions

All Advanced Missions
Pokeball Icon 07: Attach Energy to your Benched Pokemon!

Pokeball Icon 08: Play an Item Card!

Pokeball Icon 09: Play a Supporter Card!

Pokeball Icon 10: Retreat!

Pokeball Icon 11: Attack the Weakness!

Pokeball Icon 12: Use an Ability!

Pokeball Icon 13: Apply Special Conditions!

Advanced Missions are tasks for more advanced mechanics of the game. Completing these tutorials reward players with a variety of rewards, including Item Cards, and the final reward being the Wigglytuff ex Rental Deck!

Unlocks Wigglytuff ex Rental Deck

Unlike the other Rental Decks, the Wigglytuff ex Rental Deck is received as a reward for completing the Advanced Section of the Battle Guide.

The Wigglytuff ex Rental Deck is easy to use, and since it is a Colorless Deck, it can be used to clear most of the Solo Battles without much difficulty!

Wigglytuff ex Rental Deck

Solo Battle Features

Battle Against AI Opponents

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Solo Battles

Pokemon TCG Pocket's battles against AI is the lone single-player mode, as the game does not have a story mode.

In these battles, you will be matched against computer-controlled opponents with varying skills levels depending on the difficulty.

Same Match Rules Apply

Solo AI battles have the same rules as a regular match against another player, so you'll be able to experience all the aspects of a normal match while testing your deck.

Battle System Explained

Test Decks Against Bots

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Test Decks Against Bots

Solo battle mode is a great feature to use if you want to test out decks without facing another live player in multiplayer, but do note that facing an AI will not guarantee a similar experience when facing an actual person.

A same feature is also available in Pokemon TCG Live, wherein TCG decks can also be tested without going into ranked matches.

Deck Guides
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Deck Building GuideDeck Building Guide Pokemon TCG Pocket - Meta Deck Tier ListBest Meta Deck Tier List

Get Various Rewards

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Solo Battle Rewards

Completing each solo battle for the first time will reward you with Pack Hourglasses, Shinedust, and Shop Tickets.

Each solo battle also has their own set of additional battle tasks, and clearing them will net you additional Shop Tickets.

Pokemon TCG Pocket Related Guides

Battle Guides Battle Guides ## Battle Guides

All Battle Guides
Energy Zone Explained Are There Ranked Battles or a Ladder System?
How Do Weaknesses Work? Are There Resistances in Pokemon TCG Pocket?
How do Retreat Costs Work? Time Limit Explained
Point System Explained Solo AI Battle Mode
How Do Types Work? How Many Cards in a Deck?
How Do Multiplayer Battles Work? All Pokemon TCG Pocket Rule Differences
Pokemon TCG Pocket Meta Guide Is it Better to Go First or Second?
Auto-Battle Guide How to Change and Edit Decks
Coin Toss Bug: Can You Rig to Always Flip Heads? What is Pokemon Checkup?
## Status Effect Guides
All Status Effects Explained
Poison Status Effect - Pokemon TCG Pocket Poison Sleep - Pokemon TCG Pocket Sleep Paralysis - Pokemon TCG Pocket Paralysis
Confusion IconConfusion Burn IconBurn


6 Iancu Ungureanuabout 2 months

would love the in depth walkthrough for space smackdown as well

5 Anonymous oneabout 2 months

Oh wait never mind I missed them


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