Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP)

Solo AI Battle Mode

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Solo AI Battle Mode

Pokemon TCG Pocket has a solo AI battle feature where players can test decks against bots. Read on to learn more about this single-player feature and more!

Solo AI Battle Mode Details

Test Decks Against Bots

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Test Decks Against Bots

Pokemon TCG Pocket has a solo AI battle mode feature which allows players to use their decks against bots.

This is a great feature to use if you want to test out decks without facing another live player, but do note that facing an AI will not guarantee a similar experience when facing an actual person.

A same feature is also available in Pokemon TCG Live, wherein TCG decks can also be tested without going into ranked matches.

Pokemon TCG Pocket Multiplayer Features

Same Match Rules Apply

Solo AI battles have the same rules as a regular match against another player, so you'll be able to experience all the aspects of a normal match while testing your deck.

Battle System Explained

Lone Single-Player Feature in App

The battle mode against bots is the only single-player feature in the game, as Pokemon TCG Pocket does not have a story mode.

it is unlikely that a story mode will be added in the game, and this will only be the sole single-player option for TCG Pocket.

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