Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP)

Gengar ex and Golbat Deck Strategy Guide and Card List

Pokemon TGC Pocket - Gengar ex and Golbat Deck Deck Build and How to Play

The Gengar ex and Golbat Deck is a Control Deck featuring Gengar ex and Golbat from the Genetic Apex Set in Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket (PTCG Pocket). Read on for the complete list of cards in this deck, basic information on the deck, how to play the deck, and optimal matchups for it!

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Gengar ex and Golbat Deck Guide

Deck Evaluation

Ace Pokemon Tier Ranking
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 123 Gengar exGengar ex

Genetic Apex (A1)
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 173 GolbatGolbat

Genetic Apex (A1)
C Tier
Energy Type(s)
Psychic Darkness
F2P Friendly?
Deck Difficulty
Deck Strengths
Pokeball Icon Gengar ex's Ability restricts your opponent from using Professor's Research or other Supporter cards.

Pokeball Icon Golbat can deal meaningful damage to Mewtwo ex and other Pokemon that are weak to Darkness.

Pokeball Icon Key Pokemon have different weaknesses.
Deck Weaknesses
Pokeball Icon Slow to set up because Gengar ex is a Stage 2.

Best Meta Decks Tier List

List of Cards

Gengar ex and Golbat Deck List
Pokemon Cards
Gastly ×2 Haunter ×2 Gengar ex ×2 Zubat ×2
Golbat ×2 Kangaskhan ×1
Trainer Cards
Sabrina ×2 Potion ×2 X Speed ×1 Poke Ball ×2
Professor's Research ×2

Deck Building Guide

Packs Required for Gengar ex and Golbat Deck

Pack Featured Card
Pokemon TCG Pocket  Promo-A Image
Pokemon TCG Pocket  Genetic Apex (Mewtwo) Image
Pokemon TCG Pocket  Genetic Apex (Charizard) Image

How to Get Promo Haunter

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Venusaur Drop Event

The Haunter Promo Card can be obtained from the Promo Pack A Series Vol. 2, which is a reward from the Venusaur Drop Event.
This is the debut of Promo Haunter, which you can get from these packs.

Venusaur Drop Event Guide and Best Decks

How to Play Gengar ex and Golbat Deck

How to Play Gengar ex and Golbat Deck

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Gengar ex and Golbat Deck Core Combos and Interactions

Primary Attacker/Finisher Darkness Type Attacker Description
Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 123 Gengar exGengar ex Pokemon TCG Pocket - A1 125 HypnoHypno ・Gengar ex aims to lock opponents out of options later in a game, while consistently dealing 100 damage with Spooky Shot.
・Golbat can deal a good chunk of damage against Darkness-weak Pokemon like Mewtwo ex and Ralts.

Best Starting Hand

Best Starting Hand
Pokemon TCG Pocket-  Gastly(A1 120) Pokemon TCG Pocket-  Haunter(A1 121) Pokemon TCG Pocket-  Zubat(A1 172) Pokemon TCG Pocket-  Poke Ball(P-A 005) Pokemon TCG Pocket-  Professor

Basic Pokemon and their evolutions are welcome in opening hands, so that we won't have to scramble to find them later in the game. Use Professor's Research to find evolution cards if you don't already have it inhand.

Other Good Starting Cards

Recommended Starting Hand
Pokemon TCG Pocket-  Haunter(A1 121) Pokemon TCG Pocket-  Zubat(A1 172) Pokemon TCG Pocket-  Golbat(A1 173) Pokemon TCG Pocket-  Poke Ball(P-A 005) Pokemon TCG Pocket-  Professor

Zubat and a turn 2 Golbat can also be good, putting offensive pressure somewhat early.

Best Cards Tier List

Gengar ex and Golbat Deck Strategies

Gengar ex and Golbat Deck Strategies

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Strategy 1: Turn 3 Gengar

Turn 3 Gengar
A1 123
A1 173 A1 203

If you are able to draw Gastly and Haunter during the initial turns of a match, you can immediately place them as your Active Pokemon and attack to deal chip damage. Evolving Gastly to Haunter gives it a bit more HP early on, and makes it ready to evolve into Gengar ex if you have it ready.

Strategy 2: Golbat vs Mewtwo ex

A1 173

Golbat is primarily in the deck for the Mewtwo ex matchup. It can 3HKO Mewtwo or put it in KO range for Gengar ex, while it takes 2 Psychic Spheres to take Golbat out. They can also use up their resources and discard 2 Psychic to take out Golbat with Psydrive.

Game Phases

Early Game

Key Card(s) Required
Pokemon TCG Pocket-  Gastly(A1 120) Pokemon TCG Pocket-  Zubat(A1 172) Pokemon TCG Pocket-  Professor
Step Description
1 Bench Gastly and send Zubat to the Active Spot.
2 Use Professor's Research to dig for resources to use the following turn.


Key Card(s) Required
Pokemon TCG Pocket-  Haunter(A1 121) Pokemon TCG Pocket-  Golbat(A1 173) Pokemon TCG Pocket-  X Speed(P-A 002)
Step Description
1 Evolve your Pokemon and retreat with X Speed when necessary.

Late Game

Key Card(s) Required
Pokemon TCG Pocket-  Gengar ex(A1 123) Pokemon TCG Pocket-  Golbat(A1 173) Pokemon TCG Pocket-  Sabrina(A1 225)
1 Finish the game with a fresh Gengar ex or continue pressure with Golbat.
2 Use Sabrina to put your opponent in disadvantageous situations.

Gengar ex and Golbat Deck Best and Worst Matchups

Best Matchups

Deck Commentary

Machamp ex Decks
Type: Fighting

・Weak to Psychic-type cards.
・Also needs time to be fully set up, which can be stalled by Kangaskhan or Gengar ex if built early.

Worst Matchups

Deck Commentary

Control Decks
Type: Any

・Sabrina or Red Card can easily counter this deck by shuffling your hand to your deck or forcing Haunter into the Active Spot.

Darkness-type Decks
Type: Darkness

・Psychic is weak to Darkness-type cards.
・Can easily knock out Gastly or Haunter.

Overall Consistency

The Gengar ex Deck is heavily weighed down by the time required to set it up, as well as being fully dependent on Gastly and Haunter which are mediocre when it comes to offense and defense.

However, if you are able to set up Gengar ex early, you can easily deal a lot of damage without worrying about your opponent using Supporter cards, specifically Sabrina and Professor’s Research, which can disrupt their strategies.

Gengar ex and Golbat Deck F2P & Substitutes

Gengar ex and Golbat Deck Card Substitutes

Card Explanation

・ Gengar's Bother Attack puts the opponent in a similar 'lock' situation where they are not allowed to use Supporter cards. Gengar also gives up only one point if KOd and does not need to commit three Energy to it.

Pokemon TCG Pocket Meta Guide

Gengar ex and Golbat Deck Other Viable Options

Card Possible Cuts

Pokemon TCG Pocket-  Haunter(A1 121)

・ Promo Haunter has a useful attack, Surprise Attack that can deal a sizeable 50 for a lucky heads flip.

Pokemon TCG Pocket-  Kangaskhan(A1 203)

・ Farfetch'd can immediately apply offensive pressure and put high HP Pokemon into potential KO range for Gengar ex.

F2P Gengar ex and Golbat Deck List

F2P Gengar ex and Golbat Deck List
Pokemon Cards
Gastly x2 Haunter x2 Gengar x2 Zubat x2
Golbat x2 Farfetch'd x2
Trainer Cards
Potion x2 X Speed x2 Poke Ball x2 Professor's Research x2

This list incorporates non-ex Gengar instead of Gengar ex, and still makes use of the Golbat line and a pair of Farfetch'd. A light Trainer count is used as the deck is already heavy with Pokemon.

Pokemon TCG Pocket Beginner's Guide

Pokemon TCG Pocket Related Guides

Deck Building Guide

All Deck Tier Lists

All Tier Lists
Best Cards Tier List Best Meta Deck Tier List
Best Rental Deck Tier List Best F2P Beginner Decks

Deck Articles

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How Rental Decks Work Staple Cards for Decks
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List of Non-ex Decks

Meta Decks

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Off Meta Decks

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Pokemon TCG Pocket - CharizardCharizard Pokemon TCG Pocket - BlastoiseBlastoise Pokemon TCG Pocket - Persian and MawilePersian and Mawile
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Rental Decks

All Rental Decks
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Venusaur Ex Rental Deck Venusaur ex Rental Deck Pokemon TCG Pocket - Charizard ex Rental Deck Charizard ex Rental Deck Pokemon TCG Pocket - Blastoise ex Rental DeckBlastoise ex Rental Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Pikachu ex Rental DeckPikachu ex Rental Deck Pokemon TCG Pocket - Mewtwo ex Rental DeckMewtwo ex Rental Deck Pokemon TCG Pocket - Pokemon TCG Pocket - Machamp ex Rental DeckMachamp ex Rental Deck
Pokemon TCG Pocket - NidoqueenNidoking and Nidoqueen Rental Deck Pokemon TCG Pocket - OmastarKanto Fossils Rental Deck Pokemon TCG Pocket - KogaKoga Rental Deck
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Starter Decks

All Starter Decks
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