Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP)

How Do Weaknesses Work?

Pokemon TCG Pocket - How Do Weaknesses Work

Weakness is a damage modifier in Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket (PTCG Pocket). Read on to learn how this affects battle and how you can use it to your advantage!

How Do Weaknesses Work?

It Modifies Damage

Pokemon TCG Pocket - Weakness
Weakness is a damage modifier that increases the amount of damage that a Pokemon takes from a Pokemon that it is weak to.

The Attacks of a Pokemon are decided by the card's type, and not the attack's energy cost. This means that a Fire Pokemon's Attack that has only a Colorless Energy cost will deal increased damage to a Pokemon that is weak to Fire.

Pokemon with multiple Energy types in their Attacks such as Dragon Pokemon will only deal increased damage to Pokemon who are weak to that Pokemon's type.

Has Changed Over the Years

This mechanic has existed since the beginning of Pokemon TCG and has undergone numerous changes throughout the years! The multiplier was originally x2 in Base Set all the way until the Diamond and Pearl series where it would change to +20. This would revert back to x2 in the Heartgold and Soul Silver sets.

The +20 damage modifier makes a return in Pokemon TCG Pocket, allowing for a much more even and enjoyable gaming experience when battling.

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