Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

How to Beat Elite Four Lucian in a Rematch Battle

BDSP - How to Beat Lucian Rematch.png

Rematch Lucian, the third Elite Four member, in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). Read on to find out how to rematch and beat Lucian, Lucian's rematch teams, his rematch rewards, and the best Pokemon to beat his rematch teams.

All Lucian Battles
Lucian Elite Four Battle Lucian Rematches

How to Rematch Elite Four Lucian

Rematch Them after Becoming Champion

BDSP - Rematch Elite Four

You can rematch the Elite Four at any time after becoming champion by entering through the door in the Pokemon League. However, you will only battle the same team that they had from the first time you battled them and you will not obtain any rewards.

How to Unlock Lucian's Rematch Teams

First Rematch Team: Get the National Dex

BDSP - Getting the National Dex

To unlock the first Elite Four rematch team, you will first need to get the National Dex by seeing all the Pokemon native to the Sinnoh Dex. Once you have obtained the National Dex, you will face off against their new teams once you enter the Pokemon League door.

How to Unlock the National Dex

Second Rematch Team: Capture or Defeat Heatran

BDSP - Heatran in Stark Mountain

The second rematch team of the Elite Four is unlocked after capturing or defeating Heatran in Stark Mountain. Once the Stark Mountain event is completed, you can return to the Pokemon League to face off against their final team.

Lucian's Rematch Teams and Types

Type and Suggested Level

BDSP - Elite Four Lucian.png
Type Specialty Pokemon Psychic Type Icon
Suggested Levels Lv. 74 ~ Lv. 76
(First Rematch)
Lv. 86 ~ Lv. 88
(Second Rematch)

Lucian's Pokemon (First Rematch)

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP Mr. MimeMr. Mime
(Lvl. 69)
Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Pokemon Fairy Type Icon Filter
Light Clay
Light Screen
Dazzling Gleam
Pokemon BDSP EspeonEspeon
(Lvl. 71)
Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Magic Bounce
Mental Herb
Dazzling Gleam
Shadow Ball
Light Screen
Pokemon BDSP BronzongBronzong
(Lvl. 70)
Pokemon Steel Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Levitate
Muscle Band
Gyro Ball
Rock Slide
Pokemon BDSP AlakazamAlakazam
(Lvl. 72)
Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Magic Guard
Life Orb
Nasty Plot
Dazzling Gleam
Shock Wave
Pokemon BDSP GalladeGallade
(Lvl. 75)
Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Justified
Sitrus Berry
Close Combat
Psycho Cut
Poison Jab
Shadow Sneak

Lucian's Pokemon (Second Rematch)

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP Mr. MimeMr. Mime
(Lvl. 79)
Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Pokemon Fairy Type Icon Filter
Light Clay
Light Screen
Dazzling Gleam
Pokemon BDSP EspeonEspeon
(Lvl. 81)
Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Magic Bounce
Mental Herb
Dazzling Gleam
Shadow Ball
Light Screen
Pokemon BDSP BronzongBronzong
(Lvl. 80)
Pokemon Steel Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Levitate
Muscle Band
Gyro Ball
Rock Slide
Pokemon BDSP AlakazamAlakazam
(Lvl. 82)
Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Magic Guard
Life Orb
Nasty Plot
Dazzling Gleam
Shock Wave
Pokemon BDSP SlowbroSlowbro
(Lvl. 82)
Pokemon Water Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Regenerator
Slack Off
Pokemon BDSP GalladeGallade
(Lvl. 85)
Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Justified
Sitrus Berry
Close Combat
Psycho Cut
Poison Jab
Shadow Sneak

How to Beat Elite Four Lucian (First Rematch)

Watch Out for Reflect or Light Screen

BDSP - Lucian

Mr. Mime is the first Pokemon in Lucian's party and will usually put up barriers like Reflect or Light Screen, which halves the damage from Physical or Special moves respectively. These barriers also last for 8 turns due to Mr. Mime's held item Light Clay, so inflict as much damage as you can before it can put up its walls.

Set Up Stat Boosts while Barriers are Up

BDSP - Gyarados Using Dragon Dance.png

While the barriers are up, it is very inefficient to attack Lucian's team since you will only be doing minimal damage. Instead, it is best to use this time to set up your stat-boosting moves like Dragon Dance or Swords Dance, especially while Mr. Mime is out on the field as it cannot deal much damage.

Watch Out For Gallade's High Attack

BDSP - Lucian

Gallade is usually the last Pokemon in Lucian's team and is extremely powerful due its high level and Physical Attack. The move Close Combat is especially devastating on any Dark or Steel types on your team. However, since its other moves don't inflict much damage, battle Gallade with Gyarados or another Flying type.

Best Pokemon to Beat Lucian (First Rematch)

Pokemon Recommended Moves
Pokemon BDSP GyaradosGyarados
Pokemon Water Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon
Crunch (Lv. 24)
Waterfall (Lv. 21)
Dragon Dance (Lv. 36)
・Waterfall does decent damage.
・Crunch can inflict super effective damage.
・Set up Dragon Dacen to sweep Lucian's team.
Pokemon BDSP DialgaDialga
Pokemon Steel Type Icon Pokemon Dragon Type Icon
Flash Cannon (Lv. 32)
Flamethrower (TM35)
Roar of Time (Lv. 40)
・Resists Psychic type attacks.
・Use Roar of Time to take down a Pokemon.
Pokemon BDSP GarchompGarchomp
Pokemon Dragon Type Icon Pokemon Ground Type Icon
Crunch (On Evolution)
Earthquake (TM26)
Swords Dance (TM75)
・Crunch can inflict super effective damage.
・Swords Dance greatly increases Garchomp's Attack.

How to Beat Elite Four Lucian (Second Rematch)

Simlar to the First Rematch

BDSP - Lucian Similar to First Rematch.png

Just like the first rematch, you can set up while Mr. Mime's barriers are up and sweep Lucian's team as soon as the barrier comes down. The same strategy is effective because both teams start off with Mr. Mime putting up barriers.

Be Carfuel not to Get Walled by Slowbro

BDSP - Lucian

Slowbro is Lucian's new Pokemon in the second rematch and is extremely durable due to its high Physical Defense and the many ways it can heal itself. To take down Slowbro, you will need to deliver a heavily boosted Physical attack or a strong Special attack.

Best Pokemon to Beat Lucian (Second Rematch)

Pokemon Recommended Moves
Pokemon BDSP GyaradosGyarados
Pokemon Water Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon
Crunch (Lv. 24)
Waterfall (Lv. 21)
Dragon Dance (Lv. 36)
・Waterfall does decent damage.
・Crunch can inflict super effective damage.
・Set up Dragon Dance to sweep Lucian's team.
Pokemon BDSP DialgaDialga
Pokemon Steel Type Icon Pokemon Dragon Type Icon
Flash Cannon (Lv. 32)
Flamethrower (TM35)
Roar of Time (Lv. 40)
・Resists Psychic type attacks.
・Use Roar of Time to take down a Pokemon.
Pokemon BDSP LatiosLatios
Pokemon Dragon Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon
Thunderbolt (TM24)
Draco Meteor (Move Tutor)
・Use Thunderbolt to defeat Slowbro.
・Slowbro can also be taken down with Draco Meteor.

All Lucian Battles

All Lucian Battles
Lucian Elite Four Battle Lucian Rematches

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Pokemon BDSP Story Walkthrough.png

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Elite Four Trainers

1st Trainer 2nd Trainer
Aaron Bertha
3rd Trainer 4th Trainer
Flint Lucian

All Elite Four Types and Pokemon

Elite Four Rematches

1st Trainer 2nd Trainer
Aaron Bertha
3rd Trainer 4th Trainer
Flint Lucian

All Elite Four Rematch Teams


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