Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

How to Beat Fantina in a Rematch Battle

BDSP - How to Beat Fantina Rematch.png

Rematch Fantina, the Hearthome City Gym Leader, in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). Read on to find out how to rematch and beat Fantina, Fantina's rematch team, her rematch rewards, and the best Pokemon to beat her rematch team.

All Fantina Battles
Fantina Gym Battle Fantina Rematch

How to Rematch Gym Leader Fantina

Get the National Dex

BDSP - Gym Leader Rematches

To rematch Fantina and all the other Gym Leaders, you first need to get the National Dex after becoming champion by seeing all the Pokemon native to the Sinnoh Pokedex. After exiting the lab, Roark will pop up to tell you about the rematches.

How to Unlock the National Dex

Head to the Hearthome City Gym

BDSP - How to Rematch Fantina.png

After getting the National Dex, you can head straight to the Hearthome City Gym and talk to Fantina to immediately start the rematch battle.

Fantina's Rematch Team and Types

Type and Suggested Level

BDSP - Fantina Rematch.png
Type Specialty Pokemon Ghost Type Icon
Suggested Level Lv. 70 ~ Lv. 75

Fantina's Rematch Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP DrifblimDrifblim
(Lvl. 68)
Pokemon Ghost Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Flare Boost
Flame Orb
Shadow Ball
Strength Sap
Pokemon BDSP BanetteBanette
(Lvl. 65)
Pokemon Ghost Type Icon Cursed Body
Iron Ball
Shadow Sneak
Sucker Punch
Pokemon BDSP DusknoirDusknoir
(Lvl. 70)
Pokemon Ghost Type Icon Pressure
Sitrus Berry
Shadow Sneak
Confuse Ray
Pokemon BDSP MismagiusMismagius
(Lvl. 70)
Pokemon Ghost Type Icon Levitate
Expert Belt
Shadow Ball
Energy Ball
Mystical Fire
Dazzling Gleam
Pokemon BDSP FroslassFroslass
(Lvl. 72)
Pokemon Ice Type Icon Pokemon Ghost Type Icon Cursed Body
Focus Sash
Frost Breath
Destiny Bond
Pokemon BDSP GengarGengar
(Lvl. 72)
Pokemon Ghost Type Icon Pokemon Poison Type Icon Cursed Body
Life Orb
Sludge Bomb
Focus Blast

Fantina's Rematch Reward

Reward 1 Sinister Sticker B

How to Beat Fantina's Rematch Team

Take Advantage of Drifblim's Flame Orb with Hex

BDSP - Use Hex on Drifblim.png

The Flame Orb will both burn Drifblim and increase its Special Attack due to Flare Boost. Use the effects of the Flame Orb to your advantage by using the move Hex, which is a super effective move that will have increased damaged on Pokemon inflicted with status condtions.

Use Heat Rotom Against Dusknoir

BDSP - Heat Rotom against Dusknoir.png

Heat Rotom is a great counter against Dusknoir as it is immune to many of its attacks. The only attacks that can hit it are Shadow Sneak and Confuse Ray, which only do minimal damage. Paralyze Dusknoir with Thunder Wave and use Hex to inflict large amounts of damage.

Switch to a Low Speed Pokemon for Banette

BDSP - Slow Pokemon against Banette.png

Though Banette is easy take down, it has the move Trick and the held item Iron Ball. If it successfully uses the move, your Pokemon will have greatly reduced speed for the rest of the battle. The best work around is to simply switch to a Pokemon that already has low speed to begin with, so it is not greatly affected by holding the Iron Ball.

Use Fire Type Pokemon against Mismagius and Froslass

BDSP - Fire Type against Mismagius.png

Mismagius and Froslass are both powerful Pokemon, but do not have many moves that can seriously damage Fire types, especially if their secondary typing also resists Ghost type moves like Houndoom.

Frosslass Holds a Focus Sash

BDSP - Houndoom against Froslass.png

Keep in mind that Froslass holds a Focus Sash so it cannot be taken down in a single turn. Instead, chip at its health with a weaker move before taking it out completely with a strong super effective attack.

Quickly Defeat Gengar or Use a Poison Type Pokemon

BDSP - Quickly Defeat Gengar.png

It is best to deal with Gengar quickly since its moves can be devastating when they land. However, if you are having trouble with Gengar, you can bring out a Poison type Pokemon like Drapion who is both immune to Toxic and can deliver super effective Dark type moves.

Best Pokemon to Beat Fantina's Rematch Team

Pokemon Recommended Moves
Pokemon BDSP HoundoomHoundoom
Pokemon Fire Type Icon Pokemon Dark Type Icon
Flamethrower (Lv. 50)
Dark Pulse (TM79)
Sucker Punch (Egg Move)
・Great type advantage against Ghost type Pokemon.
・Immune to the move Will-O-Wisp.
・Sucker Punch is a great priority move.
Pokemon BDSP Heat RotomHeat Rotom
Pokemon Electric Type Icon Pokemon Fire Type Icon
Thunderbolt (TM24)
Thunder Wave (Lv. 25)
Hex (Lv. 35)
・Immune to the move Will-O-Wisp.
・Levitate makes it immune to Ground type attacks.
・Paralyze Pokemon with Thunder Wave to increase the power of Hex.
Pokemon BDSP DrapionDrapion
Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Dark Type Icon
Night Slash (Lv. 36)
Cross Poison (Lv. 39)
Toxic (Lv. 33)
・Great type advantage against Ghost type Pokemon.
・Immune to the move Toxic.
・Toxic can be used to poison your opponent.

All Fantina Battles

All Fantina Battles
Fantina Gym Battle Fantina Rematch

Pokemon BDSP Related Guides

Pokemon BDSP Story Walkthrough.png

Complete Story Walkthrough

Gym Leaders

1st Badge 2nd Badge 3rd Badge
Roark Gardenia Maylene
4th Badge 5th Badge 6th Badge
Crasher Wake Fantina Byron
7th Badge 8th Badge Pokemon League
Candice Volkner Elite Four

All Gym Leader Types and Pokemon

Gym Leader Rematches

Roark Gardenia Maylene
Crasher Wake Fantina Byron
Candice Volkner Elite Four

All Gym Leader Rematch Teams


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