Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

How to Beat Candice in a Rematch Battle

BDSP - How to Beat Candice Rematch

Rematch Candice, the Snowpoint City Gym Leader, in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). Read on to find out how to rematch and beat Candice, Candice's rematch team, her rematch rewards, and the best Pokemon to beat her rematch team.

All Candice Battles
Candice Gym Battle Candice Rematch

How to Rematch Gym Leader Candice

Get the National Dex

BDSP - Gym Leader Rematches

To rematch Candice and all the other Gym Leaders, you first need to get the National Dex after becoming champion by seeing all the Pokemon native to the Sinnoh Pokedex. After exiting the lab, Roark will pop up to tell you about the rematches.

How to Unlock the National Dex

Head to the Snowpoint City Gym

BDSP - Snowpoint City Gym Rematch

After getting the National Dex, you can head straight to the Snowpoint City Gym and talk to Candice to immediately start the rematch battle.

Candice's Rematch Team and Types

Type and Suggested Level

BDSP - Gym Leader Candice Rematch
Type Specialty Pokemon Ice Type Icon
Suggested Level Lv. 70 ~ Lv. 75

Candice's Rematch Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP AbomasnowAbomasnow
(Lvl. 68)
Pokemon Grass Type Icon Pokemon Ice Type Icon Snow Warning
Icy Rock
Wood Hammer
Ice Punch
Aurora Veil
Pokemon BDSP JynxJynx
(Lvl. 70)
Pokemon Ice Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Dry Skin
Focus Sash
Focus Blast
Sweet Kiss
Lovely Kiss
Pokemon BDSP MamoswineMamoswine
(Lvl. 68)
Pokemon Ice Type Icon Pokemon Ground Type Icon Snow Cloak
Expert Belt
Ice Shard
Stone Edge
Double Team
Pokemon BDSP FroslassFroslass
(Lvl. 70)
Pokemon Ice Type Icon Pokemon Ghost Type Icon Snow Cloak
Sitrus Berry
Shadow Ball
Double Team
Aurora Veil
Pokemon BDSP GlaceonGlaceon
(Lvl. 70)
Pokemon Ice Type Icon Ice Body
Baby-Doll Eyes
Double Team
Pokemon BDSP WeavileWeavile
(Lvl. 72)
Pokemon Dark Type Icon Pokemon Ice Type Icon Pressure
Life Orb
Ice Shard
Night Slash
Brick Break

Candice's Rematch Reward

Reward 1 Cool Sticker B

How to Beat Candice's Rematch Team

Watch Out for Snow Warning and Blizzard

BDSP - Candice

Abomasnow has the ability Snow Warning, which will summon a hailstorm when it enters the field. This will not only do constant damage to your Pokemon, but also guarantees that the move Blizzard will hit. If you plan on using Pokemon that are weak to this move, it is best to get rid of the hail with a weather changing move or ability.

Use a Fire Type Move on Abomasnow

BDSP - Fire Type Moves on Abomasnow

Candice's Abomasnow can easily be taken care off with its 4x weakness to Fire type moves. However, since Abomasnow knows the move Earthquake, it is also best to use a Pokemon that resists or is immune to Ground type moves like Charizard or Heat Rotom.

Defeat Mamoswine with Water or Fighting Type Moves

BDSP - Water Type Move on Mamoswine

Due to the moves Earthquake and Stone Edge and the held item Expert Belt, it is best to withdraw your Fire type when Mamoswine enters the field and to instead use a Water or Fighting type. Defeat Mamoswine with a few super effective Water or Fighting type moves.

Fire Type Moves Do More Damage on Jynx

BDSP - Candice

Because of its ability Dry Skin, Jynx takes increased damage from Fire type moves, so it is easy to take it out in a single hit. Dark type moves will also do decent damage on Jynx, but be careful when using Water types Pokemon since using Water type moves will increase its HP.

Beat Glaceon with Special Moves

BDSP - Candice

Glaceon will likely use the move Baby-Doll Eyes a few times during the battle which will decrease your Pokemon's Attack stat. When facing off against Glaceon, send out a Special Attacker instead so it is unfazed by the loss of Attack.

Use Fighting Type Moves on Weavile

BDSP - Fighting Type Moves on Weavile

Weavile is the final Pokemon in Candice's party and can easily be taken down with a 4x super effective Fighting type move. If you cannot take it down in a single hit, watch out for its Life Orb as this will increase the damage of its attacks.

Best Pokemon to Beat Candice's Rematch Team

Pokemon Recommended Moves
Pokemon BDSP LucarioLucario
Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Pokemon Steel Type Icon
Aura Sphere (On Evolution)
Flash Cannon (TM91)
Shadow Ball (TM30)
・Great type advantage against Ice type Pokemon.
・Weavile is 4x weak to Fighting type moves.
・You can use Shadow Ball against Froslass.
Pokemon BDSP CharizardCharizard
Pokemon Fire Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon
Flamethrower (Lv. 35)
Will-O-Wisp (TM61)
Focus Blast (TM52)
・Great type advantage against Ice type Pokemon.
・Immune to Ground type moves.
・Abomasnow is 4x weak to Fire type moves.
Pokemon BDSP GyaradosGyarados
Pokemon Water Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon
Waterfall (Lv. 21)
Crunch (Lv. 24)
Dragon Dance (Lv. 36)
・Mamoswine is weak to Water type moves.
・Immune to Ground type moves.
・Crunch is super effective against Jynx and Froslass.

All Candice Battles

All Candice Battles
Candice Gym Battle Candice Rematch

Pokemon BDSP Related Guides

Pokemon BDSP Story Walkthrough.png

Complete Story Walkthrough

Gym Leaders

1st Badge 2nd Badge 3rd Badge
Roark Gardenia Maylene
4th Badge 5th Badge 6th Badge
Crasher Wake Fantina Byron
7th Badge 8th Badge Pokemon League
Candice Volkner Elite Four

All Gym Leader Types and Pokemon

Gym Leader Rematches

Roark Gardenia Maylene
Crasher Wake Fantina Byron
Candice Volkner Elite Four

All Gym Leader Rematch Teams


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