Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

How to Beat Crasher Wake in a Rematch Battle

BDSP - How to Beat Crasher Wake Rematch.png

Rematch Crasher Wake, the Pastoria City Gym Leader, in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). Read on to find out how to rematch and beat Crasher Wake, Crasher Wake's rematch team, his rematch rewards, and the best Pokemon to beat his rematch team.

All Crasher Wake Battles
Crasher Wake Gym Battle Crasher Wake Rematch

How to Rematch Gym Leader Crasher Wake

Get the National Dex

BDSP - Gym Leader Rematches

To rematch Crasher Wake and all the other Gym Leaders, you first need to get the National Dex after becoming champion by seeing all the Pokemon native to the Sinnoh Pokedex. After exiting the lab, Roark will pop up to tell you about the rematches.

How to Unlock the National Dex

Head to the Pastoria City Gym

BDSP - How to Rematch Crasher Wake.png

After getting the National Dex, you can head straight to the Pastoria City Gym and talk to Crasher Wake to immediately start the rematch battle.

Crasher Wake's Rematch Team and Types

Type and Suggested Level

BDSP - Crasher Wake Rematch.png
Type Specialty Pokemon Water Type Icon
Suggested Level Lv. 70 ~ Lv. 75

Crasher Wake's Rematch Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP PolitoedPolitoed
(Lvl. 68)
Pokemon Water Type Icon Drizzle
Damp Rock
Ice Beam
Focus Blast
Perish Song
Pokemon BDSP KingdraKingdra
(Lvl. 68)
Pokemon Water Type Icon Pokemon Dragon Type Icon Swift Swim
Chesto Berry
Hydro Pump
Dragon Pulse
Ice Beam
Pokemon BDSP LudicoloLudicolo
(Lvl. 68)
Pokemon Water Type Icon Pokemon Grass Type Icon Swift Swim
Sitrus Berry
Energy Ball
Hydro Pump
Teeter Dance
Pokemon BDSP HuntailHuntail
(Lvl. 70)
Pokemon Water Type Icon Swift Swim
Focus Sash
Aqua Tail
Ice Fang
Shell Smash
Pokemon BDSP GyaradosGyarados
(Lvl. 70)
Pokemon Water Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Intimidate
Wacan Berry
Aqua Tail
Stone Edge
Dragon Dance
Pokemon BDSP FloatzelFloatzel
(Lvl. 72)
Pokemon Water Type Icon Swift Swim
Life Orb
Aqua Tail
Brick Break
Ice Fang

Crasher Wake's Rematch Reward

Reward 1 Cool Sticker A

How to Beat Crasher Wake's Rematch Team

Stop the Rain with Snow Warning

BDSP - Snow Warning on Crasher Wake.png

Crasher Wake usually sends Politoed out first to make it rain on the field with its ability Drizzle. Almost all of Crasher Wakes other Pokemon will have the ability Swift Swim, which increases their Speed in rain. To counter this, you can place a Pokemon with a weather changing ability at the front of your party like an Abomasnow with Snow Warning.

Watch Out for Ice Type Moves

BDSP - Electric Type Pokemon against Crasher Wave.png

Most of Crasher Wake's Pokemon will have an Ice type coverage move to use against Grass type Pokemon, so it is best to stick with Electric type Pokemon during the battle, or use a Grass type Pokemon that cancels out their Ice type weakness such as Abomasnow.

Watch Out for Gyarados' Earthquake

BDSP - Rotom against Crasher Wake

Gyarados can easily be taken down with 4x super effective Electric type moves. However, it also has the move Earthquake and a Wacan Berry, which will allow it to resist the first Electric type attack. It is recommended to use a Pokemon like Rotom who is immune to Ground type attacks.

Use Fairy Type Moves on Kingdra

BDSP - Fairy Type Moves against Kingdra.png

Kingdra is another difficult Pokemon to deal with as its only weaknesses are Dragon and Fairy type moves. To defeat Kingdra, we recommend using a Fairy type Pokemon against it. If you decide to use Togekiss, watch out for its super effective Ice Beam.

Quickly Defeat Ludicolo with Super Effective Moves

BDSP - Flying Type Moves against Ludicolo.png

Ludicolo drags on the battle with repeated Substitutes, so it best to take it down as quickly as possible with super effective moves from a fast Pokemon. You can also steal its Sitrus Berry with a move like Pluck to regain some health.

Best Pokemon to Beat Crasher Wake's Rematch Team

Pokemon Recommended Moves
Pokemon BDSP RotomRotom
Pokemon Electric Type Icon Pokemon Ghost Type Icon
Thunderbolt (TM24)
Thunder Wave (Lv. 25)
Hex (Lv. 35)
・Great type advantage against Water type Pokemon.
・Levitate makes it immune to Ground type attacks.
・Paralyze Pokemon with Thunder Wave to increase the power of Hex.
Pokemon BDSP AbomasnowAbomasnow
Pokemon Grass Type Icon Pokemon Ice Type Icon
Blizzard (Lv. 49)
Energy Ball (TM53)
Ice Beam (TM13)
・Great type advantage against Water type Pokemon.
・Snow Warning removes rain.
・Blizzard always hits in hail.
Pokemon BDSP TogekissTogekiss
Pokemon Fairy Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon
Dazzling Gleam (TM21)
Air Slash (On Evolution)
Grass Knot (TM86)
・Kingdra is weak against Fairy type moves.
・Ludicolo is weak against Flying type moves.
・Can also learn Grass and Electric type moves.

All Crasher Wake Battles

All Crasher Wake Battles
Crasher Wake Gym Battle Crasher Wake Rematch

Pokemon BDSP Related Guides

Pokemon BDSP Story Walkthrough.png

Complete Story Walkthrough

Gym Leaders

1st Badge 2nd Badge 3rd Badge
Roark Gardenia Maylene
4th Badge 5th Badge 6th Badge
Crasher Wake Fantina Byron
7th Badge 8th Badge Pokemon League
Candice Volkner Elite Four

All Gym Leader Types and Pokemon

Gym Leader Rematches

Roark Gardenia Maylene
Crasher Wake Fantina Byron
Candice Volkner Elite Four

All Gym Leader Rematch Teams


1 Anonymousabout 3 years

no warnings on Huntail? that POS can sweep your entire team if you can't outspeed it after it uses Shell Smash


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