Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

Theme Chronicle Festival 2025 Best Decks

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Lots of Decks and Cards have been hit for the 2025 Theme Chronicle Event, which means a completely different meta game in this Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel event rerun! Read to learn about the various Decks players can for the event!

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Theme Chronicle Suship

Suship Deck Banner.png

Deck Recipe

Main Deck: 40 Cards
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring x3 Gunkan Suship Ikura x3 Gunkan Suship Shari Red x3 Gunkan Suship Shirauo x3 Gunkan Suship Uni x3
Goblindbergh x2 Gunkan Suship Shari x3 Gunkan Suship Catch-of-the-Day x3 Unexpected Dai x3 Called by the Grave x2
Raigeki x2 Double or Nothing! x1 Harpie x1 Heavy Storm x1 Infinite Impermanence x3
The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine x2 Gunkan Suship Daily Special x1
Extra Deck: 15 cards
Gunkan Suship Ikura-Class Dreadnought x2 Gunkan Suship Shirauo-class Carrier x2 Daigusto Emeral x1 Evilswarm Exciton Knight x1 Number 39: Utopia x1
Number 39: Utopia Double x1 Tellarknight Constellar Caduceus x1 Gunkan Suship Uni-class Super-Dreadnought x2 Drill Driver Vespenato x1 Number S39: Utopia the Lightning x1
Stellarknight Constellar Diamond x1 Constellar Ptolemy M7 x1

Deck Explanation

Despite not getting a featured gate of its own in Solo Mode, Suship somehow remains untouched for the third run of Theme Chronicles. This time, the Deck will have some more offensive firepower with the help from the Utopia Extra Deck monsters.

Just in case that the Suship Extra Deck monsters run out, they can pivot to both Utopia and Constellar Xyz monsters.

Theme Chronicle Eldlich


Deck Recipe

Main Deck: 40 Cards
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring x3 Eldlich the Golden Lord x3 Volcanic Queen x2 Cursed Eldland x3 Eldlixir of Black Awakening x3
Called by the Grave x2 Crossout Designator x1 Pot of Duality x1 Pot of Extravagance x1 Eldlixir of Scarlet Sanguine x3
Conquistador of the Golden Land x3 Huaquero of the Golden Land x3 Infinite Impermanence x3 Solemn Strike x3 Apophis the Swamp Deity x2
Guardian of the Golden Land x2 Waking the Dragon x2 Golden Land Forever! x1
Extra Deck: 15 cards
Cyber End Dragon x1 Naturia Exterio x1 Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon x1 Naturia Beast x1 Naturia Barkion x1
I:P Masquerena x1 Knightmare Cerberus x1 Knightmare Goblin x1 Knightmare Phoenix x1 Sky Striker Ace - Azalea x1
Vampire Sucker x1 Knightmare Unicorn x1 Vampire Fascinator x1 Knightmare Gryphon x1 Mekk-Knight Crusadia Avramax x1

Deck Explanation

Not only is the Eldlich archetype featured in Solo Mode and is part of the main featured archetypes in the Theme Chronicles event, it just so happens that this Deck is at full power with its Trap Cards.

Feel free to adjust the Deck between Huaquero, Conquistador and Guardian of the Golden Land. Volcanic Queen also serves as a temporary replacement for the Kaijus and Lava Golem.

Theme Chronicle Harpies

Harpies Deck Banner.png

Deck Recipe

Main Deck: 40 Cards
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring x3 Harpie Lady 1 x3 Harpie Channeler x3 Harpie Perfumer x3 Harpie Harpist x2
Harpie x2 Harpie Dancer x1 Harpie Oracle x1 Harpie Queen x1 Elegant Egotist x3
Hysteric Sign x3 Called by the Grave x2 Harpie’s Feather Rest x2 Raigeki x2 Wing Requital x2
Harpie x1 Harpies x1 Harpie x3 Hysteric Party x2
Extra Deck: 15 cards
Cyber Slash Harpie Lady x2 Harpie x2 Number 39: Utopia x1 Number C39: Utopia Ray x1 Tellarknight Ptolemaeus x1
Constellar Pleiades x1 Number S39: Utopia the Lightning x1 Constellar Ptolemy M7 x1 Number 11: Big Eye x1 Voloferniges, the Darkest Dragon Doomrider x1
Harpie Conductor x2 Voloferniges, the Darkest Dragon Doomrider x1

Deck Explanation

Another Deck that manages to be at full power despite not being featured in Solo Mode, Harpies can shine well in a Deck where most of the meta-defining archetypes and cards are not featured in events.

Other Winged Beast archetypes can make use of Harpies, but they are better working as a standalone Deck that can rush the opponent with a swarm of monsters.

Theme Chronicle Skull Servants

Master Duel - Skull Servant Zombie Banner.png

Deck Recipe

Main Deck: 60 cards
King of the Skull Servants x3 The Lady in Wight x3 Wightbaking x3 Wightlord x3 Wightprincess x3
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring x3 Mezuki x3 Wightprince x2 Uni-Zombie x2 Gozuki x2
Necroworld Banshee x2 Zombie Master x2 Glow-up Bulb x1 Wightmare x1 Shinobi Necro x1
Destrudo the Lost Dragon x1 Doomking Balerdroch x1 Absorouter Dragon x1 Noctovision Dragon x1 Chaos Dragon Levianeer x1
Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon x1 Skull Servant x3 Forbidden Droplet x3 Reasoning x3 Triple Tactics Thrust x3
Zombie World x3 Book of Life x2 Called by the Grave x2 Triple Tactics Talent x2 Card Destruction x1
Foolish Burial x1 One for One x1
Extra Deck: 15 cards
Immortal Dragon x1 Red-Eyes Zombie Necro Dragon x1 PSY-Framelord Omega x1 Skeletal Dragon Felgrand x1 Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon Lord x1
Linkuriboh x1 Relinquished Anima x1 Dharc the Dark Charmer, Gloomy x1 I:P Masquerena x1 Knightmare Phoenix x1
Vampire Sucker x1 Knightmare Unicorn x1 Vampire Fascinator x1 Yuki-Onna, the Icicle Mayakashi x1 Yuki-Onna, the Absolute Zero Mayakashi x1

Deck Explanation

The Skull Servants are one of two Zombie archetypes featured in Solo Mode, the other one being Eldlich. This one focuses on milling as many monster cards that can be considered the tituilar Normal Monster Card, "Skull Servant".

A player that is not ready for a milling strategy will find themselves dealing with a Level 1 monster that has really high ATK. With the right setup, a King of the Skull Servants can win the game with a single attack alone.

Theme Chronicle Blue-Eyes White Dragon


Deck Recipe

Main Deck: 40 Cards
Sage with Eyes of Blue x3 The White Stone of Ancients x3 Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring x3 Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon x3 Maiden with Eyes of Blue x2
Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon x2 The White Stone of Legend x1 Dragon Spirit of White x1 Deep-Eyes White Dragon x1 Dragon Shrine x3
The Melody of Awakening Dragon x3 Ultimate Fusion x3 Unexpected Dai x3 Bingo Machine, Go!!! x2 Called by the Grave x2
Return of the Dragon Lords x2 Trade-In x2 Triple Tactics Thrust x2 True Light x1
Extra Deck: 15 cards
Blue-Eyes Tyrant Dragon x2 Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon x2 Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon x1 Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon x1 Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon x1
Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star x1 Number 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon x1 The Zombie Vampire x1 Linkuriboh x1 Relinquished Anima x1
Hieratic Seal of the Heavenly Spheres x1 Sky Striker Ace - Azalea x1 - - -

Deck Explanation

Blue-Eyes White Dragon, being an iconic archetype as it is, remains untouched for the 2025 rerun of the Theme Chronicle Festival. Its Fusion and Synchro monsters are all available, allowing this Deck to run at full power.

Though its more preferred Rank 8 Xyz Monsters in the Extra Deck are unavailable, its Main Deck monsters alone are powerful enough to end the game. The Extra Deck is simply the cherry on top of a timeless Deck.

Theme Chronicle Gaia the Dragon Champion

Gaia the Dragon Champion

Deck Recipe

Main Deck: 40 cards
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring x3 Artillery Catapult Turtle x3 Curse of Dragon, the Cursed Dragon x3 Gaia the Magical Knight x3 Curse of Dragonfire x2
Gaia the Fierce Knight Origin x1 Charging Gaia the Fierce Knight x1 Lord Gaia the Fierce Knight x1 Soldier Gaia the Fierce Knight x1 Chaos Dragon Levianeer x1
Dark Magician x1 Galloping Gaia x3 Gateway to Chaos x3 Spiral Fusion x3 Dragon Shrine x3
Called by the Grave x2 Ultra Polymerization x2 Spiral Spear Strike x1 Crossout Designator x1 Monster Reborn x1
Infinite Impermanence x1
Extra Deck: 15 cards
Curse of Dragon, the Magical Knight Dragon x3 Gaia the Magical Knight of Dragons x3 Sky Galloping Gaia the Dragon Champion x3 Gaia the Dragon Champion x1 Dark Magician the Dragon Knight x1
Dark Magician the Knight of Dragon Magic x1 Gaia Dragon, the Thunder Charger x1 Number 11: Big Eye x1 Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon x1

Deck Explanation

The Gaia the Fierce Knight line of cards were completely untouched, despite not being featured in Solo Mode at any capacity. Though it does lose more powerful cards like Super Polymerization and Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon, a good hand can end the game more often than not.

Theme Chronicle Invoked Shaddoll

Invoked Shaddoll

Deck Recipe

Main Deck: 40 cards
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring x3 Reeshaddoll Wendi x3 Shaddoll Hedgehog x3 Aleister the Invoker x3 Mulcharmy Fuwalos x3
Shaddoll Squamata x3 Shaddoll Beast x2 Shaddoll Dragon x1 Naelshaddoll Ariel x1 Blazing Cartesia, the Virtuous x1
Dogmatika Fleurdelis, the Knighted x1 Dogmatika Maximus x1 Dramaturge of Despia x1 Shaddoll Fusion x3 Invocation x3
El Shaddoll Fusion x2 Called by the Grave x2 Magical Meltdown x2 Resh Shaddoll Incarnation x1 Shaddoll Schism x1
Extra Deck: 15 cards
Invoked Caliga x1 El Shaddoll Winda x1 Invoked Raidjin x1 El Shaddoll Apkallone x1 El Shaddoll Wendigo x1
Garura, Wings of Resonant Life x1 El Shaddoll Construct x1 Granguignol the Dusk Dragon x1 Starving Venom Fusion Dragon x1 Invoked Mechaba x2
El Shaddoll Anoyatyllis x1 El Shaddoll Shekhinaga x1 Invoked Elysium x1 Despian Proskenion x1

Deck Explanation

An Invoked Shaddoll Deck is completely legal for this year's Theme Chronicles event, though some of the more powerful cards it would like, like some Dogmatika cards, are unavailable. However, powerful boss monsters and floodgates like El Shaddoll Winda and Invoked Mechaba are all avalable for use.

Theme Chronicle Orcust


Deck Recipe

Main Deck: 41 cards
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring x3 Orcust Brass Bombard x3 Orcust Harp Horror x3 Speedroid Terrortop x3 Girsu, the Orcust Mekk-Knight x3
Mulcharmy Fuwalos x3 Orcust Cymbal Skeleton x2 Orcust Knightmare x2 World Legacy - "World Wand" x2 Speedroid Taketomborg x1
Orcustrated Return x3 Orcustrated Babel x2 Called by the Grave x2 Orcustrated Einsatz x1 Crossout Designator x1
Foolish Burial x1 Monster Reborn x1 One for One x1 Infinite Impermanence x3 Orcust Crescendo x1
Extra Deck: 15 cards
Number 3: Cicada King x1 Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star x2 Knightmare Mermaid x1 Linkuriboh x1 Galatea, the Orcust Automaton x3
I:P Masquerena x1 Knightmare Cerberus x1 Knightmare Goblin x1 Knightmare Phoenix x1 Longirsu, the Orcust Orchestrator x1
Orcustrion x1 Knightmare Gryphon x1

Deck Explanation

Orcust Decks have been consistent, and them being featured in Solo Mode qualifies them to be playable in full power during the Theme Chronicle Festival. The Extra Deck options have been further simplified, making full use of the entire line of Knightmare Link Monsters, including the recently-unbanned Knightmare Goblin and Knightmare Gryphon!

Theme Chronicle Buster Blader

Deck Recipe

Main Deck: 40 cards
Black Metal Dragon x3 Buster Whelp of the Destruction Swordsman x3 Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring x3 Starliege Seyfert x3 Nebula Dragon x3
Dark End Evaporation Dragon x3 Buster Blader, The Destruction Swordmaster x2 Light End Sublimation Dragon x2 Dragon Buster Destruction Sword x1 Buster Blader x1
Galactic Spiral Dragon x1 Called by the Grave x2 Dragon x2 Branded Regained x1 Crossout Designator x1
Prologue of the Destruction Swordsman x3 Infinite Impermanence x3 Destruction Sword Memories x2 Branded Beast x1
Extra Deck: 15 cards
Khaos Starsource Dragon x2 Buster Blader, The Dragon Destroyer Swordsman x1 Light and Darkness Dragon x1 Buster Dragon x2 Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star x1
Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon x1 Galaxy-Eyes Full Armor Photon Dragon x1 Number 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon x1 Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Blade Dragon x1 Galaxy-Eyes Cipher X Dragon x1
Striker Dragon x1 Dharc the Dark Charmer, Gloomy x1 Hieratic Seal of the Heavenly Spheres x1

Deck Explanation

While Buster Blader may not be part of Solo Mode, it somehow remains untouched. However, for this event, it cannot make use of the Bystial Engine, thus reducing its selection of monsters.

In its place, the Light and Darkness Dragon engine serves as the Dragon-type monsters needed to stabilize the playstyle.

Theme Chronicle Dragon Rulers

Main Deck: 41 cards
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring x3 Red Rose Dragon x3 Mulcharmy Fuwalos x3 Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms x3 Roxrose Dragon x2
Blaster, Dragon Ruler of Infernos x2 Redox, Dragon Ruler of Boulders x2 Tidal, Dragon Ruler of Waterfalls x2 Jet Synchron x1 Mecha Phantom Beast O-Lion x1
Lightning, Dragon Ruler of Drafts x1 Burner, Dragon Ruler of Sparks x1 Reactan, Dragon Ruler of Pebbles x1 Stream, Dragon Ruler of Droplets x1 Super Rejuvenation x3
Basal Rose Shoot x2 Called by the Grave x2 Gold Sarcophagus x2 Kashtira Birth x2 Crossout Designator x1
Infinite Impermanence x3
Extra Deck: 15 cards
Draco Berserker of the Tenyi x1 PSY-Framelord Omega x1 Leo, the Keeper of the Sacred Tree x1 Number 3: Cicada King x1 Evilswarm Exciton Knight x1
Blaze, Supreme Ruler of All Dragons x1 Gaia Dragon, the Thunder Charger x1 Number 42: Galaxy Tomahawk x1 Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon x1 Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon Overlord x1
Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon x1 Hieratic Seal of the Heavenly Spheres x1 I:P Masquerena x1 Crusadia Equimax x1 Mekk-Knight Crusadia Avramax x1

Deck Explanation

After so long, all four Dragon Rulers have been marked as unlimited in Master Duel. Unfortunately, most of its more preferred Deck Engines and boss monsters are currently unavailable in the event's exclusive Forbidden List.

Adjustments have to be made for both Main Deck engines and Extra Deck options, but realistically swarming the field with 2600 ATK dragons is not all that bad!

Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel Related Guides

Deck Pages Banner.png

Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel Deck Archetypes

Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel Decks

Deck Tier List: Best Decks for Season 38

List of All Covered Decks

World Champion Decks

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Horus Tearlaments Yubel Fire King Snake-Eyes
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Decks Used By All Teams in Worlds 2024
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CER 2 x FCG BRAZ IL Maxx “Yee”
Double Noir Rogue Ruler

Aggro Decks

List of All Aggro Decks
D/D/D Aggro Code Talker / Prank Kids Zoodiac
Blue-Eyes Virtual World SPYRAL Control
Toon Kingdom Red-Eyes Blue-Eyes
Zoodiac Prank-Kids Zoodiac Tri-Brigade
Pure Tri-Brigade Ancient Gear Dragonmaid
Tri-Brigade Lyrilusc (Bird Up) Dinosaur Raidraptor
HERO Dragon Link Despia
Magikey Adamancipator Black Luster Soldier
Pendulum Magician Stardust Dragon Tenyi Swordsoul
Cyberdark @Ignister Cyber Dragon
The Winged Dragon of Ra Despian Predaplant Despia Darklord
Odd-Eyes Performapal Numeron FTK Six Samurai
ABC Trickstar Windwitch Blackwings
Fluffal Cupid Pitch Turbo Lunalight
Vampire Ultra Athletes Thunder Dragon
Z-ARC Pendulum Magician Adventurer Rose Dragon Tenyi Adventurer P.U.N.K.
Suship Pure D/D/D Numeron Egyptian Gods
Galaxy Eyes OTK Borrelend Dragon Link Vaylantz
Beetrooper Icejade Ra Therion ABC
Libromancer Mathmech Spright Evil☆Twin
Spright Tri-Brigade Ishizu Chaos Slifer Arcana Knights
Gaia OTK Vernusylph Ancient Warriors
Ghoti Springans 8-Axis Gizmek Orochi
Danger! Dark World Mikanko Scareclaw Kashtira
Zombie World P.U.N.K. Hungry Burger Nouvelles Obelisk the Tormentor
Mannadium Gate Guardian Gold Pride P.U.N.K.
Superheavy Samurai Nemleria Dragon Rulers
Snake-Eye T.G. Diabellstar Skull Servant
Kaiju Resonators Earthbound
Malefic Kozmo Armored Xyz Shark
Unchained Battlin' Boxer Chimera Illusion
Fire King Snake-Eyes Vaalmonica Memento
Horus Tearlaments Centur-Ion Dragon Master Magia
Ice Barrier Infernoid Lightsworn
Ogdoadic Ragnaraika Genex Tenpai Dragon
Goblin Biker Infernoble Armed Dragon
Flame Swordsman Melodious Gimmick Puppet
Ashened White Forest Mekk-Knight
Fiendsmith Snake-Eyes White Forest Azamina Millennium

Control Decks

List of All Control Decks
Invoked Shaddoll Eldlich Control Drytron Fairy
True Draco Dark Magician Traptrix
Phantom Knights Madolche Relinquished
P.U.N.K. DPE Scythe Evil★Twin
Paleozoic Frog Salamangreat Gravekeepers
Monarch Tellarknight Agent
Exosisters Darklord Plunder Patrol
Rikka Floowandereeze Adventurer Phantom Knights
Dinomoprhia Tri-Brigade Gladiator Beast Adventurer Witchcrafter
Dark Magician Gravekeeper Branded Tri-Brigade Branded Despia
Zombie Vampire Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon Spellbook
Branded Cyber Dragon Branded Zombies Pure Scareclaw
Dinomorphia Runick Labrynth
Harpies Buster Blader Umi Control
Endymion Nekroz Spright
Spright Runick Ishizu Runick Branded Ishizu
Crystal Beasts Orcust Altergeist
Witchcrafter Subterror Krawler Mayakashi
Ishizu Tearlaments Evilswarm Melffy Spright
Bystial Branded Dogmatika Bystial Naturia Runick
Generaiders Kashtira Purrely
Ninja Rescue-ACE Gishki Spright
Prediction Princess Vanquish Soul Jinzo
Egyptian God Ojama Control Aromage
Ghostrick Kuriboh Anti-Meta Stun
Runick Spright Fur Hire Horus Control Toy Box Dark Magician
Yubel Voiceless Voice Rikka Ragnraika
Ritual Beast Shining Sarcophagus Fiendsmith Magical Musketeer

Burn Decks

List of All Burn Decks
Red-Eyes Burn Timelord Burn Chain Burn
D.D. Dynamite Igknight OTK Cubic
Dinosaur Bishbaalkin FTK Volcanic Snake-Eyes Transaction Rollback Burn

Alt-Win Decks

List of All Alternate Win Decks
Crooked Cook Exodia Flower Cardian Exodia Treasure Panda Exodia
Suicide Defense OTK

All Budget Decks

List of All Budget Deck Guides
Budget Shark Xyz Budget Eldlich Budget Hippo Turbo
Budget Despia Budget F.A. Metalfoes Budget Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Budget Chain Burn Budget Majespecter Budget Yosenju
Budget Flower Cardian Budget True Draco Budget Amorphage
Budget Ishizu Tearlaments

Best Cards for Decks

Lists of Best Cards for Deck Building
Best Staple Cards Best Searchers Best Hand Traps
Best Board Wipes Best Negates Best Fusion Monsters
Best Synchro Monsters Best Xyz Monsters Best Link Monsters
Best Structure Decks Best Decks to Go 1st or 2nd


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