Resident Evil 4 Remake (RE4)

Primal Knife Location, Weapons Stats, and Upgrades

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Primal Knife is a Melee weapon in Resident Evil 4 Remake (RE4). Read on to find out Primal Knife's stats, how to get Primal Knife, and learn how to use Primal Knife in the game!

Bonus Weapons and Accessories
All Bonus Weapons Handcannon Chicago Sweeper
Primal Knife Infinite Rocket Launcher Cat Ears (Infinite Ammo)

How to Get Primal Knife

Destroy All Clockwork Castellans

The Primal Knife is an endgame or postgame weapon that can only be obtained by destroying all the Clockwork Castellans in the game!

Players should note that these are missable collectibles! So be sure to snag them when you can.

All Clockwork Castellans Locations

Primal Knife Weapon Overview

Primal Knife Basic Info

Primal Knife
RE4 Remake - Primal Knife
A knife forged with infinite possibilites.
Weapon Type Melee
Perks None
How to Get Find and destroy all Clockwork Castellans.

Primal Knife Base Stats

Power Durability Attack Speed Ammo Capacity
0.80 1.60 1.10 -
Reload Speed Rate of Fire Precision Inventory Slots
- - - 3 (1x3)

Primal Knife Upgrade Stats

Power 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2
Durability 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4
Exclusive Perk Becomes indestructible.

Exclusive Perks and upgrades Lv. 4 and above are unlocked in Chapter 9

Primal Knife Upgrade Cost

LV2 LV3 LV4 LV5 Total Cost
Power 20000 35000 50000 65000 260000
Durability 10000 15000 25000 30000
Exclusive Perk Becomes indestructible.
Cost: 10000

Primal Knife Exclusive Perk

Exclusive Effect Cost
1.5x Power 10000 ptas

All Exclusive Upgrades and Perks

Primal Knife Attachments

All Available Attachments

There are no available attachments for this weapon.

Is the Primal Knife Worth It?

Money and Inventory Saver

The primal knife is definitely worth it if you plan to save your money and inventory slots, as this knife does not need repairs or substitutes when you buy its exclusive perk, making it a great knife to use to parry against enemies.

Best Knife

How to Use Primal Knife

Get Exclusive Perk for Infinite Durability

One very important fact about the Primal Knife is that when fully upgraded, you can purchase infinite durability to keep your knife from breaking! Ironically, a very game breaking ability that will allow you perform unlimited parries, attacks, and sneak attacks!

Parry Attacks

The Primal Knife can parry different attacks, including thrown weapons and straight-out punches. However, parrying attacks consumes durability, so try not to do it all the time and dodge by running or crouching when you have the option.

Also, parrying stronger attacks, like the Chainsaw Man's chainsaw, can quickly destroy the Combat Knife, so try to avoid fighting those enemies head-on!

How to Parry Attacks

Break Free from a Grapple

You can immediately escape a hold or a grapple with your Primal Knife by pressing the Melee Button quickly. However, it is not possible to do if someone grabbed you from behind. You can press the Interact Button continuously instead to break free quickly.

Take note that you won't be able to do this once you're knife is broken!

Sneak Attack for an Instant Kill

RE4 Remake - Sneak Attack

Since the Primal Knife has a decent durability even when not fully upgraded, you can use it to perform sneak attacks on several enemies before it breaks. Successfully doing a sneak attack will lead to an instant kill, which will save you some ammo and reduce the risk of getting damaged.

How to Save Ammo

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List of Melees

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