Resident Evil 4 Remake (RE4)

Baby Eagle is Missing ARG Puzzle Solutions and Prequel Summary

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ARG Solutions

The Resident Evil 4 Remake ARG: Baby Eagle is Missing allows players to solve puzzles and find out what happens to the President's daughter! Read on to learn the solutions to all puzzles, how to solve them, and a summary of the story so far!

What is the Resident Evil 4 Remake ARG?

Baby Eagle is Missing Augmented Reality Game

RE4 Remake AUG Game
Capcom released the Baby Eagle is Missing ARG (or Augmented Reality Game) as a short prequel to the events that transpire in the Resident Evil 4 Remake. You can go to the ARG on the website babyeagleismissing.

The game features a series of puzzles that players will have to solve in order to provide agents with data.

Baby Eagle is Missing ARG Puzzle Solutions and Answers

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Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Day 4 Day 5 Day 6

Day 1 Puzzle 1: Put the Pieces Together

One you open the game, you will be presented with messages about the situation and a series of evidence at the bottom.
Select the evidence by pressing any of the boxes under Top Secret Evidence.
Viewing the evidence gives you an idea of what happened.
Scroll through using the right and left arrows. The puzzle to solve will be the last bit of evidence entitled RECOVEREDEVIDENCESCAN001.exe.
The first puzzle requires you to put the pieces of paper back together. Just drag the pieces to the corresponding outline.
Some pieces are a bit finnicky and you may have to align them properly to get them to lock in place.
Once it's complete, you'll need to look for a location. This can be found in the upper right corner of the page.
Return to the first page and select "Write a Comment" to submit your answer. The comment you submit should be Harrison Airfield.

Day 1 Puzzle 2: Crack The Code

For the second puzzle, you are once again presented with evidence, a phone and a photo.
You'll need to crack the password on the phone for the team.
The image of the man's hand shows a tattoo that says 0 CRED. This is password to unlocking the phone.
Type 09325 as the password, since this is what 0 and the number for each letter in CRED corresponds to.
Press Enter to test the code.
Like the first puzzle, you'll need to return to the main screen and write a comment. Enter the code: 09325.

Day 2 Puzzle 1: Find the Hidden Message

Click on 03-06-2023 at the top for the second part of the ARG. Scroll down to view the evidence once more.
This time you have crime scene photos and corrupted images from the phone.
Due to the corrupted files, it's hard to see anything on the phone, but you can click on the image to pause.
3 Words will be clear in the images Burn down manor.
Select Write a Comment at the bottom, then enter Burn down manor into the comments to finish this puzzle!

Day 2 Puzzle 2: Find the Leader

For the second puzzle, you'll need to find connections between different criminals.
Each criminal has their own profile. Going through them, you'll find that a number of them have worked with the same groups.
An easier way to do this though is to select everyone and then Verify Connections on the Find the Connections screen.
By selecting everyone as the easy solution, you should have Atlas Ruger marked as the leader.
Go back to the previous menu and select Write a Comment. Enter Atlas Ruger into the comments to finish this puzzle!

Day 3 Puzzle 1: Spot the Anomaly

Click on 03-07-2023 at the top for the third part of the ARG. Scroll down to view the evidence once more.
You'll be shown a photo of the safehouse as well as schematics.
You'll need to find a spot that contains the anomaly. With the Thermal and Chemical Scan on, hover over the space indicated in the image above to reveal a secret tunnel.
You can only do so with the Structural Scan turned off.
The secret tunnel is revealed as Zetroc's Hideaway.
Go back to the previous menu and select Write a Comment. Enter Zetrocs Hideaway into the comments to finish this puzzle!

Day 3 Puzzle 2: Open the Gates

For the second puzzle, you'll need to open the 3 sewer gates to release the agents.
The puzzle to solve will be the evidence entitled ACTIVE-UTILITY-GRID.EXE
Each knob will open different doors, and they will need to be turned in an order that opens all doors at once!
Using the numbers above you should turn them in the order of 2-1-3-3-1.
Opening all gates will reveal that the answer is TUNNEL 7.
Go back to the previous menu and select Write a Comment. Enter TUNNEL 7 into the comments to finish this puzzle!

Day 4 Puzzle 1: Match the Evidence

Click on 03-08-2023 at the top for the fourth part of the ARG. Scroll down to view the evidence once more, specifically FIELDAUTOPSYREPORT.TXT for the puzzle.
You'll need to match the bullet with the gun used to shoot the man in question.
The answer is the Compact Handgun with the 9mm Subsonic Round.
It will give you the code INSIDE JOB.
Go back to the previous menu and select Write a Comment. Enter INSIDE JOB into the comments to finish this puzzle!

Day 4 Puzzle 2: Interrogate the Suspects

For the second puzzle, you'll need to interrogate suspects to find the one who has been working with the smugglers.
The puzzle to solve will be the evidence entitled EMPLOYEEDOSSIER-HOOPER-2004.TXT
All 3 agents you've been working with are up for interrogation. You can click on them to reveal some dialogue and questions you can ask them!
After interrogating them you'll have to choose the mole. Select GREENE.
He will reveal the ships name is Madiana.
Go back to the previous menu and select Write a Comment. Enter Madiana into the comments to finish this puzzle!

Day 5 Puzzle 1: Crack the Code

Click on 03-09-2023 at the top for the fifth part of the ARG. Scroll down to view the evidence once more, specifically ATLASRUGER-DOSSIER-2004.PNG for the puzzle.
You'll need to unlock Atlas' Safe. The code is 1975, his birth year.
Go back to the previous menu and select Write a Comment. Enter 1975 into the comments to finish this puzzle!

Day 5 Puzzle 2: Decipher the Message

For the second puzzle, you'll need to interrogate suspects to find the one who has been working with the smugglers.
The puzzle to solve will be the evidence entitled SAFEROOM-AUDIOTRANSCRIPT.TXT
For this puzzle, you'll need to decipher the secret message.
This is a pigpen cypher that translates to SEEK AND YE SHALL FIND TWITCH DOT TV SLASH CAPCOM USA
Go back to the previous menu and select Write a Comment. Enter SEEK AND YE SHALL FIND TWITCH DOT TV SLASH CAPCOM USA into the comments to finish this puzzle!

Day 6 Final Puzzle: Find the Missing Letters

Click on 03-10-2023 and for this one, you won't be solving a puzzle on the site! Instead you'll need to play the demo to find the answer!
You'll find the missing word to the phrase in the demo by examining the Crude Charm file found in the Hunter's Lodge at the start of the demo.
Go back to the site and select Write a Comment. Enter juicio into the comments to finish this puzzle!

All Chainsaw Demo Secrets

Baby Eagle is Missing ARG Summary

Prelude to the Resident Evil 4 Remake

Resident Evil 4 Remake Baby Eagle

The ARG shows how you've been tasked to help find the president's daughter, Ashley Graham, who has been kidnapped along with her friend, Jayhawk, and taken from her security convoy. In the carnage of the kidnapping, you discover that she has been taken out of the country by a strange group of smugglers and criminals.

Agents track down an old safehouse that could contain her and her friend, and maybe even the leader of these criminals, Atlas Ruger, a well-known human trafficker. Upon entering a secret tunnel, agents are trapped inside due to a blast and discover that Jayhawk may be compromised. After saving the agents, you find that the secret tunnel ends in the docks.

The fight at the docks reveals a double agent, your superior and now that you're leading the team you must crack the code to save Ashley! The final clues lead you to the village and you receive a commendation for your work in helping a special agent recover her, leading right to the events of the Chainsaw Demo and first chapter of the Resident Evil 4 Remake!

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