Resident Evil 4 Remake (RE4)

All Treasure Locations

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Here's a list of all Treasures obtainable in Resident Evil Remake (RE4) with locations for each Treasure in the Village, Castle, and Island. Read on for a list of treasures, different treasure types, and how much each treasure sells for!

All Treasure Locations

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Village Treasures Castle Treasures Island Treasures


Treasure Map Location In-Game Location
RE4R Velvet BlueVelvet Blue
(2,500 ptas.)
Village Square On a rooftop
RE4R RubyRuby
(3,000 ptas.)
Village Square In northeast hut
RE4R Pearl PendantPearl Pendant
(5,000 ptas.)
Farm Hanging from windmill
RE4R FlagonFlagon
(4,000 ptas.)
Farm Chest in northeast
RE4R RubyRuby
(3,000 ptas.)
Farm First floor of shed
RE4R SapphireSapphire
(4,000 ptas.)
Abandoned Factory Inside the kiln
RE4R Elegant MaskElegant Mask
(5,000 ptas.)
Abandoned Factory In a locked drawer
RE4R SapphireSapphire
(4,000 ptas.)
Abandoned Factory Chest in western corner
RE4R RubyRuby
(3,000 ptas.)
Valley Northeastern corner
RE4R SapphireSapphire
(4,000 ptas.)
Outside Chief's Manor Hanging from a tree
RE4R Pearl PendantPearl Pendant
(5,000 ptas.)
Outside Chief's Manor Above a well
RE4R EmeraldEmerald
(5,000 ptas.)
Outside Chief's Manor From Chainsaw Man
RE4R RubyRuby
(3,000 ptas.)
Village Chief's Manor In drawer at entrance
RE4R Vintage CompassVintage Compass
(8,000 ptas.)
Abandoned Factory In a locked drawer
RE4R Velvet BlueVelvet Blue
(2,500 ptas.)
Town Hall Hanging from ceiling
RE4R Elegant HeaddressElegant Headdress
(7,000 ptas.)
Church Behind the church
RE4R RubyRuby
(3,000 ptas.)
Quarry Hanging from a rope
RE4R Brass Pocket WatchBrass Pocket Watch
(8,000 ptas.)
Quarry Chest near Merchant
RE4R Antique PipeAntique Pipe
(7,000 ptas.)
Farm Behind north wall
RE4R AlexandriteAlexandrite
(6,000 ptas.)
Lake Shipwreck in the middle of the lake
RE4R Velvet BlueVelvet Blue
(2,500 ptas.)
Lake East side of lake
RE4R Depraved IdolDepraved Idol
(15,000 ptas.)
Lake Hexagonal Puzzle
RE4R Splendid BangleSplendid Bangle
(4,000 ptas.)
Lake Southwest wayshrine
RE4R AlexandriteAlexandrite
(6,000 ptas.)
Lake Follow river southwest
RE4R Pearl BanglePearl Bangle
(12,000 ptas.)
Lakeside Settlement From wayshrine
RE4R Gold BarGold Bar
(10,000 ptas.)
Lakeside Settlement Locked chest in cabin
RE4R Red Gemstone RingRed Gemstone Ring
(6,000 ptas.)
Lakeside Settlement In the basement
RE4R RubyRuby
(3,000 ptas.)
Small Cave Shrine After the puzzle
RE4R Velvet BlueVelvet Blue
(2,500 ptas.)
Large Cave Shrine Hanging from ceiling
RE4R Butterfly LampButterfly Lamp
(6,000 ptas.)
Quarry From wayshrine
RE4R Yellow DiamondYellow Diamond
(7000 ptas.)
Quarry Defeat El Gigante
RE4R Yellow DiamondYellow Diamond
(7000 ptas.)
Church In a locked chest
RE4R Yellow DiamondYellow Diamond
(7000 ptas.)
Church Hanging from ceiling
RE4R Elegant BangleElegant Bangle
(5,000 ptas.)
Village Square In a blue chest
RE4R Antique CameraAntique Camera
(10,000 ptas.)
Attic in Village Chief's Manor On top of drawer
RE4R Antique PipeAntique Pipe
(7,000 ptas.)
Farm From a wayshrine
RE4R Yellow DiamondYellow Diamond
(7000 ptas.)
Checkpoint Entrance West of Merchant
RE4R Chalice of AtonementChalice of Atonement
(7,000 ptas.)
Checkpoint Chest in cabin
RE4R Elegant HeaddressElegant Headdress
(7,000 ptas.)
Checkpoint Southwest wayshrine
RE4R MendezMendez's False Eye
(12,000 ptas.)
Slaughterhouse Defeat Mendez
RE4R EmeraldEmerald
(5,000 ptas.)
Outside Castle Hanging from a tree


Treasure Map Location In-Game Location
RE4R Vintage CompassVintage Compass
(8,000 ptas.)
Castle Entrance Behind the Merchant
RE4R Elegant BangleElegant Bangle
(5,000 ptas.)
Castle Gate Under the turret
RE4R Elegant Perfume BottleElegant Perfume Bottle
(10,000 ptas.)
Audience Chamber In southeast corner
RE4R RubyRuby
(3,000 ptas.)
Audience Chamber Hanging from ceiling
RE4R Golden HourglassGolden Hourglass
(10,000 ptas.)
Audience Chamber Drop down the hole
RE4R SpinelSpinel
( ptas.)
Treasury Hall On a shelf
RE4R Gold BangleGold Bangle
(9,800 ptas.)
Treasury Hall On a counter
RE4R Mirror with Pearls & RubiesMirror with Pearls & Rubies
(10,000 ptas.)
Wine Cellar Behind the Red Priest
RE4R Extravagant ClockExtravagant Clock
(9,000 ptas.)
Bindery In a chest near fireplace
RE4R Brass Pocket WatchBrass Pocket Watch
(8,000 ptas.)
Bindery In a locked drawer
RE4R Ornate NecklaceOrnate Necklace
(11,000 ptas.)
Castle Battlements Near Merchant shop
RE4R EmeraldEmerald
(5,000 ptas.)
Castle Battlements After El Gigante
RE4R RubyRuby
(3,000 ptas.)
Castle Battlements Ceiling of 3rd tower
RE4R Elegant ChessboardElegant Chessboard
(13,000 ptas.)
Courtyard East side of area
RE4R Depraved IdolDepraved Idol
(15,000 ptas.)
Wine Cellar After the maze
RE4R AlexandriteAlexandrite
(6,000 ptas.)
Grand Hall Held by a statue
RE4R Butterfly LampButterfly Lamp
(6,000 ptas.)
Grand Hall In Square Lock Box
RE4R Yellow DiamondYellow Diamond
(7000 ptas.)
Gallery In a chest between paintings
RE4R Gold BarGold Bar
(10,000 ptas.)
Audience Chamber In Merchant's room
RE4R Justitia StatueJustitia Statue
(12,000 ptas.)
Audience Chamber In Square Lock Box
RE4R Elegant Perfume BottleElegant Perfume Bottle
(10,000 ptas.)
Library Playing as Ashley
RE4R SapphireSapphire
(4,000 ptas.)
Library North side of Library
RE4R EmeraldEmerald
(5,000 ptas.)
Mausoleum Behind the door
RE4R Golden LynxGolden Lynx
(15,000 ptas.)
Library In Square Lock Box
RE4R RubyRuby
(3,000 ptas.)
Ballroom Behind the rubble
RE4R Ornate BeetleOrnate Beetle
(12,000 ptas.)
Ballroom 1st floor northeast
RE4R Elegant CrownElegant Crown
(19,000 ptas.)
Depths Near the ladder
RE4R Red BerylRed Beryl
(9,000 ptas.)
Depths Hanging from ceiling
RE4R Yellow DiamondYellow Diamond
(7000 ptas.)
Depths After restoring power
RE4R Golden MonocleGolden Monocle
(30,000 ptas.)
Depths After restoring power
RE4R SapphireSapphire
(4,000 ptas.)
Mines Hanging from beams
RE4R Golden HourglassGolden Hourglass
(10,000 ptas.)
Mines Northeast of room
RE4R FlagonFlagon
(4,000 ptas.)
Stopover In 2nd floor
RE4R Gold Bar (L)Gold Bar (L)
(15,000 ptas.)
Hive Northwest of area
RE4R Gold Chicken EggGold Chicken Egg
(9,000 ptas.)
Throne Room In Square Lock Box
Scratched Emerald
(5,000 ptas.)
Courtyard In crow's nest
RE4R Ornate BeetleOrnate Beetle
(12,000 ptas.)
Castle Battlements In a locked drawer
RE4R Gold BarGold Bar
(10,000 ptas.)
Clock Tower 1st floor southwest
RE4R AlexandriteAlexandrite
(6,000 ptas.)
Clock Tower 2nd floor southwest
RE4R Mirror with Pearls & RubiesMirror with Pearls & Rubies
(10,000 ptas.)
Clock Tower Behind the lever
RE4R Extravagant ClockExtravagant Clock
(9,000 ptas.)
Clock Tower Drop down the ladder
RE4R Yellow DiamondYellow Diamond
(7000 ptas.)
Clock Tower Clock tower walls
RE4R Lip RougeLip Rouge
(24,000 ptas.)
Ancient Chantry Defeat Salazar


Treasure Map Location In-Game Location
RE4R Pearl BanglePearl Bangle
(12,000 ptas.)
Wharf Move turret to reveal
RE4R Golden LynxGolden Lynx
(15,000 ptas.)
Wharf Use explosive barrel
RE4R Elegant CrownElegant Crown
(19,000 ptas.)
Wharf Near closed gate
RE4R Velvet BlueVelvet Blue
(2,500 ptas.)
Surveillance In the vicinity
RE4R Velvet BlueVelvet Blue
(2,500 ptas.)
Utilities In the vicinity
RE4R Red BerylRed Beryl
(9,000 ptas.)
Dissection Break the glass
RE4R Gold IngotGold Ingot
(20,000 ptas.)
Dissection East of the area
RE4R Crystal OreCrystal Ore
(14,000 ptas.)
Holding Cell In the vicinity
RE4R AlexandriteAlexandrite
(6,000 ptas.)
Cargo Depot Above at the entrance
RE4R Gold BangleGold Bangle
(9,800 ptas.)
Cargo Depot In a dumpster
RE4R Ornate NecklaceOrnate Necklace
(11,000 ptas.)
Waste Disposal In control room
RE4R Crystal OreCrystal Ore
(14,000 ptas.)
Amber Storeroom Northeast shelf
RE4R Gold Bar (L)Gold Bar (L)
(15,000 ptas.)
Campsite In a tent
RE4R Red BerylRed Beryl
(9,000 ptas.)
Stronghold Hanging from ceiling
RE4R Velvet BlueVelvet Blue
(2,500 ptas.)
Stronghold Hanging from bridge
RE4R Staff of RoyaltyStaff of Royalty
(25,000 ptas.)
Cliffside Ruins Beneath the ruins
RE4R Splendid BangleSplendid Bangle
(4,000 ptas.)
Cliffside Ruins On a table
RE4R Velvet BlueVelvet Blue
(2,500 ptas.)
Luis' Laboratory Hanging from beams
Sanctuary Back of the room
RE4R Gold IngotGold Ingot
(20,000 ptas.)
Sanctuary Near the Merchant

List of Treasures

Item Description Base Selling Price
RE4R - AlexandriteAlexandrite A rectangular cut, violet gemstone. (Can be inset in certain treasures.) 6,000
RE4R - Antique CameraAntique Camera A cherished, old-fashioned camera. (For selling only) 10,000
RE4R - Antique PipeAntique Pipe A pipe of exceptional craftsmanship. (For selling only.) 7,000
RE4R - Brass Pocket WatchBrass Pocket Watch An antique pocket watch that shows signs of use. (For selling only.) 8,000
RE4R - Butterfly LampButterfly Lamp A frosted glass lamp adorned with gold. There are three round recesses on its sides. (Can be inlaid with certain gemstones.) 6,000
RE4R - Chalice of AtonementChalice of Atonement A cup dedicated to those toiling for their past transgressions. There are three rectangular recesses around it. (Can be inlaid with certain gemstones.) 7,000
RE4R - Crystal OreCrystal Ore A large piece of raw crystal ore. (For selling only.) 14,000
RE4R - Depraved IdolDepraved Idol An eerie statue made of pure gold. (For selling only.) 15,000
RE4R - Elegant BangleElegant Bangle A weighty and heavily decorated bangle with two round recesses around it. (Can be inlaid with certain gemstones.) 5,000
RE4R - Elegant ChessboardElegant Chessboard An extravagant chessboard crafted from uniqe marble. (For selling only.) 13,000
RE4R - Elegant CrownElegant Crown A traditional heriloom of a noble family. Some gemstones have been removed. (Can be inlaid with certain gemstones.) 19,000
RE4R - Elegant HeaddressElegant Headdress A headdress inlayed with rare stones. (For selling only.) 7,000
RE4R - Elegant MaskElegant Mask An extravagant mask worn to masquerades. There are three round recesses on the brow. (Can be inlaid with certain gemstones.) 5,000
RE4R - Elegant Perfume BottleElegant Perfume Bottle A perfume bottle of exquisite. (For selling only.) 10,000
RE4R - EmeraldEmerald A rectangular cut, green gemstone. (Can be inset in certain treasures.) 5,000
RE4R - Extravagant ClockExtravagant Clock An intricately decorated clock with two recesses on the front. (Can be inlaid with certain gemstones.) 9,000
RE4R - FlagonFlagon An intricately decorated flagon with two round recesses on its sides. (Can be inlaid with certain gemstones.) 4,000
RE4R - Gold BangleGold Bangle A gold bangle with a beautiful enamel decoration wrapped around it. (For selling only) 9,800
RE4R - Gold BarGold Bar A small chunk of gold. (For selling only.) 10,000
RE4R - Gold Bar (L)Gold Bar (L) A large, elongated chunk of gold. (For selling only) 15,000
RE4R - Gold Chicken EggGold Chicken Egg A highly valued golden egg. Can be used to restore a large amount of health. 9,000
RE4R - Gold IngotGold Ingot A huge chunk of gold that you can barely wrap your hands around to carry. (For selling only.) 20,000
RE4R - Golden HourglassGolden Hourglass A finely crafted, valuable hourglass. (For selling only.) 10,000
RE4R - Golden LynxGolden Lynx A cat statuette made of gold and black slate. There are two recesses in its eyes and one in its neck. (Can be inlaid with certain gemstones.) 15,000
RE4R - Golden MonocleGolden Monocle A gold-framed monocle embellished with a peculiart design. (For selling only.) 30,000
RE4R - Illuminados PendantIlluminados Pendant A pendant with a sinister shine. (For selling only.) 18,000
RE4R - Justitia StatueJustitia Statue A statue of a dignified goddess holding the scales of justice out in front of her. (For selling only.) 12,000
RE4R - Lip RougeLip Rouge A finely crafted brass case containing rouge. (For selling only.) 24,000
RE4R - MendezMendez's False Eye A meticulously crafted artificial eye made of ceramic. (For selling only.) 12,000
RE4R - Mirror with Pearls & RubiesMirror with Pearls & Rubies An ornate mirror decorated with lavish pearls and rubies around its frame. (For selling only.) 10,000
RE4R - Ornate BeetleOrnate Beetle A scarab made of lapis lazuli and fine gold. (For selling only.) 12,000
RE4R - Ornate NecklaceOrnate Necklace An extraordinarily opulent necklace. Unfortunately, most of the jewels have been removed. (Can be inlaid with certain gemstones.) 11,000
RE4R - Pearl BanglePearl Bangle A bangle inlayed with large pearls. (For selling only.) 12,000
RE4R - Pearl PendantPearl Pendant A necklace adorned with pearls. (For selling only.) 5,000
RE4R - Red BerylRed Beryl A rectangular cut, rose-colored gemstone. (Can be inset in certain treasures.) 9,000
RE4R - Red Gemstone RingRed Gemstone Ring An old ring that is rich with history. (For selling only.) 6,000
RE4R - RubyRuby A round cut, crimson gemstone. (Can be inset in certain treasures.) 3,000
RE4R - SapphireSapphire A round cut, azure gemstone. (Can be inset in certain treasures.) 4,000
Scratched Emerald An emerald gemstone with scratches on the surfaces. (For selling only.) 5,000
RE4R - Splendid BangleSplendid Bangle A weighty and heavily decorated bangle with two rectangular recesses around it. (Can be inlaid with certain gemstones.) 4,000
RE4R - Staff of RoyaltyStaff of Royalty An elaborately decorated gold staff for ceremonial use. (For selling only.) 25,000
RE4R - Velvet BlueVelvet Blue A type of amethyst mined in this region. 2,500
RE4R - Vintage CompassVintage Compass An old-fashioned compass that has been kept in good condition over the years. (For selling only.) 8,000
RE4R - Yellow DiamondYellow Diamond A round cut, yellow gemstone. (Can be inset in certain treasures.) 7000

What are Treasures?

Great Source of Pesetas

Treasures are valuable items that can fetch for a high price. Some treasures are part of a set, and fusing them into a single treasure will make it worth more than the used materials combined.

Money Farming Guide

Expanded Treasures Can Be Found with DLC Map

Normal Treasure Map Legend Hidden Treasure Map Legend
Normal Treasure Map Legend Expanded Treasure Map Legend

Purchasing the Treasure Map Expansion DLC will unlock Expanded Treasures for you in-game. Expanded Treasures will be depicted with the Hidden Treasure map legend.

These treasures will not normally appear on the map unless you have the Expanded Treasure Map designated for that area. These treasures are also usually found in small golden containers that tend to blend with the environment.

▶︎ All Village Hidden Treasures ▶︎ All Castle Hidden Treasures
▶︎ All Island Hidden Treasures

Are Treasures Missable?

Treasures are Missable

Resident Evil 4 Remake - Castle MIrror Pearls In-Game

Yes, treasures are missable. You will not be able to get them once you go past certain points of no return. If you are hunting for treasures, make sure you to check your map and sweep all areas before proceeding to your objective!

List of Missables and Points of No Return

Resident Evil 4 Remake Related Guides

RE4R - All Items

List of All Items

All Item Types

Items in Resident Evil 4 Remake
Recovery Items Ammo Crafting Materials
Throwable Items Treasures Key Items


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