Elden Ring

Gideon Ofnir Quest and Location

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Gideon Ofnir is an NPC in Elden Ring initially found in The Roundtable Hold. Read on to learn more about Gideon Ofnir's questline walkthrough, location, armor and weapon drops, and lore!

Gideon Ofnir Quest Walkthrough

Sir Gideon Ofnir is a unique NPC in Elden Ring, providing lore snippets about many of the events and characters in the game. Follow his questline to learn more about the Lands Between and to receive different rewards as you go about your journey.

Quest Objectives

Greet Him at the Roundtable Hold

Greet Gideon at the Roundtable Hold

When players are first invited to The Roundtable Hold by Melina, Gideon Ofnir will be standing beside the Table of Lost Grace. Speak to him for a cold welcome where he calls you both a mere visitor and house guest of the hold.

Speak to Him After Defeating a Shardbearer

Inside The Roundtable Hold's library.

Once players defeat a Shardbearer and obtain a Great Rune, Gideon Ofnir will finally recognize you as a member of the Roundtable Hold. This unlocks lore snippets where Gideon tells you about the different Shardbearers you will soon have to face.

Quest Objectives
Check Icon Defeat Godrick or Rennala
Check Icon Seek an Audience with the Two Fingers

Defeat Godrick or Rennala

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At the beginning of the game, the first 2 Shardbearers available to fight are Godrick the Grafted in Stormveil Castle and Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon at the Academy of Raya Lucaria. Defeat either one to get an audience with the Two Fingers and to further Gideon's questline.

Note: While players can go to Caelid, the festival of Starscourge Radahn will not commence until you meet the Two Fingers at the Roundtable Hold.

Seek an Audience with the Two Fingers

Enia the Finger Reader

To unlock Gideon's lore snippets regarding the Shardbearers, speak to Enia the Finger Reader inside the room with the Two Fingers. Exhaust her dialogue before returning and speaking to Gideon in his study.

Speak to Him About Nepheli

Ask Gideon about Nepheli

To unlock this interaction, players will need to have spoken to Nepheli Loux inside Stormveil Castle before progressing and defeating Godrick.

Once you defeat the Shardbearer, return to the Roundtable Hold and speak to Nepheli in front of Gideon's study. After she mentions that Gideon is her father, go to him and ask him about Nepheli.

Speak to Him About Ensha and Latenna

Confront Gideon about Ensha

If players are attacked by Ensha after acquiring the Haligtree Secret Medallion (Right), Gideon will offer information about Latenna in exchange.

This gives you an early clue about where to go looking if you want to secure the Haligtree Secret Medallion (Left) and arrive at the Consecrated Snowfields.

Quest Objectives
Check Icon Obtain the Haligtree Medallion from Albus
Check Icon Defeat Ensha at the Roundtable Hold

Obtain the Haligtree Medallion from Albus

Obtain the Haligtree Secret Medallion Right

To get the half medallion, players will first need to head over to the Village of the Albinaurics and find Old Albus. Speak to the dying Albinauric and retrieve the Haligtree Secret Medallion (Right) from him.

Defeat Ensha at the Roundtable Hold

Fighting Ensha

After this, fast travel back to the Roundtable Hold to defeat Ensha. Beat him to get the Clinging Bone weapon and the Royal Remains armor set. This unique armor set consists of the Royal Remains Armor, Royal Remains Helm, Royal Remains Gauntlets, and Royal Remains Greaves.

Speak to Gideon and Nepheli After They Argue

Confront Gideon about Nepheli

If players defeated the Omenkiller boss at the Village of the Albinaurics, Gideon and Nepheli will have a disagreement that results in Nepheli getting disowned.

Speak to both of them to hear both sides of the story. While this is not necessary to progress Gideon's questline, this is a required step to progress Nepheli's questline.

Quest Objectives
Check Icon Speak to Nepheli at the Village of Albinaurics
Check Icon Defeat the Omenkiller Boss in the Village

Go to the Village of Albinaurics and Speak to Nepheli

Speak to Nepheli at the Village of the Albinaurics

To get this interaction with Gideon, head back to the Village of Albinaurics and speak to Nepheli Loux. Exhaust her dialogue to make sure her quest progresses.

Defeat the Omenkiller Boss

Defeat the Omenkiller

Next, defeat the Omenkiller boss at the Village. If you exhausted Nepheli's dialogue, she should become available as a gold summon for this boss battle.

After the Omenkiller is defeated, speak to Nepheli at the Roundtable Hold to unlock Gideon's dialogue option about Nepheli's despair.

How to Beat Omenkiller

Have Gideon Get Rid of Seluvis's Potion

Show Seluvis Potion to Gideon

During Seluvis' questline, he will ask players to give Nepheli Loux a potion that turns her into a mindless puppet. To avoid this outcome, players can give Seluvis's Potion to Gideon and he will dispose of it safely.

Note: This will not fail Seluvis' questline. In fact, it ensures that you can continue completing both Seluvis' and Nepheli's questline until the end.

Discover Demigods and Report Back to Gideon

Reward Condition
FevorFevor's Cookbook [3] Go to Mohgwyn's Palace.
Black FlameBlack Flame's Protection Go to Miquella's Haligtree.
LordLord's Divine Fortification Defeat Malenia, Blade of Miquella at the Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree.
Law of Causality.pngLaw of Causality Defeat Mohg, Lord of Blood at the Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum.

As you explore the Lands Between, Gideon will offer the following rewards when players discover any of the 3 unlocated demigods. The order of completing each condition will not matter so long as players redeem the rewards before challenging Gideon in the Capital of Ash.

Defeat Gideon at the Capital of Ash

Gideon - Boss Fight

Speaking to Gideon before defeating Maliketh will have him tell you that he also plans to leave the Roundtable Hold. Once you unlock Leyndell, Capital of Ash, Gideon will disappear from his room.

To find him again, head over to what was once the Erdtree Sanctuary site of grace (where you fought Godfrey). There, Gideon will be fought as a boss. Defeat him to get the Scepter of the All-Knowing, the All-Knowing Armor, the All-Knowing Helm, the All-Knowing Gauntlets, and the All-Knowing Greaves.

How to Beat Sir Gideon Ofnir, the All-Knowing

Gideon Ofnir Location

Located at the Roundtable Hold

Beside the Table of Lost Grace.

Sir Gideon Ofnir can be found standing beside the Table of Lost Grace when you first arrive at The Roundtable Hold.

Gideon Ofnir Armor and Weapon Drops

This NPC Cannot be Attacked

Gideon Ofnir Information and Lore


  • Sir Gideon Ofnir, the All-Knowing, is the leader of the Roundtable Hold. Seeking all there is to know about the Lands Between and the impetus behind the return of the Tarnished, Gideon only welcomes those that can further the mission of the Tarnished; that is, to become Elden Lord.
  • While little is known about his past, the Tarnished will eventually come to know that Nepheli Loux is Gideon's adopted daughter and that Seluvis was once his confidant. Other than these snippets, little is known about the one who claims to know all.
  • Presently, Gideon has a vast network of informants that report to him the goings on in the Lands Between. While Gideon sequesters himself in the Roundtable Hold, his lackeys scour the land for information that would help him ascend the Elden Throne.
  • In the end, however, Gideon glimpses the will of Queen Marika. What he sees has him turn away from the Elden Ring and forsake the Elden Throne. At the capital of ash, Gideon challenges the Tarnished before they can enter the Erdtree.


  • Gideon Ofnir is the adoptive father of Nepheli Loux, the warrior you can call to your aid when battling Godrick the Grafted.
  • When Gideon becomes a boss at the Capital of Ash, he will function much like an invading NPC. This means you can use PvP incantations like Inescapable Frenzy to deal massive damage to him while he monologues.
  • The Eye Surcoat found inside the boss room of Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy, belongs to one of Gideon's men (according to the item description). This is simply one of the many indicators of the All-Knowing One's reach in the Lands Between.

Gideon Ofnir Quotes

"Allow me a word of advice, as your senior. You are a mere visitor to the Roundtable, nothing more. A house guest, yet to earn their keep. Remember your place, newcomer."
"You've received the wisdom of the Two Fingers, have you not? Then just as promised, I bid you welcome, as a true member of the Roundtable."
"I am known as Gideon Ofnir. As a Tarnished who wishes to stand before the Elden Ring and become Elden Lord, I am accumulating knowledge. To be all-knowing."
"Oh, are you aggrieved? At the notion you are but a visitant here? Then you would do well to remember the first words of grace given to you. Stand before the Elden Ring, and become the Elden Lord. If those words hel any meaning to you, follow the guidance of grace, lay low the shardbearers, and claim for yourself a Great Rune."
"Oh, my apologies for that nasty business. As his master, I'd like to express my regret. But now, Ensha is slain and gone. Finished, forever more."
"Find the Albinauric woman. She hides in a cave to the west of the Laskyar Ruins which jut from the mist-shrouded lake of Liurnia."

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