Elden Ring

Miriel, Pastor of Vows (Turtle Pope) Questline and Location

Elden Ring - Miriel Pastor of Vows
Miriel, Pastor of Vows is an NPC in Elden Ring found in the Church of Vows. Read on to learn more about Miriel's location, a full questline guide, lore and more!

Miriel, Pastor of Vows Character Profile

Miriel, Pastor of Vows
Miriel, Pastor of Vows
Description A giant turtle who is the steward of the Liurnian Church of Vows.
Initial Location Liurnia of the Lakes

Can be found inside the Church of Vows.
Merchant Yes
Items Dropped ・100 Runes (NG)

Where to Find Miriel, Pastor of Vows


Map Location
World View

The Church of Vows can be found in Eastern Liurnia. An easy and safe fast travel option for those who have not discovered the Church of Vows site of grace is the Eastern Liurnia Lake Shore site of grace.

Miriel, Pastor of Vows Interactions

The Turtle Pope at the Church of Vows

Miriel Merchant

When players first speak to Miriel at the Church of Vows, he will share a bit of history about the church as well as a few tidbits on both Rennala, Queen of the Moon and Radagon.

After your initial conversation, speaking to Miriel again will unlock him as a Merchant. He will sell both Sorceries and Incantations to the player, with the option to give Scrolls and Prayerbooks to unlock additional buy options.

Reliable Sorcery and Incantation Merchant

Miriel Sorcery and Incatation

Out of all the characters you can give scrolls and prayerbooks to, Miriel will be the most reliable as he is the only one that will not move or die depending on your progression of the game.

Just like the Twin Maiden Husks at the Roundtable Hold, giving all the scrolls and prayerbooks to Miriel can make him your one-stop shop for all things related to magic.

Talks About Absolution

Miriel Absolution

If you have Celestial Dew in your inventory while speaking to Miriel, an additional dialogue option will unlock regarding Absolution. Speak to Miriel about it and he will explain to you the basics of the process.

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Miriel, Pastor of Vows Shop Items

Items Sold Price
Sorcery: Magic Glintblade 3000 Runes
Sorcery: Carian Greatsword 10000 Runes
Incantation: Blessing's Boon 4000 Runes

Lore and Trivia


  • While unclear as to his role during the ceremony, Miriel claims that he was present when Radagon and Rennala exchanged their wedding vows at the Church of Vows in Liurnia. This means he was alive before, during, and after the events of the Shattering.
  • When the Tarnished arrives at the Church, Miriel welcomes them, sharing the history of the church and the intricacies of absolution. The old pastor remains in the same position even as the Erdtree itself burns to ash.


  • The hat Miriel wears is typically referred to as a mitre. It is worn by real world bishops and abbots, hence, the title of Turtle Pope.
  • Miriel is the only Sorcery and Incantation merchant that accepts both Sorcery Scrolls and Prayerbooks. He is by far the best option to give these items to as he will always be available to purchase from even after defeating the Elden Beast.
  • Miriel boasts a ton of HP making killing him a long and tedious process. However, he will not aggro during the beating, instead imploring the Tarnished that he should stop and that all is forgiven, even as you whack away.
  • Miriel cannot be resurrected by absolution after being killed. This implies that even in death, the old Turtle Pope still forgives you for killing him.

Miriel, Pastor of Vows Quotes

"You're Tarnished, aren't you? I welcome you, to the Church of Vows. I am Miriel, steward of this sacred chamber. My apologies, for the unseemly state of affairs."
"The Shattering has caused us - all of us - to lose sight of something very dear. It is here, at the Church of Vows, that the great houses of the Erdtree and the Moon were joined. By the matrimonial bond between red-haired Radagon and Rennala of the Full Moon."

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