Elden Ring

Gurranq the Beast Clergyman Questline and Location

Elden Ring - Gurranq
Gurranq the Beast Clergyman is an NPC in Elden Ring initially found in Caelid. Read on to learn more about Gurranq the Beast Clergyman's questline walkthrough, location, armor and weapon drops, and lore!

Gurranq the Beast Clergyman Quest Walkthrough

Quest Objectives

Deathroot Exchange

Gurranq the Beast Clergyman - Deathroot Exchange

Gurranq is the beast clergyman that D, Hunter of Dead has you meet after killing your first Tibia Mariner. Feed the Beast Clergyman the Deathroot dropped by these bosses to get different rewards.

One of the notable loot items he gives you when giving him your first Deathroot is the Beast Eye key item. While in your inventory, it will display the prompt The Beast Eye quivers... whenever you are near Deathroot.

All Deathroot Locations

Becomes Hostile after 4th Deathroot

Gurranq the Beast Clergyman Becomes Hostile

After players give Gurranq his 4th Deathroot, he will turn hostile the next time you visit the Bestial Sanctum. In order to resume feeding him, you will have to bring down his health by a certain amount to calm him down.

How to Cheese Gurranq the Beast Clergyman

How to Cheese Gurranq the Beast Clergyman

The easiest way to calm Gurranq down is to summon a tanky Spirit Summon to distact him, while you use Poisonbone Darts to proc poison. Once it procs, simply run outside the sanctum and wait for his HP to tick down.

Poisonbone Darts can be crafted using a Crafting Kit, or can be bought for 120 Runes each from the Nomadic Merchant in Caelid's northern region.

You can also accomplish this by using Spirit Ashes like the Spirit Jellyfish and the Rotten Stray. The Jellyfish will poison Gurranq, while the Rotten Stray will inflict Scarlet Rot.

How to Get Poisonbone Darts

Leaves the Bestial Sanctum

Gurranq the Beast Clergyman Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone Reward

After players give Gurranq his 9th Deathroot, he will thank the Tarnished and reward you with an Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone. Speak to him and exhaust his dialogue until he finally leaves the Bestial Sanctum.

Defeat Him During Maliketh's Boss Fight

Map Location
World View

Gurranq the Beast Clergyman's final appearance will be during the Maliketh, the Black Blade boss fight in Crumbling Farum Azula. He will be the first phase of this boss battle, wielding all of his bestial incantations against you. Bringing him down to half health will have him transform into Maliketh.

Note: If you have not given Gurranq all 9 Deathroots, he will return to the Bestial Sanctum after you defeat Maliketh, the Black Blade. This allows you to complete his rewards even after he is defeated.

How to Beat Maliketh, The Black Blade

Gurranq the Beast Clergyman Location

Located at the Bestial Sanctum in Caelid

Map Location World View

Gurranq the Beast Clergyman can be found at the Bestial Sanctum in Caelid. In order to interact with him, players will need to have completed the first part of D, Hunter of the Dead's questline.

Gurranq the Beast Clergyman Armor and Weapon Drops

Items Beast Eye
Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone
・2400 Runes (NG)

It's best to kill Gurranq after you've given him 9 Deathroots to recieve incantations. Killing Gurranq early will not affect his appearance at the Crumbling Farum Azula.

Gurranq the Beast Clergyman Deathroot Exchange

Deathroot Count Reward
1st Deathroot Clawmark Seal and Beast Eye
2nd Deathroot Incantation: Bestial Sling
3rd Deathroot Incantation: Bestial Vitality
4th Deathroot Ashes of War: Beast's Roar
5th Deathroot Incantation: Beast Claw
6th Deathroot Incantation: Stone of Gurranq
7th Deathroot Beastclaw Greathammer
8th Deathroot Incantation: Gurranq's Beast Claw
9th Deathroot Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone

Gurranq the Beast Clergyman Information and Lore


  • Gurranq the Beast Clergyman is actually Maliketh - a shadowbound beast given to Marika the Empyrean. In his earlier days, he was charged to wield the fearsome Black Blade which contained the Rune of Death. He was feared by the demigods for he wielded the ability of Destined Death.
  • On the Night of Black Knives, a fragment of Death was stolen from the blade. This marked Maliketh's chief sin, having him bind the remnants of the blade within his own flesh to prevent it from being stolen again.
  • Gurranq's penance was to reclaim the fragments of death lost to him. It is for this reason that he yearns for Deathroot - fragments of the Rune of Death that spread and sprouted via the roots of the Erdtree.


  • An easy way to confirm that Gurranq and Maliketh are one and the same is by looking at Gurranq's sleeves. From certain angles, players will be able to see the grafted blade of death on his right arm and the medallion he punctures with the blade on his left arm.
  • Another giveaway of them being the same is the Black Blade Kindred that stands guard outside the Bestial Sanctum. Once defeated, it drops the Gargoyle's Black Blade and Black Halberd. Both are described as bearing the mark of those that serve Maliketh the Black Blade.
  • After you calm down Gurranq the Beast Clergyman when he becomes hostile, you can get close to his prone form and clip the camera through his hood. You will see Maliketh's head and helmet if you get the right angle.

Gurranq the Beast Clergyman Quotes

"I smell it... Death... Feed it me... Tarnished...bring more...Death... I shall grant thee... eye...and claw. Feed me...more."
"Put it away. I won't forget...again...mine appetite...My sin...So please...enough..."
"It is... It is all...consumed. Still, I am not sated... Not nearly sated... Marika... Is this... what it is...to sin? Will things... never be the same... again?"
"Tarnished...my thanks...for thy long...labour. But I have done...all I can...in this land. Henceforth, mine appetite shall be my sole companion. Farewell."

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