Elden Ring

White Mask Varre Quest and Location

Elden Ring - White Mask Varre Questline and Location.png
White Mask Varre is an NPC in Elden Ring initially found in Limgrave. Read on to learn more about White Mask Varre's questline walkthrough, location, armor and weapon drops, and lore!

White Mask Varre Quest Walkthrough

Quest Objectives

Meet Varre Outside the Fringefolk Hero's Grave

White Mask Varre

White Mask Varre will be the first NPC you meet upon exiting the tutorial area. He will tell you about the Guidance of Grace and how this leads you to your objectives.

Once you defeat Godrick the Grafted, return to Varre and he will tell you to enter the Chamber of Two Fingers inside the Roundtable Hold.

Meet Varre at the Rose Church

Map Location
World View

If you return to White Mask Varre's location after meeting with the Two Fingers, he will have left a message telling you to go to the Rose Church in Liurnia to meet him. Interact with the message to receive the Bravo gesture.

After this, head over to Liurnia and speak to him there. If you agree with his stance, he will give you 5 Festering Bloody Fingers used to invade the worlds of other players.

There are two ways to accomplish his quest and move forward:

Use the Festering Bloody Finger to Invade


In order to progress White Mask Varre's quest, the game must be set to Online in order to allow Invasions. Once you confirm that you have multiplayer available, use a Festering Bloody Finger to commence an Invasion.

Note: Players do not have to win in order to progress Varre's quest. All they need to do is invade another player's world, 3 times.

Multiplayer Guide: How Co-Op, Invasions, and PVP Work

Defeat Magnus the Beast Claw

Magnus the Beast Claw.png

An alternative to invading if you're playing Offline is to defeat Magnus the Beast Claw; an NPC whose Invasion Sign can be found at the Writheblood Ruins in Altus Plateau.

How to Beat Magnus the Beast Claw: Boss Fight Guide

Return to Varre for the Final Trial

White Mask Varre

Finger Maiden's Blood Locations
Chapel of Anticipation Church of Inhibition

Once you complete 3 Invasions, return to White Mask Varre at the Rose Church, and join his order. Your final trial will be to drench the white cloth he gives you in the blood of a Finger Maiden.

After you've secured the Lord of Blood's Favor key item, return to Varre and he will present you with a Pureblood Knight's Medal and reward you with a reusable Festering Finger called the Bloody Finger.

Return to the Chapel of Anticipation

Chapel of Anticipation Finger Maiden

One method of getting the blood of a Finger Maiden is by returning to the Chapel of Anticipation. Use one of the waypoints found at The Four Belfries to make your way back to the chapel.

Note: Before players can return to the chapel, they will need to have a rematch with the Grafted Scion boss they fought during the tutorial section of the game.

Go to the Church of Inhibition

Church of Inhibition Finger Maiden

Another dead Finger Maiden can be found inside the Church of Inhibition, accessed via the Frenzied Flame Village to the south of the Grand Lift of Dectus.

Note: This village poses the threat of Madness, and the path leading up to the church will have players face-off against an NPC Invader by the name of Festering Fingerprint Vyke.

Defeat the Nameless White Mask

To get White Mask Varre's armor set, players will have to defeat the Nameless White Mask invader that pops up in the indicated location. While there will be a total of 3 invasions, only the invader marked in yellow will drop the entire armor set.

Note: Defeating Mohg, Lord of Blood and beating Varre during your invasion of his world will prevent the Nameless White Masks from invading. The only way to get them to spawn is by starting a New Game Plus save.

Quest Objectives
Use the Pureblood Knight's Medal
Head to the Palace Approach Ledge-Road
Bait the Large Bird (Optional)
Use the Secret Cliffside Passage
Defeat the White Mask

Use the Pureblood Knight's Medal

To get to Mohgwyn's Palace without having to reach the Mountaintops of the Giants, players can use the Pureblood Knight's Medal that White Mask Varre gave you as a reward for joining their brotherhood.

Find it under Consumables in your Inventory, select use and accept to get transported to Mohgwyn's Palace deep in the underground of the Lands Between.

Head to the Palace Approach Ledge-Road

Once you arrive at the audience grounds, head up the stairs and pick up the area map. This should help you navigate to the Palace Approach Ledge-Road site of grace.

With the map revealed, head back down the stairs and use Torrent to quickly run to the site of grace indicated above. Follow the marked path to avoid most of the enemies in the area.

Bait the Large Bird

Baiting the Large Bird

Once at the site of grace, use a bow to bait the large bird on the other side of the large ravine to fall down the cliff. This should clear the way for you to get to the required White Mask Invader.

Warning: While it is possible to sneak around this bird, it does have a large detection area. Keep this in mind during the fight if you decide to skip killing it before the invasion.

Use the Secret Passage to Get to the White Mask

World View
Map View

With the bird gone, mount up and use this hidden passage along the cliff to skip the first two White Mask invasions. Follow the cliff edge and eventually you will get to the marked location.

Defeat the White Mask and Get the Armor Set

Defeat the White Mask for the Armor Set

Finally, defeat the White Mask invader to get the White Mask, War Surgeon Gown (Altered), War Surgeon Gloves, and the War Surgeon Trousers.

Tip: When looking for more open ground to fight in, head for the cliffside area (where the bird originally was). Do not move towards the dogs as they can one-shot you even at 60 vigor.

Invade White Mask Varre in Mohgwyn Palace

Map Location
World View

Your final encounter with White Masked Varre will be as an invader. Use the red invasion sign near the Dynasty Mausoleum Midpoint to invade his world and put him down. Defeat White Masked Varre to get 6 Festering Bloody Fingers and his weapon, Varre's Bouquet.

White Mask Varre Location

Found near the First Step Site of Grace

Map Location World View

Varre is located just outside of the tutorial area when you first arrive at Limgrave.

White Mask Varre Armor and Weapon Drops

Weapon Varre's Bouquet

Varre's Bouqet only drops when you kill him at the end of his questline. His armor can only be obtained by defeating three invaders in Mohgwyn Palace.

White Mask Varre Information and Lore


  • White Mask Varre has always made it known that he does not trust the Guidance of the Two Fingers and their Finger Maidens. Varre's sentiments, in this instance, are shared by many of the splinter groups that formed after the events of the Shattering.
  • While of a seemingly shifty nature, Varre will be the Tarnished's first guides in the Lands Between. He plays along with the will of the Two Fingers only to call them unnatural when met at the Rose Church in Liurnia.
  • Eventually, it will come to be known that White Mask Varre serves Luminary Mohg, the Lord of Blood, and the final trial of their order's inductees is the killing of a Finger Maiden.
  • In his past life, Varre was originally a War Surgeon - practitioners of dubious medicine that effectively labeled them as mercy killers. Of the many War Surgeons abducted by Mohg, only Varre managed to tolerate the tainted blood. It is the same tainted blood he shares when you complete Mohg's trials.


  • The bloodstains on White Mask Varre's outfit will become more pronounced once you meet him at the Rose Church. It takes on a sheen of bright red in contrast to the dull maroon when you first meet him.
  • Varre's armor set is missable seeing as the Pureblood Knight's Medal teleports you away from the blood lake that houses the Namless White Mask invaders. Additionally, fighting either Varre or Mohg will stop spanwing the invaders, locking the armor in NG+.

White Mask Varre Quotes

"Oh, yes... Tarnished, are we? Come to the Lands Between for the Elden Ring, hmm? Of course you have. No shame in it. But I'm afraid you're plumb out of luck. You are maidenless. A bit player, fully divorced from the strength of runes. Feel free to go off and die in a ditch somewhere."
"Guidance will show the way, most certainly. To castle Stormveil, over on the cliff. The home of the decrepit demigod, Godrick the Grafted. Although I'm afraid you'll never make it that far, hmm. Rest assured, I sympathize, deeply. There's no worse fate than to be maidenless. Oh, but if, by chance, you do find your way to the castle, you may receive a summons. To the famed Roundtable Hold..."

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5 Anonymous@Game8about 3 years

Apologies for the confusion. Varre's armor set can be obtained after defeating the third invader in the area. We've updated our guide with a complete section on how to get there while skipping the first two invasions. Thank you for your feedback!

4 Anonymousabout 3 years

No Armor set for killing the 2 invaders. This never happened before, either. I don't understand why they don't take that down, or maybe they forgot who they copied the original source material, from.


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