Elden Ring

Church of Inhibition Location and What to Do

Church of Inhibition is a Point of Interest in Elden Ring that can be found in Liurnia of the Lakes. Read on to learn more about Church of Inhibition, including its location on the map, what to do here, and obtainable items!

Church of Inhibition Location

How to Get to Church of Inhibition

Church of Inhibition

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Type Point of Interest
Region Liurnia of the Lakes
Location East Liurnia of the Lakes, top of the hill on the northern plateau

Church of Inhibition must be accessed by coming from the north. From the Church of Bellum Site of Grace, follow the main road north, then cut through the Frenzied Flame Village Outskirts and finally ascend the slope in the back of the village to Church of Inhibitions.

What to Do in Church of Inhibition

Church of Inhibition Checklist

Defeat Festering Fingerprint Vyke

Festering Fingerprint Vyke .png

On the path leading to Church of Inhibition, you will encounter an Invader enemy, Festering Fingerprint Vyke.

On defeat he will drop a Fingerprint Grape, which is used for Hyetta's questline, and Vyke's War Spear, which inflicts Madness.

How to Beat Festering Fingerprint Vyke: Boss Fight Guide

Get Sacred Tear

There is a large statue in the back of the church. Check the glowing light at its feet to get a Sacred Tear.

How to Get Sacred Tears: Effects and Locations

Get Finger Maiden Fillet, Robe, and Shoes

Next to the Site of Grace you can find a corpse with glowing light. Check it to get Finger Maiden Fillet, Finger Maiden Robe, and Finger Maiden Shoes.

The dead Finger Maiden here can be used to drench the white cloth given by Varre for his quest.

Elden Ring Related Guides

Maps and Locations

List of Maps and Locations

Liurnia of the Lakes Dungeons and Points of Interest

Liurnia of the Lakes Legacy Dungeons
Academy of Raya Lucaria
Liurnia of the Lakes Minor Dungeons
Stillwater Cave Lakeside Crystal Cave Cliffbottom Catacombs
Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel Black Knife Catacombs Ruin-Strewn Precipice
Academy Crystal Cave Kingsrealm Ruins Caria Manor
Cathedral of Manus Celes Road's End Catacombs
Liurnia of the Lakes Points of Interest
Church of Irith Malefactor's Evergaol Laskyar Ruins
Slumbering Wolf's Shack Purified Ruins Artist's Shack (Liurnia of the Lakes)
Carian Study Hall Church of Vows Ainsel River Well
Church of Inhibition Grand Lift of Dectus Rose Church
Academy Gate Town Testu's Rise Village of the Albinaurics
Converted Tower Minor Erdtree (East Liurnia) Revenger's Shack
Cuckoo's Evergaol The Four Belfries Royal Grave Evergaol
Seluvis' Rise Ranni's Rise Divine Tower of Liurnia
Deep Ainsel Well Chelona's Rise Lunar Estate Ruins
Moonfolk Ruins Ringleader's Evergaol Jarburg
Renna's Rise Bellum Church Temple Quarter
Boilprawn Shack Frenzy Flaming Tower Converted Fringe Tower
Frenzied Flame Village Highway Lookout Tower (Liurnia)

The Overworld

Maps and Locations of The Lands Between
Elden Ring - Limgrave MapLimgrave Elden Ring - Liurnia of the Lakes MapLiurnia of the Lakes
Elden Ring - Caelid MapCaelid Elden Ring - Altus Plateau MapAltus Plateau
Elden Ring - Mountaintops of the Giants MapMountaintops of the Giants -

The Underground

Maps and Locations of The Underground
Elden Ring - Siofra River MapSiofra River Elden Ring - Ainsel River MapAinsel River
Elden Ring - Deeproot Depths MapDeeproot Depths -

Special Areas

Maps and Locations of Special Areas
Elden Ring - Crumbling Farum Azula MapCrumbling Farum Azula -


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