Elden Ring

How to Play Multiplayer: Co-Op and PvP Guide

Elden Ring - Multiplayer Guide: How to Co-Op, Invasions, and PvP Works

Elden Ring features online multiplayer co-op and PvP. Read on for details about Elden Ring's online multiplayer features including how to summon allies, how to invade other players for PvP, how to be summoned, as well as a complete list of multiplayer items.

How to Play Multiplayer

How to Co-Op


There are a variety of ways to summon players into your own world or aid them in their world. Summoning them will allow them to help you in defeating invaders or defeating the boss of your current area.

How to Summon an Ally

Steps to Summoning an Ally
1 Head into Multiplayer Menu.
2 Use a Furlcalling Finger Remedy to reveal co-op and hostile signs of players that can be summoned. A White Cipher Ring can be used to send out requests for aid during Invasions.
3 The co-op session will finish when the area boss is defeated or the host dies.
Players can also use Finger Severer to kick summoned players back into their own worlds.

How to Be Summoned as an Ally

Steps to Be Summoned as an Ally
1 Head into Multiplayer Menu.
2 Write down a summon sign by using a Tarnished's Furled Finger or use a Small Golden Effigy to send out co-op signs at summoning pools. This will allow players from other worlds to see your cooperative sign in their world.
3 The item Blue Cipher Ring allows you to join a player who has requested for help during an invasion with a White Cipher Ring.

How to Invade and Engage in PvP


There are two ways to play PvP in Elden Ring: Invade other players in their world and summon players for PvP duels. Both methods require a few items to start an invasion or a duel.

How to Invade Another Player

Steps to Invade Another Player
1 Use a Festering Bloody Finger or a Duelist's Furled Finger. A Festering Bloody Finger will look for worlds to invade. The Duelist's Furled Finger puts down a sign that requests for duels.
2 Search for the player and defeat them to succeed in your invasion.
The invaded player may use a White Cipher Ring to summon an ally.
3 Finish Session. Play will end when either the player kills the world's host, or is kicked, dies, or leaves the session.

How to Summon an Invader for PvP

Steps to Summon Another Player for PvP
1 Use a Furlcalling Finger Remedy and search for red summon signs or a Taunter's Tongue. Interacting with a Duelist's Furled Finger will summon players into your world for PvP collaboration.
2 Defeat summoned player or invader to end the session.

Cross Play is Not Available

Elden Ring - No Crossplay

Though there was no crossplay during the Closed Network Test, cross-gen gameplay has been confirmed. PS4 and PS5 users will be able to connect to each other while playing. Xbox Series X | S and Xbox One users will also be able to play with each other. PC users will only be able to play online on Steam.
Does Elden Ring Have Crossplay?

Multiplayer Features


Coop Signs Elden Ring.png

You can use a Tarnished Furled Finger or a Small Golden Effigy to summon a co-op player in your world. You can use this feature to help you defeat the boss in your area. If an active invader is in your world, you can use the White Cipher Ring to send out request for help during an invasion.

Be warned that having an active ally in your world increases the chances of being invaded!

Invasions and PvP

Invasion Signs Elden Ring.png

A staple in Souls games is the ability to enter another player's world as an invader. Using a Festering Bloody Finger or Duelist's Furled Finger, you can search for the player in their world and defeat them in a duel to succeed.

You can also use a Furlcalling Finger Remedy to search for red summon signs left by other players in their world. These signs allow you to summon an invader into your world for a PvP battle.

A PvP hotspot seems to be around the First Step Site of Grace in Limgrave.

Enemies Will Still Be Hostile to the Host

If you are an Invader, keep in mind that enemies in the area will still be hostile to the Host but not to you.

However, it is looked down upon by members in the community when an Invader tries to bait the Host into groups of enemies!


White Phantoms Elden Ring.png

When playing online, other nearby players are shown in the form of a white phantom. Interacting with these phantoms is impossible, but you can see how players nearby are interacting with the environment.

Messaging System

Messages Elden Ring.png

You can read messages from other players that are written on the ground, as well as write your own. The item, Tarnished's Wizened Finger, is required to write such messages. These messages often provide hints such as the locations of hidden doors or mimics.


Bloodstains Elden Ring.png

When a players dies, they leave a Bloodstain at the spot where they were killed. When another player touches that Bloodstain, they can view the last moments of that player.

Places where deaths caused by unexpected or overwhelming attacks will often have lots of Bloodstains, so be sure to make a note of these areas.

Multiplayer and Group Passwords

Group Passwords Elden Ring.png

If you are playing with some friends, then the best thing to do to minimize being summoned by other players is to set up a Multiplayer password.

This can be accessed from the multiplayer menu. The multiplayer password will ensure that you are only matched with people using the same password.

Group passwords have a similar function as multiplayer passwords with regards to summoning, but they also serve as Elden Ring's clan or community system.

You can set multiple group passwords to gain a significant benefit - whenever someone defeats a major boss, everyone using the same password gets a boost in Rune acquisition for a short time.

This works even if you were not summoned by someone using the same group password.

Multiplayer Restrictions

Some Single-Player Features Are Unavailable

While playing Co-Op or being Invaded by another player, there are some features of the game that cannot be accessed by the Host, their Cooperators, or the Invader.

Features Unavailable in Multiplayer
1 You cannot summon or mount Torrent.
This means that you, your partner, and the Invader will have to get around on foot.
2 You cannot load into new areas.
You cannot enter any dungeons or catacombs from the outside. You can, however, go inside separately and then summon.
3 You cannot summon a Cooperator in areas where a boss is already defeated.
If you have already defeated the boss in an area, you cannot summon someone to Co-Op with you. You can, however, still be summoned if other players have not beaten the boss yet.

All Multiplayer Items

Co-Op Related Items

Item Effect
Furlcalling Finger Remedy IconFurlcalling Finger Remedy Reveals co-op and hostile summoning signs.
TarnishedTarnished's Furled Finger Creates cooperative multiplayer summon signs.
Blue Cipher Ring IconBlue Cipher Ring Enables the wearer to answer calls for rescue.
Finger Severer IconFinger Severer Sends another, or oneself, home.
Small Golden Effigy IconSmall Golden Effigy Sends a co-op sign to summoning pools.

PvP and Invasion Related Items

Item Effect
DuelistDuelist's Furled Finger Creates competitive multiplayer summon signs.
Festering Bloody Finger IconFestering Bloody Finger Attempts invasion of other player's world.
White Cipher Ring IconWhite Cipher Ring When invaded, requests the aid of a rescuer.
TaunterTaunter's Tongue Lures in invaders.
Small Red Effigy IconSmall Red Effigy Sends a hostile sign to summoning pools.

Other Multiplayer Items

Item Effect
TarnishedTarnished's Wizened Finger Used to write messages.

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