Resident Evil 4 Remake (RE4)

How to Get Ashley Knight Armor Costume

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Armor is an unlockable Costume for Ashley from the Extra Contents Shop challenges in the Resident Evil 4 Remake (RE4). Learn how to unlock and where to get Ashley Armor, how to equip Armor, and if Armor has perks!

Ashley Armor Costume Overview

Armor CP Price and Perks

RE4 Remake Armor
Perk Makes Ashley invulnerable to enemy attacks.
How to Unlock Complete the main story on Hardcore mode or higher with an A rank.
Extra Contents Shop Price 2000 CP

Invincible to Damage

Acquiring Ashley's Armor accessory grants her invincibility against any and all attacks. Being impervious to any damage makes it easier for Leon to not worry about Ashley's safety and health throughout the game.

Acquiring this accessory is a must-have for players who wish to attempt a speedrun on higher difficulties as you won't have to worry about Ashley dying and setting you back on your progress.

Speedrun Guide: How to Finish in Under 5 Hours

Immovable against Enemies

As an additional perk, since Ashley can no longer be incapacitated enemies will have no other choice but to try and carry her off. However the additional weight of the armor renders her too heavy for any single enemy to carry.

How to Get Ashley Armor Costume

Complete the Game on Hardcore or Professional with an A Rank or better

Challenge Condition Rewards
Leon “S+” Kennedy Complete the main story on Professional mode with an S+ rank. 3000 CP
S+ Rank Investigator Complete main story on Hardcore mode with an S+ rank. 2500 CP
Leon “A” Kennedy Complete the main story on Professional mode with an A rank. 2500 CP
A Rank Investigator Complete main story on Hardcore mode or higher with an A Rank. 2000 CP

In order to get an A-rank on Hardcore or Profesional difficulty mode, you'll need to beat the main story in under 10 hours. Note that it is possible to reach A-rank on Hardcore in a New Game Plus playthrough, so it's both allowed and recommended to use the Infinite Rocket Launcher to complete this challenge and get the Ashley Armor costume.

All Rank Requirements

How to Equip Ashley Armor Costume

Only from Main Menu

You can only equip the Armor costume from the Extras tab on the Main Menu, before loading into your playthrough. If you're in-game, simply exit your save file to go to Extras in the Main Menu. Equip the costume then load back into your save file to check out your new outfit!

The perk that comes with this Costume only activates while you have it equipped. If you remove this Costume, the perk's exclusive stat bonus will deactivate until equipped again.

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All Accessories

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RE4R - Sunglasses (Sporty)Sunglasses (Sporty) RE4R - Sunglasses (Frameless)Sunglasses (Frameless) RE4R - Sunglasses (Round)Sunglasses (Round)
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RE4R - Surgical MaskSurgical Mask RE4R - Eye PatchEye Patch RE4R - Knitted HatKnitted Hat
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RE4R - Red HairRed Hair RE4R - Stylish MaskStylish Mask RE4R - Blue HairBlue Hair
RE4R - Glasses (Wellington)Glasses (Wellington)


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