Resident Evil 4 Remake (RE4)

Red9 Location, Weapons Stats, and Upgrades

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Red9 is a Handgun weapon in Resident Evil 4 Remake (RE4). Read on to find out Red9's stats, how to get Red9, and learn how to use Red9 in the game!

How to Get Red9

Red9 Location

Map View

World View

Players can find the Red9 in a chest that's accessible in Chapter 4, after defeating Del Lago, the monster that dwells in the lake in Chapter 3. The player will need to get access to the boat by progressing a bit further into the chapter, before being able to travel across the lake.

How to Beat Del Lago (Lake Monster)

Purchase From the Merchant

Resident Evil 4 Remake - Red9 Sold at Merchant.png
Alternatively, if you missed it during Chapter 4, you can purchase the Red9 from the Merchant from Chapter 5 onwards.

In Chapter 5, the CQBR is on a limited sale, being offered at a 30% discount.

All Merchant Locations and Items Sold

Red9 Weapon Overview

Red9 Basic Info

RE4 Remake - Red9
A Handgun that boasts high power but suffers from heavy recoil.
Weapon Type Handgun
Ammo Type Handgun Ammo
Perks Compatible with the Red9 stock.
How to Get In a treasure chest in the middle of the lake, first accessible in Chapter 4 in getting the boat. Or, purchase from the Merchant from Chapter 5 onwards.
Buying Price 9,800

Red9 Base Stats

Power Durability Attack Speed Ammo Capacity
1.50 - - 8
Reload Speed Rate of Fire Precision Inventory Slots
0.85 0.90 3.00 6 (2x3)

Red9 Weapon Upgrade Stats

Power 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7
Ammo Capacity 8 10 12 14 16
Reload Speed 0.85 0.95 1.05 1.15 1.25
Rate of Fire 0.9 0.96 1.05 1.16 1.26
Exclusive Perk 1.5x Power

Exclusive Perks and upgrades Lv. 4 and above are unlocked in Chapter 9

Upgrade Costs

LV2 LV3 LV4 LV5 Total Cost
Power 15000 30000 45000 65000 384000
Ammo Capacity 6000 8000 10000 12000
Reload Speed 8000 10000 11000 14000
Rate of Fire 7000 10000 14000 19000
Exclusive Perk 1.5x Power (Cost: 100000)

Red9 Exclusive Perk

Exclusive Effect Cost
1.5x Power 100000 ptas

All Exclusive Upgrades and Perks

Red9 Attachments

All Available Attachments

Attachment How to Get
Red9 StockRed9 Stock Purchase from the Merchant for 9 Spinels.

Is the Red9 Worth It?

Fun One-Tapper

The Red9 is definitely a weapon worth investing on! In remains strong and viable until the end game, and with the proper upgrades and attachments it is nearly unstoppable.

Unlike other handguns, the Red9 has a chance of instantly killing a normal mob with a single headshot.

Best Handgun and Pistol

How to Use Red9

Use at Close to Mid-Range Encounters

RE4 Remake - Handgun Mid-Range
Red9 is a good weapon to use at close to mid-range distances because of its accuracy and power. It's also better to use on normal or weaker mobs instead of your better guns, as it's easy to get and craft its ammo.

Stun Enemies and Go for a Melee Attack

RE4 Remake - Melee Attack After SG-09 R Shot
Red9 also has the power to stun an enemy for a short time, allowing you to a follow-up melee attack for extra damage while saving up some ammo. However, do note that it might take a while or not work even on stronger enemies.
How to Save Ammo

Resident Evil 4 Remake (RE4) Related Guides

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All Weapon Types

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1 Anonymousalmost 2 years

Red9 Power: Level 3: 2.10 (30,000 ptas) Level 4: 2.40 (45,000 ptas) Level 5: 2.70 (65,000 ptas) Ammo Capacity: Level 4: 14 (10,000 ptas) Level 5: 16 (12,000 ptas) Reload Speed: Level 4: 1.15 (11,000 ptas) Level 5: 1.25 (14,000 ptas) Rate of Fire: Level 4: 1.16 (14,000 ptas) Level 5: 1.26 (19,000 ptas)


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