New Pokemon Snap (Switch)

Lental Region Photodex: Complete Pokemon List

New Pokemon Snap Pokemon List and Photodex

This is a list of all Pokemon in New Pokemon Snap (Pokemon Snap 2) for the Nintendo Switch. Find out how many Pokemon can be found in the Lental Region and how many total Pokemon you need to complete the Lental Region Photodex!

List of Lental Region Pokemon (Photodex)


No. Pokemon Type
1 VivillonVivillon Pokemon Bug Image Pokemon Flying Image
2 PichuPichu Pokemon Electric Image
3 GrookeyGrookey Pokemon Grass Image
4 ScorbunnyScorbunny Pokemon Fire Image
5 BouffalantBouffalant Pokemon Normal Image
6 PidgeotPidgeot Pokemon Normal Image Pokemon Flying Image
7 TangrowthTangrowth Pokemon Grass Image
8 EmolgaEmolga Pokemon Electric Image Pokemon Flying Image
9 WurmpleWurmple Pokemon Bug Image
10 MurkrowMurkrow Pokemon Dark Image Pokemon Flying Image
11 CaterpieCaterpie Pokemon Bug Image
12 HeracrossHeracross Pokemon Bug Image Pokemon Fighting Image
13 PinsirPinsir Pokemon Bug Image
14 DodrioDodrio Pokemon Normal Image Pokemon Flying Image
15 DucklettDucklett Pokemon Water Image Pokemon Flying Image
16 SwannaSwanna Pokemon Water Image Pokemon Flying Image
17 BidoofBidoof Pokemon Normal Image
18 TaillowTaillow Pokemon Normal Image Pokemon Flying Image
19 TorterraTorterra Pokemon Grass Image Pokemon Ground Image
20 MagikarpMagikarp Pokemon Water Image
21 HoothootHoothoot Pokemon Normal Image Pokemon Flying Image
22 ComfeyComfey Pokemon Fairy Image
23 FlorgesFlorges Pokemon Fairy Image
24 CombeeCombee Pokemon Bug Image Pokemon Flying Image
25 VespiquenVespiquen Pokemon Bug Image Pokemon Flying Image
26 SylveonSylveon Pokemon Fairy Image
27 ShayminShaymin Pokemon Grass Image
28 MeganiumMeganium Pokemon Grass Image
29 EeveeEevee Pokemon Normal Image
30 PikachuPikachu Pokemon Electric Image
31 CutieflyCutiefly Pokemon Bug Image Pokemon Fairy Image
32 BunnelbyBunnelby Pokemon Normal Image
33 StoutlandStoutland Pokemon Normal Image
34 StarlyStarly Pokemon Normal Image Pokemon Flying Image
35 MeowthMeowth Pokemon Normal Image
36 AudinoAudino Pokemon Normal Image
37 RattataRattata Pokemon Dark Image Pokemon Normal Image
38 TrubbishTrubbish Pokemon Poison Image
39 SudowoodoSudowoodo Pokemon Rock Image
40 DedenneDedenne Pokemon Electric Image Pokemon Fairy Image
215 ShroomishShroomish Pokemon Grass Image
216 FoongusFoongus Pokemon Grass Image Pokemon Poison Image
217 SnorlaxSnorlax Pokemon Normal Image


No. Pokemon Type
20 MagikarpMagikarp Pokemon Water Image
41 AipomAipom Pokemon Normal Image
42 BounsweetBounsweet Pokemon Grass Image
43 MetapodMetapod Pokemon Bug Image
44 BeautiflyBeautifly Pokemon Bug Image Pokemon Flying Image
45 ArbokArbok Pokemon Poison Image
46 YanmegaYanmega Pokemon Bug Image Pokemon Flying Image
47 PikipekPikipek Pokemon Normal Image Pokemon Flying Image
48 ToucannonToucannon Pokemon Normal Image Pokemon Flying Image
49 AriadosAriados Pokemon Bug Image Pokemon Poison Image
50 MorelullMorelull Pokemon Grass Image Pokemon Fairy Image
51 SlakingSlaking Pokemon Normal Image
52 VenusaurVenusaur Pokemon Grass Image Pokemon Poison Image
53 LiepardLiepard Pokemon Dark Image
54 WooperWooper Pokemon Water Image Pokemon Ground Image
55 QuagsireQuagsire Pokemon Water Image Pokemon Ground Image
56 SwampertSwampert Pokemon Water Image Pokemon Ground Image
57 LedianLedian Pokemon Bug Image Pokemon Flying Image
58 SobbleSobble Pokemon Water Image
59 LeafeonLeafeon Pokemon Grass Image
60 MewMew Pokemon Psychic Image
61 TrevenantTrevenant Pokemon Ghost Image Pokemon Grass Image
62 EspurrEspurr Pokemon Psychic Image
63 ShiftryShiftry Pokemon Grass Image Pokemon Dark Image
64 KecleonKecleon Pokemon Normal Image
65 DeerlingDeerling Pokemon Normal Image Pokemon Grass Image
66 SawsbuckSawsbuck Pokemon Normal Image Pokemon Grass Image
67 UnfezantUnfezant Pokemon Normal Image Pokemon Flying Image
68 DrampaDrampa Pokemon Normal Image Pokemon Dragon Image
69 PanchamPancham Pokemon Fighting Image
70 BulbasaurBulbasaur Pokemon Grass Image Pokemon Poison Image
71 SerperiorSerperior Pokemon Grass Image
72 ApplinApplin Pokemon Grass Image Pokemon Dragon Image
73 BewearBewear Pokemon Normal Image Pokemon Fighting Image
74 GardevoirGardevoir Pokemon Psychic Image Pokemon Fairy Image
75 NinetalesNinetales Pokemon Fire Image
76 LotadLotad Pokemon Water Image Pokemon Grass Image
77 EspeonEspeon Pokemon Psychic Image
78 CelebiCelebi Pokemon Psychic Image Pokemon Grass Image
79 MiloticMilotic Pokemon Water Image
218 FeraligatrFeraligatr Pokemon Water Image
219 TropiusTropius Pokemon Grass Image Pokemon Flying Image
220 PsyduckPsyduck Pokemon Water Image
221 UrsaringUrsaring Pokemon Normal Image
222 DrilburDrilbur Pokemon Ground Image
223 CleffaCleffa Pokemon Fairy Image
224 GyaradosGyarados Pokemon Water Image Pokemon Flying Image


No. Pokemon Type
1 VivillonVivillon Pokemon Bug Image Pokemon Flying Image
20 MagikarpMagikarp Pokemon Water Image
30 PikachuPikachu Pokemon Electric Image
80 WingullWingull Pokemon Water Image Pokemon Flying Image
81 ExeggutorExeggutor Pokemon Grass Image Pokemon Psychic Image
82 CrabrawlerCrabrawler Pokemon Fighting Image
83 DrifblimDrifblim Pokemon Ghost Image Pokemon Flying Image
84 ZangooseZangoose Pokemon Normal Image
85 SeviperSeviper Pokemon Poison Image
86 BellossomBellossom Pokemon Grass Image
87 InkayInkay Pokemon Dark Image Pokemon Psychic Image
88 PyukumukuPyukumuku Pokemon Water Image
89 MachampMachamp Pokemon Fighting Image
90 StunfiskStunfisk Pokemon Ground Image Pokemon Electric Image
91 OctilleryOctillery Pokemon Water Image
92 CorsolaCorsola Pokemon Water Image Pokemon Rock Image
93 FinneonFinneon Pokemon Water Image
94 ClamperlClamperl Pokemon Water Image
95 PrimarinaPrimarina Pokemon Water Image Pokemon Fairy Image
96 RaichuRaichu Pokemon Electric Image Pokemon Psychic Image
97 SandygastSandygast Pokemon Ghost Image Pokemon Ground Image
98 SharpedoSharpedo Pokemon Water Image Pokemon Dark Image
99 SquirtleSquirtle Pokemon Water Image
100 BlastoiseBlastoise Pokemon Water Image
101 LaprasLapras Pokemon Water Image Pokemon Ice Image
102 MantineMantine Pokemon Water Image Pokemon Flying Image
103 PelipperPelipper Pokemon Water Image Pokemon Flying Image
104 WailordWailord Pokemon Water Image
105 MareanieMareanie Pokemon Poison Image Pokemon Water Image
106 VaporeonVaporeon Pokemon Water Image
107 ManaphyManaphy Pokemon Water Image
108 LuvdiscLuvdisc Pokemon Water Image
109 AlomomolaAlomomola Pokemon Water Image
110 WailmerWailmer Pokemon Water Image
111 CradilyCradily Pokemon Rock Image Pokemon Grass Image
112 LumineonLumineon Pokemon Water Image
113 QwilfishQwilfish Pokemon Water Image Pokemon Poison Image
114 ClawitzerClawitzer Pokemon Water Image
115 TentacruelTentacruel Pokemon Water Image Pokemon Poison Image
116 ChinchouChinchou Pokemon Water Image Pokemon Electric Image
117 LanturnLanturn Pokemon Water Image Pokemon Electric Image
118 StarmieStarmie Pokemon Water Image Pokemon Psychic Image
119 FrillishFrillish Pokemon Water Image Pokemon Ghost Image
120 GolisopodGolisopod Pokemon Bug Image Pokemon Water Image
121 LugiaLugia Pokemon Psychic Image Pokemon Flying Image
122 WishiwashiWishiwashi Pokemon Water Image


No. Pokemon Type
RockruffRockruff Pokemon Rock Image
1 VivillonVivillon Pokemon Bug Image Pokemon Flying Image
4 ScorbunnyScorbunny Pokemon Fire Image
13 PinsirPinsir Pokemon Bug Image
20 MagikarpMagikarp Pokemon Water Image
123 SkorupiSkorupi Pokemon Poison Image Pokemon Bug Image
124 CacneaCacnea Pokemon Grass Image
125 SandshrewSandshrew Pokemon Ground Image
126 TrapinchTrapinch Pokemon Ground Image
127 FlygonFlygon Pokemon Ground Image Pokemon Dragon Image
128 KangaskhanKangaskhan Pokemon Normal Image
129 MandibuzzMandibuzz Pokemon Dark Image Pokemon Flying Image
130 MiniorMinior Pokemon Rock Image Pokemon Flying Image
131 SilicobraSilicobra Pokemon Ground Image
132 TorchicTorchic Pokemon Fire Image
133 HelioliskHeliolisk Pokemon Electric Image Pokemon Normal Image
134 Lycanroc (Midnight Form)Lycanroc (Midnight Form)
134 Lycanroc (Midday Form)Lycanroc (Midday Form) Pokemon Rock Image
135 HippowdonHippowdon Pokemon Ground Image
136 TyranitarTyranitar Pokemon Rock Image Pokemon Dark Image
137 OnixOnix Pokemon Rock Image Pokemon Ground Image
138 AltariaAltaria Pokemon Dragon Image Pokemon Flying Image
139 ShinxShinx Pokemon Electric Image
140 LuxrayLuxray Pokemon Electric Image
141 TalonflameTalonflame Pokemon Fire Image Pokemon Flying Image
142 MonfernoMonferno Pokemon Fire Image Pokemon Fighting Image
143 AerodactylAerodactyl Pokemon Rock Image Pokemon Flying Image
144 TyrantrumTyrantrum Pokemon Rock Image Pokemon Dragon Image
145 GravelerGraveler Pokemon Rock Image Pokemon Ground Image
146 ArcheopsArcheops Pokemon Rock Image Pokemon Flying Image
147 SlugmaSlugma Pokemon Fire Image
148 TorkoalTorkoal Pokemon Fire Image
149 CharmanderCharmander Pokemon Fire Image
150 CharizardCharizard Pokemon Fire Image Pokemon Flying Image
151 TyphlosionTyphlosion Pokemon Fire Image
152 FlareonFlareon Pokemon Fire Image
153 Ho-OhHo-Oh Pokemon Fire Image Pokemon Flying Image
154 VolcaronaVolcarona Pokemon Bug Image Pokemon Fire Image
225 DiglettDiglett Pokemon Ground Image
227 SalazzleSalazzle Pokemon Poison Image Pokemon Fire Image
228 TepigTepig Pokemon Fire Image
229 CrustleCrustle Pokemon Bug Image Pokemon Rock Image
230 GliscorGliscor Pokemon Ground Image Pokemon Flying Image
231 ScolipedeScolipede Pokemon Bug Image Pokemon Rock Image
232 KoffingKoffing Pokemon Poison Image
233 SwalotSwalot Pokemon Poison Image
234 ZeraoraZeraora Pokemon Electric Image


No. Pokemon Type
1 VivillonVivillon Pokemon Bug Image Pokemon Flying Image
155 FurretFurret Pokemon Normal Image
156 CubchooCubchoo Pokemon Ice Image
157 BearticBeartic Pokemon Ice Image
158 MightyenaMightyena Pokemon Dark Image
159 WeavileWeavile Pokemon Dark Image Pokemon Ice Image
160 BraviaryBraviary Pokemon Normal Image Pokemon Flying Image
161 SwinubSwinub Pokemon Ice Image Pokemon Ground Image
162 MamoswineMamoswine Pokemon Ice Image Pokemon Ground Image
163 SkarmorySkarmory Pokemon Steel Image Pokemon Flying Image
164 SandslashSandslash Pokemon Ice Image Pokemon Steel Image
165 AbomasnowAbomasnow Pokemon Grass Image Pokemon Ice Image
166 VulpixVulpix Pokemon Ice Image
167 DelibirdDelibird Pokemon Ice Image Pokemon Flying Image
168 SnomSnom Pokemon Ice Image Pokemon Bug Image
169 FrosmothFrosmoth Pokemon Ice Image Pokemon Bug Image
170 CrabominableCrabominable Pokemon Fighting Image Pokemon Ice Image
171 SnoruntSnorunt Pokemon Ice Image
172 GlalieGlalie Pokemon Ice Image
173 FroslassFroslass Pokemon Ice Image Pokemon Ghost Image
174 JynxJynx Pokemon Ice Image Pokemon Psychic Image
175 SphealSpheal Pokemon Ice Image Pokemon Water Image
176 PiplupPiplup Pokemon Water Image
177 VanilluxeVanilluxe Pokemon Ice Image
178 AvaluggAvalugg Pokemon Ice Image
179 DewgongDewgong Pokemon Water Image Pokemon Ice Image
180 AurorusAurorus Pokemon Rock Image Pokemon Ice Image
181 GlaceonGlaceon Pokemon Ice Image
182 SuicuneSuicune Pokemon Water Image
183 CrobatCrobat Pokemon Poison Image Pokemon Flying Image
184 JoltikJoltik Pokemon Bug Image Pokemon Electric Image
185 GeodudeGeodude Pokemon Rock Image Pokemon Ground Image
186 CarbinkCarbink Pokemon Rock Image Pokemon Fairy Image
187 GengarGengar Pokemon Ghost Image Pokemon Poison Image
188 NoibatNoibat Pokemon Flying Image Pokemon Dragon Image
189 PumpkabooPumpkaboo Pokemon Ghost Image Pokemon Grass Image
190 CroagunkCroagunk Pokemon Poison Image Pokemon Fighting Image
191 DrifloonDrifloon Pokemon Ghost Image Pokemon Flying Image
192 ClefairyClefairy Pokemon Fairy Image
193 SableyeSableye Pokemon Dark Image Pokemon Ghost Image
194 RampardosRampardos Pokemon Rock Image
195 HydreigonHydreigon Pokemon Dark Image Pokemon Dragon Image
196 GoodraGoodra Pokemon Dragon Image
197 MawileMawile Pokemon Steel Image Pokemon Fairy Image
198 JolteonJolteon Pokemon Electric Image
199 DiancieDiancie Pokemon Rock Image Pokemon Fairy Image
200 SteelixSteelix Pokemon Steel Image Pokemon Ground Image


No. Pokemon Type
20 MagikarpMagikarp Pokemon Water Image
201 HoundoomHoundoom Pokemon Dark Image Pokemon Fire Image
202 EldegossEldegoss Pokemon Grass Image
203 NatuNatu Pokemon Psychic Image Pokemon Flying Image
204 AbsolAbsol Pokemon Dark Image
205 SalanditSalandit Pokemon Poison Image Pokemon Fire Image
206 NoivernNoivern Pokemon Flying Image Pokemon Dragon Image
207 WoobatWoobat Pokemon Psychic Image Pokemon Flying Image
208 SigilyphSigilyph Pokemon Psychic Image Pokemon Flying Image
209 BeheeyemBeheeyem Pokemon Psychic Image
210 GolurkGolurk Pokemon Ground Image Pokemon Ghost Image
211 ChandelureChandelure Pokemon Ghost Image Pokemon Fire Image
212 UmbreonUmbreon Pokemon Dark Image
213 JirachiJirachi Pokemon Steel Image Pokemon Psychic Image
214 XerneasXerneas Pokemon Fairy Image

List of Pokemon By Type

Pokemon By Type
Normal Type Fire Type Water Type Grass Type
Electric Type Ice Type Fighting Type Poison Type
Ground Type Flying Type Psychic Type Bug Type
Rock Type Ghost Type Dragon Type Dark Type
Steel Type Fairy Type - -
Pokemon By Classification
New Pokemon Snap - List of Legendary Pokemon.pngList of Legendary Pokemon New Pokemon Snap - List of Illumina PokemonList of Illumina Pokemon
Eevee and Eeveelution Locations.pngWhere to Find All Eeveelutions Where to Find All Vivillon Wing Patterns.pngWhere to Find All Vivillon Wing Patterns

How Many Pokemon Are In New Pokemon Snap?

234 Pokemon Total

New Pokemon Snap - 214 Pokemon Total

The Lental Region contains over 200 Pokemon, spanning from Generation 1, all the way up until Pokemon Sword and Shield, the latest major Pokemon release.

When the game initially launched, there were 214 Pokemon available. However as of the Free Content Update to ver 2.0.0, 20 more Pokemon have been added. This brings the total to 234 Pokemon, plus variations within Pokemon Species. This means you'll need to take at least 936 photos if you plan on getting all star photos to complete the photodex!

Photo Scoring Guide: Star Meaning and How to Get a High Star Rating

20 New Pokemon will appear on the August 3rd Free Content Update

New Pokemon Snap - Gyarados Free Content Update
On July 29th, 2021, a free content update was announced for New Pokemon Snap. This new update will feature three new areas as well as 20 new Pokemon.

Here are all the Pokemon that will be coming to New Pokemon Snap in this update:

New Pokemon for ver. 2.0.0
New Pokemon Snap ShroomishShroomish New Pokemon Snap PsyduckPsyduck New Pokemon Snap SwalotSwalot New Pokemon Snap RockruffRockruff
New Pokemon Snap TropiusTropius New Pokemon Snap FeraligatrFeraligatr New Pokemon Snap GyaradosGyarados New Pokemon Snap SnorlaxSnorlax
New Pokemon Snap UrsaringUrsaring New Pokemon Snap TepigTepig New Pokemon Snap DiglettDiglett New Pokemon Snap CrustleCrustle
New Pokemon Snap KoffingKoffing New Pokemon Snap DrilburDrilbur New Pokemon Snap FoongusFoongus New Pokemon Snap CleffaCleffa
New Pokemon Snap ScolipedeScolipede New Pokemon Snap GliscorGliscor New Pokemon Snap SalazzleSalazzle New Pokemon Snap ZeraoraZeraora

Update History and Patch Notes

Pokemon from Across 8 Generations

Lental Region Photodex - Pokemon from Across 8 Generations.png
With more Pokemon added from games throughout the years, you'll have the chance to capture moments of even more Pokemon from Gen 1 to Gen 8 than in the original Pokemon Snap. Enjoy seeing Pokemon from each major release including a variety of fan favorite Pokemon.

Not All Evolutions Are Included

Lental Region Photodex - Will They Include Evolutions.png
New Pokemon Snap, just as its predecessor on the Nintendo 64, is more focused on capturing moments of specific Pokemon in their natural habitats, rather than levelling up and evolving Pokemon. Therefore, not all Pokemon are feature their entire evolutionary line, so if a player does encounter evolutions in the wild, it will surely be a rare moment worth a lot of points!

How Do Evolutions Work?

New Pokemon Snap Related Guides

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