New Pokemon Snap (Switch)

How Many Levels in New Pokemon Snap? | Levels List and How to Unlock Levels

Courses List - How Many Levels in New Pokemon Snap

This is a list of all levels available in the New Pokemon Snap (Pokemon Snap 2) for the Nintendo Switch. Find out how many courses you can explore in the Lental Region, how to unlock levels, as well as the Pokemon you can encounter within each course.

How Many Levels in New Pokemon Snap?

6 Islands with 24 Courses to Explore!

New Pokemon Snap Levels.png

There are a total of 6 islands to explore in the Lental Region, with 11 areas to explore for research!

These areas have a replayability, letting you explore during the day, night, or at an Illuminia Spot. In total, there are 24 courses that can be travelled to, including the Research Camp.

After each course, Professor Mirror will evaluate the photos you've taken and tell you what star or score each Photodex Photo gets.

How do Photo Scores Work?

3 New DLC Areas!

New Pokemon Snap - New Areas Unlocked
A free content update was revealed on July 29, 2021 for New Pokemon Snap. The new update showcases 20 new Pokemon as well as 3 new areas to explore! The areas include: Secret Side Path, Mightywide River, and Barren Badlands and are located in the Florio, Belusylva, and Voluca islands respectively.

The new areas will be released for free on August 3, 2021.

Latest News for Pokemon Snap

More Paths to Uncover

New Pokemon Snap Level - Uncover Path.png
There are also multiple paths to uncover at each level. Uncover each path to encounter more Pokemon. As you keep researching a level, your research level will increase. This will give you a chance to see more Pokemon expressions and may also display their rare behaviors at higher levels.

How to Raise Your Research Level Quickly

List of Levels (Courses) and How to Unlock

Florio Nature Park (Florio Island)

The Florio Island is the first level of the game. Professor Mirror will welcome you to the Lental Region and have you experience your first photo expedition on Florio Nature Park. At this level, you'll find types of Pokemon that live in the savanna.

Level Name Unlock Condition
New Pokemon Snap Park Day Branching Path LocationsPark (Day) Available from the start.
New Pokemon Snap - Park (Night)Park (Night) Unlocked after reaching Research Level 2 in Park (Day)
New Pokemon Snap - Park (Illumina Spot)Illumina Spot Complete Park (Night) at least once.
New Pokemon Snap - Research Camp (Day) MapResearch Camp Unlocked after reaching Research Level 1 in Volcano (Illumina Spot).

Founja Jungle (Belusylva Island)

Level Name Unlock Condition
New Pokemon Snap - Jungle (Day)Jungle (Day) Complete Illumina Spot (Florio Nature Park).
New Pokemon Snap - Jungle (Night)Jungle (Night) Unlocked after reaching Research Level 2 in Jungle (Day).

Sweltering Sands (Voluca Island)

Level Name Unlock Condition
New Pokemon Snap - Sands (Day)Sands (Day) Unlocked after reaching Research Level 2 in Jungle (Night).
New Pokemon Snap - Sands (Night) MapSands (Night) Unlocked after reaching Research Level 2 in Sands (Day).

Blushing Beach (Maricopia Islands)

Level Name Unlock Condition
New Pokemon Snap - Beach (Day)Beach (Day) Unlocked after reaching Research Level 2 in Jungle (Night).
New Pokemon Snap - Beach (Night) MapBeach (Night) Unlocked after reaching Research Level 2 on Snowfields (Night).

Maricopia Reef (Maricopia Islands)

Level Name Unlock Condition
New Pokemon Snap - Reef (Day)Reef (Day) Unlocked after reaching Research Level 2 in Beach (Day).
New Pokemon Snap - Reef (Evening) MapReef (Evening) Unlocked after completing the game.

Lental Seafloor (Maricopia Islands)

Level Name Unlock Condition
New Pokemon Snap - Undersea (Day) MapUndersea Unlocked after reaching Research Level 2 in Reef (Day).
New Pokemon Snap - Lental Seafloor (Illumina Spot) MapIllumina Spot Unlocked after discovering the secret route in Undersea (Day).

Fireflow Volcano (Voluca Island)

Level Name Unlock Condition
New Pokemon Snap - Volcano (Day) MapVolcano Unlocked after reaching Research Level 2 in Sands (Night) and in Undersea.
New Pokemon Snap - Volcano (Illumina Spot) MapIllumina Spot Unlocked after reaching Research Level 1 in Forest.

Elsewhere Forest (Belusylva Island)

Level Name Unlock Condition
New Pokemon Snap - Forest (Day) MapForest Unlocked after reaching Research Level 2 in Volcano.
New Pokemon Snap - Forest (Illumina Spot) MapIllumina Spot Unlocked after reaching Research Level 1 in Forest.

Shiver Snowfields (Durice Island)

Level Name Unlock Condition
New Pokemon Snap - Snowfields (Day) MapSnowfields (Day) Unlocked after reaching Research Level 1 in Illumina Spot (Lental Seafloor).
New Pokemon Snap - Snowfields (Night) MapSnowfields (Night) Unlocked after reaching Research Level 1 in Snowfields (Day).

Outaway Cave (Durice Island)

Level Name Unlock Condition
New Pokemon Snap - Cave MapCave Unlocked after reaching Research Level 2 on Snowfields (Night).
New Pokemon Snap - Cave (Illumina Spot) MapIllumina Spot Unlocked after reaching Research Level 2 on Cave.

Ruins of Remembrance (Aurus Island)

Level Name Unlock Condition
New Pokemon Snap - Ruins Map.pngRuins Unlocked after reaching Research Level 1 on Illumina Spot (Outaway Cave).
New Pokemon Snap - Ruins (Illumina Spot) MapIllumina Spot Unlocked after lighting all six crystablooms in the Ruins.

Secret Side Path (Florio Island)

Level Name Unlock Condition
New Pokemon Snap - Side Path (Day) MapSide Path (Day) On Park (Day), scan the tree on your left in the grassy area where the Grookey sleeps.
Side Path (Night) Unlock after discovering the secret side path on Park (Day) for the first time.

Mightywide River (Belusylva Island)

Level Name Unlock Condition
New Pokemon Snap - River (Day) MapRiver (Day) Unlocked after completing the game.
New Pokemon Snap - River (Night) MapRiver (Night) Unlocked after reaching Research Level 2 in River (Day).

Barren Badlands (Voluca Island)

Level Name Unlock Condition
New Pokemon Snap - Badlands (Day) MapBadlands (Day) Unlocked after completing the game.
New Pokemon Snap - Badlands (Night) MapBadlands (Night) Unlocked after reaching Research Level 2 in Badlands (Day).

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2 Anonymousalmost 4 years

That's not how you unlock shiver snowfields

1 Anonymousalmost 4 years

There's also volcano, underwater, and reef levels


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