New Pokemon Snap (Switch)

List of Maricopia Lentalk Requests

This is a guide to all Lentalk Requests available in the Maricopia Area of New Pokemon Snap (Pokemon Snap 2) for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to learn how to complete Maricopia LenTalk Requests, unlock conditions, as well as rewards.

Maricopia Lentalk Requests

Beach (Day)

Request Name How to Clear
Near the WaterNear the Water's Edge
Research Lv. 3
Lure Pikachu to the Stunfisk across it using fluffruit then snap a photo of it using Stunfisk as a surfboard.
Phil (Heart-Eyes)
Near the Water's Edge Walkthrough
Wingull Loop-the-LoopWingull Loop-the-Loop
Research Lv. 1 or higher
Snap a photo of Wingull performing a vertical loop mid-air by triggering it through the Melody player when nearby.
Wingull Loop-the-Loop Walkthrough
Three in a RowThree in a Row
Research Lv. 2 or higher
Lure 2 Exeggutors to the sleeping Exeggutor with Fluffruit then snap a photo of the 3 Exeggutors asleep.
Three in a Row Walkthrough
Say Cheese!Say Cheese!
Research Lv. 1 or higher
Snap a photo of Bellossom when it reacts to your scan.
Professor Mirror
Say Cheese! Walkthrough
Most Marvelous MusclesMost Marvelous Muscles
Research Lv. 3
Throw an Illumina Orb at Machamp to get him to turn around and pose.
Most Marvelous Muscles Walkthrough
Hiding in the SandHiding in the Sand
Research Lv. 1 or higher
Scan to find the hidden Stunfisk beside Octillery, then throw a fluffruit at Stunfisk so that they fight.
Eye 4
Hiding in the Sand Walkthrough

Beach (Day) Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock

Reef (Day)

Request Name How to Clear
Returning to the SeaReturning to the Sea
Research Lv. 2 or higher
Snap a photo of Pyukumuku after it jumps out of Pelipper's mouth in the Blue Hole.
Eye 3
Returning to the Sea Walkthrough
A Bite for the Bully of the SeaA Bite for the Bully of the Sea
Research Lv. 3
Feed the Sharpedo a fluffruit instead of triggering its Illumina glow.
Professor Mirror's Gloves
A Bite for the Bully of the Sea Walkthrough
Bobbing for FluffruitBobbing for Fluffruit
Research Lv. 2 or higher
Throw a Fluffruit in the water near a Pelipper and snap a photo of it swooping down to eat it.
Bobbing for Fluffruit Walkthrough
If YouIf You're Happy and You Know It
Research Lv. 2 or higher
Take the branching route that leads near Wailord's head and throw an Illumina Orb at the second Wailord to feed it a Fluffruit.
Effect 4
If You're Happy and You Know It Walkthrough
Adorable Water SprayAdorable Water Spray
Research Lv. 3
Follow Machamp and Sharpedo during their race. At the end, a Wailmer will appear from behind you. Throw an orb at it and snap a photo of it spraying water.
Adorable Water Spray Walkthrough

Reef (Day) Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock


Request Name How to Clear
Favorite Hangout SpotFavorite Hangout Spot
Research Lv. 3
Take a photo of Luvdiscs sleeping with a Corsola near the beginning of the stage.
Favorite Hangout Spot Walkthrough
Swimming ClamperlSwimming Clamperl
Research Lv. 2 or higher
Lead a Lumineon to peck at the sand where the Clamperl is hidden. The Clamperl will emerge and try to swim away.
Emote 8
Swimming Clamperl Walkthrough
Lucky Four-Leaf CloverLucky Four-Leaf Clover
Research Lv. 2 or higher
Attract 4 Luvdisc to a crystabloom using the Illumina orb then play Melody to make them look like a four-leaf clover.
Heart 2
Lucky Four-Leaf Clover Walkthrough
A Ring of BubblesA Ring of Bubbles
Research Lv. 3
Throw an Illumina orb at Alomomola and Luvdisc at the start of the course then snap a photo when they interact.
A Ring of Bubbles Walkthrough
A New Way to DanceA New Way to Dance
Research Lv. 2 or higher
Throw an Illumina orb at Cradily then snap a photo of it dancing to the Melody.
A New Way to Dance Walkthrough
Stirring Up StarmieStirring Up Starmie
Research Lv. 3
Throw a fluffruit at a Starmie under the sand and snap a photo when a Lumineon comes to dig it up.
Stirring Up Starmie Walkthrough
See Ya Inf-later!See Ya Inf-later!
Research Lv. 1
Use Melody to get Qwilfish to inflate then throw a Fluffruit at it to get it to rapidly deflate.
Phil (Surprised)
See Ya Inf-later! Walkthrough
Ready  Aim  Fire!Ready, Aim, Fire!
Research Lv. 2
Throw an Illumina orb at a Clawitzer before it starts shooting the other Clawitzer.
Phil's Shoe
Ready, Aim, Fire! Walkthrough
Undersea Ballroom DancingUndersea Ballroom Dancing
Research Lv. 2
Throw an Illumina orb at the male Tentacruel then later on snap a photo of Tentacruel and Frillish doing a lively dance.
Undersea Ballroom Dancing Walkthrough
A Sunlit CaveA Sunlit Cave
Research Lv. 2
Lure a group of Chinchou into the sunlit cave then snap a photo.
A Sunlit Cave Walkthrough
A Light in the DepthsA Light in the Depths
Research Lv. 3
Throw an Illumina orb at the Lanturn being held by Frillish then snap a photo of it after it's saved.
A Light in the Depths Walkthrough
A Seven-Colored GlowA Seven-Colored Glow
Research Lv. 3
After getting a Starmie out from under the sand, throw an Illumina orb at the last crystabloom of the course. Snap a photo of the Starmie that comes out.
A Seven-Colored Glow Walkthrough
To the Bottom of the SeaTo the Bottom of the Sea
Research Lv. 3
Throw fluffruit at Alomomola on the main route and it will get caught by Frillish.
To the Bottom of the Sea Walkthrough
Golisopod TrainingGolisopod Training
Research Lv. 3
Throw an Illumina orb at Clawitzer to make it fire at the sleeping Golisopod. Snap a photo of the 2 training Golisopod afterward.
Golisopod Training Walkthrough
Seafloor RoarSeafloor Roar
Research Lv. 3
Capture a photo of Lugia roaring.
Todd (Surprised)
Seafloor Roar Walkthrough

Undersea Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock

Illumina Spot

Request Name How to Clear
Swirling EnergySwirling Energy
Research Lv. 2 or higher
Trigger Wishiwashi (School Form)'s Illumina Phenomenon right at the start to get it to create an underwater vortex.
Professor Mirror (Heart-Eyes)
Swirling Energy Walkthrough

Illumina Spot (Lental Seafloor) Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock

Beach (Night)

Request Name How to Clear
An Easy Mistake to MakeAn Easy Mistake to Make
Research Lv. 2
Use a Fluffruit to lure the Crabrawler over to the Exeggutor. After it wakes it up, take a picture of Crabrawler being chased.
An Easy Mistake to Make Walkthrough
Sitting and WaitingSitting and Waiting
Research Lv. 2
Throw an Illumina Orb at the Primarina on the rock. Take the branching path, then throw an Illumina Orb at the Crystalbloomto make Primarina sing a new song. Snap a photo of the happy Zangoose.
Hat 4
Sitting and Waiting Walkthrough
When Archenemies MeetWhen Archenemies Meet
Research Lv. 2
Throw an Illumina Orb at the Primarina on the rock. Then throw Fluffruit at the bush to make Seviper come out. Take a photo of the two battling.
When Archenemies Meet Walkthrough
Inkay by MoonlightInkay by Moonlight
Research Lv. 1 or higher
Feed Fluffruit to all of the Inkay that appear along the course. When all five assemble toward the end, play the melody to make them line up. Snap a photo of them jumping into the air.
Inkay by Moonlight Walkthrough
A Casual GestureA Casual Gesture
Research Lv. 2
Throw an Illumina Orb at the Crystalbloom while the Octillery is flinching, then snap a photo of it scratching its head afterward.
Rita (Smiling)
A Casual Gesture Walkthrough
Fins AflutterFins Aflutter
Research Lv. 2
Throw a Fluffruit at the Sandygast in front of an Octillery, which will cause the Octillery to run away. Snap a photo of the Finneon that jump in the air.
Fins Aflutter Walkthrough
Bigger! Even Bigger!Bigger! Even Bigger!
Research Lv. 2
Lure the Crabrawler over to the Sandygast so it will use Sand Attack. Snap a photo of the Sandygast once it grows to full size.
Effect 14
Bigger! Even Bigger! Walkthrough

Beach (Night) Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock

Reef (Evening)

Request Name How to Clear
Drifting DrifblimDrifting Drifblim
Research Lv. 1 or higher
Throw Illumina Orbs at the two Drifblim near the Wailord. Wait for one of them to inflate its head and take the photo.
Drifting Drifblim Walkthrough
The Dancing SongstressThe Dancing Songstress
Research Lv. 1 or higher
Throw an Illumina Orb at the swimming Primarina and take a photo of it jumping out of the water.
Monitor: Rita
The Dancing Songstress Walkthrough
Practice Makes PerfectPractice Makes Perfect
Research Lv. 1 or higher
Capture a photo of Raichu performing a 360° spin.
Practice Makes Perfect Walkthrough
Round and RoundRound and Round
Research Lv. 1 or higher
Throw a Fluffruit at the Squirtle standing on the rock, and a Wingull will knock it into the water. Take a picture of it while it is being sucked into the whirlpool.
Round and Round Walkthrough
Whirlpool Blast OffWhirlpool Blast Off
Research Lv. 1 or higher
Throw Illumina Orbs at the whirlpool and take a photo of Blastoise as it blasts off.
Comic 5
Whirlpool Blast Off Walkthrough
Take One  PleaseTake One, Please
Research Lv. 1 or higher
Throw a Fluffruit and the farthest Lapras at the Branching Route and take a photo of it eating the fruit.
Ocean Sunset
Take One, Please Walkthrough
A Mighty Rolling LeapA Mighty Rolling Leap
Research Lv. 2
Reach the area with the two Mantine on Reef (Evening) at Research Level 2. Run a scan and take a photo of Mantine jumping high in the sky.
Heart 3
A Mighty Rolling Leap Walkthrough
MareanieMareanie's a Meanie
Research Lv. 1 or higher
Throw Fluffruits on the rocky area with two Clamperl and a Drifblim. Take a photo once Mareanie appears and attacks the Clamperl.
Character: Todd
Mareanie's a Meanie Walkthrough
Voracious VaporeonVoracious Vaporeon
Research Lv. 2
Take a photo of Vaporeon eating a Fluffruit once it appears on the ground.
Voracious Vaporeon Walkthrough
Myth of the SeaMyth of the Sea
Research Lv. 2
Capture a photo of Manaphy swimming with some Lapras.
Myth of the Sea Walkthrough

Reef (Evening) Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock

New Pokemon Snap Related Guides

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LenTalk Guide and List of Requests

Requests By Area
Florio Belusylva Maricopia
Voluca Durice Aurus


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