New Pokemon Snap (Switch)

Progression Guide and Complete Story Walkthrough

New Pokemon Snap - Progression Guide and Story Walkthrough

This a complete walkthrough for the story progression in the New Pokemon Snap (Pokemon Snap 2) for the Nintendo Switch. Learn about the glowing crystabloom locations, objectives needed to complete to unlock the next courses, and how to progress through the story!

Complete the Story First

Complete the Story First

You can start racking up Photodex Score, increase the Research Level of the courses, and take photos of different Pokemon poses before you complete the main story but take note that special features are unlocked as you progress through the game and are super helpful for taking the perfect shots.

We recommend completing the story first to unlock every feature available for better experience and to make these activities easier and more enjoyable.

Complete Story Walkthrough

Jump to a section!
1 Florio Nature Park 7 Elsewhere Forest
2 Founja Jungle 8 Lental Seafloor
3 Blushing Beach 9 Fireflow Volcano
4 Maricopia Reef 10 Shiver Snowfields
5 Sweltering Sands 11 Outaway Cave
6 Fireflow Volcano 12 Ruins of Remembrance

Florio Nature Park

Florio Nature Park.jpg

Objectives Unlocks
1 Clear Park (Day) Scan Mode
2 Reach Research Level 2 on Park (Day) Park (Night)
3 Clear Park (Night) Illumina Spot (Florio Nature Park)
4 Clear Illumina Spot (Florio Nature Park) LenTalk
5 Reach Research Level 2 on Park (Night) Belusylva Island

Florio Nature Park Maps

Park (Day) Park (Night)
Illumina Spot

Founja Jungle

Founja Jungle.jpg

Objectives Unlocks
1 Reach Research Level 2 on Jungle (Day) Jungle (Night)
2 Take a picture of a glowing crystabloom in Jungle (Night) Illumina Orb for Belusylva Island
3 Reach Research Level 2 on Jungle (Night) ・Voluca Island
・Maricopia Island

Glowing Crystabloom Location

You can find the glowing crystabloom beside a Quagsire by the waterfalls in Jungle (Night).

Founja Jungle Maps

Jungle (Day) Jungle (Night)

Blushing Beach

Blushing Beach.jpg

Objectives Unlocks
1 Reach Research Level 2 on Beach (Day) Maricopia Reef

Blushing Beach Maps

Beach (Day) Beach (Night)

Maricopia Reef

Maricopia Reef.jpg

Objectives Unlocks
1 Reach Research Level 2 on Reef (Day) Lental Seafloor

Maricopia Reef Maps

Reef (Day) Reef (Evening)

Sweltering Sands

Sweltering Sands.jpg

Objectives Unlocks
1 Reach Research Level 2 on Sands (Day) Sands (Night)
2 Take a picture of a glowing crystabloom in Sands (Night) Illumina orb for Voluca Island
3 Reach Research Level 2 on Sands (Night) Fireflow Volcano

Glowing Crystalbloom Location

You can find the glowing crystabloom past the oasis but before you slide down the sand slope in Sands (Night). Ready your camera as you only have a few seconds to take the shot!

Sweltering Sands Maps

Sands (Day) Sands (Night)

Fireflow Volcano

Fireflow Volcano 1.jpg

Objectives Unlocks
1 Reach Research Level 2 on Volcano Elsewhere Forest

Fireflow Volcano Maps

Volcano Illumina Spot

Elsewhere Forest

Elsewhere Forest.jpg

Objectives Unlocks
1 Reach Research Level 2 on Forest Illumina Spot (Elsewhere Forest)
2 Clear Illumina Spot (Elsewhere Forest) Research Camp

Elsewhere Forest Maps

Forest Illumina Spot

Lental Seafloor

Lental Seafloor.jpg

Objectives Unlocks
1 Take a picture of a glowing crystabloom in Undersea Illumina Orb for Maricopia Island
2 Reach Research Level 3 on Undersea and explore the branching route Illumina Spot (Lental Seafloor)
3 Clear Illumina Spot (Lental Seafloor) -

Glowing Crystalbloom Location

You can find the glowing crystabloom behind a sleeping Lumineon in Undersea. You'll have to throw a fluffruit at the Lumineon to wake it up and get a clear shot of the crystabloom.

Lental Seafloor Maps

Undersea Illumina Spot

Fireflow Volcano

Fireflow Volcano 2.jpg

Objectives Unlocks
1 Clear Volcano on Research Level 2 Illumina Spot (Fireflow Volcano)
2 Clear Illumina Spot (Fireflow Volcano) ・Durice Island

Shiver Snowfields

Shiver Snowfields.jpg

Objectives Unlocks
1 Reach Research Level 2 on Snowfields (Day) Snowfields (Night)
2 Take a picture of a glowing crystabloom on Snowfields (Night) Illumina Orb for Durice Island
3 Reach Research Level 2 on Snowfields (Night) Outaway Cave

Glowing Crystalbloom Location

You can find the glowing crystabloom below a crack right after ascending the slope with a Furret at the top in Snowfields (Night). Be quick as you only have a few seconds to take the shot!

Shiver Snowfields Maps

Snowfields (Day) Snowfields (Night)

Outaway Cave

Outaway Cave.jpg

Objectives Unlocks
1 Reach Research Level 2 on Cave Illumina Spot (Outaway Cave)
2 Clear Illumina Spot (Outaway Cave) Aurus Island

Outaway Cave Maps

Cave Illumina Spot

Ruins of Remembrance

Ruins of Remembrance.jpg

Objectives Unlocks
1 Take a picture of a glowing crystabloom on Ruins Illumina Orb for Aurus Island
2 Light up 6 crystablooms on Ruins Illumina Spot (Ruins of Remembrance)
3 Clear Illumina Spot (Ruins of Remembrance) Burst Mode
Reef (Evening)
Course Scores
Post Game Contents and 100 Percent Guide

Glowing Crystalbloom Location

You can find the glowing crystabloom that gives the Illumina Orb for Aurus Island right at the beginning of Ruins. In the area where Eldegoss gather, look above on your right and you will see the glowing crystabloom by the cliff.

Unlocking the Illumina Spot

After obtaining the Illumina Orb for Aurus Island go back to the Ruins and light up all six crystablooms inside. Doing so will automatically lead you to a branching path and unlock the last Illumina Spot.

If you miss one crystabloom, you'll have to retry the level for another attempt.

Beside the Meganium statue Beside the Wishiwashi statue
Hiding behind the stalagmites past the Steelix statue Throw some Illumina orbs at the Eldegross beside the Volcarona statue to reveal the crystabloom
Throw an Illumina orb and a fluffruit at the Golurk near the Milotic statue to reveal the crystabloom Once all five crystablooms are lit, light up the last one near the end of the course

Ruins of Remembrance Maps

Ruins Illumina Spot

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