New Pokemon Snap (Switch)

List of Aurus Lentalk Requests

This is a guide to all Lentalk Requests available in the Aurus Area of New Pokemon Snap (Pokemon Snap 2) for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to learn how to complete Aurus LenTalk Requests, unlock conditions, as well as rewards.

Aurus Lentalk Requests


Request Name How to Clear
HoundoomHoundoom's Breather
Research Lv. 2 or higher
Wait for the Houndoom just to the left of the ruins to stretch and yawn, then snap a picture of it doing so.
Houndoom's Breather Walkthrough
Blowing SeedsBlowing Seeds
Research Lv. 3
Throw a fluffruit at the ruins to bring out Natu. Hit it with a fluffruit after the Eldegoss lands on the ground. When Natu runs toward Eldegoss, get a photo of Eldegoss casting its seeds.
Blowing Seeds Walkthrough
Just Perching HereJust Perching Here
Research Lv. 1
Throw a fluffruit at the ancient ruins. Natu will come out and sit on top of the Fluffruit. Snap a photo of it sitting on the fruit.
Rita's Hairpin
Just Perching Here Walkthrough
A White PokemonA White Pokemon
Research Lv. 3
Feed a fluffruit to the Houndoom a little after the start. Play the Melody for the Absol on the cliff. When it comes down, give it a fluffruit and snap a photo.
A White Pokemon Walkthrough
SalanditSalandit's Battle Plan
Research Lv. 3
Throw a fluffruit onto the Salandit claw marks in the final room. Get a picture of Salandit attacking the Noivern that glides in to try and take the fruit.
Effect 8
Salandit's Battle Plan Walkthrough
Gracefully GlidingGracefully Gliding
Research Lv. 1 or higher
Throw a fluffruit onto the Salandit claw marks in the final room. Get a picture of Noivern as it glides in.
Rita's Shoe
Gracefully Gliding Walkthrough
The Mysterious HeartThe Mysterious Heart
Research Lv. 1 or higher
Throw 5 fluffruit into the well so that Woobat emerge and fly forward. Snap a photo of them stopped at the wall with heart markings on it in the next room.
Todd's Camera
The Mysterious Heart Walkthrough
A Break between PatrolsA Break between Patrols
Research Lv. 3
When entering the large room with the stone statue in the center, look to the left, and get a photo of the sleeping Sigilyph.
Todd (Smiling)
A Break between Patrols Walkthrough
Drowsing BeheeyemDrowsing Beheeyem
Research Lv. 2 or higher
Take a picture of the Beheeyem that looks like it is sleeping in the air behind the Golurk.
Star 5
Drowsing Beheeyem Walkthrough
Two GolurkTwo Golurk
Research Lv. 2 or higher
Throw fluffruit at the two Beheeyem. Then throw an illumina orb at the Golurk near the Volcarona statue. When another Golurk flies in, get a picture of them both (focused on the flying one)
Character: Phil
Two Golurk Walkthrough
Groovy ChandelureGroovy Chandelure
Research Lv. 3
Throw an illumina orb at the Chandelure you encounter in the large room of the ruins. When you encounter the same Chandelure later along the path, feed it a fluffruit. After it finishes eating, throw an illumina orb at it and play the melody, then snap a photo of it dancing.
Groovy Chandelure Walkthrough
Fading into the ShadowsFading into the Shadows
Research Lv. 3
After entering the ruins, play the melody to make the Noivern move. When it does, throw a fluffruit to the left to make Salandit come out. When it calls Umbreon over, snap a picture of Umbreon.
Fading into the Shadows Walkthrough
Myth of the RuinsMyth of the Ruins
Research Lv. 2 or higher
Capture a photo of Jirachi in a praying pose.
Myth of the Ruins Walkthrough

Ruins Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock

Illumina Spot

Request Name How to Clear
The Power of XerneasThe Power of Xerneas
Research Lv. 2 or higher
Wake up the Houndoom and use fluffruit to lead them toward the Xerneas. Use scan so they notice Xernease, then take a picture as it raises its front legs.
Professor Mirror (Surprised)
The Power of Xerneas Walkthrough

Illumina Spot (Ruins of Remembrance) Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock

New Pokemon Snap Related Guides

Lentalk Request Banner.png

LenTalk Guide and List of Requests

Requests By Area
Florio Belusylva Maricopia
Voluca Durice Aurus


1 Anonymousalmost 4 years

I can't even find two Golurk


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