New Pokemon Snap (Switch)

Side Path (Night) Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock

Side Path Night Walkthrough.png
This guide will cover all of the Pokemon that can be found in Side Path (Night) of Secret Side Path in New Pokemon Snap (Pokemon Snap 2) for the Nintendo Switch, as well as how to unlock the level. Pokemon found in each research level of Side Path (Night), as well as unlock conditions and more can be found here.

Side Path (Night) Map and How to Unlock

How to Unlock Unlocks at the same time as Side Path (Day)

Expedition Points Per Level

Lv. 1→Lv. 2 100,000
Lv. 2→Max Lv N/A

Side Path (Night) List of Pokemon

Research Level 1

Minimum Research Level
New Pokemon Snap VivillonVivillon
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap PichuPichu
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap ScorbunnyScorbunny
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap PidgeotPidgeot
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap TangrowthTangrowth
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap MurkrowMurkrow
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap CaterpieCaterpie
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap PinsirPinsir
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap DucklettDucklett
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap TorterraTorterra
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap MagikarpMagikarp
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap HoothootHoothoot
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap CombeeCombee
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap VespiquenVespiquen
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap EeveeEevee
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap PikachuPikachu
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap FoongusFoongus
Lv. 1
New Pokemon Snap SnorlaxSnorlax
Lv. 1

How to Raise Your Research Level

Pokemon Locations

Pokemon Where to Find
New Pokemon Snap CaterpieCaterpie
  • Right at the start of the course.
  • A few Caterpie can be found near the first Crystabloom.
  • Several Caterpie can be found resting in the right side of the first log.
  • Past the sleeping Torterra is another Caterpie wandering by itself.
New Pokemon Snap CombeeCombee
  • A pair of Combee will be flying overhead near the start of the course
  • Another pair of Combee will be flying above the sleeping Torterra past the first log.
New Pokemon Snap FoongusFoongus
  • Several groups of Foongus can be found near the start of the level.
  • You'll also bounce down onto the main path on the backs of Fungoos.
  • A group of Fungoos can be found carrying apples just before the first log.
New Pokemon Snap HoothootHoothoot
  • A Hoothoot can be found perched atop a mushroom near the first Crystabloom.
New Pokemon Snap PidgeotPidgeot
  • This hard-to-find Pidgeot can be found flying over the first Crystabloom just before you move past it. It's easy to miss so you better be quick!
  • A Pidgeot can be found resting in its nest near the end of the stage. It is also hiding a Magikarp in it's nest.
New Pokemon Snap PichuPichu
  • This Pichu will be sleeping next to Scorbunny on top of the large sleeping Pokemon.
New Pokemon Snap ScorbunnyScorbunny
  • This Scorbunny will be sleeping next to Pichu on top of the large sleeping Pokemon.
New Pokemon Snap DucklettDucklett
  • A Ducklett can be found resting in the left side of the first log
  • A pair of Ducklett can be found beneath you when going through the alternate path.
New Pokemon Snap VespiquenVespiquen
  • Past the first log, a Vespiquen will arrive to scold the two Combee above the sleeping Torterra.
New Pokemon Snap TorterraTorterra
  • Past the first log, this Torterra can be found sleeping.
  • More sleeping Torterra can be found near the 2nd Crystabloom.
New Pokemon Snap MurkrowMurkrow
  • Past the second log, a pair of Murkrow can be found near a sleeping Pinsir. Throw Illumina Orbs at both of them for them to reappear later in the stage.
  • If you were able to Orb both Murkrow near the Pinsir, they will fly over to the Pidgeot near the end of the stage and bother him.
New Pokemon Snap PinsirPinsir
  • Sleeping underground near some Murkrow. Use Melody to wake it.
New Pokemon Snap VivillonVivillon
  • Garden-Pattern Vivillon can be found flying past where the Murkrow and Pinsir were.
New Pokemon Snap TangrowthTangrowth
  • Napping near the second Crystabloom.
New Pokemon Snap MagikarpMagikarp
  • If you were able to Orb both Murkrow away from the Pinsir, and Orb the Pidgeot. The Pidgeot will leave it's nest. Throw an Orb into it's nest for a Magikarp to appear.
  • If you hit the 2nd Crystabloom with an Illumina Orb with the Magikarp nearby, the Magikarp will reappear in the flower field after you return to normal size.
New Pokemon Snap EeveeEevee
  • After returning to normal size, this Eevee can be found sleeping next to a Crystabloom right before the course ends.
New Pokemon Snap PikachuPikachu
  • After returning to normal size, this Pikachu can be found sleeping next to a Crystabloom right before the course ends.
New Pokemon Snap SnorlaxSnorlax
  • Take the alternate path to find this Snorlax sleeping in the tree trunk.

Side Path (Night) Alternate Routes

Side Path (Night) Alternate Route 1 - Snorlax Den

Side Path Night - Alternate Path 1

Research Level Lv. 1

After unlocking the Snorlax Den path in Side Path (Day), you should be able to access the same alternate route in Side Path (Night).

Side Path (Night) Requests

Request Name How to Clear
The ParachuteThe Parachute
Research Lv. 1
Throw an Illumina Orb at a group of Foongus to make them jump and float down.
Poké Ball
The Parachute Walkthrough

LenTalk Guide and List of Requests

Side Path (Night) Crystablooms

Crystabloom Where to Find
Side Path Night - Crystabloom 1.pngCrystabloom 1 On the main path, to your right after bouncing down the Foongus.
Side Path Night - Crystabloom 2.pngCrystabloom 2 Near the end of the course, by the sleeping Tangrowth.

All Crystabloom Locations

New Pokemon Snap Levels

Levels Banner.png

List of All Levels

Florio Nature Park
Park (Day) Park (Night) Illumina Spot
Founja Jungle
Jungle (Day) Jungle (Night)
Sweltering Sands
Sands (Day) Sands (Night)
Blushing Beach
Beach (Day) Beach (Night)
Maricopia Reef
Reef (Day) Reef (Evening)
Lental Seafloor
Undersea Illumina Spot
Fireflow Volcano
Volcano Illumina Spot
Elsewhere Forest
Forest Illumina Spot
Research Camp
Research Camp
Shiver Snowfields
Snowfields (Day) Snowfields (Night)
Outaway Cave
Cave Illumina Spot
Ruins of Remembrance
Ruins Illumina Spot
Secret Side Path
Side Path (Day) Side Path (Night)
Mightywide River
River (Day) River (Night)
Barren Badlands
Badlands (Day) Badlands (Night)


1 Anonymousover 3 years

Oh man, that Pidgeot was giving me a lot of trouble. It was the only one I was missing to complete Side Path (Night). Thanks, you can kinda hear the flapping of the Pidgeot's wings just before you move past the first Crystabloom.


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