New Pokemon Snap (Switch)

Fluffruit Effects and How to Use

Fluffruit Top Image.png
This is a page on the item Fluffruit from the New Pokemon Snap for the Nintendo Switch. Read on for more information on Fluffruit's effect and how to use it!

Fluffruit Effects

The Fluffruit is a throwable item much like the Illumina Orb. The Fluffruit combines the functionalities that were present in the prequel's PKMN Food and Pester Ball items. Depending on how you toss your Fluffruit, you can feed, redirect, or even scare wild Pokemon away.

Throw Fluffruit Near a Pokemon To Feed Them

Fluffruit Effect Trailer.jpg

Fluffruit will lure nearby Pokemon toward it and cause them to be distracted while they eat it.

When tossed onto the ground, Fluffruit will catch the attention of all nearby Pokemon, but not all Pokemon will take the time to eat it. Some Pokemon might also have unique eating animations which might net higher photo scores!

Throw Fluffruit Near A Pokemon To Lead Them Somewhere Else

Throw Fluffruit Near A Pokemon To Lead Them Somewhere Else.png

As Pikachu approached the Fluffruit offered, they instead shifted their focus to this shovel that looks eerily similar to the shovel on Sandygast's head!

Throwing a Fluffruit near a Pokemon can grab their attention. You can use this to slowly guide them towards other points of interest.

Throw Fluffruit at a Pokemon To Startle Them or Make Them Angry

Throw Fluffruit at a Pokemon To Startle Them or Make Them Angry.png
Another way to use the Fluffruit is by throwing it directly at a Pokemon. Doing so will startle, annoy, or even aggravate the target Pokemon. This might result in an action shot or even interactions with others around them! Keep an eye out!

Use the Fluffruit To Achieve Better Photo Scores

The Fluffruit is very versatile at eliciting different reactions and behaviors from Wild Pokemon. Use this to your advantage to get higher scoring Photos!

Learn more about getting higher Photo Scores

Where To Find Fluffruit

When Fluffruit is Acquired

New Pokemon Snap Unlock Fluffruit.jpg

The Fluffruit is an item unlockable early in the game, shortly after encountering Meganium in the Florio Nature Park Illumina Spot.

Level Up with Fluffruit

New Pokemon Snap Fluffruit Request.jpg

You'll need the Fluffruit immediately after unlocking it in order to complete certain Requests and to revisit previous Florio Nature Park Levels and uncover new Pokemon behavior with this mechanic.

List of All Levels

How to Use Fluffruit

Aim Your Camera Then Press the B Button

Aim Your Camera Then Press the B Button.png

You can toss a Fluffruit near a Pokemon by pressing the B button to lure them in and take their photo while they eat it. You can throw multiple Fluffruit at a time, which allows you to lure in multiple Pokemon for a groupshot.

A Pokemon takes approx. 3 seconds to consume a Fluffruit, followed by approx. 2 seconds of celebration after eating.

Tip: Use the Camera Focus As A Guide

Throw the Fluffruit Based on the Cameras Focus.png

The indicator in the center of the screen can help you aim.

The Fluffruit is thrown at the direction your camera is pointed at. Remember to point the white circle at where you intend to throw it. Aim higher when throwing further away, and aim lower when throwing closer to the foreground. Getting the hang of throwing Fluffruit will be key to repositioning your subjects for better shots!

Related Links

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List of Items and Tools

List of Announced Items and Tools

Fluffruit.jpgFluffruit Illumina Orb.jpgIllumina Orb Melody.jpgMelody
Scan.jpgScan Mode


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