New Pokemon Snap (Switch)

All Crystabloom Locations

New Pokemon Snap - All Crystabloom Locations

This is a guide to finding all Crystablooms in New Pokemon Snap (Pokemon Snap 2) for the Nintendo Switch. Learn what crystablooms are, their locations, as well as what reward you will get after registering all kinds of crystablooms!

What are Crystablooms?

Required for Story Progression

What are Crystablooms

Crystablooms are plants found all over the Lental Region. They have a crystal-like buds in the center that can radiate Illumina energy and make nearby Pokemon enter the Illumina state.

Some crystablooms glow up during the night. Taking a picture of a glowing crystabloom is needed to allow Professor Mirror create Illumina Orbs that are necessary for story progression.

Progression Guide and Complete Story Walkthrough

Affects Pokemon Behavior

Illumina state Quagsire

Glowing crystablooms can also affect the behavior of Pokemon around them. Try throwing Illumina Orbs at unlit crystablooms and see if the Pokemon around them shows an unusual pose! Doing this may also lead you to capturing photos needed to complete Lentalk Requests.

LenTalk Guide and List of Requests

Crystabloom Locations

Tap to Jump to a section
Park Illumina Spot (Florio Nature Park) Research Camp
Side Path Jungle Forest
Illumina Spot (Elsewhere Forest) River
Sands Volcano Illumina Spot (Fireflow Volcano)
Badlands Beach Reef
Undersea Illumina Spot (Lental Seafloor) Snowfields
Cave Illumina Spot (Outaway Cave) Ruins
Illumina Spot (Ruins of Remembrance)

Florio Crystablooms

Park Crystablooms

There are four Crystablooms that you can find at the Park.

Taking a photo of the first glowing Crystabloom (or any other Florio crystabloom) is not required for story progression but is still needed to get the Botanist Research Title.

Crystabloom Where to Find
Crystabloom 1 You can find this glowing Crystabloom next to the dirt mound after crossing the first bridge.
Crystabloom 2 Look to your right to find this Crystabloom on the flower bed area. Throwing an Illumina Orb at it causes a Vespiquen to appear in the area.
Crystabloom 3 Across the second Crystabloom is another glowing Crystabloom that you can scan.
Crystabloom 4 On the flower bed area, look to your left to find this Crystabloom near the Torterra with a Scorbunny.

Illumina Spot (Florio Nature Park) Crystablooms

There are two Crystablooms in the Illumina Spot at Florio Nature Park. Both can be found just as you proceed through the course.

Crystabloom Where to Find
Crystabloom 1 Along the main path, Meganium will stop and smell this first Crystabloom.
Crystabloom 2 Along the main path, you'll find this second Crystabloom before the pink tree.

Research Camp Crystablooms

There are two Crystablooms at the Research Camp. Both can be found regardless of your starting point.

Crystabloom Where to Find
Crystabloom 1 Found near the water trough and tables.
Crystabloom 2 Found near the houses past the campfire.

Side Path Crystablooms

There are a total of four Crystablooms at the Side Path course. Two of which can be found during the day while the other can be found at night.

Crystabloom Where to Find
Crystabloom 1 On the main path on Side Path (Day). To your right near Shroomish after the Emolga lowers you down.
Crystabloom 2 On Side Path (Day). Near the end of the course where the Torterra defend Pichu and Scorbunny from the Dodrio.
Crystabloom 3 On the main path on Side Path (Night), to your right after bouncing down the Foongus.
Crystabloom 4 Near the end of the Side Path (Night) course, by the sleeping Tangrowth.

Belusylva Crystablooms

Jungle Crystablooms

There are five Crystablooms that you can find in the Jungle course. The glowing Crystabloom can be found beside a Quagsire by the waterfalls at night.

Crystabloom Where to Find
Crystabloom 1 You can find this Crystabloom just before the first alternate route.
Crystabloom 2 While ascending towards the ruins, look below to find this Crystabloom on the ground.
Crystabloom 3 While ascending towards the ruins, run a scan and look left to find the Crystabloom hidden on one of the trees. It can be found beside a sleeping Toucannon.
Crystabloom 4 As you make your way to the last area, look to your left to find this Crystabloom on top of a rock near the waterfall.
Crystabloom 5 You can find this glowing Crystabloom near the exit point. Depending on the Research Level, a Quagsire or a Leafeon can be found beside it.
Take its photo to progress the story.

Forest Crystablooms

There are a total of seven Crystablooms at the Forest. Some can be found in the different seasons which require you to take several expeditions to this course.

See the table below to learn where to find all Crystabloms in this course!

Crystabloom Where to Find
Crystabloom 1 Behind the first tree on your left as the course starts.
Crystabloom 2 In Summer, can be found to your right next to a stream.
Crystabloom 3 In the second foggy area, several Crystabloom may be found. Lit up a certain way, they can help fulfill the request Lost Little Deerling
Crystabloom 4 Near the end of the main course, this Crystabloom can be found near the ruins.
Crystabloom 5 In Spring, can be found to your left next to the large tree.
Crystabloom 6 In Winter, can be found next to a lone tree to your left. This is near the same tree that Gardevoir blooms in the Winter Wonders request.
Crystabloom 7 In the Sunny Spot where the four seasons intersect, this Crystabloom can be found in the center.

Illumina Spot (Elsewhere Forest) Crystablooms

There is only one Crystabloom in the Illumina Spot at the Elsewhere Forest.

Crystabloom Where to Find
Crystabloom 1 You can find this Crystabloom on the second area beside a sleeping Trevenant.

River Crystablooms

There are six Crystablooms in the River at the Mightywide River. Two of which can only be found after accessing the alternate route at night.

Crystabloom Where to Find
Crystabloom 1 As you reach the first waterfall, look on the bottom right to take a photo of the Crystabloom next to a Vivillon.
Crystabloom 2 While riding down the first waterfall, look to your left to find the Crystalbloom on the rocks.
Crystabloom 3 The third Crystabloom can be found behind the waterfall. Throw an Illumina Orb at the base of the waterfall to activate it.
Crystabloom 4 After passing through the sleeping Swamperts, wait for the Neo-One to cross the small waterfall and look to your right to find the Crystabloom.
Crystabloom 5 After unlocking the alternate route on River (Night), take the alternate route leading to the Moonlit Cave and find the Crystabloom next to the Cleffa.
Crystabloom 6 Take the alternate route leading to the Moonlit Cave and find the Crystabloom near the fifth one.

Voluca Crystablooms

Sands Crystablooms

There are five Crystablooms that you can find at the Sands couse. The glowing Crystabloom can be found just before the last area and is required to take its photo at night to progress the story.

Crystabloom Where to Find
Crystabloom 1 You can find three Crystablooms at the start of the course. Illuminating all three causes two Minior to crash into the area.
Crystabloom 2 You can find this Crystabloom on a cliffside to your right on the main path.
Crystabloom 3 A Crystabloom can be found in the middle of the oasis next to a Kangaskhan. Illuminating this flower causes the oasis to glow.
Crystabloom 4 As you descend down the sand on the main path, look to your right to find this glowing Crystabloom on a rock.
Take its photo to progress the story.
Crystabloom 5 You can find this Crystabloom at the alternate route. Throwing an Illumina Orb at it removes the twister and reveals a sleeping Tyranitar.

Volcano Crystablooms

There are four Crystablooms in the Volcano course. One can be found in an alternate route and that requires you to take two expeditions to find all the flowers.

Crystabloom Where to Find
Crystabloom 1 As you go down past the hot springs, a Crystabloom can be spotted in the distance to your left.
Crystabloom 2 Just opposite Crystabloom 1, another Crystabloom can be found in an elevated spot between rock crevices.
Crystabloom 3 When entering the lava chamber on the main path, this Crystabloom can be found above an overhang with the lavafall.
Crystabloom 4 On the alternate path, this crystabloom can be found behind a pillar in the blue lava chamber.

Illumina Spot (Fireflow Volcano) Crystablooms

There are three Crystablooms that you can find at the Illumina Spot at Fireflow Volcano.

Crystabloom Where to Find
Crystabloom 1 You can find the first Crystabloom in the second area. Throwing an Illumina Orb at it may attract one of the Volcarona to hover near it.
Crystabloom 2 Another Crystabloom can be found as you ascend to the second area. On Research Level 2, two Archeops will hover over this flower before facing off the two Volcarona.
Crystabloom 3 You can find this Crystabloom near the exit point. If this Crystabloom and the two Volcarona are illuminated, the two Pokemon will hover near this flower and perform a fire dance.

Badlands Crystablooms

There are three Crystablooms found at the Badlands at Barren Badlands.

Crystabloom Where to Find
Crystabloom 1 At the beginning of the course, find the Crystabloom on the right of the large boulder.
Crystabloom 2 After passing through the pools of water, look to your right to find the Crystabloom on one of the canyons. Alternatively, you can pass through the alternate route at Badlands (Day) and look down to the right to find this Crystabloom below.
Crystabloom 3 At the toxic swamp area, look to your left to find the Crystabloom.

Maricopia Crystablooms

Beach Crystablooms

There are three Crystablooms found at the Beach. The first one is required to take its photo at night to progress the story.

Crystabloom Where to Find
Crystabloom 1 You can find this glowing Crystabloom at the starting point just before entering the cave. Look to your left and find the flower next to a bush.
Take its photo to progress the story.
Crystabloom 2 On the main path, you can find this Crystabloom on an island with Octillery. Throwing an Illumina Orb at the flower causes Octillery to spray ink or fight Seviper at Research Level 3.
Crystabloom 3 Take the alternate route to find this Crystabloom on a small island. If Primarina is there, you can throw an Illumina Orb to enchance its song.

Reef Crystablooms

There are four Crystablooms that you can find at the Reef. One can be found in an alternate route and that requires you to take two expeditions to find all the flowers.

Crystabloom Where to Find
Crystabloom 1 You can find this Crystabloom on your right when you start the course. Activating this along with the second Crystabloom causes one of the Wailords sink down, allowing Manaphy and some Inkay to appear in its place.
Crystabloom 2 This Crystabloom can be found on the left of the whirpool. Throwing an Illumina Orb at it causes an Ocean Pattern Vivillon to appear. If this was activated along with the first Crystabloom, you can find Manaphy and some Inkay in Wailord's place.
Crystabloom 3 On the alternate route, look behind to find this Crystabloom in between the two islands.
Crystabloom 4 On the main path, look to your left to find this Crystabloom next to two Clamperls.

Undersea Crystablooms

There are a total of nine Crystablooms in the Undersea course. The second one is required to take its photo to progress the story.

The other Crystablooms can be found in the course's alternate routes which require you to take multiple expeditions to find all of them.

Crystabloom Where to Find
Crystabloom 1 You can find this Crystabloom on your right at the beginning of the course.
Crystabloom 2 Proceed through the main path and find the Lumineon sleeping on the ground. Throw a Fluffruit at it to move it away to reveal the glowing Crystabloom.
Take its photo to progress the story.
Crystabloom 3 As you surface to the last area on the main path, look to your right to find a Crystabloom and two Luvdiscs.
Crystabloom 4 From the third Crystabloom, wait for the Neo-One to ascend and look to your left to find the Crystabloom along with four Luvdiscs.
Crystabloom 5 Enter the first alternate route and look to your left to find the Crystabloom after passing through the area with the Chinchous.
Crystabloom 6 As you exit the cave, look down to find the Lumineon and Finneon next to the Crystabloom.
Crystabloom 7 You can find this Crystabloom right beside the sleeping Lugia inside his lair.
Crystabloom 8 This Crystabloom can be found above the sleeping Lugia next to the Magikarp.
Crystabloom 9 You can find this Crystabloom on the ruins part of the course.

Illumina Spot (Lental Seafloor) Crystablooms

There are two Crystablooms that you can find in the Illumina Spot at Lental Seafloor.

Crystabloom Where to Find
Crystabloom 1 Look to your left and below to find this Crystabloom on the rock pillar near where the group of Finneon and Wishiwashi are swimming around.
Crystabloom 2 You can find this Crystabloom further from the first one after the group of Luvdisc and Wishiwashi appear. Look to your right and below on a rock pillar to spot this flower.

Durice Crystablooms

Snowfields Crystablooms

There are six Crystablooms that you can find in Snowfields. The second one is required to progress the story and can only be seen at night.

See the table below to learn where to find all Crystablooms in Snowfields!

Crystabloom Where to Find
Crystabloom 1 You can find this Crystabloom near one of the holes with Furret inside at the beginning of the course.
Crystabloom 2 As you ascend to the main path, look down in between the ice sheets to find the glowing Crystabloom at the bottom. Unlike the rest, this Crystabloom can only be found at night.
Take its photo to progress the story.
Crystabloom 3 Take the first alternate route and find the Crystabloom on the right in between the two trees.
Crystabloom 4 On the second alternate route, look to your left to find the Crystabloom in the middle of the ice cave. Luring the Jynx on the left near this Crystabloom and then lighting it up causes the two Jynx to summon the Aurorus inside the ice.
Crystabloom 5 This Crystabloom can be found in the middle of the room with three Jynx and a Vanilluxe.
Crystabloom 6 You can find this Crystabloom on the left of the last area on the main path.

Cave Crystablooms

There are a total of seven Crystablooms in the Cave course.

The other Crystablooms can be found in the course's alternate routes which require you to take multiple expeditions to find all of them.

Crystabloom Where to Find
Crystabloom 1 As you descend down the area, look to your right to find the Crystabloom near a waterfall. Throwing an Illumina Orb at it causes several Magikarps to appear.
Crystabloom 2 While descending down the area, look to your left to find this Crystabloom and a group of Clefairy.
Crystabloom 3 On the main route, look to your left to find this Crystabloom on an opening. Throwing an Illumina Orb at it causes a part of the cave to glow and a few Noibats to fly out.
Crystabloom 4 After taking the rimstone alternate route, look behind while descending down the exit point to find this Crystabloom. Throwing an Illumina Orb at it causes the nearby Drifloon to puff up.
Crystabloom 5 Head to the first alternate route and look to your left to find this Crystabloom in between the two giant crystals. Throwing an Illumina Orb at it causes a few Drifloons to fly out.
Crystabloom 6 As you descend to the small forest area in the first alternate route, find this Crystabloom located behind the ruins.
Crystabloom 7 After proceeding through the alternate route to the forest, look to your right to find this Crystabloom on top of a rock next to a Joltik.

Illumina Spot (Outaway Cave) Crystablooms

There are three Crystablooms in the Illumina Spot at Outaway Cave.

Crystabloom Where to Find
Crystabloom 1 In the dark chamber with a narrow pathway, you can find this Crystabloom to your left. Lighting it up will wake up a Crobat sleeping inside, and may illuminate the Steelix as he jumps out of the ground.
Crystabloom 2 After the dark chamber, this Crystabloom can be found in one of the holes to your right. Lighting this one up may illuminate Steelix as he passes.
Crystabloom 3 Near the end of the course, this Crystabloom can be found on the ground. Lighting this one up may illuminate the Steelix and Noibat found near the end of the stage.

Aurus Crystablooms

Ruins Crystablooms

There are a total of eight Crystablooms found in the Ruins. The second flower is required to take its photo to progress the story.

You also need to light six of the flowers inside the ruins to unlock the Illumina Spot at Outaway Cave.

Crystabloom Where to Find
Crystabloom 1 You can find this Crystabloom to your left as you approach the Ancient Ruins.
Crystabloom 2 Near the Ancient Ruins, look above and to your right to find the glowing Crystabloom on a cliff.
Take its photo to progress the story.
Crystabloom 3 Inside the ruins, you can find this Crystabloom next to the Meganium statue.
Throw an Illumina Orb at this flower, along with the ones below, to unlock the Illumina Spot (Ruins of Remembrance).
Crystabloom 4 This Crystabloom is found beside the Wishiwashi statue inside the ruins.
Throw an Illumina Orb at this flower, along with the ones below, to unlock the Illumina Spot (Ruins of Remembrance).
Crystabloom 5 You can find this Crystabloom in between the two rocks near the statue in the ruins.
Throw an Illumina Orb at this flower, along with the ones below, to unlock the Illumina Spot (Ruins of Remembrance).
Crystabloom 6 You need to throw Illumina Orbs at the Eldegoss to move them away and reveal the Crystabloom near the Volcarona statue.
Throw an Illumina Orb at this flower, along with the ones below, to unlock the Illumina Spot (Ruins of Remembrance).
Crystabloom 7 Throw an Illumina Orb at the Golurk to move it away and reveal the Crystabloom.
Throw an Illumina Orb at this flower, along with the ones below, to unlock the Illumina Spot (Ruins of Remembrance).
Crystabloom 8 You can find this Crystabloom in the middle of the area with the other Crystablooms.
Throw an Illumina Orb at this flower, along with the ones above, to unlock the Illumina Spot (Ruins of Remembrance).

Illumina Spot (Ruins of Remembrance) Crystablooms

There is only one Crystabloom that can be found in the Illumina Spot at Ruins of Remembrance.

Crystabloom Where to Find
Crystabloom 1 This Crystabloom can be found near the middle of the course. A Houndoom may be found sleeping next to it.

Reward for Registering All Crystablooms

Botanist Research Title

Botanist Research Title.jpg

You will receive the Botanist Research Title for registering all 6 types of crystablooms in the Lental Region.

How to Unlock All Research Titles

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