New Pokemon Snap (Switch)

List of Florio Lentalk Requests

This is a guide to all Lentalk Requests available in the Florio Area of New Pokemon Snap (Pokemon Snap 2) for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to learn how to complete Florio LenTalk Requests, unlock conditions, as well as rewards.

Florio Lentalk Requests

Park (Day)

Request Name How to Clear
Hide-and-Seek in the FlowersHide-and-Seek in the Flowers
Research Lv. 3
Toss an Illumina Orb at the hiding Pichu and take a photo.
Hide-and-Seek in the Flowers Walkthrough
One-Hand FreezeOne-Hand Freeze
Research Lv. 3
Take a photo of Grookey when it does a one armed handstand.
Professor Mirror's Goggles
One-Hand Freeze Walkthrough
Three Friends among FlowersThree Friends among Flowers
Research Lv. 3
Throw a fluffruit near Pichu and take a photo of Scorbunny at the Crystalbloom while it is laughing.
Three Friends among Flowers Walkthrough
Head-to-Head CompetitionHead-to-Head Competition
Research Lv. 3
Take a photo of two Bouffalant butting heads.
Head-to-Head Competition Walkthrough
Shockingly Well-DoneShockingly Well-Done
Research Lv. 1 or higher
Throw a fluffruit near an Emolga and take a photo while it zaps the fruit.
Effect 4
Shockingly Well-Done Walkthrough
WhatWhat's Up with Wurmple?
Research Lv. 3
Toss an Illumina Orb at Wurmple while it is fighting a Taillow and take a photo.
What's Up with Wurmple? Walkthrough
Research Lv. 3
Take a photo of a Ducklett mid-flight.
Swanna-be Walkthrough
Dam  Sweet DamDam, Sweet Dam
Research Lv. 3
Throw a fluffruit into the Bidoof dam and take a photo of the Bidoof that pops up on top.
Dam, Sweet Dam Walkthrough
Off to a Flying StartleOff to a Flying Startle
Research Lv. 3
Take a photo of a Taillow mid-flight.
Off to a Flying Startle Walkthrough
Flopping by the WaterFlopping by the Water
Research Lv. 3
Take a photo of a Pigeot as it swoops down into the water to catch a Magikarp.
Eye 7
Flopping by the Water Walkthrough
DonDon't Be Scared!
Research Lv. 1 or higher
Toss an Illumina Orb on the Crystabloom and feed Comfey a fluffruit.
Don't Be Scared! Walkthrough
Livening Up the FlowersLivening Up the Flowers
Research Lv. 3
As you enter the flower field, capture a photo of Florges as it emits a green glow.
Livening Up the Flowers Walkthrough
Myth of the Nature ParkMyth of the Nature Park
Research Lv. 2 or higher
Take a photo of Shaymin as it dances with other Pokemon near the Crystabloom in the flower field.
Myth of the Nature Park Walkthrough

Park (Day) Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock

Park (Night)

Request Name How to Clear
Hard-Won HappinessHard-Won Happiness
Research Lv. 2
Befriend the Pidgeot and take a photo of it at the end of the course.
Hard-Won Happiness Walkthrough
Sudden MovementSudden Movement
Research Lv. 2
Toss an Illumina Orb at Tangrowth and take a photo as it goes up in the air.
Design 5
Sudden Movement Walkthrough
Munching MurkrowMunching Murkrow
Research Lv. 2
Capture a photo of a Murkrow eating fluffruit.
Munching Murkrow Walkthrough
WhereWhere's That Pokemon?
Research Lv. 1 or higher
Scan and use Melody to find the group of Caterpie hiding behind the sign.
Where's That Pokemon? Walkthrough
Where It Snacks and SnoozesWhere It Snacks and Snoozes
Research Lv. 2
Get Heracross to fall off the tree and capture a photo.
Where It Snacks and Snoozes Walkthrough
Best FrenemiesBest Frenemies
Research Lv. 2
Get Sylveon to stop the fight between Heracross and Pinsir.
Best Frenemies Walkthrough
Who Needs Wings?Who Needs Wings?
Research Lv. 2
Toss an Illumina Orb at Dodrio and take a photo as it jumps.
Who Needs Wings? Walkthrough
Art in FlightArt in Flight
Research Lv. 2
Use the Melody to awaken all the Swanna near the dam.
Art in Flight Walkthrough
A Terrific YawnA Terrific Yawn
Research Lv. 1 or higher
Throw a fluffruit at a Torterra while it is asleep and take a photo while it yawns.
A Terrific Yawn Walkthrough
Hoothoot's Hidden Foot
Research Lv. 1 or higher
Throw a fluffruit at Hoothoot on the post at the Park (Night) and take a picture with its foot extended.
Design 13
Hoothoot's Hidden Foot Walkthrough
Dancing with the QueenDancing with the Queen
Research Lv. 2
Capture a photo of Combee dancing with Vespiquen.
Dancing with the Queen Walkthrough
For Whose Sake?For Whose Sake?
Research Lv. 1 or higher
Make Vespiquen appear and take a photo of her.
For Whose Sake? Walkthrough
Asleep on a Calm NightAsleep on a Calm Night
Research Lv. 2
Take a photo of the Sylveon sleeping next to Torterra
Asleep on a Calm Night Walkthrough

Park (Night) Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock

Illumina Spot

Request Name How to Clear
MeganiumMeganium's Pal
Research Lv. 2 or higher
Take a photo of Illumina Pokemon Meganium sitting down behind the tree with Hoothoot.
Meganium's Pal Walkthrough

Illumina Spot (Florio Nature Park) Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock

Research Camp

Request Name How to Clear
An Eevee PartyAn Eevee Party
Research Lv. 1
Take a photo of Eevee sitting with Glowing Cutiefly above him in the Lab.
An Eevee Party Walkthrough
A Cheeky PoseA Cheeky Pose
Research Lv. 1
Throw an Illumina Orb at a Cutiefly then play the Melody. Take a photo of Cutiefly holding its cheeks as it sways in the wind.
Ribbon 1
A Cheeky Pose Walkthrough
Bunnelby Bursts OutBunnelby Bursts Out
Research Lv. 1
Throw a Fluffruit, then an Illumina Orb, while Bunnelby is in the hole. Take a photo of Bunnelby as he jumps out higher than he usually does.
Food 4
Bunnelby Bursts Out Walkthrough
A Pup at HeartA Pup at Heart
Research Lv. 1
Snap a photo of Stoutland beaming with energy as he plays with Eevee in the middle of the camp.
A Pup at Heart Walkthrough
Say Hello to Your NeighborsSay Hello to Your Neighbors
Research Lv. 1
Feed the Starly two Fluffruit then it will wave at you. Take a photo of it as it says hi!
Say Hello to Your Neighbors Walkthrough
The Empty RoomThe Empty Room
Research Lv. 1
Throw Fluffruits in the loft of the laboratory until Meowth comes out!
Comic 4
The Empty Room Walkthrough
AudinoAudino's Favorite Pastime
Research Lv. 1
Feed the nearby Cutiefly twice, Then the Cutiefly will fly over to Audino where she'll dance at the sight of Cutiefly.
Speech Bubble 2
Audino's Favorite Pastime Walkthrough
At Home in the DarkAt Home in the Dark
Research Lv. 1
Let the Meowth chase the Rattata out from under the Lab Deck.
At Home in the Dark Walkthrough
In the Middle of the CampIn the Middle of the Camp
Research Lv. 1
After Trubbish follows Sudowoodo and Rattata to the middle of the camp, play the Melody and take a photo of all three of them dancing with Trubbish as the main focus.
In the Middle of the Camp Walkthrough
Borrowing BraveryBorrowing Bravery
Research Lv. 1
When starting from the Entrance side of the Research Camp, you'll find Sudowoodo next to the fire pit. Throw Illumina Orbs at the Crystabloom next to him, and he'll glow as he dances away.
Borrowing Bravery Walkthrough
Research Data RescueResearch Data Rescue
Research Lv. 1
When starting from the lab side, enter the lab, and use Fluffruit to lure the Dedenne near the television. Capture a picture of it using electricity near the computer.
Monitor: Todd
Research Data Rescue Walkthrough

Research Camp Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock

Side Path (Day)

Request Name How to Clear
Dancing TrioDancing Trio
Research Lv. 1
Throw an Illumina Orb at the Crystabloom and play the Melody to make three Shroomish dance.
Dancing Trio Walkthrough
Snorlax DashSnorlax Dash
Research Lv. 1
Wake up Snorlax so that he will appear later in the stage. Throw Illumina Orbs and Fluffruit at him in the Flower Field and he will dash towards you.
Hat 7
Snorlax Dash Walkthrough

Side Path (Day) Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock

Side Path (Night)

Request Name How to Clear
The ParachuteThe Parachute
Research Lv. 1
Throw an Illumina Orb at a group of Foongus to make them jump and float down.
Poké Ball
The Parachute Walkthrough

Side Path (Night) Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock

New Pokemon Snap Related Guides

Lentalk Request Banner.png

LenTalk Guide and List of Requests

Requests By Area
Florio Belusylva Maricopia
Voluca Durice Aurus


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